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field negro

Always searching, always working, and never selling out! "Stop singing and start swinging" ....Malcolm X

Monday, November 06, 2006



The polls open at 7:00 a.m. and stay open until 8:00 p.m., you can vote as long as you are in line by 8:00 p.m.

Remember! If you are voting for the first time in the election district, you must bring a PHOTO ID such as a driver's license,student ID or some other form of US or PA (or whatever state you are in) government issued ID or a US or your state government issued non-photo ID such as a voter identification card,or a current utility bill,bank statement,paycheck,or government check. If you do not have any acceptable ID you must be allowed to vote by provisional ballot.

If your right to vote is challenged at the polls on Election Day, you are in the right polling place, and the problem cannot be resolved by the judge of elections, you have the right to ask for and vote by provisional ballot. If it is later determined that you were eligible to vote, your ballot will be counted. You should be given instruction on how to determine if your vote was counted.

A nationwide , toll- free VOTERS' HOTLINE, 1-866-OUR-VOTE (687-8683),staffed by volunteer attorneys who provide free, multilingual assistance to help voters with questions about registration and voting, and assists voters turned away at the polls.

You can also shoot the field an e-mail at: fnblg@yahoo.com if you have a problem. Trust me, I will be on that sh*% like Whitney on a crack pipe!
So again, please go out and vote. I would hate to think that all those people got their asses kicked in Selma on that faithful day for nothing.

***Oh, and before I forget. I would like to thank the A Phillip Randolph Institute Philly Chapter for this valuable information.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

A Few Of My Favorite Things

People always ask me why I am so angry; why all the negative posts, and the venom towards a certain...ahem ahem, President. So I thought about it, and you know what; with the election just two days away, and my rethuglican friends that much closer to losing one and possibly both houses of congress, life ain't so bad after all. Now if I wake up Wednesday morning and both houses of congress are still republican...well, the bridge police on the Benjamin Franklin had better be on high alert. Because the field might just jump off that bad boy.

So anyway, I figured I would post about some of the little things in the fields life that makes it worth getting up every day. So with my apologies to the Sound of Music; here are a few of my favorite things:

The Spring and Fall on the East Coast. I love feeling the weather change, and watching the colors change on the trees.

Pretty calves with no stockings.

Coltrane at 2:00 AM.

Listening to a preacher give a good sermon.

Watching the FAKE NEWS NETWORK when the White House f#@#s up.

Festival and fried fish from Middle Quarters in St. Elizabeth Jamaica.

Halftime at a SWAC football game.

The PCH1 in December.

People watching at the airport.

Playing 18 holes with my homey and fellow yawdie John.

Hanging with my boys in Louisiana.

Mandeville, Jamaica. (If there is better year round weather anywhere in the world, I would like to know just where it is)

Boat House Row in Philadelphia.

An A.I. crossover. (I could watch that Michael Jordon clip over and over)

The feeling I get when I am in court.

Opelousas women.

Watching Saved By The Bell reruns. (it's a Lark thing))

A good political debate with someone whose opinion I respect. (My sister comes to mind)

Watching Jet Li kick some ass on the big screen.

Watching Denzel act his ass off.

Reading other people's blogs. (You can learn so much)

The California sunset.

That burning sensation I always feel after a good workout.

Old City Philadelphia.

Black Women.

Putting my thoughts on paper.

Marley in the morning. (It's better than breakfast)

The rain when I'm in bed.

Milk and cookies.

Acing someone in tennis.

Oxford Road in London.

Anywhere in New York or DC.

My Italian and Irish friends in Philly. ( I owe a great deal of my knowledge about how white folks really think to them)

Soccer played the Brazilian way.

Ackee and salt fish for breakfast.

Main street in Manayunk.

Any Jamaican restaurant in West Philly.

Women over fifty who look like they could be thirty five.

Datsun 280-z's

My 1986 Jeep Wrangler CJ. (Even if it's always in the shop)

Hip hop music.

Haitian art.

Amish baked goods.

Hiking through Fairmont Park.

Bicycling along Kelly Drive.

Leaving New Jersey.

"When the dog bites
When the bee stings
When I am feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite
things, and then I don't feel so bad."

Damn I hope I can sing that song come Wednesday morning.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

"W" And The Finger

I have come to the sad realization that I have some serious issues with the leader of my country. No, not his policies, or his aw shucks demeanor and lack of intellectual curiosity. -That's well documented- But with the man on just a personal level. I have always been able to separate the President's bumbling domestic policies and his disastrous foreign policies from the man himself. But no more, they have now, in my mind, morphed together to become one. And what made me realize this fact, was a little incident that supposedly happened in my sister's hometown of Seattle.

It's like this: There is a 43 year old bus driver from Seattle, who is suing the school district to get her job back after being fired for giving "W" the finger. You heard me right; she allegedly gave the leader of the free world the finger, while he was allegedly waving at some school children in her bus. According to the Seattle Times story, the frat boy was campaigning with congressman Dave Reichert when the little incident allegedly occurred.

I can hear the frat boy now: "Dave, did you see that? I think that bus driver just gave me the bird? That little mother f*&%#r gave me her middle finger! And here I was just trying to wave to the kids!" Of course we all know what happened next. The congressman called the school superintendent-Janet Barry- who called the poor bus driver in to tell her the bad news. You're fired! According to superintendent Barry; "This was part of a pattern of behavior with this particular bus driver, not an isolated incident" Ahhh yeah sure. So what you are saying superintendent Barry, is that if this was any Joe citizen this bus driver would have been fired? "If the bus driver had made the gesture to a driver who cut her off on a local road, we would have taken the same action" Really Ms. Barry? So the fact that you and the congressman go way back to his days as King County sheriff, and he personally called to tell you what frat boy stated happened, had nothing to do with your decision huh?Mmmmm. Ms. Barry, here is something that you might want to consider in the future: Just because you are the Superintendent of a school district in a major city, please don't assume that everyone else is stupid. Because quite frankly, you are full of sh&*. And this from district spokeswoman Sara Niegowski: "The bus driver was not terminated for making an obscene gesture at the president. The bus driver was terminated for making an obscene gesture in view of the students...That's not the role modelling we need for our students: Fair enough point Sara, but can I hear from just one of the students that saw this little incident, or even their mama or daddy?

Anyway folks, so now you have the story. And here is what makes the field know that he has some issues. The bus driver's representative, Chris Dugovich, had this to say: "There is only one individual who say this and that happens to be the President of the United States".....Mmmmm good point there Chris. How come none of the kids on the bus saw this little bird being flipped? How come no one in the motorcade or in the limousine with the frat boy saw the bird being flipped? Do you think our frat boy could be lying on this poor 43 year old bus driver from the land of Starbucks Chris? Let me answer that for you Chris: Yes I do. Sad isn't it, when you believe some 43 year old school bus driver over your President. But hey, this is what it's come to with me and this man. Anyone who would lie about something as serious as an eminent threat to our country, or look at the devastation over New Orleans after Katrina and say: "Brownie you are doing a heck of a job" I dare say would lie about a school bus driver flipping him the bird.

So sorry folks, until I see or hear proof to the contrary, or until another witness comes forward; I say give the poor bus driver her job back. If only it's because we are talking about her word against the frat boys. And right about now, her word is looking allot better to me.

****Oh before I go, I hope everyone enjoyed their Halloween. But I have to tell you about some seriously spooky behavior here in the city of... ahem ahem, "brotherly love". It seems there is a practice in certain white ethnic neighborhoods to do their neighborhood trick or treating on separate nights than the rest of the population. The reason, to keep the little black kids from the black neighborhoods out. And are you ready for this? This is often organized by the various Catholic churches from the parishes in these neighborhoods. So what do the whites in these enclaves do on Halloween night? Well, they turn off their lights and don't answer the door that's what. Isn't "brotherly love" great?

I had one of my white friends complain to me today, that he had a single black mother come to his house and ask for candy for her child who she had to leave back at her house because he was sick. Of course, he says, he didn't give it to her, because he knew a hustle when he saw one.
Folks, I am not making this up. {Like a few extra pieces of candy was going to make or break her} When I asked how he felt about the church having separate days for the kids in the parish, he said he is going to join them next year, and turn his lights off and not give out treats like everyone else. "No offense field, but I get tired of the vans and buses from North and West Philly {black neighborhoods} coming with all the kids to trick or treat in our neighborhood. Don't they have candy in the black neighborhoods?" After counting to ten~~~"yes they do, but maybe they want to make an outing out of the Halloween experience" "But field....come on....we have to keep the neighborhood safe for our kids too."......

Spooky indeed!

The field is out.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Senator Kerry's Apology

Have you heard the latest thing that has outraged republicans? It seems the White House and right wing web sites are all over Massachusetts Senator John Kerry for remarks he made to a group of students in California.

This is the gist of what he said: "Those that are unable to manage the current educational system get stuck in Iraq"

First came Tony Snowjob: "Senator Kerry not only owes an apology to those who are serving, but also to the families of those who have given their lives..." Then came the frat boy: "Insulting and shameful. Soldiers deserve an apology from Kerry" And as you can imagine, all the usual republican suspects weighed in next. From Dennis Hastert to John McCain, to Rush Limpboy.

Anyway, totally blindsided by this, John Kerry has gone into crisis mode. Oh he tried to come back with statements like:"I am sick and tired of a bunch of despicable republicans who will not debate real policy, who won't take responsibility for their own mistakes" But he knows it's not enough he will have to make not just a statement, but give a speech to explain his position.

Well, he f&^%ed up! Because he asked the field of all people to write his speech for him.
And, he will have to deliver it before he has time to proof read it.

So here is what the field wrote for Senator Kerry:

My fellow Americans, today, while talking to a group of some of our best and brightest young minds, I made statements that many on the right claimed was disrespectful, and brought dishonor to our men and women fighting Iraq. What I I said, or implied, was that if you don't want to end up in places like Bushdad, with one hundred degree heat, an entire country wanting you gone, stuck in the middle of a brewing civil war, and 101 of your comrades dead this past month alone. Then stay in school, study hard and graduate. This way, you will have options when you come out.

Options, that other youngsters in inner city and poor rural schools don't have. Because their parents, unlike yours, will not be able to afford to send them to college. This is what I was saying to those college students, and I meant every word of it!

My fellow Americans these statements were not disrespectful to our troops. They are truths. Most of those troops fighting in Iraq don't want to be there. They are not dumb, they know that they were lied to. Isn't it ironic that I am accused of leading people to believe that our troops are dumb, when the very people criticizing me, are the ones lying to our troops on a daily basis. These poor men and women do not deserve to be off in a foreign land fighting an unnecessary war. Don't you think they would have preferred to be tailgating and enjoying frat parties on college campuses like the sons and daughters of my republican colleagues? Don't you think they would have liked options and choices that more affluent children in this country are afforded?

Why just a few weeks ago a young man from the mean streets of Philadelphia was killed in Iraq. This young man was only twenty one years old, and Charles Johnson's mother did not want him to go off to war. He was her only son, but she figured even Iraq was better than the streets of Philly. Of course, we know now, that she was wrong. There are countless Charles Johnson's in America, some have already paid the ultimate sacrifice, and some, invariably will in the days to come. Sadly, they don't have the republican spin machine, FAKE NEWS NETWORK, or lunatic talk radio behind them. All they have, are families who are left to grieve, and families who are hoping they wont have to. Just the other day, I spoke to a young man. -The brother in law of my speech writer, field negro-whose baby girl was born while he was in Iraq. She is now fifteen months old, and he still cannot properly hold her. Why? Because he was blown up by a suicide bomber while his platoon was on patrol in Baghdad. This was over a year ago, and he has been in and out of an Army hospital in Texas ever since; getting skin grafts and various surgeries to get his limbs back in working order. This young man did not want to go to Iraq, but he was a reservist when the evil neocon cabal made up this war to suit their nefarious ends; and so, he had no choice but to go.

I see where Toney Snowjob, the frat boy, and people like Rush Limpboy, and Sean Hannity have come out against my statements. This, my fellow Americans, would be funny were it not so sad. None of these men have served a day of combat, yet they have the temerity to question my statements about troops who are actually serving. And folks, let me remind you, that I did serve, and I served with honor. I have the medals to prove it; the only medals that these men carry are from republican fund raisers, and souvenirs from illegal junkets.

But these are the type of people that we are dealing with. People who will do anything, and smear anyone, to hold on to power. Even a life long Marine like John Murtha, or a man who left his limbs on foreign soil in defense of this country like Max Cleland. A double amputee like Tammy Duckworth, democratic candidate for congress from Illinois, whose opponent, Pete Roscam, made "cut and run" jokes about her. Yeah, I guess it would be real hard to run with no feet huh Pete? Right in the field's home state of Pennsylvania, Rick Santurom has become so desperate that he has literally said that his opponent, Bob Casey, Jr., is supporting the terrorist. And the White House has gone as far as to say, that the terrorist are stepping up the insurgency because they want a democratic victory. I wont even get into the race baiting and other assortment of negative things that they have been doing, but I guess desperate times call for desperate measures.

But I am a big boy, and I can take it, because I have been through a lot more than this. Distorting my words, and trying to paint me as something I am not worked for them in the last Presidential election, but it won't work for them again. Americans have heard this song before, and they are ready to change the station.

Finally, I want to say that I am ready to bring back the draft......~~whisper field, field, I don't think I support this~~~ Just keep reading Senator. Yeah I think it's time to bring back the draft. This way, we will guarantee that every ones son has a chance to serve. Not just those who are poor with no options, but the well to do sons and daughters of all those republican fat cats in Washington as well. Why just today, the Secretary of Defense approved to send more troops to Iraq. And I know many patriots signed up to fight after 911, but sadly, many of those patriots have been lied to as well, and they too, like Pat Tillman's brother, have their reservations and doubts about the honesty and the leadership of our commander the thief. Because like me, and 62% of the American people, they know that he has mismanaged this war, just like he has mismanaged his Presidency. And all the mud slinging in the world will never change that fact.

Thank you my fellow Americans, and if I decide to run in 08, I look forward to your support.

****Just a note, I see the last hard line hold out from that immoral form of government known as apartheid just died. P.W. Botha was 90. I hate to be cruel, but, good riddance. I am glad Mandela out lived your racist ass. I doubt if there is a system of apartheid in hell, so good luck.