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Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Serena Angered by Anti-Black Male 'Hoax' Interview

Bogus Q&A; suggests she’s against dating black men.

Lee Bailey's

SerenabikiniThe e-mail that has been circulating around the Internet for several weeks most often begins with the phrase “Is this true?”  According to Serena Williams - the answer is hayall nah!

The tennis champ is outraged over an interview someone has supposedly made up out of thin air and sent out into cyberspace. It’s written in a Q&A-format; and features questions - and fake answers - about a reluctance to date black men.  

“Serena Williams has not conducted and would not, under any circumstance, conduct such an interview,” said her rep Raymone Bain in a statement released Tuesday. “It is unfortunate that someone could be so vile as to defame and slander Ms. Williams as the writer has intentionally done.”

In the fake interview, a writer made up questions and answers about the tennis star’s preference for white men.

Hoax interview excerpt:

“Let's be real. If you are a successful black female you only have two choices....date outside of your race or date other successful black females," Serena is quoted as saying in the hoax. The fraudulent letter went on to say: “If Oprah would date outside of her race she would be married with children now. The state of most black men is so low the only thing you can do is love them. Like a poor homeless dog. You can't expect it to protect you. You can only offer shelter and love and watch as our neighbor's pitbull protects his home and family. I, unlike Oprah, am not forced to stay within those boundaries.  I was born into a new generation of black women.”

Serena said in the statement released yesterday:  "Words cannot express how upset I am to find out that someone has deliberately attempted to ruin my reputation and image. I would never, ever, under any circumstance, be so disrespectful.  Whoever decided to write this garbage does not know Serena Williams. It is not my thinking, nor my being.  I want to find out who is behind this, and have them prosecuted within the fullest extend of the law. I am hoping that there will be more policing over the Internet, in order to find out immediately the origin of this kind of treachery. No one deserves to be humiliated and defamed this way."


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I must say you were stating a lot of truth concerning the genocide plot in this contry. But then towards the end of your statements you started contridicting yourself by saying that theres nothing wrong with it if Ms williams does think this way which is what I expected you to do. You are no different from the blacks that you are criticizing in your article.


Honestly, it seems that many of "us" are misinformed. We are so caught up on why black women "dis" black men that we aren't concentrating on why our black children are having sex in elementary school. We are degrading ourselves to the level of soap opera addicts who chase the "Soap Weekly" magazine down in grocery store aisles.

The short-end of this stick is that whether Serena or Venus or Oprah or any other rich black celebrity/figure dates outside of their race......guess what- their children won't be walking the streets of the ghetto. They also won't be getting shot in drive bys or failing through underserved school systems or dropping out of high school.

We are so stuck on who gets a perm and who someone is dating that we .....even in our own forum are finding ways to divide ourselves. This is truly sad.

If we want to "inform" one another. How about posting the next rally, petition, protest, boycott or free literacy assistance program listings within your city.

Get Free....truly free



The Willie Lynch conspiracy to divide Black men from Black women is working perfectly. Long before this type of scheme was launched against the tennis star, there had been people whose aim has been the ultimate destruction and eradication of the Black race in America. The tricks are as follows:
1. Promote the idea of the wealthy and well-to-do emerging Black female who wants to go after the males of ever other race but her own.
2. Promote the idea of the wealthy and well-to-do Black male 'baller,' and star whose lust for white women is his ultimate goal.
3. Promote the idea that America has reached a point where to be accepted as fully human, one has to mix up untill they are no longer in existence, however it never worked in Europe where tens of millions of 'white' Jews, Gypsies and others were eliminated because they were not 'pure' Aryans. This simply says, Blacks are still going to be rejected even if we intermarry. Therefore staying as African as possible in a distinct, strong and united culture with people like us in the hundreds of millions worldwide as allies is the best way to survive. In fact, the more we stay away from this mixture and massacre trickery being pushed by the racist element, the better off we will be.

4. Buy up Black media, magazines, tv and promote cultural trends that are destructive to Black unity. Promote Black males as pimps, gangstas and hustlers and promote Black females as responsible saints who are going to college, moving up.

5. Spread propaganda about Black males on a global scale and temporarily pay a few Blacks to do the dirt work throug rap, hip-hop, movies, books and other media.

6. Promote the ideas that the genocidal feminists promoted during the "Negro Project," when the eugenists led by the population control racists of the early 1900's wanted to eliminate Black competition (as today) and found that family planning, abortion and sterilization was the way to do that.

7. Brainwash Black children especially young boys and girls to have no respect for their elders and to misbehave.

These are only a few of the new tricks that are being used to destroy the Black American nation. This idea of insulting the character of Black males come straight out of the Willie Lynch conspiracy (see Willie Lynch, 'A History of Education Book II, pub. by www.Xlibris.com )

There is a new very racist trend afoot that has genocide as its ultimate aim. That trend is promoting the idea that Black men and women should go after the same people who support genocide, racist supremacy, cultural destruction, mixing and disappearing of the Black group and contributing to the various forms of racism (or being silent while it goes on).

No amount of marrying people of other races will save Blacks from destruction. In fact, marrying other people or having the Black race 'lightened' and disappeared through the perception of amiable relationship, sex, marriage or other means IS NO DIFFERENT FROM THE BLATENT ADMITTANCE BY 'ARABS' IN SUDAN THAT THEY WANT TO REMOVE THE PURITY OF BLACK DAFURANS BY RAPING THE WOMEN.

The schemes to promote racial and cultural genocide on Blacks, while at the same time paying white women to have multiple PURE WHITE BABIES, OR PROCLAIMING GLEEFULLY THAT 'HISPANICS/LATINOS' ARE THE LARGEST MINORITY IS PART OF THIS ANTI-BLACK GENOCIDAL SCHEME.

Now, it is up to those of us Blacks with intelligence, common sense and love for our Africanness to see through this racist agenda promoted by the facist/racist element, who also support the 'multiracial' movement and trick to 'lighten' African-Americans. It is time to reject it. Now more than ever, Blacks should take every effort to preserve the African-American people.

Self-preservation is the greatest love of all.

Black Nubian Empire

Are Black people such mental and emotional midgets that
still seek out and respond to playground politics?

If she feels this way, so what?

Black men do enough to destroy themselves through their own thoughts and actions. A lot of Black mothers worry about OTHER Black young men once their own son's reach a certain age. They start to worry about their young son's mortality. Black music is the most popular on the earth, and what do Black men do with it? They spread the word all over the world that the Black man's counterpart--the Black female--is nothing but a bitch and a whore.

A lot of Black men prefer "keeping it real" by denying their own children the right to know them by distancing themselves from their children, doing immature and dangerous things that end them up in prison or in the graveyard.

Serena Williams was raised and influenced by a very aware and strong Black man and Black mother. So far, she has made very good decisions for herself in her young life.

She and her family represent no negativity and are sophisticated and polished people.

I find no fault with her personal choices. They are hers and at least they are NOT the usual self-destructive b.s. that the "keeping it realers" trouble us with day in and day out---for we are WEARY of it!

If this interview is real, who was the interviewer and what was the interview for?

That interview is real. Don't be fooled! I can tell because I have connections that checked out that this interview is real. That is what she really thinks of black men. Wake up and recognize reality.

I really think that people need to stop worrying about other people love lives. We all come from the same and in order for any of us to get her brothers and sisters slept together and that is how we got the different pigmentations of skin. So we need to let this white/black thing go even if this was true so what it would have been her opinion and if that is how someone feel so be it we do have that right to state our opinions right.

It is my opinion that many folks have too much time on their hands. The hoax interview was very vile and defamatory. If the person responsible for this fake interview ever comes to the forefront they should be taken to court.

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