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canAnalyser Version 2 - The comprehensive Controller Area Network (CAN) tool to speed up your developments and to simplify your service tasks

With the canAnalyser Version 2, IXXAT offers a very powerful, versatile tool for the development, testing and servicing of CAN-based networks. The canAnalyser is already very widely used especially in the area of industrial automation and is also being used increasingly in the automotive industry. Using current Windows technologies, the complete new developed canAnalyser Version 2, with further improved flexibility and reliability, is a modern all-round analysis tool for all CAN application areas.

Flexibility through modularity

The main component of the canAnalyser is a central communication server, which acts as interface between the CAN bus (CAN board) and the analysis modules. The actual analysis functions are provided by separate function modules, which can be connected to the communication server in any combination. In addition to the provided modules, specific modules created by the user can also be used. Due to the open programming interface of the canAnalyser, customized functionalities in the form of individual modules can easily be integrated. This unique concept thus guarantees almost unlimited extendibility.

Functions and versions

Receive Module
Transmit Module
Trace Module
Sequencer Module
Grahpic Module
Statistic Module
Signal Module
CANopen Moduleoptionaloptional
DeviceNet Moduleoptionaloptional
Multi Channel Capability
Multiple Module Instances
Open Programming Interface
Scripting Host
Versions and modules of the

The canAnalyser has a wide range of functions and covers various areas of applications. It allows online monitoring of the bus traffic (receive module), transmission of one-shot or cyclic messages (transmit module) and complete message sequences (sequencer module), tracing of CAN messages (Trace module) with many different configurable trigger conditions and offline analysis of the recorded data with any modules. The canAnalyser allows message traffic and the bus load to be statistically analyzed and graphically displayed (statistic module). In addition, the canAnalyser enables monitoring of cycle times and a clear display of modified data contents. Further powerful features are the interpretation (signal module) and graphic display of message contents on a time axis (graphic module), the start-up of several instances of a module and the integration of own modules and programs by means of an open programming interface (.NET API) or the Scripting Host. The standard version of the canAnalyser also allows parallel analysis of two CAN systems (multi-line mode). The time-synchronous analysis of the systems is enabled by means of graphic markers.

Configuration and operation

The central element for configuration is the control panel, with which the desired CAN interface is selected for analysis and the analysis modules are assigned to the various CAN buses. The CAN baudrate can be individually allocated to each CAN controller. In addition to the standard baudrates, individual entries are also possible. The individual modules are started and managed via the control panel. In addition to the CAN controller parameters, the control panel also stores the window arrangement and all other module settings in a central configuration file. Furthermore, status or warning messages are recorded and protocolled centrally for all modules.

Scripting Host

The Scripting Host provides the canAnalyser user with a powerful interface that combines the advantages of graphic Windows programs with the flexibility of scripts. The canAnalyser can be quickly and easily adapted to specific measuring and analysis tasks. Devices and protocols can be simulated, for example, or existing devices tested in the simulated restbus and put into operation. Specific test environments can be simply created using any Windows interface components. The Scripting Host supports the standard script languages C#, Visual Basic-Script and Java. The incorporation of DLLs also enables the integration of further modules. The Scripting Host can be used to manage any number of scripts, which are started manually or automatically.


Due to the open programming interface, the canAnalyser can be extended by the user's own modules or user interfaces. With common Windows development systems (e.g. Visual Studio .NET, Delphi), new, independent modules can be developed and added to the canAnalyser. It is thus possible, for example, to create user interfaces for own systems or for certain devices or tools with system-specific analysis functions.

CANopen and DeviceNet

Higher layer CAN protocols can be analyzed via supplementary modules such as the CANopen or DeviceNet analysis modules. The CANopen module interprets all received CAN messages in accordance with the CANopen specifications DS-301, DS-305, DS-401, DS-402, DS-405 and DS-406. The messages are recognized as SDOs, PDOs (also multiplexed), NMT, Emergency, Sync and Timestamp objects and interpreted accordingly. In addition, the Error Control, LSS and Flying Master protocols are interpreted. These are displayed in plaintext, color-coded according to the message type. Interpretation of the data received is based on the so-called configuration set. This either assigns an EDS/DCF file to each of the 127 possible network nodes or defines its device profile. The configuration set can be loaded, edited and saved. The profiles used for interpretation are integrated via external text files, whereby the CANopen module can be very easily extended by new profiles. Due to its flexible structure, the CANopen module can thus be used universally in all CANopen systems. The DeviceNet module interprets all received CAN messages according to their DeviceNet significance and displays the transmitted parameters in plaintext, classified according to message group, MAC-ID and message-ID. The incoming information are divided into unconnected message, explicit message, I/O message, duplicate MAC-ID check message, device heartbeat message, device shutdown message, offline connection set as well as reserved and invalid CAN messages and their content decoded according to the type of message. Interpretation of the received data is also based on the configuration set. It defines the message format for each node (8/8, 8/16, 16/8 or 16/16) as well as the basic interpretation texts to be displayed and edited. Due to its flexible filter configuration and the comprehensive interpretation basis, the DeviceNet module is suitable for all DeviceNet systems.

Support of project databases

Receive Module Database
Database Editor
Transmit Module
Graphic Module
Signal Module
canAnalyser database
The interpretation and symbolic display of the data transmitted in the CAN message is based on a project database, in which a CAN message is first assigned a name according to its identifier. The message can contain up to 64 individual data (signals, max. 64 bit data per CAN message), for which the multiplexer use is also supported. The file format used is the progressive XML. In addition there are import filters for CANdb and for CANopen DCF files. Each signal can be interpreted as an analog, digital or string value:
Analog signal values are defined by their bit position and length in the CAN message, their data type and coding (Intel/ Motorola), scaling and offset, value range and physical unit. With digital variables, the values are given symbolic names, which are then displayed as plaintext. Each CAN bus can be assigned its own database. In addition to the signal and graphic modules, which display received messages in plaintext with the aid of the project database, other modules, such as the transmit and receive modules, also use the data base to assign symbolic names to the messages.