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Mayor: Tent raid was not my plan

Published January 23, 2007

Watch the St. Petersburg Police raid a tent encampment, slicing up and carting away the tents belonging to the homeless.

ST. PETERSBURG - Mayor Rick Baker says he had no idea that top city officials, including the police chief and one of his deputy mayors, planned a raid on homeless camps Friday in which police slashed tents being used for shelter.

"I did not know that the operation had occurred until it occurred," Baker said Monday. "I was aware that the fire marshal had identified a very grave concern. I did not know the specifics to the solution."

In some cases, police officers tore apart the tents while homeless people were still inside, cutting the fabric with scissors, knives and box cutters. The raid on the "tent city" at 15th Street and Fifth Avenue N came just days after two homeless men were slain and jolted a community still frightened because the killers are still at large.

Videos of officers cutting apart tents have received hundreds of views on YouTube and other Web sites.

Baker spoke just hours after elected officials, including members of the Pinellas County Coalition for the Homeless, blasted the city's raids.

"What we saw on Friday night was an embarrassment for this city," St. Petersburg City Council member Jamie Bennett said at a news conference.

Baker neither condemned nor praised the actions of police and fire officials.

"I'm not going to talk about that," Baker said, adding he was concerned about potential legal threats made by homeless advocates.

After the raid, homeless advocates donated more tents, and the encampment re-emerged over the weekend. By Monday it contained more than two dozen tents.

Baker said he did not anticipate another raid because he was satisfied that safety concerns - like a lack of fire extinguishers - had been addressed.

He said attention now focused on the city's homeless had created an "opportunity" to search for solutions, even though the images of the raids had led to "some negatives."

The raid Friday was the city's latest attempt to deal with tent camps that have sprung up in recent weeks. Two weeks ago, the city shut down a tent city on Fourth Avenue N after it said it helped about 100 of its residents get social services such as rent vouchers.

Those who refused services or did not receive them soon set up their tents at Fifth Avenue N at 15th Street and Fifth Avenue N at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street.

By Monday, the King Street location was empty. But the other site was bigger than ever; about two dozen tents stretched for nearly a block along 15th Street.

Several homeless people at the site said Monday that they are still shaken by the raid and could no longer trust the city. The Rev. Bruce Wright of Refuge Ministries called it "a shame."

"I was devastated," said Raymond Young, 66, who keeps the remnants of his old, cut-apart tent in a garbage bag. "I didn't know how they could do something like this."

The decision to raid the camps and cut tents was made during a meeting Friday of top city officials. Police Chief Chuck Harmon, Deputy Mayor David Metz, Maj. Melanie Bevan of the Police Department, Lt. Rick Feinberg of the Fire Department and several others gathered to discuss how to deal with the fire hazards they had seen at the homeless camps.

Police and fire officials had gone to the camps Thursday night and warned people to take their tents down, but the tents had gone back up by Friday morning.

They talked about the lack of fire extinguishers, people smoking and cooking in tents and the risk of a fire spreading quickly through the camps, Harmon said Monday. The group quickly agreed to take the tents down, and seize them as evidence, Harmon said.

Harmon said the officials didn't want to arrest anyone or create a major confrontation. Then Bevan suggested just cutting the tents if someone protested by refusing to leave, and others agreed, Harmon said.

But Harmon said no one in the group talked about the fact that they were seizing or destroying private property.

"In hindsight we didn't discuss the actual property issue, and we probably should have taken that into consideration," Harmon said.

Harmon said people no longer smoke or cook in their tents. They also have fire extinguishers, Harmon said.

"I think the perception was not good of how and what we did," Harmon said. "I hope there's no need to ever do that again."

Times staff writer Alisa Ulferts contributed to this report. Abhi Raghunathan can be reached at araghunathan@sptimes.com or 727 893-8472.

[Last modified January 23, 2007, 05:43:43]

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by neal 01/25/07 08:29 PM
Why do you stupid cop's keep harrassing the homeless.You could be them if you're not careful.Is this what you wanted to become bill proffit, a bad cop.
by hmmm 01/25/07 12:12 PM
I'm sure the Nazi's said something similar prior to the Holocaust -
by Duane 01/24/07 01:40 PM
Clean them out I say. These people want the world to take care of them and most if you talk to them are content to live as they do.
by Claire 01/24/07 12:56 PM
I now doubt that Police Chief Chuck Harmon, the city council, and the mayor have the judgement and competence to handle the homeless situation. This tent destruction was a breach of civil and humane behavior in our community.
by Sheena 01/24/07 11:45 AM
Just becasue you live in a tent does not mean that you are a menace to society. Most people are minding there own business living the life they choose to live. Others lack the trust of another to get back on there feet. No one has the right JUDGE!
by Shepard 01/24/07 10:51 AM
People of tent city are putting numbers on the outside of their tent making it a permanent residence. That is the part that frustrates me. How can you feel sorry for someone that prefers to live on the street?! It's an EYESORE!
by Kay 01/24/07 10:38 AM
Every single day I am approached and asked for money or cigs. I just say no & keep walking. I don't find it the least bit "intimidating", although sometimes annoying. If you are in fear of because someone's dirty or talks to you...you have a problem.
by Kay 01/24/07 10:35 AM
Destroying tents doesn't help. Does that make them any less homeless? So if I gather with a group in a public area (peacefully) and city doesn't like it, will they slash my boots off?
by Tracy-Lynn, RN 01/24/07 10:22 AM
I'm a lifelong resident of St Pete of 45 years. NEVER have I been so ashamed as I am now. Shame on us! When I read some of the comments that the homeless just need "to get a job" it makes me sick. Get the facts folks! It's not that easy. Wake up!
by Tom 01/24/07 10:02 AM
I am sorry to read so many negative comments about the police department.They were given a dirty job to do.I hold the mayor and city council responsible. This is a disgrace.
by Billie 01/24/07 09:23 AM
Shame on you!!! Not everyone chooses to be homeless. The last place we lived we got less than a month's notice to go because they were demolishing the place to put up condos. We have 2 kids that could have been very easily homeless not by our choice!
by peewee 01/24/07 09:03 AM
I have a great idea! Why not move all the homeless to the right of way in front of everyone who felt it was wrong. How about you let them hang out in front of your house. But my question is if they are ok with fire codes what about sanatation.
by Jody 01/24/07 08:48 AM
They should call it for what it is. There is no way it was to protect, it was a way to do a search or something. People know when something is right or wrong and this is wrong. Why not just address the fire issue. Address the issue. God Bless
by Gary 01/24/07 08:09 AM
Maybe if St Pet's finest spent as much energy looking for the people that murdered 2 homeless people last week they would have them in custody, but then tents can't hide and are easy to find..
by forget the 1930s? 01/24/07 07:49 AM
homelessness has become a crime - if you aren't paying taxes you have no value in this system - but watch out, once the housing market collapses you may be sharing a tent with these people you bash - arrogance without substance is a huge mistake -
by Ken 01/24/07 07:42 AM
Unbelievable! Everybody responsible should be fired and prosecuted! They should be very ashamed of themselves and if they aren't, we shouldn't want them dealing with people ever again. They are disgusting human beings! Shame! Shame! Shame!
by zippy 01/24/07 07:31 AM
I don't feel like working anymore either. Ok If I set up a tent in your front yard ?
by Rick 01/24/07 07:14 AM
Mr. Mayor, I'm with you. Please help me get my city back. These people should leave already, they don't want to better themselves. Why should I have to for them when they won't pay for themselves. It's easier to smoke crack and steal than hold a job.
by Ann 01/24/07 05:44 AM
The homeless have been asked to leave several times but only change locations. They were offered help but some would rather refuse it then accept responsibility for themselves. Whether done the right way or not, I am glad the city took action.
by Ted 01/23/07 11:18 PM
They only stay here and cause trouble because we tolerate thier mindless politics and god-awful mess. Good job Mayor Baker and the cops.
by Reformist 01/23/07 11:12 PM
In this country, all you have to do is commit a crime to get free housing and food for as long as you want. We should do something before the homeless figure this out.
by Stephanie 01/23/07 10:47 PM
What were the police hoping to accomplish by destroying the tents? It just made the situation that much worse. Instead of complaining about the homeless, figure out a way to really help them. We have houses and warm beds to sleep in. They don't.
by Sonny 01/23/07 10:15 PM
Yvette, wontonly destroying someone's property has no similarity to Katrina victims. The feds threw BILLIONS into Kat. relief efforts. Your premise that people should help each other is noble, but don't overlook the ingratitude factor.
by Gordon 01/23/07 10:10 PM
They should move the tent city to the right-of-way in front of the mayor's home. You can bet he'd find a solution then.
by Laura 01/23/07 10:07 PM
If Rick Baker is so far out of touch with what goes on, maybe he shouldn't be mayor. Shame on those who participated in this disgraceful act. Remember 'but there for the grace of God go I'. Thankfully, I moved from FLa 4 years ago, good riddance!
by Ellen 01/23/07 09:16 PM
Shame on us. Good Samaratins? Not.
by Janie 01/23/07 08:34 PM
Well, there needs to be better options for people out there. It would be nice to see people have a little more freedom in choosing where they live. It would be neat to have an area of camping cabins for low income adults to live in or something.
by David 01/23/07 08:07 PM
George Bush would be proud of the St. Pete police. Oppressing the weak and destroying what little they had left in the world. Perhaps the President will come and present you with Iron Crosses, just like Hitler did for his thugs. Ziech Heil!!!!
by Denise 01/23/07 08:00 PM
"Perception"? "Not aware"? Baker and Harmon can't even admit when you've done wrong! How can you be "Leaders"? Its all about getting caught, huh? Corrupt! Stop carpetbagging my city! Try solving instead of blaming and dodging-why do we pay you?
by Tollie 01/23/07 07:24 PM
Our small church is attempting to purchase property to house these men and women. If you would like to hear what we are doing, or even help contact Pastor, Tollie H. Elder 813-610-3450
by Jim 01/23/07 07:21 PM
Shameless! The police and city officals lack decency and the understanding of rights of citizens. They should be held accountable.
by Ann 01/23/07 06:49 PM
I think they all should have been carted off to jail for vagrancy after being told to leave. Alot of these people could get help for themselves but refuse.Instead they intimidate you into giving you money when you exit a store. Get a JOB people.
by Laura 01/23/07 06:45 PM
Besides the obvious reasons of humanity and entertaining angels unaware and such ... we have the US Const. (that gd piece of paper as KGB says) and it protects the right to privacy for ALL not just those who have roofs. The mayor and his henches BAD
by bob 01/23/07 06:14 PM
we can spend billions on iraq and can't fix our own problems...i am ashamed of you folks...i hope you are sued.
by Ila 01/23/07 06:04 PM

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