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Graduate Courses

Schedule of Classes

JOUR 400 Law of Public Communication (3) Prerequisite: Junior standing. Legal rights and constraints of mass media; libel, privacy, copyright, monopoly, and contempt, and other aspects of the law applied to mass communication. Previous study of the law not required.

JOUR 410 History of Mass Communication (3) Prerequisite: Junior standing. Development of newspapers, magazines, radio, television and motion pictures as media of mass communication. Analysis of the influences of the media on the historical development of America.

JOUR 420 Government and Mass Communication (3) Prerequisite: Junior standing. Relationship between news media and government, media coverage of government and politics, governmental and political information and persuasion techniques.

JOUR 430 Comparative Mass Communication Systems (3) Prerequisite: Junior Standing. Comparative analysis of the role of the press in different societies.

JOUR 440 Media Economics (3) Prerequisite: Junior Standing. Examination of the economics of the news media.

JOUR 450 Mass Media in Society (3) Prerequisite: Junior standing. Ethical, moral, political, economic, and social consideration of mass communication.

JOUR 451 Advertising and Society (3) Prerequisite: Junior standing, plus JOUR 201 and/or JOUR 240. Advertising as an institution with manifest economic purposes and latent social effects. Influences of advertising on people, and related issues of ethics and social responsibility.

JOUR 452 Women in the Media (3) Prerequisite: Junior standing. Participation and portrayal of women in the mass media from colonial to contemporary times.

JOUR 453 News Coverage of Racial Issues (3) Prerequisite: Junior standing. Analysis of news media coverage of issues relating to racial minorities in the United States, with special attention to Hispanics, Asian Americans, African Americans and Native Americans.

JOUR 459 Special Topics in Journalism (1-3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Issues of special concern and current interest. Recent topics have included: Investigative Reporting, Multicultural Reporting, Washington Women Journalists -- Fact & Fiction and Media Coverage of Sept. 11 & Resulting Media Changes. Open to all students.

JOUR 465 Visual Communication (3) Prerequisite: JOUR 201. Practical and theoretical examination of visual communication processes related to photography, layout and design, video and Web information products.

JOUR 466 Theory of Broadcast Journalism (3) Formerly JOUR 365. Prerequisite: JOUR 201. Descriptive and critical analysis of broadcast news practices; evaluation of news judgments; decision-making and organizational aspects of the broadcast news industry.

JOUR 467 Technology and the Media (3) Exploration of the role of information technology in social change.

JOUR 470 Journalism and Public Communication Research (3) Formerly JOUR 477. Prerequisite: A University statistics course. Journalism and public communication research methods used in measuring public opinion and media programs and materials.

JOUR 471 Public Opinion Research (3) Prerequisite: A University statistics course. Measurement of public opinion and media habits; role of the media in the formation of public opinion.

JOUR 472 Computer Assisted Reporting (3) Introduction to computer-assisted (database) journalism; obtaining, manipulating and analyzing complex government data for journalism projects.

JOUR 479 Special Topics in Data Gathering and Analysis (1-3) Special research topics for reporting and writing. Repeatable to a total of six credits, provided content differs. Recent topics have included Research Topics in International Affairs and Research of History and Operations in Electronic Media.

JOUR 484 Advertising Campaigns (3) Prerequisite: JOUR 341 and JOUR 342. Planning and executing advertising campaigns in actual agency situations. Integration of advertising theories and techniques into a complete campaign.

JOUR 487 Literary Journalism (3) Pre- or corequisite: JOUR 371. Practice in the use of literary techniques and especially of dramatic structure in modern newspaper series, magazine pieces and books. Analysis, researching and writing of nonfiction stories, usually with a focus on a specialized area chosen by the student.

JOUR 490 Advising Student Publications (3) Journalistic writing and editing in student newspapers, yearbooks, and magazines; libel and policy; curriculum and teaching procedures; role of student publications.

JOUR 491 Policy, Censorship, and Legal Problems of Student Publications (3) Censorship problems and court cases; legal rights of the student press; formulation of policy and legal guidelines.

JOUR 492 Typography and Layout for Student Publications (3) Type design, type families, graphics, art, photography, and editorial and advertisement layout of school newspapers, yearbooks, and magazines.

JOUR 493 Advanced Techniques for Student Publication Advisors (3) Interpretive and investigative reporting; interviewing and scientific survey methods; curriculum and courses for high school and community colleges; textbooks, teaching units, and resource aids.

JOUR 494 Yearbook Short Course (1) Prerequisite: JOUR 201 or permission of department. Credit not applicable toward major in journalism. Intensive course dealing with the theme, content, copy, design, advertising, budget, finance, law and ethics of yearbook development and production.

JOUR 498 Topics in Scholastic Journalism (1-3) Seminars on specialized areas on the practice of scholastic journalism.

JOUR 501 Fundamentals of Writing and Editing. (3) Note: Does not count toward 30-credit total. Principles of news and feature writing. For graduate students with limited prior training or experience in journalism.

JOUR 502 Reporting for Graduate Students. (3) Note: Does not count toward 30-credit total. Prerequisite: JOUR 501. Designed to enhance the reporting skills of students with little or no training or experience, the course emphasizes reporting on government and provides students with skills to cover beats and to define, research and write public affairs news.

JOUR 503 Fundamentals of Broadcast Journalism. (3) Note: Does not count toward 30-credit total. Prerequisite: JOUR 501. An introduction to reporting, writing and producing television news.

JOUR 600 Journalism Ethics (3) Examination of ethical problems in journalism and the media industry.

JOUR 601 Theories of Journalism and Public Communication (3) Survey and evaluation of current communication theories. Attention is given to the nature and function of scientific theory, models of communication behavior, the nature of information, social functions of journalism and public communication, attitude change and persuasive communication and theories of language and meaning.

JOUR 610 Seminar in Mass Media History (3) Formerly JOUR 710. Individual projects in mass communication history, analysis of historical literature of journalism and individual study of media technology and trends in communication.

JOUR 620 Seminar in Public Affairs Reporting (3) Prerequisite: 502 or professional equivalent. Federal, state, county and local government centers are used as laboratories for advanced study of reporting, investigation and interpretation of public affairs. Students meet in seminars with news sources and news professionals and participate in live news coverage.

JOUR 621 Interpretation of Contemporary Affairs (3) Advanced training in the preparation, researching and writing of articles, columns, editorials and documentaries for the mass media; press conferences with news sources; emphasis on thorough familiarity with subject matter and responsible interpretation.

JOUR 625 Print News Bureau (6) Prerequisite: JOUR 620 and permission of department. Advanced training in public affairs journalism. Students train full-time, four days a week by reporting state and federal news as part of the college's Capital News Service program.

JOUR 628 Special Topics in News Reporting and Writing (1-3) Prerequisite, JOUR 620 or JOUR 660. Advanced training and practice in writing and reporting news. Repeatable to a maximum of six credits provided the topic differs.

JOUR 640 Seminar in Advertising Communication (3) formerly JOUR 740 Role of advertising as a form of public communication in American society. Advertising and the firm; advertising and the economy; advertising and the individual; advertising and the media.

JOUR 650 Seminar in Media Analysis (3) Formerly JOUR 750. Appraisal of media practices from the points of view of ethics, personal values and societal values.

JOUR 652 Online Journalism (3) Prerequisites: JOUR 502 or JOUR 503 or equivalent. Editing and writing online, using basic Web-coding skills and tools to create news and feature packages for the Internet. New-media issues, including interativity and individualization, are also discussed.

JOUR 655 Online News Bureau (6) JOUR 652 (or equivalent) and permission of department. Advanced online journalism training. Students work as online reporters, editors and producers for an online newsmagazine. Students also package copy from the print and broadcast news bureaus.

JOUR 660 Seminar in Broadcast News (3) Formerly JOUR 760. Descriptive and critical analysis of broadcast news, methods of evaluation of news judgments, decision-making and organizational aspects of the broadcast news industry.

JOUR 661 Reporting and Production (3)Reporting, writing, editing and production of broadcast news.

JOUR 663 Advanced Television News and Production (3) Formerly JOUR 486. Prerequisite JOUR 503 or its equivalent. Extended TV reporting assignments such as mini-series and news documentaries.

JOUR 667 Broadcast News Bureau (6) Prerequisites: JOUR 503 and permission of department. Advanced broadcast journalism training. Students report as part of the College's Capital News Service Program.

JOUR 668 Topics in Broadcasting and Electronic Media (3) Formerly JOUR 768. Prerequisite JOUR 660. Advanced research and analysis of selected topics in broadcast journalism.

JOUR 672 Writing the Complex Story (3) Formerly JOUR 622. Explanatory journalism techniques applied to complex subjects (such as science, economics and large scale social change) for books, magazines and newspaper series.

JOUR 675 Seminar in Newsroom Management (3) Formerly JOUR 481. Prerequisite: JOUR 620 or JOUR 660. Organization, operation, and administration of the departments of a newsroom: advertising, business-finance, circulation, news-editorial, personnel, production, and promotion.

JOUR 676 Readings in Journalism Literature (3) Analysis of books by journalists highly regarded for writing style and/or the content of their reporting with an emphasis on understanding the books in the context of national and international affairs.

JOUR 680 Science Communication (3) Advanced professional training in science reporting and writing for the mass media and in technical communication to specialized audiences. Communication behaviors of scientists and audiences. Application of communication theory and the history and philosophy of science to science writing.

JOUR 689 News Coverage of Specialized Topics (1-3) Advanced training and practice in writing and reporting news of one specialized field of interest. Repeatable to six credits, provided content differs.

JOUR 698 Special Problems in Communication, (1-6) Independent study in area of the student's interest.

JOUR 700 Seminar in the Law of Public Communication (3) Formerly JOUR 755. Advanced study in law of first amendment and related communication issues.

JOUR 720 Seminar in Government and the Media (3) The role of the press in reporting governmental and political agencies, and politics; the process and effects of government information and political propaganda.

JOUR 722 Mediacentric Politics (3) Examination of the growing use of the media image and issues in electoral politics and interest-group advocacy.

JOUR 725 Political Communication (3) Critical examination of the interplay between the media, government, and the political process.

JOUR 730 Seminar in Comparative Mass Media Systems (3) Study of world news communication systems, including news gathering agencies, the role of foreign correspondents, the mass media in developing and developed nations and factors determining the flow of world news and government international information programs.

JOUR 731 Cross-Cultural Communication (3) Analysis and discussions of cross-cultural communication problems, including the role of social-cultural psychological, semantic and psycholinguistic barriers to communication across cultures; effect of mass communication in cross-cultural situations.

JOUR 738 Topics in International and Cross-Cultural Communication (3) Examination of timely international communication issues.

JOUR 740 Seminar in Media Economics (3) Examination of the economic factors of various news media.

JOUR 750 Seminar in Media and Society (3) Analysis of the impact of the media on society.

JOUR 762 Professional Seminar in Public Affairs Reporting (3) Prerequisite: Admission to Capital News Service, or permission of department. Explore theoretical and practical issues in the press coverage of governments. Examine the complex press-government relationship.

JOUR 767 New Media Technologies (3) A Selected survey of theories of technology and communication with special attention to issues concerning the use of computer technology as a communication medium.

JOUR 770 Research Methods in Journalism and Public Communication (3) Formerly JOUR 600 0101. Introduction to the methods of empirical research; the scientific method, elements of experimental design and survey techniques, content analysis, readership and readability studies, audience measurement and analysis of quantitative data.

JOUR 772 Methods in Computer Assisted Reporting (3) Formerly JOUR 600 0201. Computer-assisted (database) journalism; obtaining, manipulating and analyzing complex government data for journalism projects.

JOUR 775 Quantitative Methods in Journalism and Public Communication Research (3) Formerly JOUR 701. Logic and methods of quantitative data collection and statistical analysis as applied to journalism and public communication studies.

JOUR 776 Qualitative Research Methods in Journalism and Public Communication (3) Formerly JOUR 711. Methods for historical, critical and field research in journalism and public communication. Formulation of significant research questions, systematic collection of bibliographic and phenomenal information, formulating substantial claims, organizing and writing research for disciplinary outlets.

JOUR 777 Advanced Historical/Critical Methods in Journalism and Public Communication (3) Formerly JOUR 712. Critical assessment of qualitative approaches to journalism and public communication. Introduction to significant schools of historical and critical research. Advanced techniques for inquiry and manuscript preparation. Students must have a dissertation research project requiring historical or critical theory.

JOUR 779 Seminar in Research Problems (1-3) Methods of research design and analysis in specialized areas of journalism and public communication research. Repeatable to a maximum of six credits provided the content differs.

JOUR 798 Master's Professional Field Work (3) Research for and preparation of news articles or programs for use in the media. Analysis of fieldwork experience using communication theory and research results. Fieldwork may be done independently or as an internship. Repeatable for a maximum of six credits.

JOUR 799 Master's Thesis Research, (1-6)

JOUR 800 Introduction to Doctoral Study in Journalism and Public Communication (3) formerly JOUR 700 Prerequisite: Admission to the Doctoral Program in Journalism and Public Communication. Basic skills in journalism and public communication research.

JOUR 801 Advanced Journalism and Public Communication Theory (3) Prerequisite: JOUR 601 or its equivalent. Advanced selected survey of communication and media theory.

JOUR 802 Advanced Analysis of Journalism Practices (3) Prerequisite: JOUR 800 or its equivalent. Advanced literature survey and critique of the practices of journalism.

JOUR 808 Doctoral Colloqium (1)

JOUR 818 Seminar in Communication Theories (3) Detailed examination of a particular area of communication theory. Evaluation of existing theory and research suggesting hypotheses and formulating proposals for future research. May be repeated to a maximum of six credits if content differs.

JOUR 888 Doctoral Professional Fieldwork (1-9) Critical analysis of a phase of a professional field in journalism and public communication. Analysis of professional activity through personal observation. Evaluation of the purpose, process, effectiveness, and efficiency of professional activity. Recommendations for training and further research.

JOUR 889 Doctoral Tutorial in Journalism and Public Communication (1-9) Individual research in journalism and public communication.

JOUR 899 Doctoral Dissertation Research, (1-8) Dissertation research.

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Undergraduate Courses

Graduate Courses

Schedule of Classes

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Copyright © 2006 Philip Merrill College of Journalism, University of Maryland