Finke/LA Weekly: The Iceberg Cometh

My latest  column, The Iceberg Cometh, is about Jeff Berg and ICM's purchase of the Broder, Webb, Chervin, Silbermann Agency. Here's how it starts: "Those who knew him as an abnormally normal teenager say that Jeff Berg never betrayed any burning ambitions while growing up in wealthy Brentwood. But, one day in 1965, the Uni High senior came home [...]

RIP Garry Abrams, Hollywood Truthteller

He covered so much more territory than Hollywood as the columnist for the Los Angeles legal newspaper Daily Journal. But Garry Abrams was the sharpest truthteller about the entertainment business' many legal scrapes I've ever known. He was also my friend, and he died after a long battle with cancer (Cedars-Sinai photo of him below). [...]

What? Spielberg, Katzenberg & Saban Supporting 'Their Friend' Guv Arnold

The big question here is what are their real motives? What have they been promised? Hollywood woke up with a shock today: the Los Angeles Times reporting that Democratic loyalists Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg and Haim Saban are supporting Republican incumbent Arnold Schwarzenegger for California governor over the Democratic contender, state Treasurer Phil Angelides. (Interestingly, David Geffen's name [...]