Here are quick descriptions of some of the previous editions of Comic Book Urban Legends Uncovered.

To see if they are true or false, you have to click on the link!

#1 - Stan Lee’s first job was writing propaganda for Generalissimo Franco in Spain; Walt Simonson changed his name from Simon Waltson; Joe Quesada killed Bill Jemas in a fit of rage and buried his body someplace in the Pine Barrens.

#2 - Alley Baggett’s Alley Cat #1 comic is the top-selling book of all time, but “the Man” keeps the sales total suppressed; Longshot’s look in the mini-series drawn by Arthur Adams was based on writer Ann Nocenti; Grant Morrison and Mark Millar had a falling-out over a blow-up sex doll.

#3 - All of DC’s comics are produced by a robot called the Byr-Jo-Ru-Win-Will 3000; Marvel was originally going to publish Sandman but the deal fell through when Gaiman refused to have Ghost Rider as a guest star in issue #4, “A Hope in Hell”; Detective Comics #28 featured a Batman story called “Batman fights for Hitler” but at the last second the story was pulled and pulped.

#4 - During the big DC-versus-Marvel crossover in the 1990s, Alfred Pennyworth and Edwin Jarvis were originally going to battle only to fall in love and start up a transvestite butler revue, but DC and Marvel got cold feet at the last second and pulled the plug; Tim Vigil’s first professional work was as the artist on an issue of Betty and Veronica and he placed a gay porn scene between Reggie and Jughead in the background of one panel; in 1961 DC was about to publish a story called “The Flash kills Fidel Castro!” but the U.S. government, thinking it cleaved too closely to their plans to invade Cuba, asked them to pull it.

#5 - Jack Kirby faked his own death and now lives in Zaire, where he is known as the “Great White Comics God of the Serengeti”; Chris Claremont got his first comics job because he had pictures of Stan Lee in a compromising position with three goats and a mynah bird; In the late 1950s, Fredric Wertham wrote comic books under the name “Gardner Fox”. 

Phew!  That’s enough, especially because this series is infinite!  INFINITE, I say!!!!!