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Annie Body: Geyser of Desire

Bondage Cross


Chemistry of Love

Dildo Doctor


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Eros the Planetoid

Ethical Hedonism MANIFESTO


FEET: A Love Story


Graham Crackers: America's Anti-Sex Snack

Perfect 10 Chemistry of Love

HEF enters the Erotic Hall of Fame

HOF VS.HEF: Decriminalization of Prostitution:

Hot Holiday Sex

Inner Space

LANA & ME: Meetings with Remarkable Apes

Les 10 Commandements du Plaisir

Luscious Cunnilingus

Marilyn Monroe B-DayParty at the Hollywood Erotic Museum


Maxim Ménage-à-Trois

My Missionary Position

Nude for Zorbacchus


Penthouse Interview

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BONOBO: The Forgotten Apee

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Sex Week at Yale '06: SWAY with Me

Cannes Bla Bla


Cannes Heat

CANNES Reloaded

Travels with Max

Travels with Max VIII: Libertine Clubs of Cannes

Travels with Max VII: French Book Tour & 10th Wedding Anniversary in Paris

Travels with Max VI: Mipcom & The Libertines of France

Travels with Max V: British Book Tour, Euro-Fun

Travels with Max IV : Sex Acts in NYC

Travels with Max III: The Doctor & Her Butler Get Married!

Travels with Max II Santa Cruz, San Francisco, Summerhill, Sex, Spirits, Shabui and Shrieking Sashimi

Travels with Max I: Great West Coast Getaways

America Wants A Divorce

Hot Holiday Sex

Weimar Love Story



Eros Day 2005: The Counter-Inaugural BALL



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Indecent Insurgents: WATCH WHAT YOU SAY

Bush's Taliban Drug Deal

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The Janet Jackson BOOB TUBE super bowl



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Rape of Iraq

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Cockfight at the Baghdad Corral

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Adelphia Accounting Scandals: Rigas Boys Caught Masturbating Their Figures

A Brave Victim of Terror

Ayatollah Asscraft's Cover-Up of Minnie Lou

American Detainee

The Great Pretzel Swallower's Guantánamo S&M Porn PR Disaster

Letters from Pakistan, Photos from (Old) Afghanistan

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Patriot Act Unpatriotic

We Are All Afghans Now

Sex, Terror, Jerry bin Foulwill & Raving Castrati 


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Adelphia Family Censors: An Open Letter to John J. Rigas

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7/16/2006 - 4:33:29 PM

Primal Tears: Can a Bonobo Girl Save the World?

Imagine a beautiful, sensitive young girl who is only half human. Her other half comes from a slightly different animal, one that is a little stronger than human, a little less cerebral, a little hairier and a little less neurotic about sex. That animal, which contributes the second part to this extraordinary hybrid, is none other than the “Make-Love-Not-War” bonobo or pygmy chimpanzee (Pan paniscus), our closest Kissin’ Cousin, 99.4% genetically similar to humans and yet, in many respects, a world away.


This remarkable bonobo-human hybrid, born to an idealistic human mother and a lovable bonobo dad as part of a pygmy chimp preservation project gone awry, is named Sage, and she is the shining star of an exciting new first novel, Primal Tears by Truthout’s environmental editor Kelpie Wilson.

Wilson seems to have chosen the highly endangered bonobo, as opposed to the common chimp or gorilla, for Sage’s ape side, at least in part because of the pygmy chimp’s amazingly peaceful, highly sexual society. Bonobo males would rather screw than fight, and bonobo females keep the males in line through their almost-constant receptivity to sex. Everybody is bisexual. For the males, this means that battles are often resolved with orgasms instead of casualties. For the bonobo gals, it translates into a kind *female solidarity* built upon intense sexual relationships involving what the primatologists call "genito-genital rubbing" or "GG Rubbing." The local Mogandu people have a much more appealing, expressive name for this act of rapidly rubbing their large sensitive clitorises and labia against each other: hoka-hoka. Sounds like a sexy sort of dance, doesn’t it? That’s what it looks like, the bonobo tango, but it’s quick vulva-to-vulva action rather than slow cheek-to-cheek. Bonobo females grow closer to each other as they do the hoka-hoka, consolidating their social connections along with their orgasms. These highly sexed females are also far more likely to initiate sex with the males than any other great ape females (including humans!). So the bonobo guys get a pretty good deal: Give the ladies some respect, and get plenty of sex, all year ‘round.  This helps bonobo females maintain somewhat equal power with the guys, and keep the peace for all.

The idea of a bonobo-human hybrid might seem crazy, immoral or downright impossible. But scientists have long known that humans can probably interbreed with apes. As far back as 1977, Researcher J. Michael Bedford discovered that human sperm could penetrate the protective outer membranes of a gibbon egg. Chimps and bonobos are much closer to humans than gibbons. So why couldn’t a human and chimp get together to produce a chuman, or humanzee, or Sage?

Why not, indeed. Let’s just say that, for various practical and ethical reasons, though experts generally agree that a human-ape hybrid is quite possible, no such specimen has ever been confirmed. This hasn’t stopped science fiction writers and artists from imagining human-chimp creatures like Bassou of Morocco, or apes with human qualities like King Kong.

Out of this fertile ground rises our heroine, Sage, a *normal* American girl except for the fine hair all over her arms, legs, back and butt, her jutting brow ridge, her long powerful arms, her decidedly unintellectual mentality, her “endless” craving for sex, and a few other pygmy chimpish characteristics. Sage grows up happily, albeit a bit awkwardly, in a back-to-the-land community in the wilds of Oregon with her biological mother, adoptive father and a bunch of friends and neighbors who pretty much accept her for who she is, even if they don’t quite understand what she is. She has some harrowing scrapes with the law as well as some militant creationists and right-wing religious nuts determined to destroy her or put her behind bars. So runs away to live off the land for a couple of years, communing with bears and generally getting in touch with her *wild* side. Eventually, an older and wiser Sage makes her way back to her human family where she is cherished and soon sponsored by a friendly, environmentally conscious billionaire whose backing not only protects her from anti-evolution human predators, but transforms her into an international superstar. She goes on Oprah-like talk shows and dances onstage with rock stars, swinging from the rafters and spreading her message of peace, love and understanding all over the world, from Middle American soccer moms to African villagers to the Pope who, ironically enough, tries to convert this avid birth control activist to Catholicism.

Though strong on its messages of nonviolence, environmental protection, bonobo preservation, female empowerment and population control, Primal Tears never gets overly preachy, and the story is always compelling. So are the characters, especially Sage herself. We care about what happens to this uniquely empathetic half-human creature. Naturally, being half-bonobo, Sage is pretty sexual, and Wilson doesn’t shy away from her star’s amped up erotic nature, like so many others who write about bonobos. Primal Tears contains some fantastic sex passages with erotic scenes between Sage and human males and females. Actually, I could have used even more sex (but then I could always use more sex). Primal Tears is very cinematic, and would make a great film, much more interesting than another remake of Planet of the Apes.

In the meantime, it is a marvelous read for any bonobo lovers or environmentalists who enjoy a good piece of fiction. Though it should be read by everyone, especially the creationists and anti-abortionists who need to wake up and smell the imminent destruction of our Mother the Earth that we all love so much. Get it now while peace and the planet still have a chance: Primal Tears.

(post a comment)

* * * * * * *
Re: Primal Tears: Can a Bonobo Girl Save the World?
From: Nathan S.

Like you, I am fascinated and inspired by the bonobos. But a bonobo-human hybrid? It kind of gives me the willies. Of course, I believe in evolution, population control, environmental protection and all of it, but I don't think I want a race of ape-men running around. Glad to hear it's just a novel.

* * * * * * *
Re: Primal Tears: Can a Bonobo Girl Save the World?
From: Jason-Cindy

I find your review particularly appropriate at this time of renewed war in the Middle East. What are these exchanges of projectiles but horribly perverted expressions of carnal desire for each other? The peoples of the Middle East must cease screwing each other in the metaphorical sense, and recommence their ancient tradition of screwing each other in the literal sense! Sage for president, prime minister and premier!

* * * * * * *
Re: Primal Tears: Can a Bonobo Girl Save the World?
From: William Patrick Haines

I think the original Planet of the Apes was much better than the sequel. I thought the one scene where saw the Statue of Liberty and said "Damn you all to hell!" was one of most memorable lines ever said in movies.
Civilization has made people more apathetic. We have too many bystanders and tyrants and not enough good samaritans. Perhaps Cain slaying Able was a parable of civilization encroaching on native people.

* * * * * * *
Re: Primal Tears: Can a Bonobo Girl Save the World?
From: Citizen j

Wish we were more like bonobos. I've always appreciated your understanding of our "kissing Cousins"...way too sad to think of them going the way of the Ituri pygmies, another noble anthropod wiped out by monkey thuggishness...

7/11/2006 - 2:19:19 AM

Blowjobs and Convalescence

My recovery is, as they say, *coming along,* though not nearly fast enough for my restless spirit. Every day, I seem get a little better, a little stronger. But the days are also filled with hours of excruciating pains that often strike quite suddenly just when I think I'm doing all right. Much of the trick of this recovery business is knowing how to space your meds. Not an easy task for the likes of Rush Limbaugh or me.

Then there’s sex. Since I had to wear a catheter much of the month I was hospitalized, my doctors cautioned me that for the next several weeks, I should not “have sex.” Most patients would nod and leave it at that (whether they would follow doctors’ orders or not is another story). But I, being the sex maven that I am, insisted on clarification. “Do not,” they specified, “put anything in your vagina.” This is unfortunate, because I love to put things in my vagina, one of the few parts of my body that actually feels fine these days. But these doctors saved my life, so I’m not about to disobey them at this juncture.

Well, at least, I can still give blowjobs.

Not that I’m much of a Deep Throat artiste (for true fellatio artistry, check out our beloved Annie Body's first appearance on the show or Leila doing Big D in Squirt Salon or Lydia doing J backstage). But while Miss Pussy is on enforced rest, I have been enjoying using my mouth and hands to give my H some excellent orgasms. I combine oral sex with aural sex, telling him the stories he loves to hear, usually involving me having sex with various people, real and imagined. I love doing this for my H. Lord and Lady knows, he’s been working so hard these days, running the company as well as being my nurse; giving him a nice hand-and-blowjob is the least I can do. Of course, it’s a good thing H is so sexy. I would hate to be so grateful to someone I wasn’t wildly attracted to. But with the attraction and the chemistry, it’s very enjoyable for me too. I really feel his pleasure. Or maybe it’s just a pleasure to feel him.


Last night, for instance, I found it so delicious to touch, kiss and suck his freshly showered body (now slimmed down to a very sexy build since he quit drinking). Touching him even seems to kill my pains for a little while. I’ve always known that sex is a natural painkiller. But I thought it was mainly about having orgasms and receiving pleasure. Turns out that giving pleasure is also almost as good as a Vicodin (hear that, Rush?). Erotic touch releases painkilling chemicals (oxytocin instead of OxyContin), whether you’re the toucher or the touchee.

Another natural painkiller: Talking about my illness to people who can help me understand it better. This has its good and its bad sides. It can easily devolve into simple complaining, which will soon irritate everyone, including me. But it can be very enlightening, opening up new windows in my soul and lightening the load of pain.

Yesterday, I talked with Ari, whom I’ve known since high school. Ari came to see me in the hospital during my first week there, when I was pretty much at my worst: unconscious, heart, kidneys and other vitals unable to function on their own, body blown up with edema to sumo-wrestler proportions, my temperature bouncing from high fever to shivering cold. “They said you had less than a 50% chance of surviving,” Ari recalled. “From what I could see, I’d have put it at 20%. Of course, I knew you’d pull through, but only because it’s you. Anyone else, I wouldn’t have bet on...It was funny though – your eyebrows and hair looked great [this was because I had just done a show two nights before, and a good thing too, as no one does your eyebrows or hair in ICU]. Otherwise, you were in really terrible shape.”

Maybe it would make some people feel sicker, but hearing about how bad I was makes me feel better now, more grateful to be alive and less vexed by my current pains and weaknesses. If I’ve come this far up the mountain, I can certainly go the distance to the top.

And a few nice blowjobs along the way make the trek so much more fun.

(post a comment)

* * * * * * *
Re: Blowjobs and Convalescence
From: Cee Bee

Great story - your sex life is always interesting!

* * * * * * *
Re: Blowjobs and Convalescence
From: George M.

As usual, you're right on top of what's hot, Dr. S. This month's Vanity Fair has a piece on "Blowjobs" by that blowhard warmnonger Christopher Hitchens. It's semi-interesting, but your blog is so much sexier - and more informative. Keep up the healing!

orally yours,

* * * * * * *
Re: Blowjobs and Convalescence
From: a CP fan

Lucky H!

* * * * * * *
Re: Blowjobs and Convalescence
From: ROMO

Once again you have cheated the grim reaper---congrats and thank you.
I remember you walking into Saybrook after your trip to Nepal. The doctors
at Yale-New Haven hospital had just made a case study of your ordeal.
You had lost a great deal of weight, but you looked Angelic. Perhaps thats
a good description of your life's calling-- Angelic Sex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for a trip down mammery lane when you wrote about your talk at Yale.
With fond memories of our time together and you practicing the Art of Fellatio
on me. Warmest regards,

* * * * * * *
Re: Blowjobs and Convalescence
From: Romo

Just a follow-up to the note I wrote this morning. Doing
some research with my partner Lynne and researching septic
shock, which, by the way Lynne has experienced, gave me a
new appreciation of why women like you are powerful enough
to Stick it Out.
I did not realize how potentially fatal this process is.
When I made a reference to the grim reaper, it was out of nervous respect.

thank you for being you.

* * * * * * *
Re: Blowjobs and Convalescence
From: Glad you are up and sucking....

Glad to hear you are getting back to your old self, thanks for sharing.

7/6/2006 - 1:46:45 AM


Just before I was whirled into the world of ICU death battles and tortorous breathing tubes, Margo finished editing BlockFilms' newest DVD masterpiece Blonde Island, a groundbreaking work featuring an international cast of some of the world’s hottest blondes and one very special brunette going native on our uniquely erotic Island of Pleasure in the Sea of War.


First up on the Island is stunning, super-leggy, pin-up porn princess Bethany Sweet. Next, out bounces irresistibly delicious, super-busty, ultra-MILF va-va-voom, it's Vicki Vette! Then kinky Russian fetish model Victoria Lane, and smoking hot Spanish pop star (Funk Her Like An Animal!) ORGASMICAL. The “one very special brunette” is lovely Zorthian Nymph and artist's model Lisa Ann Davis in her first dazzling appearance on the show. Cameos include sultry Avy Lee Roth (David Lee Roth’s porn star daughter), the incorrigible Mistress Genevieve and hyper-exhibitionist Luccia of Brazil crying "Jesus is in me now!" as she thrusts the Jesus Jackhammer deep inside her sanctuary. . Embedding himself into this wild Island of Pleasure is Major Network War Correspondent Rob (“It Doesn’t Get Better Than This”) Williams, a shipwrecked sailor just stateside after being embedding among 1000 smelly marines in the Sea of War, that ocean of sand and wasted blood, BushCo’s catastrophe, Iraq. Thank goddess he washed up on Blonde Island's sensuous shores before a car bomb blew him to smithereens!

So, what are you waiting for? Come, soldiers and dictators, troops and dupes, presidents and terrorists, throw your guns and your bombs and your war plans overboard and swim up between the golden arms and silky legs of the sexiest blondes in the sea. Embed yourself, baby. Come to Me.

Come to Blonde Island and escape into the pleasure of luscious wet-on-wet cunnilingus and major mouth-stretching fellatio performed with panache by uninhibited lemon-haired beauties “born for porn” and ready for sex. Plus outrageous facials, golden showers, foot fetish, boob fetish, butt fetish, blonde fetish, art fetish, comedy fetish, teasing up a tropical storm, sex on the front – and from behind(!), two guys on one girl and six girls on one lucky war correspondent. And that’s just the eye candy. There’s also really sexy music (unlike most porn films), lots of hot nasty talk, AND my inimitable mix of enlightening conversation about sex and religion, sex and childhood, sex and politics, sex and war.

And already, it’s making waves. Actually, a small tsunami at a major news network. Rob, an old friend who really is a network correspondent (The Dr. Susan Block Show is the original Reality TV, after all!), was called on the carpet by same network, threatening to fire him, blackball him and send him to Guantánamo, when the suits found out he'd taken his leave on Blonde Island. Rob begged me to remove the call letters of this network. But it was too late; the DVDs were already printed and out the door. Just to be *nice,* I took the telltale letters out of some of the advertising and this bloggamy. But I’ll give you a hint: It starts with a C and ends with an S. If you still can't figure it out (too many meds?), just get the DVD or the download or watch the stream; it's all spelled out for you right there. Hey, don't you want to know which major network war correspondent likes to hang out on Blonde Island when he's not embedded with the marines?

Rob’s segment is actually great. C_S should be proud. It’s hilarious to watch him try to keep it in his pants as the blondes rub their huge boobs against him and cover his crotch with a big Bill Clinton dildo. Through it all, Rob is the perfect network spokesman, and neither his pants nor his Hawaiian shirt ever actually leave his body (are you listening, C_S suits?). It is also a meaningful segment on several levels, as we contrast the peace and beauty of Blonde Island with the horrors of the War in Iraq. There's tension in the tropics when Rob turns to the frolicking blondes and says, "This is what we are fighting for," to which I gently but firmly coounter, " This is what we should be doing instead of fighting."

Speaking of fighting, here's a quick note on my convalescence: Very slowly but surely, painfully but gratefully, I am fighting my way back to health, moving farther from my Dance with Death, moving back into the Land of the Living, where I will soon create more Islands of Pleasure at the Speakeasy or wherever BlockStudios washes ashore. Thank you again for all your cards, letters, comments, prayers and gifts (don't be shy about sending money!). I appreciate it all, and I hope to see you here soon, sipping a tropical drink, clad in nothing but a lei and a smile.

In the meantime, give yourself a real sexy summer treat, escape from BushCo's Perma-War and whatever personal pain you might be feeling, help support the Speakeasy and BlockStudios in our hour of great need, and spend some quality time on Blonde Island - in DVD, streaming video or download. Television like you’ve never seen it before on CBS, HBO or anywhere. Come to me...Come to Blonde Island...

(post a comment)

* * * * * * *
From: block_films@yahoo.com

I was drivng down from Ventura to Siggraph '04 in LA. My friend Mary called me, and said she had interviewed with a company last night that was the most wacked place she'd ever seen. "They're looking for people like you!", she said. I pulled off the freeway and wrote the number down.
That night I was interviewd in the bar of Dr. Suzy's Speakeasy. They said my background was a little "over-qualified." They needed someone to shoot, organize, edit video, author DVD's, upload files, and build websites. They didn't need any computer animation, which is my forte.
David showed me around the 17,000 sq. ft. Loft in the schmatta district south of Downtown LA. I saw a library of 10 years of video tape, sitting on the shelf, much of it still unedited! "If you're interested, you can edit these and we'll give you points." David said. No one in my 20 years of Hollywood FX expereince has ever offered me residuals from the work I did. I said I'm interested. He said, "We're having a show this Saturday night, do you know how to hold a video camera?" duh!
That night I showed up early at the factory on a dark deserted street and found the little door on the side of a huge grey building. Upstairs I found myself in an erotic art gallery amidst 60 or more people. The place looked totally different under TV lights. You're in charge of Camera 1 the engineer said.
...and the result of that night's shoot is Blonde Island.

There's a billion porn DVD's out there, and talk shows out the wazzoo, but nothing like Dr. Suzy's Blonde Island Show. Pinnup girl, Porn star, Fetish model, Artist model, and a Spanish Pop Star adorn the set. Under the hot lights the girls all shed their clothes and I was blown away! Mostly all straight girls, Dr. Suzy's guests started talking about sex, politics, and religion - and then the girls take matters into their own hands and mouths. I personally like the editing at the end of the 4th part, where Dr. Suzy rants about the NeoCon Perma War being waged against the world and the montage built around Orgasmical's hit tune "Funk Me," as it closes off the steamy show.
Gay girls will like this show, and most men will find the frank "Girl Talk" fascinating - especially if you're a fan of the drop-dead gorgeous stars Dr. Suzy assembled for this show.
Since that night, I've spent every weekend at Block Films. I also produced Orgasmical's "Funk Me" DVD, and authored two other bestselling DVD's for Dr. Suzy, "Weimar Love," and the hot 5 part show, "Dr. Suzy's Squirt Salon" (I definitely had not seen anything like "Squirt" anywhere on any TV before!)
So far, I think I've shot 20 shows in the Speakeasy. There are some great DVD's and Downloads on their way to you. Help us keep this unique "sexy edu-tainment" going. Pic up a DVD, Download or Stream it for your viewing pleasure.

enjoy the SEX - FUN - WISDOM, it comes from the heart...

Mar Sorell
Producer/Editor - Blonde Island in 4 Parts
The Dr. Susan Block Show

* * * * * * *
From: Little Shiva

I bought Blonde Island. I love you and what you do. Take good care of yourself, rest up and recover. I'll be thinkin' of ya!

* * * * * * *
From: Ariritvo@aol.com

I Would like to encourage all of Suzy's patrons to watch blond island! Why not? IS there anything better on the news? Do we thrive on watching the obituaries and wars every night? Politics? With Bush in office? perhaps those reality shows..Sure...After all, they are SO NOT REALITY BASED and the editing stinks!!!! Our Suzy devotes herself to our pleasures. She makes us feel, stay awake, think and not give in to the numbness we call LIFE! Now she is down and out...Was in a very dark place--VERY near death! It is our turn to support Suzy and give her some light and pleasure back. Is it so difficult to watch Blond Island? heck no!!!! It's a win win situations. So do it!!!! If blond isn't your thing, find something else on the site. It really is not that difficult! Go for it!!! Tonight!!!! Thank you for being you Suzy! Love and light Dr.Riva Ariella Ritvo (Ari).

7/4/2006 - 2:06:23 PM

Vern Bullough, R.I.P.

Too many people I love are dying. If you follow my bloggamy, you know I came dangerously close myself about a month ago, and I’m still working my way out of death’s dark woods. Shortly before, my friend Dabney Zorthian died. Then Scott had a sudden heart attack and left us. Now, I’ve just learned that while I was in the hospital, my dear friend and mentor, renowned sexologist Dr. Vern Bullough, passed away. Vern had told me a few months ago that he had inoperable cancer and wouldn’t last much longer, so I’m not surprised. But the pain of losing him is still strong.

Many people, especially in the fields of sexology and sex history, feel the same way. "We have lost the most important historian of our field," said Eli Coleman, a past president of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, who directs the human sexuality program at the University of Minnesota medical school. "It would be very hard to find somebody that had so extensively studied so many areas within sexuality," Coleman added. "Vern was all over the field — not in a superficial way but in a very deep way."

Vern had an encyclopedic knowledge of sex and wrote groundbreaking books on a variety of subjects, such as homosexuality, prostitution, transgenderism and crossdressing. Titles included "The History of Prostitution" (1964), "The Subordinate Sex" (1973), "Sexual Variance in Society and History" (1976), "An Annotated Bibliography of Homosexuality" (1976), "Homosexuality: A History" (1979), "Cross-Dressing, Sex and Gender" (1993), "Science in the Bedroom" (1994), "American Sexuality: An Encyclopedia" (1994) and "How I Got into Sex" (1997). Among his many accolades is the Alfred Kinsey Award for distinguished sex research. He was a widely respected scholar and professor at several universities, and he always tried to help others with his connections. Vern got me my lecture gig at USC in which I speak to undergrads on the subjects of Bonobos and Fetishes. Now another branch of USC, the General Hospital ER, saved my life, even as Vern lost his.

Vern's life was packed with awesome accomplishments. But my personal memories are of his visits to my show, both as a fascinating featured guest (“Learn with Vern”), and as an active enthusiastic member of the audience. I remember watching him and his second wife Gwen, a retired English professor, one Eros Day as they intently observed Big D (Eros) and Leila Swan (Aphrodite) making heavenly love on my bed, Big D in his angel wings, Leila squirting like a fountain. Was this a unique opportunity for eye-witness sex research for Vern? Or an aphrodisiac that would inspire a night of hot love between him and Gwen later on? Probably a bit of both. Vern was always ready to learn.

The last time I saw him was at my salon with Dr. Betty Dodson (who sent me word of his passing). He did look older than his 77 years that night, but his boyish enthusiasm for the evening’s discussion and activities was vital as ever, later writing me that he'd “enjoyed himself very much.” I’m glad I didn’t know that was the last time I’d see him, or I would have cried all night.


Thank you, Vern, for all of your tremendous pioneering work in sexology, sex history and sexual freedom. Thank you for reaching out to me several years ago, supporting my work and becoming my friend. Your work lives on in schools and libraries, and in the laws you fought for that let more and more people live their sexual lives in peace. Your love lives on in our hearts.

My own heart is broken over losing you, Scott and Dabney. But I better Krazy-Glue it back together and get back to work on my own recovery. I miss you, but I’m nowhere near ready to join you.

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* * * * * * *
Re: Vern Bullough, R.I.P.
From: Betty Dodson

Hey Suzy Honey,

The last time we saw Vern was the night he came to your Speakeasy when I was your guest. I got lost and arrived late while everyone waited patiently. Virgos hate to be late and I was mortified. I had no idea that Vern and I are the same age! At the time, he looked like he was 88, but then I didn't know he had cancer. He was a wonderful gentle man who will be missed.

Take you time healing from whatever laid you low. A lot of people miss you, but you gotta take care of yourself first. Be like your friend BAD who says, "After me you come first."


7/4/2006 - 12:43:52 AM

R.I.P Scott Weems
Our dear friend and Speakeasy IT and Technical Director Scott Weems died of a heart attack today. His passing comes as a shock, and the timing, in the midst of my recovery, seems strangely cruel. But we all knew he had had his first heart attack two years ago, and that he could go at any time. His time was today. We miss him terribly in so many ways.. In the short time he was with us here at the Speakeasy, Scott contributed a tremendous amount in multiple areas. He greatly improved technical aspects of the websites, the show and the way we do business. Everyone who worked and played with him liked and respected him. He was smart, sensitive, disciplined, dedicated to our cause, and a lot of fun to hang out with. A really exceptional, wonderful human being.

Scott Weems - Oct. 12, 1963 - July 3, 2006

Thank you so much for sharing your last precious months on earth with us, Scotty. We love you now and always. Rest in peace.

(post a comment)

* * * * * * *
Re: R.I.P Scott Weems
From: David

Thank you for your friendship, dedication and the contributions you've made to all of us here at the studios. You'll always be in hearts.

The Goal is The Journey

* * * * * * *
Re: R.I.P Scott Weems
From: Kim

This has been very difficult for me to acccept. I miss him so much, as a friend
and as a boyfriend. He will always be a part of my heart. But I know he's still
with us here at the Speakeasy "Still Scott". I love you!


* * * * * * *
Re: R.I.P Scott Weems
From: Kate

Though his light has left his body it now shines bright as a new star in the heavens...look out your window, lift your face and bask in his glow.

I was lucky to know you.

God Speed Scott. God Speed. ,

* * * * * * *
Re: R.I.P Scott Weems
From: Very Sad to hear this

I did work with Scott a few times on shows, a gentleman and very capable. He did indeed add much to the shows and the quiet energy added much. A talent ot be missed. A good gentleman to have known for even a short time.


James ~ Scott

* * * * * * *
Re: R.I.P Scott Weems
From: block_films@yahoo.com

This, along with Dr. Suzy's unexpected hospitalization a few weeks before, has made June of 2006 one of the toughest months that any of us has ever had! But, as David puts it, "these setbacks are in reality new windows opening on our horizon." Even for Scott!
I dreamt of Scott the night before he left -- in a park next to a forest on the edge of the ocean. It looked like Hawaii, where he was once stationed in the military. It was a hot day on a wooden pier jutting out into the cool azure waters. My whole dream was about the apprehension and anticipation of escaping the heat. Of diving in!. My dream had visions of a man wanting to dive into the cool aqua blue waters and resisting. This he seemed to do several times. I remember seeing tropical fish up close.
Then the phone rang...

Scott you are the one with the most open window now, more than any of us! We hope the view is bright! I'm sure we'll see you soon...

On behalf of all members of Dr. Suzy's crew, I thank you for the IT and tech where-with-all you brought to Block Studios. I bid you well Scott...

Block Films

7/3/2006 - 12:30:51 PM

Happy 4th of July!

It's the 230th anniversary of the American Revolution, the eve of the 4th of July: Time to venerate the Founding Daddios of our Nation, like George Washington who grew hemp on his plantation, and Thomas Jefferson who had sex with his slave, sexy Sally Heming, on his plantation, and Ben Franklin who didn’t have a plantation, but enjoyed those Paris orgies in between diplomatic efforts to gain French support for our new revolution, the Revolution we now celebrate with an all-American fireworking, hot-dogging, beer-busted, sexy summer-hot orgasmic affirmation of freedom.  


When I was a kid, the sexiest holiday of the year was the 4th of July, smack in the center of a Philly summer, hot and steamy enough to go out at night in shorts and thin cotton shirts. We'd all go out to the playground and spread our blankets on the ground, then lay on our backs, looking up at the stars, dizzy and drunk on the enormity of it all. And some of us (the science nerds) knew that those lights in the endless sky above us were from fires burning long before America even existed. The rest of us liberal arts types just hung out or made out on the blankets and waited for the pseudo starbursts to start - promethean gifts to heavenly bodies - streaking the night sky with blasts of red, blue, silver bullets bursting in our ears, shining in our eyes, orgasming in our hearts, then falling so exquisitely, so deliciously, like the end of an ejaculation, showering our spirits in celebration. Celebration of what? Not of culture; American culture is just a mishmash of other cultures. Not of government; most of us tend to have pretty mixed feelings about government. But celebration of an idea, simple and yet incredible, the idea of freedom, the greatest aphrodisiac of all.

Let freedom reign, brothers and sisters! More than just about anything, people want to feel free. Feeling free is almost as important as feeling love, sometimes more important; lots of us give up love to be free. We seek, we cherish, we fight for our freedom, and yet...it's sooo slippery... I mean, how free are you? Are you freer now than you used to be, or less free? What imprisons you? Your job? Your school? Your marriage? Your parents? Your children? Your fears? Your neighbors? Your president? Does the War imprison you? If you’re in the reserve, I bet it does. How about the Terror? Does the Patriot Act imprison you? Is your religion a prison? Do your aspirations for political office imprison you? Maybe your body imprisons you. Your weight? Your age? Your guilty conscience? Your expectations? Do you expect someday someone will come along and give you your freedom? Like on a silver platter? Like that big break you’ve been waiting for? Or maybe like a bomb? Maybe somebody will bomb you free! Liberate your soul from your bomb-pulverized body; that’s Bush-style freedom for the Iraqis. Yes indeed. And the sign over Auschwitz said “Work sets you free” Lord and Lady save us from that freedom.

Of course, the other side of the coin of freedom is restraint. Which isn’t so bad if you enjoy it. Yes, freedom is a great aphrodisiac. But restraint is a close second. If that’s your thing. There are different kinds of restraint, control, bondage, or as they say en français, “ligottage,” the gentle art of tying up your sex partner, with anything from bondage cross handcuffs to putting a hood over your head to the invisible shackles of your mind over your partner’s matter, the purpose being to enhance excitement, not to overcome reluctance. Consensuality is the key to this delicate erotic art, the sensual science of restraint. Without consensuality, well, then it’s called torture, and there you have it: Operation Iraqi Freedom. Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose. Are we’re losing it, here in Bush's America’s, on our 230th 4th of July?

Well, we’ve always got fireworks. But don't be popping off those amateur firecrackers now; or you could be popping off some fingers. And how you gonna finger anybody with no fingers?

Or you could just play it safe and watch "Orgasmic Freedom on the 4th of July" with "100% fuckable" brunette bombshell Dana DeArmond on RadioSuzy1TV. Happy B-Day, USA!

(post a comment)

* * * * * * *
Re: Happy 4th of July!
From: Cee Bee

Beautiful energizing essay on freedom. You must be feeling better, Dr. Suzy!

* * * * * * *
Re: Happy 4th of July!
From: William Patrick Haines

The republicans haved contributed to a freedom deficit. With the religious right attacking personal freedoms and the Patriot Act attacking privacy and personal freedoms, and their overall economic policies attacking freedom of opportunity and freedom to aspire to escape poverty. Pep rally patriots try to act like things are going well and can get any better. Truth is things are not as good as they once were. The limits the reactionary conservatives want to impose on freedom of speech are utterly unconstitutional.

* * * * * * *
Re: Happy 4th of July!
From: yaya

I am so very happy to see that you are recovering and sending out your beautiful, loving goddess energy again. All power, light and love to, dear Goddess.

your sister in Tantra, Yaya

6/25/2006 - 7:22:05 PM

Back to Life!

I’m back! Back from my battle with death. Back from the hospital which saved my life, but was starting to freeze-dry my soul. Back at my beautiful sensual Speakeasy, back with my beloved H (who never left my side the entire time), back with my cherished Bonobo Gang of friends and lovers. And it feels good! Good to back. Good to be alive. Good to be released, reborn, resurrected like some mythical force of nature. Not that I feel very forceful at the moment. I am ridiculously weak and in all kinds of pain and itchiness. But somehow this feeble body has dragged itself out of the Valley of Death and into the Garden of Healing, Freedom, Sex and Pleasure. Oh, what would I do without pleasure? When you live in a House of Pain, you know that every little pleasure – every kiss, every pee, every caress of your naked knee, every sip of an icy drink – is filled with hope and healing.

Scott took this pic on my "Rebirth Day" when I'd just gotten off of the despicable breathing tube and was starting to breathe on my own. That's H's hand holding Sunny, my stuffed bonobo-monkey hybrid doll, an important part of the team that saved my life.

But right now, it doesn’t take much activity (even the pleasurable kind) before I collapse in a heap of exhaustion. So before I do, I just want to thank you, all of you, from my closest family and friends to you mysterious strangers, for all your marvelous, motivational comments, cards, letters, gifts, message, bonbons and bons mots, and yes, even your prayers. Though recent studies have shown that prayers don’t help and may even hinder the convalescence of the sick, it's the thought that counts, and I appreciate your thoughts. They’ve helped me beat that icy hand of death back into the darkness and out of my light.

Of course, I didn’t do this “beating” myself. In fact, I was mostly unconscious during the initial critical weeks. Though, I did have that will to live (With the great life I lead, who wouldn't?). You could say I was part of a team – one of the best in the world – the team that save my life – the doctors, residents, nurses and administrators of USC County Hospital. I know, it’s not a fancy resort-hospital. But if you’re rapidly going down the death hole, and you’d prefer to live, USC is the place to be, with the best doctors in the world in every field of expertise, along with their students and residents and fantastic nurses. They’re all part of a military operation, out on the front lines, with the lead docs acting like generals calling the shots. Their methods reminded me of America’s “War on Terror,” with at least one huge difference: these doctors knew what they were doing. They defeated the enemy (septic shock), while saving my life. It was rough going, especially that first week when my chances of survival were less than 50%. As I awakened in the third week, some of the doctors shook my hand, looking at me like I was Lazarus, calling me the “case of the year” and the USC “miracle girl.” The fact is that they were my miracle workers, and I just can’t thank them enough.

That’s it about my illness for now. I’ll be writing more details about it a forthcoming book that will knock your socks – and panties – off.

And very soon, I will be doing the shows, seminars and bacchanals again that we all love so much, and that you won't find anywhere on earth except here at Dr. Suzy's Speakeasy..

In the meantime, please do me a big favor. As I’m sure you can imagine, this illness has been not just a physical catastrophe, but a big financial setback for the Speakeasy (yup, here come the commercials). So now's the time to buy a DVD, a sex toy, a T-shirt or some fine erotic art in Shopping Heaven, come join us Backstage, watch or download something wonderful in the Erotic Theater or call my office at 213.749.1330 for some telephone sex therapy (something healing for you!). Or just make a pure donation (call 213.749.1330), and earn a special place in my heart. The doctors of USC saved my life. Now it’s up to you to save the life of the Speakeasy where we’ve all enjoyed so much good sex, fun and wisdom. We can do it! We’ve gotten this far. We can do anything.

(post a comment)

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: St. Kate (patron saint of beardless young men)

I have never had so close a brush. But I had a hospital bout earlier this year, and it's still vivid in my mind how frightening it is to be at the mercy of hospital staff -- I think you, Dr. Suzy, had better care as is fitting for a scarier experience.

I want to tell you one of the reasons it's so important that you stayed with us. About a year ago I sent a friend the page showing your encounter with the "remarkable ape" Lana at the San Diego Zoo. While she was viewing the pictures, her little grade-school son came in and looked over her shoulder at the monitor. "Mom, she looks so human!" he said. He wanted to see every picture of Lana. My friend said she got teary to see him taking in that these creatures are beautiful, and our kin.

I long ago realized I was living out the words of John Pflaum -- "pervert to convert." May you do the same on a cosmic scale bis hundert zwanzig.

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Your American Julie

Yeahhhhh!!!!! I heard you were back!!! Love you!!! The Speakeasy was lonely without you!!!

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Welcome back.....

Well, Doc, beleive what you want, but I think you have a purpose here on this planet, and the God(dess) I believe created you (and me, although in my case I wonder if it was on one of His bad days) heard the thousands of voices who didn't want you to leave us yet....not as the Final Revolution is about to take hold.

Tell H (whoever he or she is) that we love you for being there for her and for us.

And if anyone ever doubts that prayers don't work....I'll just point them in the direction of the cute little blonde with the feather boa and the 'tude. That's your proof.

I love you Suzy.


* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: toast3d2001@yahoo.com

Dear Dr. Susan, so glad to hear you are still improving and fighting your way into the light, my thoughts and energy still flow your way.

A positive reward for a very caring person.

Keep it up, you will endure.

I think the energy you have put out has indeed come back to you 10 fold.

... a yellow rose ...

James ~ Scorpio

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Perry Caravello

Tell Dr. Suzy, "WELCOME HOME HONEY." I look forward to coming to another show very soon. Perry

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Dr. Robert McGinley

Thank you for the update. We have had great concern.

Dr. Robert McGinley
Chairman and President
LSO, Ltd.

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: kat & bd

Fantastic news!

Much love and wishes for a speedy recovery! We'll see you soon.



* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Dr. G Spot

That's wonderful news, Suzy. Welcome home! We look for your
continued recovery!. (And, if its not too personal, WHAT THE HELL
Best Wishes for a speedy recover,
Dr. G Spot
John Perry
John D Perry, PhD, MDiv, etc., ret.
email: DryDoc@BellSouth.net
webs: www.inContiNet.com, www.DrGSpot.net

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Mistress Cyan

Hello Susan,

It is great to see you back !!! I am so happy that you are out of the hospital and on the road to recovery back "home".

I read what you had to say about USC and I agree. If it were not for the doctors at USC, I would be totally blind today. They performed a number of surgeries on Me back in 1996 that saved the little sight that I hae left. They are truly professional.

I also read that you, and not surprisingly so, have incurred a financial burden as a result. I would like to help by doing a fundraiser and donate all the proceeds to you to help. All I would need is your okay and perhaps some help from your staff to help publicize it. I will give ome thought as to what I can produce and let you know.

In the meantime, make sure you get your rest and take it easy. As you are now well aware, there are many who love you, and look forward to seeing you back in top form !!!

All My love,

Mistress Cyan

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Diane Block

Welcome back from the other side Cousin. For those who don't know me, I am Susan's New York cousin and a Healer (I do believe in prayer having seen what it can do). Knowing this kid all my life I can tell you that she is one of the strongest fighters you will ever meet. Just tell her that it's time to go and she will plant her foot in cement. Is she too stubborn to die? Naw, she just has too much work ahead of her. If you thought you knew her before, well, just put your seat belts on because you ain't seen nothing yet! Just one last word here, I love you Cuz!

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Mark@WickedTemptations.com


We are so relieved to hear the news of your continuing recovery! And we've been sending you many erotic thoughts to speed your return to us.

Get well soon... we're looking forward to joining you at the speakeasy again.

Lots of Love
Mark (Wicked Temptations) and Lori Pleasure

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: William Patrick Haines

I knew your fiery spirit would beat this sooner or later. I am so glad it was sooner rather than later! It is a shame most hospitals do not operate in a similiar manner .Welcome back and congratulations for conquering this illness.
Well as soon you get your strength back, hopefully you can resume taking on the illness of the religious right's intolerance and assault on personal liberties. Hell, I am sure if can beat this ailment maybe you get a few more good shots at America's ayatollas.

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: gstp@PeaceandLove.ca

Glad to see you are back online, with all your inner strenght and wit. In your Garden of Healing, Freedom, Sex and Pleasure.

To reassure your fans, is it possible to confirm the 'septic shock' had nothing to do with "AIDS". With all the sexual activity at Dr. Suzy's Speakeasy, that question will surely be on some minds. And may hamper their pleasure until your book is published.

Thanks for all the good sex, fun and wisdom so far; while fighting for our rights, freedom and justice.

Peace Love and Freedom

Gilles St-Pierre

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Dr. Suzy

I don't usually post comments on my own bloggamies. But I did want to address Gilles St-Pierre's concern in the comment above. No, my "septic shock" has nothing whatsoever to do with AIDS or HIV, and no, my illness has nothing whatsoever to do with a sexually transmitted disease. I am, and always have been, absolutely STD-free, and nothing I have or had is or was in any way contagious. Septic shock is a little mysterious, and I will bloggamize about it more when I'm feeling a little better. Right now, I'm so weak, just sitting at my beloved computer is quite draining. Some good news is that H and I had sex last night, and it was great!

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Cee Bee

I'm so glad you're feeling better, Dr. Suzy. We've missed you so much. And wow, having sex too. You sure are a miracle girl.

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: frank vidrio

I am glad to hear that the good doctor is doing better. I hope and pray that she gets 100% soon. My prayers are always with her and her husband and staff

frank v

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Michael

Get well soon, Susan!


* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: W.S. Cross

Well, it's certainly mysterious what happened to you, but I'm glad to know you're alive and better. Please continue to get well, and return to doing your naughty thing ASAP. If it's one thing the world needs more of right now, it's naughtiness! Old Blues never die, they just continue fucking!

W. S.

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Romeo Guastaferri

Dear Susan

I just learned about your recent medical problems. I intensely hope that these events will quickly become things of the past so that you may get back to enlightening us all with your kinky brand of humour and wisdom.

I particularly enjoyed your recent piece on Hookergate. I was sooo tempted to write to you, telling you how much I enjoyed it. After a couple of paragraphs, I was thinking to myself : I gotta write to her... tell her about how not one of these poker playing johns had the good taste to put things in perspective during Clinton's impeachment ordeal. But you think about it, the main consequence of Clinton's actions was a stained dress. What these guys are doing is screwing the whole country, mismanaging billions of dollars in military spending, and killing or maiming thousands of americans, tens of thousands of Iraqis in the process... I gotta tell her about that... but of course, you yourself had it all figured out by the time I got to the end of the article ! :-) That's why I didn't bother to write after all... which I regretted when I heard about what happened to you shortly after.

Please get well soon. Many of us are looking forward to your future columns.


* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Linda

Dr. Suzy is alive, well, writing again, and needs time to bounce back.
I knew my naked body could *pull Dr. Suzy back from the brink of death*. And also her Medical Healing Team, and all of us 1000s of Dedicated Fans and Sluts and Lovers of Sluts Everywhere....

Love, Linda
Aka Lucky Lady Linda

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Lisa Ann Davis

Dr. Suzy, I am glad you are still here to celebrate your Birthday.
Better late than never. :D
Glad you are feeling better my dear.

Keep getting better!


Lisa D.

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: William Patrick Haines

Hopefully you are gaining more of your strength as the days go by.

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Mistress Genevieve

Yeah, It is so good to see you back in the "swing" of things.
Atleast i wasn't the only one who got sick this year and missed their own birthday...damn I was looking forward SOOOOOOOO much to this years bash, and i really am sorry I didn't manage to make it to the hospital. Several attempts with to go with Annie were thwarted. Such a thing is common for a non-driver.

But I missed you and tried to send you comments on your myspace but they had to be approved and with your weakened condition no doubt it was the furthest from your mind and myspace had little ranking amongst your concerns and thoughts.

I can't wait to see you back smiling and vivacious as usual... It's hard to imagine you anything but bright, alive and full of fire and spunk, not that kind of spunk you perv, lol (pot kettle, kettle pot).

See you soon, but never soon enough,

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Riva Ariella Ritvo

It is SO GOOD to see you writing. Last time I saw you, you were lost in that valley. YOu knew you were going to come through. I massaged your head lightly and you fell asleep for awhile. You gave your hubby such a scare, but his love for you is so much stronger than any fear. HE WAS ALL THERE SUS!!!! It was touching to see his hand on your cheek, his gentle voice reassuring you as you nodded with that breathing tube that was certainly thicker than your neck and throat. Come back gently! Rest as much as your body is telling you to. You have a good connection with your body, so let it speak to you. There is always time to catch up! Meanwhile, please call me privately if there is anything I can do for you--my dear friend. You are brave and beautiful. We have known each other since high school so don't be shy...FAMILY! It is in the jewish values we share! I love you! I love your Max and WELCOME BACK! Re enter with caution!
Hugs and kisses Ari (Riva Ari Ritvo)>

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!


* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Rocky Angel

If there is anything this loyal slaveboy can do to help in your recovery, please feel free to ask. xoxo love, Rocky

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Jeff and Kris Booth

Being in the hospital really sucks, and not in any of the good ways. We both wish you a speedy recovery and a return to your feisty self.

Jeff and Kris Booth
Erotic University

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Reverend Bookburn

My sincerest wishes for a full recovery and your being back in action. Thank you for being a force for a more intelligent,humane and hotter world. love, Reverend Bookburn

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: James Noack

I wish you well and a speedy recovery. Knowing you are a survivor, you will endure. Being a valued asset to a troubled world and much needed to stay at our side, as a valued friend who has given so much to so many.

Live long and prosper,
James Noack

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Cousin Elliot Block

Dearest California Cuz,Glad to hear you are no longer in hospital.I guess you will do anything to have an excuse not to attend cousin Emily's bat mitzvah in Cherry Hill, although this was too much!!Anyway, my darling, you will be on the dance floor shaking your booty in no time. xxxxx Elliot

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Cousin Dorothy

Dearest Susan, I know we don't keep in touch often, but you are my cousin, and I do care about your well being. Stay on the recovery road. love, Dorothy

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Cousin Miltie

Diane has kept me informed of your ordeal. You're a fighter and any misfortune is simply another challenge for you. Hurry and get well. love, Miltie

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Tom

Dear Suzy,
I couldn't believe it when I was told you were rushed to the hospital. But I am relieved and delighted that you are doing better. We need you! I can't wait until you are up to speed for another show. You are one of my heroes, and we need you out there pioneeing the way to a life that is joyful, indulgent, responsible and Republican-free.
love, Tom

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Mac Davis

Dear Suzy, Get well soon. We need you. best, Mac Davis

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: JJ

Dearest Suzy, the timing of your birthday and your recovery is interesting. I say that because your precious life has been saved. And thus, a reminder that each day is precious, and w are so deeply grateful that God has allowed you to continue gracing the world with your beautiful presence. xoxoxox love, JJ

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Erik Nelson


Love your writing, love you, hope you recover soon.


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