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Watada, the War and the Law
ImageJeremy Brecher & Brendan Smith, The Nation Magazine. July 7, 2006
On July 5 the US Army brought charges against First Lt. Ehren Watada, an infantry officer stationed at Fort Lewis, Washington, who has refused to deploy to Iraq with his unit because he believes the war there is illegal. Watada faces up to eight years in jail and a dishonorable discharge. But in trying the 28-year-old officer, the Army is really putting itself, the Iraq War and the Bush Administration on trial.
Army charges Lt. Watada with contempt towards president; Faces over seven years military prison

ImageFriends and Family of Lt. Watada call for int'l actions and mass mobilization at Fort Lewis, Washington

National education and action campaign underway

On July 5, U.S. Army First Lt. Ehren K. Watada was formally charged with three articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice: two counts of contempt towards officials (Article 88) - specifically President G. W. Bush, three counts of conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman (Article 133), and one count of missing movement (Article 87). If convicted of all six charges by a general court-martial, Lt. Watada could be sentenced to over seven years in a military prison (Army press release and actual charge sheet).

Lt. Watada’s lawyer, Eric Seitz, said: "We expected the missing movement charge, but we are somewhat astounded by the contempt and conduct unbecoming charges. These additional charges open up the substance of Lt. Watada's statements for review and raise important First Amendment issues. We are delighted that the Army has given us the opportunity to litigate these questions."

Sign the petition!

Thank you Lt. Ehren Watada for standing up for international, US and military law by refusing to deploy to Iraq in support of the ongoing illegal war and occupation.

ImageFrom the preemptive invasion based on deception, to the deaths of tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians and nearly 2,500 U.S. troops, to the infamous Abu Ghraib torture cells and the recent Haditha massacre, no more evidence is required of how very wrong this war is. In light of these facts, we appreciate your decision to now follow your conscience.

We agree with you Lt. Watada, it is past time for US forces to leave Iraq. We salute your true leadership in these dark times, and believe that we can all learn something from your courage.

Add your name today.  

Download / print PDF petition
with Lt. Watada's statement and bio

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A Letter from Ehren's Mom
Image I am the mother of Lt. Ehren Watada, an officer stationed at Ft. Lewis. He is part of a Stryker brigade unit that deployed today to Iraq. Despite an unflinching commitment to his men and to democratic ideals, he chose not to accompany his men. His decision came through much soul-searching and through research and consultation with experts across disciplines, inside and outside of the military and the government.
Action Reports from the National Day of Action to Stand Up with Lt. Watada

More than a thousand supporters in over 30 cities and towns took part in the National Day of Action to Stand Up with Lt. Watada on Tuesday, June 27. Outside of Fort Lewis, Washington - where Lt. Watada is stationed pending trial - 200 rallied at the base gates (photo above).

"To refuse to serve" by Col. Ann Wright (ret.)

Published by TomPaine.com (June 27, 2006) - Today, June 27th, is the National Day of Action in support of U.S. Army 1st Lt. Ehren Watada, who, on June 22, refused an order to deploy with his unit to Iraq.  Watada said he could not participate in an “illegal and immoral war against people who did nothing to deserve our aggression. My oath of office is to protect and defend America’s laws and its people. By refusing unlawful orders for an illegal war, I fulfill that oath.”

Lt. Ehren Watada fulfills pledge to refuse illegal Iraq deployment

ImageFort Lewis, Washington (June 22, 2006) - U.S. Army First Lieutenant Ehren K. Watada reported to duty at 2:00 a.m. early this morning, Thursday, June 22nd and refused orders to move to the adjacent McChord Air Force Base to prepare to fly to Iraq. Lt. Watada believes that the war and occupation in Iraq are illegal, and thus participation in the war is also illegal. At this time he has been restricted to base and has been ordered to have no communication with non-military personnel.

Colonel, family, and supporters nationwide back Lt. Watada; Call for Tues. June 27 actions
June 20, 2006 - by Brad Wong, Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Watch the complete press conference.

With his Fort Lewis-based Stryker Brigade possibly deploying to Iraq in the coming weeks [within days], Lt. Ehren Watada has picked up the public endorsement of a retired Army colonel and diplomat who also contends the war there is illegal.

Speaking at University Lutheran Church in Seattle, retired Col. Ann Wright said Monday night that the artillery-targeting officer has the right to disobey "illegal orders."

Pacific Northwest gears up for National Day of Action to Stand with Lt. Watada

From highway overpasses to downtown vigils, supporters across the Pacific Northwest from Portland to the Canadian border have been gearing up for the National Day of Action to Stand Up with Lt. Ehren Watada on Tuesday, June 27. Report and photos from June 25 rally at Washington state capitol (larger image of Olympia rally). Report and photos from June 24 bannering in support of Lt. Watada outside the gates of Fort Lewis.

Statement of Lt. Ehren Watada

Image (June 7, 2006) - Family, Friends, Members of the Religious Community, Members of the Press,  and my fellow Americans—thank you for coming today.

My name is Ehren Watada.   I am a First Lieutenant in the U.S. Army  and I have served for 3 years.

It is my duty as a commissioned officer of the United States Army to speak  out against grave injustices.  My moral and legal obligation is to the Constitution and not those who would issue unlawful orders.  I stand before you today because it is my job to serve and protect those soldiers,  the American people, and innocent Iraqis with no voice.

Interview with Lt. Watada

Image First Officer Announces Refusal to Deploy to Iraq
By Sarah Olson, June 7, 2006

On Wednesday, June 7 Lt. Ehren Watada became the first officer to refuse to deploy to Iraq, setting the stage for what could be the biggest movement of GI resistance since the Vietnam War. He faces a court-martial, up to two years in prison for missing movement by design, a dishonorable discharge, and other possible charges. He says speaking against an illegal and immoral war is worth all of this and more. Journalist Sarah Olson spoke with Watada in late May about his reasons for joining the military, and why he wants out. An edited audio version of this interview is available here.

Update from Lt. Watada's attorney

On June 22nd, when 1st Lt. Ehren Watada refused to board a bus to accompany his Army unit to Iraq, he courageously became the first active duty US officer to disobey an order to serve in a war which he and many other active duty, retired, and reserve military personnel have characterized as illegal and immoral.

Military attempts to stop Lt. Watada from speaking against illegal war

PRESS ADVISORY (June 9, 2006) - On Thursday, June 8, 2006 U.S. Army First Lieutenant Ehren Watada's commanding officer moved to prosecute Lt. Watada for protected speech. An official investigation into his public speech in opposition to the illegal war in Iraq is underway. Lt. Watada was read his rights and declined to make a statement without a lawyer present.

Lt. Watada rejects illegal war at Tacoma, Washington press conference

On Wednesday, June 7th U.S. Army First Lieutenant Ehren Watada became the first commissioned officer to refuse deployment to the unlawful Iraq war and occupation. He announced his duty to disobey the illegal order to deploy to Iraq in coordinated press conferences in Tacoma, Washington and Honolulu, Hawaii via a video taped messaged due to a direct military order not to attend the pre-scheduled Tacoma press conference. Regardless, Lt. Watada’s public statement was shown on a large monitor for the national press .

Family and Lt. Watada's lawyer hold press meeting at Hawaii State Capitol

June 7, 2006 (Honolulu, Hawaii) - More than 50 supporters filled the Senate Conference room in Hawai`i’s State Capitol this moring, each holding signs reading “Thank you, 1st Lt. Ehren Watada” and “I Support 1st Lt. Ehren Watada”.   Large banners – “Support GI Resisters” and ‘U.S. Out of Iraq” – lined the room.  There were professors and students, Vietnam veterans, Iraq war veterans and veterans from World War 2, anti-war activists and clergymen, Hawaiian sovereignty activists and even some state government employees who ducked into the room to offer their support. 

Background on U.S. law re. case of Lt. Watada

The following is background material supporting Lt. Watada’s decision not to participate in the illegal war and occupation of Iraq.  This is far from an exhaustive list of resources and is not an official representation of Lt. Watada’s words or his attorneys and thus he is not responsible for any opinions.  This is supportive material on the illegality of the war.

Biography of Lt. Ehren Watada

1st Lt. Ehren Watada, 28, was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Following his graduation from Hawaii Pacific University in 2003, Lt. Watada enlisted in the Army as an officer candidate. He received no financial assistance for college or replaying loans from the Army.

Commentary About Lt. Ehren Watada on the Web

Lieutenant Watada's War Against the War by Jeremy Brecher & Brendan Smith, The Nation. June 12, 2006
The Courage to Face the Consequences
by Ray McGovern, Truthout.com. June 9, 2006
First Officer Publicly Resisting War Gains National Support
by Sarah Olson, Truthout.com. June 8, 2006
A Brief History of U.S. Military Resistance by Zoltan Grossman. June 12, 2006 

"My Brother, His War" by Lorin Watada, Ehren's Brother

My brother is a true American hero that has the honor, courage and conviction to stand up for what is right.  When are we going to wake up and see the truth?  When will greed stop overshadowing humanity?  When do we stop believing the lies? . . . Why is collateral damage acceptable when it doesn’t happen in our streets or our backyard?  Remember 9/11?  War must be just, and as the most powerful nation in the world we need to set the example of what is right . . . .  Please help stop the war and embrace those like my brother that reach down into their souls to fight for unselfish beliefs.

View Lorin Watada's slideshow

When soldiers refuse to fight: Is the US Army trying to silence Lt. Watada?

By Sarah Olson, Truthout.com. June 14, 2006

US Army First Lieutenant Ehren Watada says, “I’ve come to believe this is an illegal and an immoral war, and the order to have us deploy to Iraq is unlawful. I won’t follow this order and I won’t participate in something I believe is wrong.”



On June 22, U.S. Army First Lieutenant Ehren K. Watada became the first commissioned officer to publicly refuse deployment to the unlawful Iraq War and occupation.

On July 5, Lt. Watada was formally charged with contempt towards President Bush, conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman, and missing movement. For the first time in forty years, the military is prosecuting an objector for First Amendment speech. He faces over seven years in a military prison

Int'l actions and a mass mobilization at Fort Lewis, Washington have been called for leading up to this precedent setting court martial in the early Fall. Supporters have already staged a national day of action.

Your support, including donations to Lt. Watada’s defense fund, are urgently needed today.



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