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The answer at last! Uri Avnery, former Knesset member, assesses the Lobby's power. "If the Israeli government wanted a law tomorrow annulling the 10 Commandments, 95 U.S. Senators (at least) would sign the bill forthwith." But, yes, in the end the dog wags the tail. Fifty years ago Allen Ginsberg's "Howl" blew the cobwebs out of millions of young minds and drove a stake through the heart of Eisenhower's America. Lenni Brenner remembers Ginsberg in the East Village. Dr Mengele died in exile, in disguise. Dr Ishii died rich and recognized, in his own Tokyo home. Christopher Reed on Japanese WW2 medical tortures and how the U.S. covered them up. CounterPunch Online is read by millions of viewers each month! But remember, we are funded solely by the subscribers to the print edition of CounterPunch. Please support this website by buying a subscription to our newsletter, which contains fresh material you won't find anywhere else, or by making a donation for the online edition. Remember contributions are tax-deductible. Click here to make a donation. If you find our site useful please: Subscribe Now!

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Roxanne Dubar-Ortiz in Portland, Seattle and Bellingham

Today's Stories

May 11, 2006

Edward S. Herman / David Peterson
US Aggression-Time Once Again: Target Iran

May 10, 2006

Axiom of Evil

Larry Birns / Michael Lettieri
Is Venezuela the New Niger?: the Bush Administration is Trying to Link Hugo Chavez to Iran's Nuclear Program

Ramzy Baroud
Iran and the US: Nuclear Standoff or Realpolitik?

Kevin Zeese
The Corporate Takeover of Iraq's Economy

Evelyn Pringle
Peter Rost vs. Goliath: an Ex-Pfizer VP Takes on Big Pharma

Amira Hass
Hungry and Shell-Shocked

Michael Donnelly
Nature Loses a Champion

Ron Jacobs
Singers in a Dangerous Time: Dylan and Haggard Take the Stage

Sharon Smith
Abstinence Backfires

Website of the Day
Camp In with Ray and Cindy


May 9, 2006

Ray McGovern
My Encounter with Rumsfeld

M. Shahid Alam
The Muslims America Loves

Moshe Adler
Mayor Bloomberg: Even Worse Than Giuliani

Walter MIgnolo
Beyond Populism: Natural Gas and Decolonization of the Bolivian Economy

Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
Blacks, Latinos and the New Civil Rights Movement

William S. Lind
The Other War Heats Up: Fighting on Afghan Time

Todd Chretien
Does It Really Matter Who Runs the CIA?

Dave Lindorff
Pelosi is in for a Big Surprise in November

Ishmael Reed
Furor Over the "Colored Mind Doubles"

Website of the Day
Two Years for One Joint


May 8, 2006

Kate McCabe
"No Less Courage": Political Prisoners' Resistance from Ireland to Gitmo

Paul Craig Roberts
A Nation of Waitresses and Bartenders

Col. Dan Smith
Privatizing West Point: "Duty, Honor, Trademarks..."

Norman Solomon
Gag and Smear: the Misuses of "Anti-Semitism"

Ingmar Lee
Bush's Destabilizing Nuke Deal with India

Robert Jensen
"Covering" and the Law

Ricardo Alarcon
The Struggle for Immigrant Rights in a Neo-Liberal Economy

Will Youmans / M. Kay Siblani
The Danders of Misunderstanding Sudan

Alexander Cockburn
The Row Over the Israel Lobby

Website of the Day
Labelle Does The Who: We Don't Get Fooled Again


May 6 / 7, 2006

Jeffrey St. Clair
The Rise and Possible Fall of Richard Pombo

Ariel Dorfman
Mission Akkomplished: the Secret History of George W. Bush

Joe Allen
Death Row at the "Castle": Inside the Military's Judicial System

Fred Gardner
From Ritalin to Cocaine: Steve Howe's Untold Story

Jeff Taylor
Democratic Masqueraders: Plutocracy and the Party of the People

Saul Landau
The Immigration Malaise

Stephen Philion
Lessons from the Fordham 9: Challenging CIA and Military Recruiters on Campus

Trish Schuh
Islamophobia, a Retrospective

Ralph Nader
The Tragedy of False Confessions

Robert Fisk
Through a Syrian Lens: Is the US Provoking Civil War in Iraq?

Paul Cantor
Parody of a Protest: We Came, We Marched, And ... ?

John Holt
"This Goddamn Place Looks Like Hell"

James Ryan
When is a West Point Grad, No Longer a West Point Grad?

Lawrence R. Velvel
Harvard and Its Presidents: Plagiarism, Ghostwriting, and the Character of Larry Summers

Greg Moses
Canto for a Cinco de Mayo Weekend

Laray Polk
Homeland Security Spending: a Dallas Case Study

Ron Jacobs
Subterranean Fire: a Review

Ben Tripp
No News is Good News

Mickey Z.
9/11 Movies, Anti-War Protests and "Illegal" Humans

Jeffrey St. Clair
Playlist: My Own Private, Springsteen-Free JazzFest (Week Two)

Poets' Basement
Kirbach, Landau, Davies, Engel, Buknatski, Subiet, Ford and Thoreau

Website of the Week
Lawrence Welk Meets the Velvet Underground


May 5, 2006

Vijay Prashad
The Charmless Inconveniences of the Bourgeoisie

Robert Fisk
Sy Hersh versus the Bush Administration (and the DC Press Corps)

David Swanson
Washington Post Writer Rushes to Rummy's Defense Against Ray McGovern

Mearsheimer / Walt
The Storm Over "the Israel Lobby"

Dave Lindorff
They're Back!: The Looters of Social Security

Sarah Ferguson
A Day Without Gringos: Immigrants Flooded the Streets of NYC on May, But Where Were the White Peaceniks?

CounterPunch News Service
Costs of US Wars: Bush's GWOT Now Fifth Most Expensive in US History

Corporate Crime Reporter
David Sirota: Still Shackled to the Democrats

Website of the Day
Watch Ray KO Rummy


May 4, 2006

John F. Sugg
Sami al-Arian's Final Persecution

Will Potter
Green is the New Red: How the Bush Administration is Using Terror Laws to Prosecute Nonviolent Environmental Activists

Jonathan Cook
The Long Path Back to Umm al-Zinat

Roger Burbach
Bolivia's Radical Realignment

Chris Dols
Colbert's Moment (And Why the Beltway Gang Didn't Get It)

Christopher Brauchli
Sen. Frist Without Clothes

Tony Swindell
"Our Descent into Hell has Begun"

Website of the Day
The Two Lobbies


May 3, 2006

Robert Bryce
The Self-Locking F-22

Paul Craig Roberts
John Kenneth Galbraith, a Great American

James Petras
The Rise of the Migrant Workers' Movement

Lee Sustar
Democrats and Immigrants: the Grand Evasion

David Bolton
The War on Drugs is a War on Ourselves

Joshua Frank
Challenging Hillary

Jeffery R. Webber
Evo Morales' Historic May Day: Bolivia Nationalizes Gas!

Website of the Day
Happy Birthday, Pete Seeger!


May 2, 2006

Evelyn Pringle
Gouge and Profit: Will Big Oil Destroy

Tariq Ali
On the Death of Pramoedya Ananta Toer: Indonesia's Greatest Writer
the US Economy?

Saul Landau
Life in the Mekong Delta

Paul Craig Roberts
Endgame for the Constitution

Gary Leupp
"Out of Iraq, Into Darfur?"

Ron Jacobs
May Day in Asheville

Sen. Russell Feingold
Our Presence is Destabilizing Iraq

Anthony Papa
Rush Limbaugh and the Politics of Drug Addiction

Website of the Day
Rainbow Books



May Day, 2006

Norman Finkelstein
The Israel Lobby: It's Not Either / Or

Christopher Reed
Mercury's Message, 50 Years On

Michael Donnelly
Rummy's Not the Only One Who Should Go: What About the War's Liberal Enablers?

Dave Zirin
A Day Without Pujols

Mike Whitney
The "N' Word: Take Back the Oil Companies!

Gilad Atzmon
Self-Haters Unite!

Missy Comley Beattie
Marching for Peace

Alexander Cockburn
The War on Terror on the Lodi Front

Website of the Day
In Your Face, Mr President


April 29 / 30, 2006

Peter Linebaugh
May Day with Heart

Ralph Nader
Break Up the Big Oil Cartel

Robert Bryce
The Scandal of the V-22: It Kills, It Crashes, But It Won't Die

Rev. William Alberts
Praying for Peace or Preying on Peace? Time for People of Faith to Censure Bush

Lee Sustar
Opening a New Movement

John Chuckman
Xenophobia in a Land of Immigrants

Eric Ruder
An Interview with Camilo Meija on the War and Immigrants

Seth Sandronsky
Securing the Homeland for Whom

Ron Jacobs
Neil Young's Call to Arms

Ben Tripp
A Fork in the American Road

Fred Gardner
Forgotten Memories: Personal and Political

Don Monkerud
Corruption Reform in the Age of Abramoff: Not a Roar, But a Whimper

Tommy Stevenson
JazzFest, Tears and the Renewal of New Orleans

Lettrist International
Proposals for Rationally Improving the City of Paris

Back to the Back of the Yards: the Jungle, 100 Years Later

St. Clair, Vest and D'Antoni
CounterPunch Playlist: What We're LIstening to This Week

Poets' Basement
Engel, Orloski and Guthrie

Website of the Weekend
Survival of the Fattest


April 28, 2006

James Ridgeway
What You Won't See in Flight 93, the Film

Ramzy Baroud
Hamas' Impossible Mission

Sarah Knopp
An Interview with Nativo Lopez on the May Day Protests

William S. Lind
Off With His Head!: But Rumsfeld's Should Not be the Only One That Rolls

Operation Canned Meat and Its Derivatives

April 27, 2006

Winslow T. Wheeler
How Much is the War Costing? How Many US Troops are Really in Iraq?

Robert Fisk
The United States of Israel?

Juan Santos
Immigration Endgame

Robert Jensen
Why Leftists Distrust Liberals

Dave Lindorff
Making America Safer: One Released War Crime Victim at a Time

Jose Pertierra
Honor and Injustice:the Case of the Cuban Five


April 26,2006

Robin Philpot
The Rich Life of Jane Jacobs

Sherry Wolf
Democrats, Their Apologists and Abortion: the Jig is Up

Pratyush Chandra
Nepal: a Saga of Compromise and Struggle

Joshua Frank
Zig-Zagging Through the War With John Kerry

Gary Leupp
The Neo-Cons and Iran: No Negotiations

Bill Quigley
Katrina: Eight Months Later



April 25, 2006

Gary Leupp
Wilkinson Speaks Out About the Coming War on Iran

Paul Craig Roberts
The World is Uniting Against the Bush Imperium

Linda S. Heard
Is the US Waging Israel's Wars?: the Prophecy of Oded Yinon

Ralph Nader
Political Science: Gingrich, "Futurism" and the Abolition of the OTA

Mike Whitney
Preparing for the Economic Typhoon

Michael Donnelly
Lutherans Betray Michigan's Loon Lake Wetlands for Pieces of Silver

Sharon Smith
Breathing New Life Into May Day

Website of the Day
SDS Ver. 2


April 24, 2006

Tim Wise
What Kind of Card is Race?

John Stanton
Strike Iran, Watch Pakistan and Turkey Fall

Dave Lindorff
Dangerous Times Ahead

Steve Shore
Berlusconi Defeated: The Long Wait is Over ... Or Is It?

Amadou Deme
Hotel Rwanda: Setting the Record Straight

Mickey Z.
15 Minutes of Radical Fame: America Meets Bill Blum and Ward Churchill

Ralph Nader
Lee Raymond's Unconscionable Platinum Parachute

Alexander Cockburn
Obama's Game

Website of the Day
Too Stupid to Be President?


April 22/23, 2006

Jeffrey St. Clair
The General, GM and the Stryker

Jeff Halper
SUMUD vs. Apartheid: the Elections in Palestine and Israel

Jeff Klein
How to Manufacture a War Criminal: Saddam and Me, a True Story

Thomas P. Healy
Out Now: an Interview with Anthony Arnove

David Underhill
Stuck in Mobile with the Rev. Graham Blues Again

Lee Sustar
"We are Going to Keep Marching": an Interview with Immigrant Rights Organizer Martín Unzueta

Deb Reich
The Little Mermaid on Highway Six: Rooting for Ordinary Israelis to Wake Up

John Chuckman
America's Gulag: Purge at the CIA

Fred Gardner
More Suppression of Marijuana Research

Julian Edney
Can Our Economy Run Without Fear?

Seth Sandronsky
The GOP and California's Levees

Brynne Keith-Jennings
The Meddlesome Ambassador Trivelli: Undermining Democracy in Nicaragua

Dave Lindorff
Where are the Frogs?

Catherine Ann Cullen and Harry Browne
Springsteen Polishes His Roots: First Impressions of "We Shall Overcome"

Bill Pahnelas
Bush Passes the Buck on Soaring Gas Prices

Jim French
Time to Overhaul US Farm Policy

Ron Jacobs
"I Know I'm Not Dreaming, Because I Can't Sleep Any More"

David Krieger
The Courage of Sophie Scholl: Resisting Hitler

Jeffrey St. Clair
Playlist: What I'm Listening to This Week

Poets' Basement
Buknatski, Engel and Ford

Website of the Weekend
Eye of the Storm


April 21, 2006

Jonathan Cook
The Sinister Meaning of Olmert's "Hitkansut": Deporting Hamas MPs

Lawrence R. Velvel
Physical Courage, Moral Courage and American Generals

Evelyn Pringle
How to Out a CIA Agent

Christopher Brauchli
The Rich are Different

Pratyush Chandra
Pure-and-Simple Revolutions in Nepal and Venezuela

Michael George Smith
This is What a Movement Looks Like

Missy Comley Beattie
Serving at the Decider's Pleasure

Sarah Hines
The Bracero Program: 1942-1964

Website of the Day
Hunger Strike at U. of Miami


April 20, 2006

Chris Kutalik
As Crisis Deepens, Is Labor Finally Showing Signs of a Comeback?

Gary Leupp
Cheney, the Neocons and China

Joshua Frank
Stop the War! Dump the Democrats!

Diane Christian
The Authority to Kill

William S. Lind
Sweeping Up: the Real Problem Wasn't the Execution of the War, But the Enterprise Itself

Ramzy Baroud
A Case for the Palestinan Government

Justin E.H. Smith
Doctors and Lethal Injection


April 19, 2006

P. Sainath
More Kids? Pay More for Your Water

Norman Solomon
When Diplomacy Means War: Bait-and-Switch on Iran

Anthony Papa
When Justice Isn't Blind: Double Standards for the Rich and Poor in New York

Mike Ferner
Movement Blues

Stanley Heller
The Massacre at Qana, 10 Years Later: Still No Justice

"We Defeated Berlusconi"

Christopher Reed
Secrets of the Garden of Bliss

Alexander Cockburn
The Pulitzer Farce

Website of the Day
Bunker Busters: the Movie

April 18, 2006

Paul Craig Roberts
How Safe is Your Job?

Eric Wingerter
Washington Post vs. Venezuela

Juan Santos
What Immigrants Need to Learn from the Black Civil Rights Movement

Greg Weiher
The Zarqawi Gambit Revisited

Sam Bahour
Is Hamas Being Forced to Collapse?

Behzad Yaghmaian
In the Gaze of New Orleans

Website of the Day
The FBI and the Jack Anderson Files


April 17, 2006

Kevin Zeese
An Interview with the First Arab-American Senator: Jim Abourezk on Bush's Lies and the Dems' Complicity

Uri Avnery
Olmert the Fox

Norman Solomon
Why Won't Moveon.Org Oppose the Bombing of Iran?

John Ross
A Real Day Without Mexicans?

Laila al-Haddad
The Earth is Closing in on Us: Dispatch from Gaza

Jeffrey Blankfort
A Tale of Two Members of Congress and the Capitol Hill Police

Website of the Day
Dixie Chicks: Not Ready to Back Down


April 15 / 16, 2006

Jeffrey St. Clair
How Star Wars Came to the Arctic

Ralph Nader
Remembering Rev. William Sloan Coffin

Thaddeus Hoffmeister
The Ghost of Shinseki: the General Who Was Sent Out to Pasture for Being Right

Kevin Prosen / Dave Zirin
Privilege Meets Protest at Duke

Thomas P. Healy
Taking Care of What We've Been Given: a Conversation with Wendell Berry

Kristoffer Larsson
Are 40 Percent of All Swedes Anti-Semitic?: Anatomy of a Statistical Flim-Flam

Fred Gardner
Continuing Medical (Marijuana) Education

Edwin Krales
New York's Katrina: the Hidden Toll of AIDS Among Blacks and the Poor

Brian Cloughley
Don't Blitz Iran: Risking the Ultimate Blowback

John Holt
Walking Off Vietnam with Edward Abbey's Surrogate Son

Seth Sandronsky
What Billionaires Mean By Education Reform: Oprah, Bill Gates and the Privatization of Public Schools

Rafael Renteria
Making It Plain About New Orleans

Michael Ortiz Hill
In the Ashes of Lament: an Easter Meditation

William A. Cook
An Israel Accountability Act

Gideon Levy
Shooting Nasarin: a Story About a Little Girl

Andrew Wimmer
Stopping the Bush Juggernaut: a New Citizens Campaign

Madis Senner
Talking Points for Easter Weekend: Jesus Didn't Lie, Mr. Bush

Michael Kuehl
The Sex Police State: Women as "Rapists" and "Pedophiles"?

Mark Scaramella
When Even God Can't Follow His Own Commandments: the Timeless Scarcasm of Mark Twain

Nate Mezmer
187 Proof: Living and Dying Hip-Hop

Jesse Walker

Poets' Basement
Engel, Laymon and Subiet

Website of the Weekend
Pink Serenades Bush


April 14, 2006

Col. Dan Smith
Candor or Career?: Why Few Top Military Officials Resign on Principle

Saul Landau
Ho Chi Minh City Moves On Without Regrets

Stan Cox
The Real Death Tax

Kevin Zeese
Hersh vs. Bush on Iran: Who Would You Believe?

Brian McKinlay
Bad Times for Bush's Buddies

Howard Meyers
Dwarves, Knives and Freedom: Bush, Jr. is No LBJ

Ishmael Reed
The Colored Mind Doubles: How the Media Uses Blacks to Chastize Blacks

Website of the Day
Asshole: a Film Strip


April 13, 2006

CounterPunch News Service
Powell's "Bitch"?

Norman Solomon
The Lobby and the Bulldozer

Stanley Heller
Time to Shake Up the Peace Movement

Jeff Birkenstein
Bush and Freedom of Speech

Evelyn J. Pringle
Not So Fast, Mr. Powell

Michael Donnelly
The Week the Bush Administration Fell Apart

Kamran Matin
Synergism of the Neo-Cons: What's Going On In Iran?

Website of the Day
"Don't Be Afraid of the Neo-Cons"


April 12, 2006

Vijay Prashad
Resisting Fences

Alan Maass
The Suicide of Anthony Soltero

Dave Lindorff
Bush's Insane First Strike Policy: If You Don't Want to Get Whacked, You'd Better Get Your Nation a Nuke ... Fast

Ron Jacobs
Resistance: the Remedy for Fear

Ramzy Baroud
The Imminent Decline of the American Empire?

Randall Dodd
How a Wal-Mart Bank will Harm Consumers

Missy Comley Beattie
The Boy President Who Cried "Wolf!"

P. Sainath
The Corporate Hijack of India's Water

Website of the Day
"The System is Irretrievably Corrupt"


April 11, 2006

Al Krebs
Corporate Agriculture's Dirty Little Secret: Immigration and a History of Greed

Lawrence R. Velvel
The Gang That Couldn't Leak Straight

Sonia Nettinin
Palestinian Health Care Conditions Under Israeli Occupation

Willliam S. Lind
The Fourth Plague Hits the Pentagon: Generals as Private Contractors

Robert Ovetz
Endangered Species in a Can: the Disappearance of Big Fish

Pratyush Chandra
Nepalis Say, "Ya Basta!"

Grant F. Smith
The Bush Administration's Final Surprise?

Laray Polk
Loud, Soft, Hard, Quiet: Marching Through Dallas for Immigrant Rights

Francis Boyle
O'Reilly and the Law of the Jungle: How to Beat a Bully on His Home Turf

José Pertierra
A Glimpse into the Mindset of Terrorists: Posada Carriles, Orlando Bosch and the Downing of Cubana Flight 455

Website of the Day
The Dead Emcee Scrolls


April 10, 2006

Ralph Nader
Tinhorn Caesar and the Spineless Democrats

Heather Gray
Atlanta and the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Uri Avnery
The Big Wink

Joshua Frank
Big Greens and Beltway Politics: Betting on Losers

Seth Sandronsky
Immigration and Occupations

Michael Leonardi
The Italian Elections: "Reality is No Longer Important"

Evelyn Pringle
Did Bush Pull a Fast One on Fitzgerald?

Tom Kerr
FoxNews Does Ward Churchill

Lucinda Marshall
The Lynching of Cynthia McKinney

Website of the Day
Brown Berets

April 7 -9, 2006

Alexander Cockburn
If Only They'd Hissed Barack Obama

Jeffrey St. Clair
The Saga of Magnequench: Outsourcing US Missile Technology to China

Patrick Cockburn
The War Gets Grimmer Every Day

David Vest
The Rebuking and Scorning of Cynthia McKinney

Dave Lindorff
The Impeachment Clock Just Clicked Forward

Gary Leupp
"Ideologies of Hatred:" What Did Condi Mean?

Elaine Cassel
The Moussaoui Trial: What Kind of Justice is This?

Saul Landau
Vietnam Diary: Hue Without Rules

James Ridgeway
"This is Betty Ong Calling": a Short Film

Ron Jacobs
Why Iran was Right to Refuse US Money

John Walsh
Kerry Advocates Iraqization: Too Little, Too Late

Ramzy Baroud
The US Attitude Toward Hamas: Disturbing Parallels with Nicaragua

Christopher Brauchli
Bush Finds Democracy Has Its Limits

Todd Chretien
What the Pentagon Budget Could Buy for America

Jonathan Scott
Javelins at the Head of the Monolith

John Bomar
What They're Saying About Bush in Arkansas

Michele Brand
Iran, the US and the EU

Ronan Sheehan
Remember When the Irish First Met the Chinese?

Mickey Z.
Let Us Now Praise OIL

Don Monkerud
March of the Bunglers

Michael Dickinson
The Rich Young Man: a Miracle Play

Website of the Weekend
The Case Against Israel and Munich: Compare and Contrast



April 6, 2006

John Ross
Mexico's Most Toxic Presidential Election Ever

Dave Lindorff
Time to Get on Message with the Sissy French

Don Monkerud
The Strange Case of the American Worker

Robert McDonald
The Texas Railroad to Death Row: How Prosecutors Fabricated a Case Against Rodney Reed

Boris Kagarlitsky
A Marriage of Convenience in Ukraine

Remi Kanazi
The Assault on Cynthia McKinney

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Untangling the Issues in the Immigration Debates

Robert Fisk
A Lesson from the Holocaust for Us All


April 5, 2006

Dick J. Reavis
Pancho Bin Laden and the Terrorists' Tombs

Mark Brenner
Workers in the Aftermath of Katrina: Survival of the Fittest

Brian Cloughley
Nailing the Lies: Come Clean, Mr. Bush

Jozef Hand-Boniakowski
Why Democrats Are At Least Half of the Problem

Matt Vidal
Republican Bliss: the Selfish Road to Happiness

Juan Santos
The Politics of Immigration: a Nation of Colonists and Race Laws

Alan Maass
Week of the Walkouts

JoAnn Wypijewski
Malevolent Power at Ft. Sill: the Army Slays Its Own

Website of the Day
My Life in the Bush of Ghosts


April 4, 2006

Jackson Thoreau
How the Hammer Got Nailed: Taking Down Tom DeLay

Gary Corseri
Osama's Favorite Writer?: an Interview with William Blum

Dave Lindorff
Provocative Humanitarianism?: Bashing Hugo Chavez at the NYT

Paul Craig Roberts
Belligerent to the Bitter End

Norman Solomon
When War Crimes Are Unspeakable: Bush, Always the Accuser, Never the Accused

Michael Carmichael
The Christocrat: Condi Does Britain

Winslow T. Wheeler
Is the F-22 Worth the Price-Tag?

Ingmar Lee
Is Another World Possible?: Report from Karachi

Michael Neumann
The Israel Lobby and Beyond

Website of the Day
West Point Graduates Against the War


April 3, 2006

Saul Landau
Vietnam Diary: "What Socialism?"

Richard Thieme
The CIA: Cowboys, Indians and Whistleblowers, an Interview with David MacMichael

Timothy B. Tyson
Race, Class and Rape at Duke

Omar Barghouti
The Israeli Elections: a Decisive Vote for Apartheid

Iwasaki Atsuko
"As Israelis, We Also Fight for Palestinians:" an Interview with Jeff Halper

Julian Edney
A Terrible Weapon in the Hands of the Rich

Roger Morris
Catfight Among the Conservatives


April 1 / 2, 2006

Alexander Cockburn
Truth and Fiction in Elie Wiesel's "Night"

Ralph Nader
Exxon/Mobil: the Corporate Superpower of Superpowers

Dave Zirin
The Press Mob, Their Rope and Barry Bonds: Damn Right Race Matters

David Underhill
Walkin' to New Orleans

Earl Ofari Hutchinson
Do Immigrants Really Take Jobs from Urban Poor?

Dave Lindorff
Sen. Orrin Hatch: Defender of Presidential Lawlessness

P. Sainath
Where India's Brave New World is Headed

Fred Gardner
Debunking "Amotivational Syndrome"

Clancy Chassay
Hamas or Al Qaeda? The Gun or the Ballot Box?

Heather Gray
The Inspiring Face of Immigration: Australia and the American Rural Southeast

Greg Moses
Austin Students Walkout: "We're a Group This Country Needs"

John Chuckman
When the Violent Enforce the Peace: America's Brutal Tactics in Iraq

Ron Jacobs
Leaving Iraq Now is the Only Sensible Solution

Jeffrey St. Clair
Playlist: What I'm Listening to This Week

Poets' Basement
Holt, Engel, Subiet, Ford and Davies

Website of the Weekend
Pentagon Thievery



Subscribe Online

May 11, 2006

The Fourth "Supreme International Crime" in Seven Years is Already Underway, with the Support of the Free Press and the "International Community"

US Aggression-Time Once Again: Target Iran


With the United States having initiated wars in violation of the UN Charter, and hence engaged in the "supreme international crime,"1 against Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and Iraq in 1999, 2001, and 2003, one might have expected that its commencement of a fourth aggression only a few years later against Iran would arouse the UN, EU, other international institutions and NGOs, and even the supposedly moral and independent Free Press, to serious protest and counter-action, including referral to the UN Security Council under Chapter VII's "threat of peace" articles and support of possible diplomatic and economic sanctions. This has not happened, and in fact the Bush administration has successfully mobilized the UN, whose "primary responsibility" is the "maintenance of international peace and security," and the EU, as well as the Free Press, to facilitate its fourth attack.

We say that the fourth aggression is already underway, because once again, as in the Iraq case, the United States has been attacking Iran for many months, and not just with verbal insults and threats. It has been flying unmanned aerial surveillance drones over Iran since 2004; it has infiltrated combat and reconnaissance teams into Iran "to collect targeting data and to establish contact with anti-government ethnic minority groups" (Seymour Hersh);2 it has bestowed an ambiguous "protected" status upon the Mujahedin-e Khalq, a group which, since 1997, the U.S. Department of State has designated a Foreign Terrorist Organization, but a group that the Washington regime now uses to launch cross-border attacks on Iran from within U.S.-occupied Iraq;3 and it and its Israeli client have repeatedly threatened larger scale and more open attacks. This pre-invasion aggression was an important feature of the overall aggression against Iraq, where the US and British greatly increased their "spikes of activity" with massive bombing well before the March 19, 2003 invasion4-major acts of war and aggression begun as early as April 2002, that were almost wholly ignored by the Free Press and "international community."

What is mind-boggling in all this is that new attacks and threats by a country that is in the midst of a serial aggression program, that runs a well documented and widely condemned global gulag of torture,5 that has committed major war crimes in Iraq-Fallujah may well replace Guernica as a symbol of murderous warfare unleashed against civilians6-and that openly declares itself exempt from international law and states that the UN is only relevant when it supports U.S. policy,7 is not only not condemned for its Iran aggression, but is able to enlist support for it in the EU, UN and global media. This enlistment of support occurs despite the further fact that it is now generally recognized that the Bush and Blair administrations lied their way into the Iraq invasion-occupation (but still quickly obtained UN and EU acceptance of the occupation and ensuing ruthless pacification program),8 and that they cynically misused the inspections program, all of which makes the new accommodation to the aggression-in-process and planned larger attack truly frightening.

The mechanism by which this is accomplished by the aggressor state is to cry-up an allegedly dire threat that Iran might be embarking on a program to obtain nuclear weapons-it might be doing this secretively, and although it has submitted itself to IAEA inspections for the past three years, it has not been 100 percent cooperative with the Agency.9 Combining this with demonization,10 intensive and repeated expressions of indignation and fear, and threats to do something about the intolerable threat, the Washington regime has managed to produce a contrived "crisis," with huge spikes in media attention and supportive expressions of concern and actions by the UN, IAEA, and international community.11 These groups join the aggressor partly to avoid offending it, but also to try to constrain its determination to get its way-but in the process they accept its premises that there is a real threat and hence give at least tacit support to its aggression program, and sometimes more. On the home front, with the acceptance of the seriousness of the manufactured crisis by the mainstream media and Democrats, and with leading politicos like Hillary Clinton and Evan Bayh even egging Bush on, the noise creates its own self-fulfilling pressures on the leadership that manufactured the crisis, who now must "do something" about it to avoid political loss.12

This time, the EU appears to be cooperating even more fully in the developing aggression against Iran than it did in the Iraq case. Although Iran has an absolute and "inalienable" right to enrich uranium under NPT rules (i.e., the NPT's sole condition is that the enrichment can only be "for peaceful purposes"), and although the NPT imposes upon other parties to the treaty the obligation to "facilitatethe fullest possible exchange of equipment, materials and scientific and technological information for the peaceful uses of nuclear energy,"13 under British, French and German urging Iran, in November 2004, agreed "on a voluntary basis to continue and extend its suspension to include all enrichment related and reprocessing activities," while these states agreed to continue negotiations in good faith for the sake of an agreement that "will provide objective guarantees that Iran's nuclear programme is exclusively for peaceful purposes," and "firm guarantees on nuclear, technological and economic cooperation and firm commitments on security issues."14

But subsequent stages of negotiations foundered mainly because the three EU states could not provide Iran with guarantees on security-related issues without also securing U.S. guarantees for the same-and not only were U.S. guarantees never forthcoming, but Washington and Israel escalated their threats instead. Moreover, it is the longstanding U.S. position that "no enrichment in Iran is permissible," in the words of U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton. "The reason for that," he added, "is that even a small so-called research enrichment program could give Iran the possibility of mastering the technical deficiencies it's currently encountering in its program. Once Iran has the scientific and technological capability to do even laboratory size enrichment, that knowledge could be replicated in industrial-size enrichment activities elsewhere, that's why we've felt very strongly that no enrichment inside Iran should be permitted, and that remains our position."15 In short, the United States unilaterally refuses to allow Iran its rights granted it by the NPT.

Now some 18 months later, a U.S.-led consortium of states has introduced a draft resolution within the UN Security Council with the intent of imposing upon Iran a deadline for terminating all indigenous "enrichment-related and reprocessing activities" (pars. 1-2), as well as calling on all states to prevent the transfer of the technology and the expertise "that could contribute to Iran's enrichment-related and reprocessing activities and missile program" (par. 4)-thereby following the U.S. lead and criminalizing Iran's and only Iran's pursuit of its "inalienable" rights under Article IV of the NPT, and treating Iran's otherwise legal, NPT-sanctioned enrichment program as a Chapter VII threat to international peace and security. Equally striking, this draft resolution also expresses the Security Council's "intention to consider such further measures as may be necessary to ensure compliance with this resolution" (par. 7).16 This is exactly the kind of phraseology that, if adopted, the Washington regime would have be eager to interpret as a use-of-force type resolution, regardless of whether other members of the Security Council went along with it.

We regard the terms of this draft resolution as well as the general thrust of British, French, German, and European Union diplomacy on the Iranian nuclear issue to be a perfect accommodation to the needs of the aggressor state, which openly denies Iran its "inalienable" rights under NPT rules. This also constitutes a death-blow-by-politicization to the NPT and a gross abuse of the functions and powers of the Security Council, all in deference and service to a program in violation of the most basic principle of the UN Charter-that all members "shall settle their international disputes by peaceful means" and refrain from the "threat or use of force" (Article 2).

Since the spring of 2003, U.S. power has produced a steady and indignant focus on Iran's alleged foot-dragging on inspections. As in the case of Iraq's failure through March 2003 to prove that it did not possess any "weapons of mass destruction" (WMD), the U.S.-driven allegations and inspections regime channeled through the IAEA have focused on Iran's parallel failure to disprove a negative-namely, that Iran prove that it is not secretly engaging in practices that are prohibited under the NPT and subsequent Safeguards Agreement (May 15, 1974) and the Additional Protocols (signed December 18, 2003, though only observed "on a voluntary basis"). Moreover, throughout the current 38-month cycle of allegations and inspections to which the IAEA has now subjected Iran, the IAEA has repeatedly adopted a phraseology to the effect that the IAEA is "unable to confirm the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities inside Iran"-an inherently politicized condition that no state would be capable of meeting, no matter what it agreed to do, and whose application depends ultimately on the strength of the political forces that pressure the IAEA to continue the search.17 With enough political pressure, no amount of "transparency" and "confidence-building" measures on the part of the accused state can meet it, as was evident in the Iraq case. And as long as the IAEA reports that it is unable to confirm the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities inside Iran, Iran is helpless before the IAEA's negative condition.

The "threat" and crisis have been sustained in the media by the use of patriotic and fear-mongering frames and suppressions of relevant fact that may even be more brazen and misleading than those justifying the invasion of Iraq. The crisis-supporting frames are: (1) that Iran is a dangerous theocratic state, with an irrational and unstable political and clerical leadership that has supported terrorists and threatened Israel and is therefore not to be trusted with a nuclear program; (2) that it has been secretive about its nuclear program, has not been fully cooperative with the inspections program of the IAEA, and that the reason for this secrecy is Iran's intention to develop nuclear weapons; (3) that its acquisition of a nuclear weapons capability would be intolerable, would destabilize the Middle East if not the whole of Western Civilization, and must be stopped.

In sustaining these frames it is necessary to suppress major facts, such as:

(1) that there is no proof that Iran plans to go beyond the civilian uses of nuclear materials to which it is entitled under the NPT and the IAEA has never claimed that it has evidence of such weapons efforts or plans;

(2) that both the United States and Israel possess large and usable nuclear arsenals,18 and both have attacked other countries in violation of the UN Charter, which Iran has not yet done;

(3) that Iran is far less dangerous than Israel and the United States because it is very much weaker than the two that threaten it, and could only use nuclear weapons in self-defense-offensive use would be suicidal, which is not the case should the United States and Israel attack Iran;

(4) that Iran was secretive about its nuclear program because it recognized that the United States and Israel would have opposed it bitterly, but Iran at least did sign up with the NPT and has allowed numerous intrusive inspections, whereas Israel was allowed to develop a nuclear weapons program secretly, with U.S., French and Norwegian aid, refused to join the NPT, and remains outside the inspections system;19

(5) that both the United States and Israel are virtual theocratic states, profoundly influenced by religious parties whose leaders are arrogant, racist, and militaristic, and who have posed persistent threats to international peace and security;

(6) that both the United States and Israel have supported terrorists on a larger scale than Iran (e.g., Posada, Bosch and the Cuban terrorist network, the Nicaraguan contras, Savimbi and UNITA, the South Lebanon Army, among many others); and

(7) that it is the United States and Israel that have destabilized the Middle East, by aggression and ethnic cleansing in violation of international law and by forcing a huge imbalance in which only Israel is allowed nuclear weapons among the countries of the Middle East, a condition which allowed Israel to invade Lebanon and enables it to ethnically cleanse the West Bank without threat of retaliation.

A first alternative-frame that might be used but is not to be found in the mainstream media is based on the fact that, year-in and year-out, the United States has been a chronic violator of the NPT's Article VI requirement that all parties "pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures relating to cessation of the nuclear arms race at an early date and to nuclear disarmament, and on a treaty on general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control." In the context of the U.S.-driven accusations about Iran's violations of the NPT, it is worth emphasizing that in a 1996 decision by the International Court of Justice, the fourteen judges on the Court ruled unanimously that "There exists an obligation to pursue in good faith and bring to a conclusion negotiations leading to nuclear disarmament in all its aspects under strict and effective international control."20 The United States has brazenly ignored this ruling, refusing to countenance any form of disarmament or international control over its sovereign rights on questions of war and peace, openly working on improving its nuclear weapons,21 and even threatening to use them against Iran.22

Hence the United States not only has unclean hands, but its own illegal policies and threats pose a clear and present danger that the UN and international community should be addressing right now. Furthermore, not only is Iran not an immediate threat, but given the U.S. threat to Iran and the U.S. refusal to work toward the elimination of nuclear weapons and to pledge non-use against nuclear weapons-free countries like Iran, Iran has a moral right to try to acquire such weapons for self-defense. Noting what the Americans had done to a nuclear-weaponless Iraq in 2003, the Israeli historian Martin van Creveld has written, "Had the Iranians not tried to build nuclear weapons, they would be crazy."23

This point is reinforced by a second alternative frame: namely, that the United States is using the Iran nuclear threat as a gambit closely analogous to the WMD claim that it employed as the lying rationale for the invasion-occupation of Iraq. As before, the gambit is a cover for a desire to force a "regime change" in Iran to make it into another amenable client state. This is sometimes even openly acknowledged, and helps explain the frenzied threat-inflation and artificial creation of a crisis that can be used as the pretext for an attack and possibly produce turmoil and political change in Iran. It also helps us understand the continual U.S. refusal to negotiate with Iran and/or to offer a security guarantee in exchange for possible Iranian concessions on its nuclear plans. The same process occurred in the run-up to the Iraq invasion-the United States inflated the threat, created a crisis, refused to negotiate with Iraq, and would not allow inspectors to complete their search for WMD allegedly because of the dire threat, but more plausibly because of a longstanding U.S. determination to engineer a regime change.

As noted, the mainstream media have followed the party line on the Iran "crisis" and failed almost without exception to note the problems and deal with matters raised in the alternative frames. Remarkably, despite their acknowledged massive failures as news organizations and de facto propaganda service for the Bush administration in the lead up to the Iraq invasion,24 with the administration refocusing on the new dire threat from Iran it took the mainstream media no time whatsoever to fall into party-line formation-from which they have not deviated. Thus, they never go into the U.S. violations of its NPT obligations, never discuss international law and its possible application to U.S. pre-invasion aggression and threats of open attack, just as they ignored the subject in reference to the Iraq invasion.25 They never challenge the threat-inflation or consider any possible Iranian right of self-defense. (We may recall that the Free Press was able to make an almost completely disarmed Guatemala a frightening threat back in 1954, as well as the badly weakened Iraq in 2002-3.) The media never suggest that the United States may be abusing the inspections process-never harking back to its abuses and outright lying as regard the Iraq inspections effort-and they never suggest ulterior motives for the aggressor.

In treating EU, UN and IAEA responses, the media never suggest that the real problem is containing the United States. In the comical version offered and hardly contested in the media, it is often suggested that there is a threat of "appeasement" of Iran, and that if the world is "to avoid another Munich," and the "Security Council fails to confront the Iranian threat," it is up to the United States to "form an international coalition to disarm the regime."26 But there is never a hint that the problem might be appeasement of the United States. Or that the applicable Munich analogy might not apply to the Iranian nuclear program at all, as the 1938 Pact among the European powers that impelled Czechoslovakia to accept the cession of the Sudetenland to the Nazis is analogous to the ongoing UN and EU role in facilitating the designs the United States is pursuing toward Iranian territory.27
Pravda could not have done a better job for any planned Soviet venture abroad than the Free Press is once again doing for the Bush administration.


It is clear that when it comes to actions that the superpower (or its leading client states) chooses to take, international law is completely inoperative, and that this has become institutionalized and accepted by the "international community" (which doesn't include the global underlying population). In the case of Iran, it is as if the lessons of the recent past, and even of the ongoing present in Iraq, simply disappear, and similar imaginary "threats" and misuse of supposedly neutral international bodies like the IAEA and its "inspections" can be re-run in a miasma of hypocrisy. In fact, as we have noted, the situation has deteriorated, with the UN and EU now playing an active aggression-supportive role, following the U.S. lead in denying Iran its "inalienable" rights under the NPT and making its pursuit of those rights into a criminalized "threat to peace," setting the stage for a more direct U.S. attack.

Our conclusion is twofold. First, given the U.S. and Israeli possession of nuclear weapons, their threat to possibly use them in attacking Iran, and the record of both countries in major law violations such as the U.S. violation of the UN Charter prohibition of aggression and the Israeli violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention on obligations of an occupying power, and given the fact that the Washington regime is already in the early phases of aggression against Iran, the UN and Security Council should be urgently focusing on the U.S. aggression instead of some minor inspection delinquencies on the part of Iran (and it goes without saying, instead of giving positive aid to the aggressor's program).

Second, if there is a concern over violations of the NPT, far more important than Iran's deficiencies are the U.S. failure to undertake any measures to eliminate nuclear weapons and its protection of Israel as the sole nuclear power in the Middle East, and remaining outside IAEA jurisdiction. In fact, the United States is improving its nuclear arsenal with the express intention of making nuclear strikes more "practicable." As these threaten Iran as well as many other countries, common sense dictates that this violation of the NPT is vastly more important than any attributable to Iran-real or imaginary.
In a decent and sane world, bringing the U.S. violations of the NPT and its nuclear improvement actions before the UN and Security Council ought to have a very high priority, second only to stopping the U.S. aggression already underway against Iran and which threatens an enlargement of the conflagration begun by its prior and still raging "supreme international crime" in Iraq.

Edward S. Herman is Professor Emeritus of Finance at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and has written extensively on economics, political economy and the media. Among his books are The Real Terror Network, Triumph of the Market, and Manufacturing Consent (with Noam Chomsky).

David Peterson is is an independent journalist and researcher.


1. "To initiate a war of aggressionis not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole." See "The Common Plan or Conspiracy and Aggressive War," in Judgment of the International Military Tribunal for the Trial of German Major War Criminals, part of the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials website maintained by the Avalon Project at Yale Law School.

2. Seymour Hersh, "The Iran Plans," New Yorker, April 17, 2006.

3. See "Foreign Terrorist Organizations," Ch. 8 of Country Reports on Terrorism 2005, U.S. Department of State, April, 2006, pp. 30/212 ­ 31/213. On the U.S. Government's decision in July 2004 to grant "protected" status to the MEK members semi-permanently encamped at Ashraf in eastern Iraq, see "Daily Press Briefing," Adam Ereli, Deputy Spokesman, U.S. Department of State, July 26, 2004. As the spokesman for Tehran's Foreign Ministry noted in reaction, "The United States is using its fight against terrorism as a tool, and we knew from the beginning that this fight is void and they are not serious. Using the Geneva Convention to protect this terrorist group is naive and unacceptable." "U.S. war on terror is a sham, says Iran," Daily Times (Pakistan), July 28, 2004.

4. See Matthew Rycroft, "The secret Downing Street memo," July 23, 2002 (as posted to the Times Online, May 1, 2005); also Michael Smith, "The war before the war," New Statesman, May 30, 2005; Michael Smith, "General admits to secret air war," Sunday Times, June 26, 2005; David Peterson, "'Spikes of Activity'," ZNet, July, 2005; and David Peterson, "British Records on the Prewar Bombing of Iraq," ZNet, July, 2005.

5. Jonathan Steele and Dahr Jamail, "This is our Guernica," The Guardian, April 27, 2005; Mike Marqusee, "A name that lives in infamy," The Guardian, November 10, 2005.

6. See, e.g., Gretchen Borchelt et al., Break Them Down: Systematic Use of Psychological Torture by U.S. Forces, Physicians for Human Rights, May, 2005; Leila Zerrougui et al., Situation of detainees at Guantánamo Bay (E/CN.4/2006/120), UN Commission on Human Rights, February 15, 2006; and By the Numbers: Findings of the Detainee Abuse and Accountability Project, Center for Human Rights and Global Justice, Human Rights First, and Human Rights Watch, February, 2006.

7. At a symposium in 1994 titled "Global Structures: A Convocation: Human Rights, Global Governance and Strengthening the UN," the current U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John R. Bolton stated: "The United States makes the U.N. work when it wants it to work, and that is exactly the way it should be, because the only question -- the only question -- for the United States is what's in our national interest? And if you don't like that, I'm sorry. But that is the fact." See Nomination of John R. Bolton, Hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate, April 11, 2005.

8. The blood spilled during the criminal U.S. and U.K. military seizure of Iraq had yet to dry before the UN Security Council placed its stamp upon the occupation with a litany of scramble-for-Iraq resolutions, beginning with Resolution 1483 (May 22, 2003), lifting economic sanctions that dated all the way back to Resolution 661 (August 6, 1990).

9. See "The Iran 'Crisis'," Edward S. Herman and David Peterson, ColdType, November, 2005.

10. On demonization, see David Peterson, "The Language of Force," ZNet, January 16, 2006.

11. For some recent opinion surveys of American beliefs and attitudes, all of which, in the manufactured crisis of the moment, find Iran and Muslims to be grave threats to Americans, see Jeffrey M. Jones, "Americans Rate Iran Most Negatively of 22 Countries," Gallup, February 23, 2006; Joseph Carroll, "Americans Say Iran Is Their Greatest Enemy," Gallup, February 23, 2006; Claudia Deane and Darryl Fears, "Negative Perception Of Islam Increasing," Washington Post, March 9, 2006; and "States of Insecurity," Atlantic Monthly, April, 2006.

12. On the American Democratic Party not only "not differ[ing] significantly from the administration," but " trying to outflank the administration by being even more hardline," see Anatol Lieven, "There is menace in America's policy of prevention," Financial Times, March 20, 2006 (as posted to the website of the New American Foundation). The lunatic (though still counterfactual) scenario laid out by Timothy Garton Ash in "The tragedy that followed Hillary Clinton's bombing of Iran in 2009" (The Guardian, April 20, 2006), is imaginable in the first place only because in the democratically crippled American political system, what are marketed as alternatives remain captive of the reigning de facto consensus.

13. Here quoting Article IV of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (effective March 5, 1970).

14. See the copy of the agreement between the E3/EU and Iran signed in Paris on November 15, 2004, as reproduced in INFCIRC 637, IAEA, November 26, 2004, pp. 3-4.

15. Quoted in "No uranium enrichment 'permissible' for Iran-US envoy," Agence France Presse, March 6, 2006. Note that we can find no entry for Bolton's remarks on the website of the United States Mission to the United Nations, e.g., under Press Releases, January - March, 2006. Also see David Peterson, "Overthrowing the NPT the American Way," ZNet, March 7, 2006..

16. For the actual text of the draft resolution as it existed on May 3, see "TEXT-UN council gets draft text on Iran nuclear program," Reuters-AlertNet, May 3. And for reporting on the May 3 draft, see, e.g., Elaine Sciolino, "U.S., Britain and France Draft U.N. Resolution on Iran's Nuclear Ambitions," New York Times, May 3; "UN Security Council considers action on Iran's nuclear programme," UN News Center, May 3; John Ward Anderson and Colum Lynch, "U.S. Crafts Response on Iran," Washington Post, May 3; Maggie Farley, "Security Council Gets Iran Nuclear Resolution," Los Angeles Times, May 4; Warren Hoge, "Britain and France Press U.N. to Oppose Iran Nuclear Efforts," New York Times, May 4; Column Lynch, "Security Council Is Given Iran Resolution," Washington Post, May 4; Edward Alden and Caroline Daniel, "US pushes for Iran financial sanctions," Financial Times, May 8. Also see Marjorie Cohn's "Bush Setting up Attack on Iran," Truthout, May 8.

17. To quote the latest installment in the IAEA's series of reports to its Board of Governors (at least the 17th overall), "the Agency is unable to make progress in its efforts to provide assurance about the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in Iran." Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement in the Islamic Republic of Iran (GOV/2006/27), April 28, 2006, par. 33, p. 7. IAEA-channeled allegations about the Iranian nuclear program have been formulated in this manner since the very beginning.

18. For a current assessment of the U.S. nuclear stockpile, see Robert S. Norris and Hans M. Kristensen, "U.S. nuclear forces," Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, January/February, 2006; and for Israel's, see Robert S. Norris et al., "Israel nuclear forces, 2002," Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, September/October, 2002.

19. For a history of Israel's development its nuclear weapons, entirely outside the NPT and international controls, see Avner Cohen and William Burr, "Israel crosses the threshold," Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, May/June, 2006; and "Israel Crosses the Nuclear Threshold," National Security Archive Update, April 28, 2006.

20. See Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons, International Court of Justice, July 8, 1996, pars. 98 ­ 103, and Opinion F. Although an "advisory opinion," and thus not legally binding on states, to date this counts as the most authoritative legal decision to have been produced on issues stemming from the existence of nuclear weapons and states' obligations under the NPT.

21. On U.S. plans to upgrade its already peerless nuclear stockpile and the means of delivering it, see James Sterngold, "Upgrades planned for U.S. nuclear stockpile," San Francisco Chronicle, January 15; Walter Pincus, "U.S. Plans to Modernize Nuclear Arsenal," Washington Post, March 4.

22. On the potential U.S. threat to use nuclear weapons against Iran-a case in which even so much as a hint or a whisper of threat is deafening, and leaked warnings about such threats even louder-see Hersh, "The Iran Plans," New Yorker, April 17, 2006; Sarah Baxter, "Gunning for Iran," Sunday Times, April 9, 2006; and Peter Baker et al., "U.S. Is Studying Military Strike Options on Iran," Washington Post, April 9, 2006. Also see the material reported under the "Divine Strake" entry on the Weapons of Mass Destruction webpage of GlobalSecurity.org.

23. Martin van Creveld, "Sharon on the warpath: Is Israel planning to attack Iran?" International Herald Tribune, August 21, 2004. However, it should be pointed out that neither the United States, IAEA, nor the European powers have given any evidence that Iran's claim that it is only seeking the peaceful use of atomic energy is not valid.

24. The classic case having been "The Times and Iraq," New York Times, May 26, 2004; and the accompanying webpage The Times devotes to this topic, "The Times and Iraq: A Sample of the Coverage," May, 2004. Though we add the caveat that the documents contained herein, and the conclusions affirmed by The Times about the role that it played during the build-up for the invasion, grossly understate The Times's real culpability.

25. Howard Friel and Richard Falk, The Record of the Paper: How the New York Times Misreports US Foreign Policy (London: Verso, 2004). In 70 editorials on Iraq between September 11, 2001 and March 21, 2003, The Times editors never once mentioned international law. See chapter 1.

26. Nile Gardiner and Joseph Loconte, "The Gathering Storm Over Iran," Boston Globe, May 3. Conversely, usage of the false Munich analogy and the charge of "appeasement" abounds. See, e.g., "Iran's Nuclear Challenge," Editorial, Washington Post, January 12; William Kristol, "And Now Iran; We can't rule out the use of military force," Weekly Standard, January 23; and Kim Willsher, "'Only a fraction of Teheran's brutality has come to light'," Daily Telegraph, March 19. This last example was particularly revealing. In it, Maryam Rajavi, described as the "leader of the largest exiled Iranian opposition group," the National Council for Resistance for Iran, reportedly "says Western governments must end their 'dangerous appeasement' of Iran's regime and recognise the worth of her group." Unmentioned is the fact that the U.S. Government (officially, anyway) includes her group along with the Mujahedin-e- Khalq on its list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations. See note 3, above.

27. The Iran gambit could be a cover for a partial invasion-occupation of the geographic region of Iran where in the words of the U.S. Department of Energy the "vast majority of Iran's crude oil reserves are located," that is, "in giant onshore fields in the southwestern Khuzestan region near the Iraqi border." Contrary to popular myth, this would not entail going "all the way to Tehran," as a saying attributed to the Neoconservatives has it, but only as far as the greatest concentration of Iran's proven oil reserves extend, where southeastern Iraq borders Khuzestan. See "Iran," U.S. Energy Information Administration, January, 2006, p. 2. As this same report adds, "in September 2005, several bombs were detonated near oil wells in Khuzestan, raising concerns about unrest amongst ethnic Arabs in the region" (p. 2).




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