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End the War in Lebanon

by Aaron Dixon

August 3, 2006

In the past two weeks Israeli war planes and artillery have bombarded many parts of Lebanon, including residential areas far from the border. Over 1,000 civilians have been killed, in some cases, whole families. Over 700,000 people, representing about 20% of Lebanon's population, have been made refugees in their own country, with another 150,000 fleeing to Syria alone. As of this posting, over 7,000 Israeli forces have also crossed the border into Lebanon in an attempt to crush the Hezbollah militia.

This fighting has been the hardest on Lebanese civilians, with the Israelis dropping leaflets telling the Lebanese to flee, and then firing on them with Hellfire missiles and cluster bombs when they try and do so. Israel's recent attack on Qana, Lebanon demolished a four-story residential building used as a shelter by Lebanese refugees. The 60 people killed included 37 children, according to Lebanese internal security officials. In addition, Israel has apparently deliberately targeted UN observer outposts in the area, killing four members of one such post.

This conflict was sparked by the capture of two Israeli soldiers and the killing of several others by Hezbollah guerillas operating in solidarity with Palestinian militants in Gaza. But what the U.S. media and government spokesman have failed to point out is the Israel has routinely over the years captured and killed scores of Lebanese civilians, and that Israel currently holds thousands of Lebanese prisoners in a detention center just south of the border. Israel also consistently violates Lebanese air space with sonic booms, the same type of intimidation they use in Gaza.

The weapons used by the Israelis in their war against Lebanon are paid for by our tax dollars, and their expended ammunition is being re-supplied by the U.S. government, which is openly encouraging Israel to continue its attack. Both Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and the President himself have opposed all steps towards an immediate ceasefire.

The recent unanimous Senate vote of 100 to 0 and the House vote of 410-8 in support of Israel's assault on Lebanon are shameful, and I condemn Sen. Cantwell for supporting it.

Both Republicans and Democrats have openly, in concert with Israel, called for a ceasefire only when Hezbollah is totally defeated and removed from Lebanon. They have called for the Lebanese Army to patrol the southern border. Yet Hezbollah is a part of the Lebanese government, putting the Lebanese army in the impossible position of fighting a militia of a political force that forms part of its own government.

It is important to recognize that Hezbollah, like Hamas, is part of a liberation movement that is dedicated to the emancipation of its people from Israeli brutality. On January 25th, 2006 Hamas made a sweeping victory in the Palestinian Legislative Council elections. Hezbollah has many elected officials in the Lebanese government and currently enjoys a 87% approval rating among the Lebanese people, according to a recent poll released by the Beirut Center for Research and Information. Hamas and Hezbollah represent the aspirations of freedom for the majority of Palestinians and Lebanese.

The conflict between the western powers and the Arab nations begins with Israel's occupation of Palestine and the U.S.'s one-sided support of Israel and funding of the Israeli military. It is clear that there will never be peace in the Middle East unless Israel ends its apartheid-like stranglehold on the Palestinian people and ceases it military incursions into Lebanon. Any and all negotiations must have those issues at the forefront.


Protest the US-Israeli war on Lebanon

Saturday August 12, 12:00, Federal Building, 2nd Ave. & Marion St.

Aaron is confirmed as a speaker!

Join the Dixon campaign and other people of conscience as we call for an end to occupations in Iraq, Palestine, and Lebanon.

Welcome Veterans for Peace!

The Aaron Dixon campaign welcomes Veterans for Peace to Seattle. VfP is holding their annual convention at University of Washington, August 10-13.

Speakers include Common Ground Collective founder Malik Rahim and Anthony Arnove, author of Iraq: The Logic of Withdrawal. For more information click here.