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Monday, April 17, 2006


The Review has learned that the FBI is seeking to review all of the papers of the late investigative reporter Jack Anderson for the past 25 years as part of AIPAC case. This proposed extraordinary intrusion on press freedom and independence is expected to be rejected by the Anderson family.

The FBI claims to have information that AIPAC defendants Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman met with Anderson and/or one of his reporters and had shared classified information and that, further, Anderson or one of this reporters met with a related individual who could be considered a foreign intelligence agent. These purported contacts are said to go back to sometime in the early 1980s. This despite the fact that the AIPAC case involves a period beginning in 1999 when Anderson was in failing health.

The FBI request covered reporter's notes and source materials from 1980 to the present. The request was made despite the admission by the FBI agents that they had not reviewed Anderson's columns during the period to find out whether he had ever written on the subject.

The FBI further indicated that it would, after reviewing the files, remove all classified material either permanently or return it in a censored form.

The FBI attempt would expose untold scores of Anderson's sources - some of them perhaps still subject to legal or criminal action owing to materials in the files. It also constitutes a major new assault on the First Amendment.

The family reportedly contacted some 45 former staffers for Anderson and none could recall any significant contact with AIPAC.


At April 18, 2006 6:27 PM, Anonymous said...

It almost seems as if the prosecution is trying to get the case thrown out.

At April 21, 2006 10:07 AM, Don Goldberg said...

for more information on the FBI idiocy, check out www.damagecontrol101.com

At April 29, 2006 7:10 PM, Asass said...

April 29, 2006 -- FBI agents lied about what they wanted from Jack Anderson's papers. The FBI agents who, in December, approached Olivia Anderson, the widow of deceased investigative reporter Jack Anderson and more recently, in March, author and researcher Mark Feldstein, who is writing a book about Jack Anderson, were interested in far more than the names of sources in the America-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) espionage case. That explanation by the FBI did not hold any water since Jack Anderson had not been active in pursuing that particular story -- he had suffered from Parkinson's Disease since 1986. According to individuals close to the FBI fishing expedition, the actual documents the FBI wanted to seize were files Anderson collected in the 1960s that linked George H. W. Bush's activities in Texas in 1963 to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas on November 22 of that year. Bush was a friend of George DeMohrenschildt, Lee Harvey Oswald's Belarusian-born contact officer. DeMohrenschildt befriended Oswald and arranged for him to settle in Dallas after leaving the Soviet Union. DeMohrenshildt "committed suicide" shortly before he was due to testify before the 1978 House Assassinations Committee. The elder Bush's name, address, and phone number in Midland, Texas was found in DeMohrenshildt's address book under the heading "Poppy."

Anderson's papers contain information on George H. W. Bush's role in Dallas in November 1963. Dubya ordered papers seized and withheld as "classified" U.S. government documents. It is clear that the man standing in front of the Texas School Book Depository and his son have much to be worried about.

In addition, the FBI wanted to remove from future public circulation Anderson documents that point to George H. W. Bush conspiring with the government of the Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran to keep U.S. hostages imprisoned in Iran until after the 1980 presidential election and avoid an "October Surprise" for Carter. The agreement between the Iranians and Bush (who was working with William Casey) sank the chances for Jimmy Carter's re-election and George H. W. Bush's entry into the White House as Vice President. The hostages were released at the very time Ronald Reagan took the oath of office in 1981. That operation would lay the ground for future Bush-Tehran collusion in the Iran-Contra scandal. Another set of files involve the links between the Bush family and that of Ronald Reagan's would-be assassin John W. Hinckley. Had Hinckley succeeded in killing Reagan, the Bush political agenda would have commenced in earnest in 1981 rather than 1989.

The Bush family has been known to use retired FBI agents as their political heavies and clean up men in the past -- most notably to erase the Bush links to Dallas. George W. Bush's departing Press Secretary Scott McClellan has a close relative who continued to muddy the waters about the JFK assassination. McClellan's father, Barr McClellan, wrote a book claiming it was Lyndon Johnson, not George H. W. Bush, who conspired to kill the president.

April 29, 2006 -- The cresting wave of major scandals in Washington. At week's end, there is every indication that the Bush White House is bracing for additional scandals. A sex scandal involving the rented suites at the Watergate Hotel (the GOP just can't stay away from that place), female and male prostitutes and male GOP members of Congress and top CIA officials, including Director Porter Goss, and GOP-connected contractors is simmering but is expected to blow wide open in the next few weeks. Goss's warnings about ex-CIA officers speaking to the media have more to do with curtailing information about the growing sex and bribery scandal than in tracking down leaks about pre-Iraq war intelligence. Also, George W. Bush's top assistant Karl Rove appears to be facing at least two criminal charges that could be brought by Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald in the next few weeks. The former Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Dr. Lester Crawford is the subject of a federal grand jury for financial improprieties involving pharmaceutical companies and making false statements to Congress. Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour, along with GOP Chairman Ken Mehlman, have been implicated in a GOP phone jamming criminal case in New Hampshire. The lack of federal response to Katrina and dissatisfaction with Barbour is causing Mississippi - once a solidly "red" state -- to turn pale blue and that means Trent Lott's re-election chances may not be as secure as Republican pollsters seem to believe. Bush's recent staff changes were largely made in anticipation of a summer of widening scandals. WMR's GOP scandal scorecard has been updated to show the current scandals.

On top of all the other criminal probes of Bush and GOP: another Watergate scandal!


April 28, 2006 -- The Bush administration has further enraged the U.S. Intelligence Community by instructing its GOP shill, CIA Director Porter Goss, to warn ex-members of the CIA that they could forfeit their pensions and jeopardize consulting contracts if they talk to the media or write books or articles without permission. This warning is similar to the warning, first reported by WMR, issued by the Pentagon to retired flag rank officers who speak out against the Bush administration. Those working for defense contractors were warned that their contracts could be jeopardized by criticism of the administration. Ex-CIA employees were also warned that their consulting contracts with the CIA could be at risk if they spoke to the media. Several ex-U.S. intelligence officers who have criticized the Bush administration have reportedly received threat letters warning them about their confidentiality agreements. This editor, an NSA employee in the mid-1980s and a Top Secret and TS/SBI-cleared Naval officer for 10 years, has been contacted by a number of former colleagues, some not heard from in 25 years, who have intimated at recent inquiries from government investigators asking about my past work, responsibilities, and other details.

Porter Goss's bird flu-infected eagle squawks: ex-spooks warned not to talk or else

Nevertheless, WMR will continue to be a secure avenue for current and former members of the US Intelligence Community, military, Foreign Service, and other government agencies to report on the illegal and abusive activities of the Bush regime. Using the Intelligence Community's very own tradecraft, WMR goes to extraordinary lengths to anonymize and protect its sources. And intimidation does not play well here either.


From George Orwell's 1984: All the beliefs, habits, tastes, emotions, mental attitudes that characterize our time are really designed to sustain the mystique of the Party and prevent the true nature of present-day society from being perceived. Physical rebellion, or any preliminary move toward rebellion, is at present not possible. From the proletarians nothing is to be feared. Left to themselves, they will continue from generation to generation and from century to century, working, breeding, and dying, not only without any impulse to rebel, but without the power of grasping that the world could be other than it is.



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