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New Reagan Memorial Edition Exclusively in the Print Edition CounterPunch

Pentagon Cartoons; Hollywood Fantasies into Political Policy; From Fort Wacky to Bitburg; Star Wars, the Enron of Its Day; Touching the Gipper's Hair; How Reagan Made Clinton by Alexander Cockburn; When Reagan Was King and AIDS Was Raging: Joking About the Terminally Ill by Larry Speakes and the White House Press Corps; Parallel Lives: Watt, Reagan and Brower: by Jeffrey St. Clair; Fortress Baghdad; Iraqi Fury by Patrick Cockburn; Troy, the Iliad and Iraq by Jeffrey St. Clair. In May, CounterPunch Online was read by over 20 million viewers! But remember, we are funded solely by the subscribers to the print edition of CounterPunch. Please support this website by buying a subscription to our newsletter, which contains fresh material you won't find anywhere else, or by making a donation for the online edition. Remember contributions are tax-deductible. Click here to make a (tax deductible) donation. If you find our site useful please: Subscribe Now!

June 16, 2004: 100 Years of Bloomsday

"And there came a voice out of heaven, calling: Elijah! Elijah! And he answered with a main cry: Abba! Adonai! And they beheld Him even Him, ben Bloom Elijah, amid clouds of angels ascend to the glory of the brightness at an angle offortyfive degrees over Donohue's in Little Green Street like a shot off a shovel."

James Joyce, Ulysses.

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Now Available!

Today's Stories

June 16, 2004

Vicente Navarro
Meet the New Head of the IMF: Who is Rodrigo Rato?

June 15, 2004

Harry Browne
Ireland Adds a Brick to Fortress Europe

Neve Gordon
The Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited

David Palmer
Richard Armitage, Abu Ghraib and CACI

John Blair
Lovelock's Misguided Call: Nukes Are No Solution to Global Warming

Dave Lindorff
God Wins in TKO

Bill Quigley
Blood-Pouring Peace Activists: State Charges Dropped; Feds Step In

Patrick Cockburn
Carbombs and Street Dances: 13 More Killed in Baghdad Blast

John Chuckman
John Kerry, Political Placebo


June 14, 2004

John Stanton / Wayne Madsen
Torture, Inc: Oliver North Joins the Party

Kathy Kelly
Requiems: What Happens When Compassion Dies?

Bruce Jackson
Bush Gets Testy About Torture

Lee Sustar
Strikers Defy Visteon's Company Thugs

Kurt Nimmo
The Desperate Censors: the Republican Plot to Kill Farhenheit 9/11

Jim Davis
Hard Right Nativism

Eliot Katz
Death and War

Uri Avnery
The Nightmare Comes True

Website of the Day
Instruments of Statecraft

June 12 / 13, 2004

Peter Linebaugh
Remembering the Common Hood: Soweto and Runnymede

Team CounterPunch
CP's Favorite Albums

Jeffrey St. Clair
Troy, Now and Then

Gary Leupp
Not Really a Puppet Government in Iraq?

Brian Cloughley
US Military in Crisis

Antonio Ponvert, III
Iraqi Prisoner Abuse: the Connecticut Connection

Ben Tripp
The Polls Get Stupider

Joe Bageant
Mash Note to the "Girl with the Leash"

Ron Jacobs
The Return of the Hip Hop Insurgency

Forrest Hylton
Object Lessons from the Case of Francisco Cortés

Christopher Brauchli
Federal Bureau of Errors

Kurt Nimmo
Going After Qaddafi, Again

Wayne Madsen
Israel's Slap at Reagan

Anthony Loewenstein
Al Jazeera Awakens the Arab World

Michael Donnelly
A Lightship in the Forest: Greenpeace Docks in the Siskiyous

Greg Moses
Who Will Tell Us More About the Workers of Nasiriyah?

Susan Davis
Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban

Joseph Ramsey
Weather Report: a Review of The Weather Underground

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
The 18th Brumaire in the 21st Century

Wayne Saunders
The Gipper, D-Day and the Stanley Cup

Poets' Basement
Richey, Ford, La Morticella, Albert

Website of the Weekend
Insurgent Music


June 11, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
Reagan in Truth and Fiction

Ron Jacobs
Ray Charles' Legacy of Spirit

Chris Floyd
Funeral Games

Steven Sherman
How Reagan Destroyed the Democrats and Paved the Way for Clinton

Mokhiber / Weissman
Remembering Reagan

Norman Solomon
Media's Mourning in America

Paul Alexander
The Kerry Fantasies of Chalmers Johnson

CounterPunch Wire
The Terror Hour: Miami TV Station Invites Commandoes to Talk About Planned Attacks on Cuba



June 10, 2004

Noam Chomsky
The Apotheosis of Reagan : Divinity Through Marketing

Gary Leupp
Bush, the Religious Scholar

Patrick Cockburn
The Iraqi Street Has Spoken: New Govt. Made Up of CIA Pawns

Saul Landau
Force-Feeding Lies About Free Trade

Scott Evans
Settling for the System: How Punkvoter.com Became Just Another Tool of the Democrats

Jacob Levich
John Kerry's World of Hurt: Senator Supports Beam Weapons

Zeynep Toufe
Reagan, Neo-Cons and the "Intelligence Failures"

Nico Pitney
Reform at Wal-Mart?

Dave Zirin
Son of a Reagan: What a Sporty 6-Year Old Saw at the Revolution

Jack McCarthy
Where Were You When Reagan Croaked?

Gary Corseri
Nouns That Should be Acronyms

David Price
Reagan and the Black Budget

Website of the Day
Inequality by the Numbers


June 9, 2004

Mustafa Barghouthi
Israel's Common Use of Torture Must be Exposed

Mike Whitney
Alan Dershowitz, Still Defending Torture

John Chuckman
Why the CIA will Always be a Costly Flop

Jim Tarbell / Roger Burbach
Bush's Democratic Charade in Iraq

Dave Lindorff
Put Reagan on the $3 Bill

Miguel D'Escoto
Reagan was the Butcher of My People

Becky Burgwin
The Betrayal of Smarty Jones: Flogging a Natural Born Hero

Patrick Cockburn
The Rich Have Been Warned to Leave Baghdad


June 8, 2004

Jeffrey St. Clair
The Nature of Ronald Reagan: Will the Earth Accept His Corpse?

Dave Lindorff
The March on Rumsfeld's House: Is the US Anti-War Movement Running Out of Steam?

Phillip Cryan
Torture, Bombings & the Press in Colombia

Mark Zepezauer
Getting Reagan Wrong

Mickey Z.
Reagan, Radicals and Repetitive Reactions

John L. Hess
Reagan and Bush in Normandy

Alex Dawoody
Reagan and Saddam: the Unholy Alliance

Christopher Fons
Reagan in a Word: Mean

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Some Tenets are More Important Than Others

Ahmed Bouzid
Nothing New Under the Israeli Sun

Michael Leon
Bush the Narcissist


June 7, 2004

Jason Leopold
New Enron Docs Show Lay and Skilling Knew of California Trading Schemes

Patrick Cockburn
The Baghdad Bombings: the Pattern of Attacks is Changing

Dennis Hans
From Afghanistan to El Salvador: Reagan's Dark Global Legacy

Tracy McLellan
Nader at the National Press Club: a Glimpse at a Different Kind of Politics

Bill Blum
The Myth of the Gipper: Reagan Didn't End the Cold War

Ben Tripp
What I Owe Reagan: the Brylcreemed Bullshitter

Susan Davis
Reagan, In a Nutshell

Phil Gasper
Reagan: Goodbye and Good Riddance

Website of the Day
A Child's ABCs of Terrorism


June 5 / 6, 2004

C. Douglas Lummis
Toward a Universal Declaration of Human Wrongs

Saul Landau
Five Cubans in Prison, Victims of Bush's Obsession

Dave Lindorff
John Walker Lindh, Revisited

Brian Cloughley
Apologies, Please, From Those Who Got It Wrong

Rich Gibson
The Grenada 17: the Last Prisoners of the Cold War are Black

Elaine Cassel
A Sorry FBI

Cathrin Schütz
On the Ruins of Yugoslavia

Ben Tripp
Call Me, Mr. Cassandra

Kurt Nimmo
The Madness of King George

Ron Jacobs
They Ain't Goin' Nowhere (Unless We Make It So)

Laura Flanders
The Lynne Cheney Show?

Lenni Brenner
Renaissance Noir: Caravaggio at the Met

Abigail Jones
Whatever Happened to Lori Berenson, President Toledo's Trophy Prisoner?

Mark Latham
Nothing Bush Said Has Changed Our Hopes

Gerry Adams
I Was Photographed While Tortured, Too

Toni Solo
Venezuela 2004, Nicaragua's Contra War Reprised

Derek Seidman
Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old

M. Junaid Alam
Torture is Just the Symptom

Matt Siegfried
An American Way of War

Dave Zirin
The Politics of Charles Barkley

Poets' Basement
Albert, Krieger, St. Clair

Website of the Weekend
Overnight Sensations



June 4, 2004

Chris Floyd
Masked and Anonymous: Inside America's Animal House

Cornwell / Penketh
Exit Tenet: the Fall of a Fall Guy

Wayne Madsen
Apprehension & Frustation: Neo-Cons on the Brink

Greg Moses
Agitating for Workers' Rights in Iraq

Yitzak Laor
Before Rafah

Ghali Hassan
Ambassador to Death Squads: Who is Negroponte?

Jane Stillwater
God, the Rapture and Vera Casey

CounterPunch Wire
D-Day Reconsidered: Was It Really Worth the Carnage?

John Borowski
Woo-Wooism v. Meteorites: Why the Dems Are No Match for Bush

Mike Griffin
Caterpillar's Assault on the UAW

Alexander Cockburn
Has Bush Gone Over the Edge?

Website of the Day
Aquae Urbis Romae:
Water and Empire



June 3, 2004

Ron Jacobs
Iran's Nuclear Dilemma

Dr. Susan Block
America in tha Hood

Michael Donnelly
The Bully and the Brahmin

John Chuckman
Insanity in America: US Ranks Number One in the Deranged

Christopher Brauchli
The Return of Cardinal Law: Rome on $12,000 a Month

Samia Nassar Melki
Caravaggio in Iraq

Mike Whitney
Subverting Justice: Pre-Trial Ruminations in the Padilla Case

Diane Rejman
Memorial Day Isn't Just About the Dead

Scott Morris
"WMDs" in Cuba

Paul de Rooij
Palestinian Misery in Perspective



June 2, 2004

Brian Cloughley
The Liars are Winning

Ray McGovern
How Far Would They Go? Beware "Credible Intelligence"

Josh Frank
The Anybody But Bush Offensive

Mike Whitney
The Afghanistan Failure: Bush's Warlord Patriots

Jackie Corr
Iraq and Ireland: Three Tales from Butte, Montana

Robert Jensen
The US Lost the Iraq War...and It's a Good Thing, Too

Alexander Cockburn
"Bye, Bye Boonville!"


June 1, 2004

Gary Leupp
Instant Karma: Bush's Sins Catch Up with Him

William A. Cook
Manufacturers of Fear and Loathing in Rafah

Dave Lindorff
Will the Times Clean House?

Kevin Zeese
Inside the Kerry / Nader Meeting: Did the Kerry Campaign Lie About What Was Discussed?

Jacob Levich
Coming Soon: Return of the Draft, a Bipartisan Production

Kathy Kelly
Voices in the Wilderness v. the US Government

Website of the Day
Remind Us



May 29 / 31, 2004

Lee Ballinger / Dave Marsh
The Origins of Memorial Day

Janine Pommy Vega
Memo for Memorial Day

Mike Ferner
On Their Way to Abu Ghraib

Alfred W. McCoy
The Cruel Shadow: the Long History of CIA Torture Research

Douglas Valentine
An Open Letter to the NYT: Questions, Questions, Questions

Chris White
First to Fight Culture: a Former Marine on the Marine Motto

Bruce Anderson
The Awful Injustice to Tai Abreu

David Vest
Get Ready for Kerry's War: the 100 Year Quagmire

Saul Landau
Torture: the Logical Outcome of Bush's War for Democracy?

Kurt Nimmo
Abu Hamza al-Mazri, Made in the USA

Elaine Cassel
The Secrets of Surveillance: Ashcroft, Snoops, and Gag Orders

Will Potter
The New War on "Terror": Protest the Torture of Chimps; Get Arrested as a "Terrorist"

Ben Tripp
They Fiddled While Nero Got the Matches

Dr. Susan Block
Save Abu Ghraib!

Kia Kojouri
Nukes, the US, Israel and Iran: an Interview with Sasan Fayazmanesh

Mickey Z
D-Day: 60 Years is Enough!

Jon Brown
Correcting the Correction at the Times

Patrick B. Barr
Pre-emptive War Insurance

Stephen Gowans
Bad Apples in a Bad Barrel

Tom Gorman
Gore on Bush in Iraq: the Approach May be Exotic, But It's Hardly New

Dave Zirin
Fighting for Boxers' Rights: an Interview with Eddie Mustafa Muhammad

Gregory Weiher
Bush to Arabs: "Go Get Yourself Some Democracy"

Erik Cummings
Jung Meets Bush

Poets' Basement
Davies, Ford, Kearney, McLellan and Albert



May 28, 2004

Rafael Rodriguez Cruz
Curtain of Silence on the Cuban 5

Greg Moses
Bush's Misleading Speech on Abu Ghraib

Dave Lindorff
Dissing Independent Contractors: Those Who Do the Dirty Work

Norman Solomon
Leaping for Lies at the Times

Rep. Bill Delahunt
Bush's Cruel New Rules on Cuba

Paul McGeough
Chalabi Baba and the 40 Thieves

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
India and Nehru: 40 Years After

Alexander Cockburn
NYTs: "Maybe We Did Screw Up...a Little"



May 27, 2004

Amy Goodman / David Goodman
Fatal Errors: the Lies of Our Times

Douglas Valentine
Ragging the Dogs of War at the NYTs

John L. Hess
The Times Confesses...Kind Of

Stew Albert
Dellinger, the Wrestling Pacifist

Dave Dellinger
a 1993 Interview

Christopher Brauchli
Tax Breaks for Scions...to Hell with Poor Kids

Rampton / Stauber
Banana Republicans: Pumping Irony



May 26, 2004

Ron Jacobs
Goodbye, David Dellinger: He Was a Friend of Ours

Robert Fisk
The Things Bush Didn't Say in His Speech

Zeynep Toufe
New Draft UN Resolution Permits Perpetual Occupation

Conn Hallinan
Bush and Sharon: the Oil Connection

Tom Stephens
2 + 2 is On My Mind: More Morons and War Crimes

Derek Medley
Protesting Gov. Bigot

CounterPunch Wire
FBI Abducts Artist; Seizes Art

Andrew Cockburn
The Trail to Tehran



May 25, 2004

Joe Bageant
The Covert Kingdom: On Earth as It is in Texas

Col. Dan Smith
A Question of Human Dignity

Gary Handschumacher
Visiting Lori Berenson: Time to Bring Her Home

Toni Solo
A Developing War in the Andes

Marc Estrin
September Song: Disturbing Questions About 9/11

Stephen Banko, III
A Vietnam Vet on "Supporting the Troops"

Website of the Day
The Wizard of Whimsy

May 24, 2004

Ron Jacobs
Dan Senor is Safe!

Kurt Nimmo
Dirty Tricks & TortureGate: the Missing Taguba Pages

Sam Hamod
Gen. Zinni: "Wrong War, Wrong Place, Wrong Time"

Mike Whitney
The Wedding was a Bomb

Stan Goff
Open Season on MAMs

Image of the Day
A Photo from Abu Ghraib We Didn't See on the Front Page of the NYTs



May 22 / 23, 2004

Paul de Rooij
Colin Powell, a Political Obituary

Jeffrey St. Clair
When War is Swell: Bush and the Carlyle Group

Elizabeth Weill-Greenberg
Her Son Was Told He Wouldn't See Combat; Now He's Dead: an Interview with Sue Niederer

Brian Cloughley
America is Committing War Crimes in Iraq

Saul Landau
Democracy in Latin America: Great for Investors; Not So Good for People

Brandy Baker
Feminists Stand By Their Man: Abortion, Judges and Kerry

Randall Robinson
Bushwhacked in the Caribbean

Uri Avnery
The Rape of Rafah

Ben Tripp
Assume the Worst

Bruce Anderson
News from Ecotopia: the Truth About the Wine Business

Josh Ruebner
Why I Burned My Israeli Military Papers

Peter Wolson, Ph. D.
Exhibitionistic Revenge at Abu Ghraib

Chloe Cockburn
In Defense of "Troy": What Hector Could Teach Rummy

Linda Burnham
Sexual Domination in Uniform: an American Value

Adrien Rain Burke
War of the Necrophiliacs: Spc. Sabrina Harman and Her Corpse

David Krieger
Charting a New Course for US Nuclear Policy

Ron Jacobs

Poets' Basement
Ford, Albert & LaMorticella


May 21, 2004

Ray Close
The Canards of the Apologists

Christopher Brauchli
"The Object of Torture is Torture"

Amira Hass
Darkness at Noon

Jack McCarthy
Camilo Mejia: Can the Son of a Sandinista Get a Fair Trial from the US Army?

Bill Kauffman
Nader v. Bush

Omar Barghouti
No More Tears for America

Ghali Hassan
Moral Failure of the "Free World" in Gaza

Christopher Reed
How the CIA Taught the Portuguese to Torture

Website of the Day
Eric Idle on the Bush Administration: Fuck You, So Very Much


May 20, 2004

Andrew Cockburn
The Truth About Chalabi

Kathy Kelly
A Visit from the FBI

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Brown and Bored of Education in India

Tom Stephens & John Philo
The War Crimes of Bush, Cheney & Co.

Sam Bahour / Michael Dahan
Genocide by Public Policy

Robert Ovetz
Ending the Race for the Last Turtle

Billy Wilson
The Most Important Thing I Learned at School This Year

Website of the Day
Rafah Today





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True Lies: the Use of Propaganda in the Iraq War

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The Erosion of the American Dream

Francis Boyle
Impeach Bush: A Draft Resolution

Click Here for More Stories.



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June 16, 2004

Back to the Past Turning Haiti into One Big Sweatshop


"The glorification of war and conquest and the absolute power of the authoritarian state; the belief in the Aryans, or Germans, as the master race(these) are not original to HitlerThey emanate from that odd assortment of erudite but unbalanced philosophers, historians and teachers who captured the German mind during the century before Hitler with consequences so disastrous"

These the thoughts, so poignantly composed by the renown historian William L. Shrier, tastefully denounce the laughable argument that the German populace was abruptly and precisely bamboozled during the reign of the Third Reich; that the son of Alois' vociferous rantings and megalomania were but an occurrence of the most obscene misfortune; the isolated combustion of ill-bred genes, forming the withered silhouette afflicted with a rare Bi-polar disorder brought on by post-Bohemian-Vienna-trauma; a wretched corpse that pumped vital fluid to a skull carved in the likeness of Lucifer, juices that animated the most vile of theories, the backdrop of xenophobia before which his masterpiece was painted, on display for all humanity, till her rule extinguishes in the same flash of glory from whence she came.

As history has demonstrated in reoccurrence, nothing is without practical or theoretical precedence. To the above, it would behoove any in subscription to peruse the writings of Hegel, Treitschke, Fichte, Neitzsche or Wagner and the despotic record of Bismark. Point being, although the vast expanse that was once Germania undoubtedly housed millions of kind humanitarians, the spliced seed of supremacy and oligarchy had not only long been planted, but was rapidly maturing to a gargantuan oak under which the world would soon cower.

Lessons as such are easily forgotten; oftentimes advertently neglected to facilitate the means of the selectively absentminded.

1937--20,000 Haitian workers (mostly sugarcane pickers) massacred at the will of General Trujillo of the Dominican Republic.

The General's explanation (as if he needed one considering the enormity of his butchery): Retaliation for the alleged assassination of DR spies by the Haitian government. Retaliatory acts are nothing new to tyrants inasmuch are the nuances of hyper-conservatism. The sugarcane pickers who perished to the lead of Garrands and Carbines, snuggly gripped by the paws of self-hating, Uncle Tom Dominican conscripts, were entrenched in assiduous struggle for worker's rights and basic freedoms, on the bordering plantations of the Spanish versions of the Maritime Bourgeoisie.

General Trujillo, in Hitleresque honesty, put forth not a murmur of doublespeak pursuant to his hatred of the Haitians and all descendants of Africa. Again as Hitler did, Trujillo put his anti-social theories into practice by establishing a mandate prohibiting two persons of color to engage in either "relations" or matrimony; this to cleanse the "nigger out the arse;" proving his studiousness as a subordinate to the Irish Trader vernacular. Trujillo and the puppet leaders that followed bettered this discourse by aiding the U$ in suppressing movements of socio-economic autonomy in Haiti by "any means necessary," literally.

Earlier this year, Haiti fell victim to a third coup in 14 years (yes, Big Dawg's occupation of 1994 was a sacking of state, economically if nothing else). Boot licking scoundrels under the leadership of convicted war criminal Guy Phillipe, outdid the vacillation of Haitian Mulattoes and loyalists Rigaud and Beauvais, stepping to a "march of death," illegitimately asserting CIA backed authority on a sovereign government; the drummer boy pounding the calfskin with the clip of a Yank M-16. Reports have now circulated as to the reunion of this death squad in the DR during the months leading to their spineless coup. Rumor tells of a recent weapons shipment from the U$ to the DR, this including approximately 20,000 M-16's, as part of some Neo-Con "Democracy Upkeep Initiative," or something along these lines. Perhaps the brilliant think-tanks who orchestrated this exhibition of Democratic support are adhering to the lessons of Roosevelt and McCarthy masterfully administered in the Philippines?

The seminar is in full swing.

The cultural antagonisms between the neighboring nations, speculatively rooted in a historic, communal sense of jealousy on the part of the Dominicans, surrounding the Haitians' triumph in the righteous revolution of 1804 versus the appalling capitulation of the Dominicans to the Spanish Monarchy; and conversely the Haitians' envy of the relatively advanced state and wealth of the DR (economic actualization resulting from U$ Imperialism and subordination of the Dominican people through a bloody occupation, Cold War détente, Neo-Con stratagems and continued support of a right wing junta; as opposed to a 200 + year campaign of destabilization and colonization specific to Haiti, mere retribution for the "uppity" brazenness of an upstart revolutionary by the name of L'Overture), are ever so evident today.

June 14, 2004--301 workers have been fired by the Groupo M jeans factory in the CODEVI free trade zone in Ouanaminthe Haiti.

The CODEVI free trade zone is a fetus of the genocidal World Bank, bordering the two countries in the north eastern city of Ounaminthe, Haiti. Groupo M is a seedy Dominican subcontractor of light textiles and sorts, currently contracted by Levi Strauss & Co. The workers being persecuted are Haitian laborers, seeking employment beyond the sparse market of their country, the majority of whom are affiliated with two major worker right's groups: The Batay Ouvriye and the SOKOWA Workers' Union.

On April 14, 2004, representatives from Batay Ouvriye & SOKOWA opposite CODEVI management & Groupo M management, formally resolved a conflict years in the making; a variance founded on the pillars of totalitarianism, Neo-Liberalism, Terrorism and general contravention to Internationally recognized standards of worker's rights. During the months prior to April 14th, CODEVI and Groupo M enacted a policy disallowing factory workers to either organize or unionize; in doing so eliminating all future possibilities for sorely needed work-place reform. Aside from simply disseminating this decree, these groups, Groupo M in particular, carried out a systematic offensive on the workers, spearheaded by Alex Corona. Corona is an especially despicable character; a thick-necked, half-wit-brawler who achieved notoriety through the tactics employed by the classic state-grunt: Intimidation by superior numbers and force--force in this context referring to the Colt .45 adorning his hip, the same piece known to pistol whip innocent and oppressed workers. He is the commandant of the CODEVI's and Groupo M's S.A. storm troopers; responsible for the beating of countless workers, the molestation of female employees and the overall environment of terror encapsulating the factory. Mr. Corona's official title is that of " Chief Security Officer." (On this subject I must segue: If there is an individual in this context deserved of the rage of the masses, it is he. The only thing worse than a cabinet of capitalist mongers are the mindless worker-bees who do their bidding, gladly at that. Mr. Corona is confirmed swine who need be dealt with commensurate to his character.). The campaign intensified by the firing of 34 workers who had been and were subsequently further beaten and harassed. The groups entered negotiation on April 13th, returning to deliberate on the following day. The agreement was as follows (this from a report by the Haiti Support Group, 4-18-04):

"the factory management finally agreed: to reinstate on 14 April all the fired workers, to provide continued medical treatment to those who were most severely beaten and are still suffering, to pay back-salaries at the minimum wage rate for all the time of the dispute, to recognize the right to unionize inside the factory, and finally to immediately enter into negotiations with a delegation from the union to discuss the workers' wider demands."

As soon as the following work day, CODEVI and Groupo M began to renege on the agreements formerly reached. Badges denoting sonority ant title (hence salary codes, vacation etc.) were stripped and new ones reissued, workers were dismissed arbitrarily and some put on stand-by.

On June 14, 2004, the valiant Haiti Support Group published another report updating all to the plight of these sojourned workers. Sadly, the situation had worsened; hardly a surprise to anyone observing both its evolution and the lessons taught via the University of Dominican despotism (this to infer the government, private sector and all insuring U$ corporate interests, not the Dominican people). 301 workers fired, the Dominican Army dispatched to quell the "rebellious Haitians," and Groupo M announced they will "abandon production at the CODEVI free trade zone plant;" in doing so, ensuring the laying off of 700 workers. Within the 301 workers already dismissed, one finds the Secretary and Coordinator of the SOKOWA union.

The primary result of the latest coup in Haiti has been an omnipresent vacuum of power throughout. Those filling the void are members of Guy Phillipe's Praetorian rebel guard, formerly exiled and or docile Duvalierists, Industrialist opportunists (Andy Apaid and company) and many other serpent-like sub-creatures. On a border which has never been kept to the liking of the thousands of Haitians raped, massacred, brutalized and terrorized by Dominican and Haitian thugs alike, the imminence of this power vacuum is manifest. A day whence a foreign nation can send its troops into another, not to invade (preventatively or otherwise, i.e. Iraq), violently annex or subdue internal strife on the behest of recipient nation, but to intimidate factory workers in the interests of national and international corporate interests is remarkable indeed!

The guilty parties go without mention--most importantly Levi Strauss & Co. Group M and the Bush-lackey President Mejia would not have the impudence to make such moves if it were not for the most commanding of all figures, Mr. Dolla. The cluster-fuck interim / puppet government of Haiti had best remove their tongues from the rotten-orifices of the U$ empire and lift their heads high enough to see the magnificent tide of Revolution rising. The chances of this metaphor yielding reality are nonexistent--if for no other reason that the parties who orchestrated the coup and now find themselves in power, aspire to such an extinguished model of control and tyranny as the Dominicans have exemplified; you know, to keep the "niggers from straying afar the field."

As for the lesson learned, explicitly forgotten then followed to the last detail: What is transpiring in Ouanaminthe is irrefutably so, because wanton acts against the Haitian masses by the Dominican Government, private sector and U$ corporations is simply, very simply, nothing new. Lesson learned, I think.

JG is the lead Emcee for the politically leftist Hip-Hop duet, Over The Counter Intelligence (JG & HavikenHayes), based in Fort Lauderdale Florida. They are most recognized through their support of various grassroots organizations throughout the country; most notably The Coalition of Immokalee Workers -- The Taco Bell Boycott. They are of the best known Indie-Hip Hop groups nationwide. JG has written songs, articles and editorials specific to the oppression of the Haitian Global Village, most importantly, the virulent immigration statues pertaining to Haitian Refugees. He has recently recorded a solo album entitled "Insurgent," which will be released this year via record label. He can be reached through his website: www.insurgentjg.com

Weekend Edition Features for June 12 / 13, 2004

Peter Linebaugh
Remembering the Common Hood: Soweto and Runnymede

Team CounterPunch
CP's Favorite Albums

Jeffrey St. Clair
Troy, Now and Then

Gary Leupp
Not Really a Puppet Government in Iraq?

Brian Cloughley
US Military in Crisis

Antonio Ponvert, III
Iraqi Prisoner Abuse: the Connecticut Connection

Ben Tripp
The Polls Get Stupider

Joe Bageant
Mash Note to the "Girl with the Leash"

Ron Jacobs
The Return of the Hip Hop Insurgency

Forrest Hylton
Object Lessons from the Case of Francisco Cortés

Christopher Brauchli
Federal Bureau of Errors

Kurt Nimmo
Going After Qaddafi, Again

Wayne Madsen
Israel's Slap at Reagan

Anthony Loewenstein
Al Jazeera Awakens the Arab World

Michael Donnelly
A Lightship in the Forest: Greenpeace Docks in the Siskiyous

Greg Moses
Who Will Tell Us More About the Workers of Nasiriyah?

Susan Davis
Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban

Joseph Ramsey
Weather Report: a Review of The Weather Underground

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
The 18th Brumaire in the 21st Century

Wayne Saunders
The Gipper, D-Day and the Stanley Cup

Poets' Basement
Richey, Ford, La Morticella, Albert

Website of the Weekend
Insurgent Music

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