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Saturday, December 10, 2005

Love Me, I'm a Liberal

"Love Me, I'm a Liberal"
performed by Evan Greer (original lyrics by Phil Ochs)

I trade Internet jokes about Dubya,
They sure are funny to me.
But don’t even think about asking
For me to give up my new SUV.
I don’t know what you mean about oil,
I just wish that gas could be free...
So love me, love me, love me, I’m a liberal!

Well I’ve signed about a thousand petitions,
And my golf score is six under par.
And I keep myself up on the issues
By listening to N.P.R.,
And you know that I’m changing the world
With these stickers all over my car!
So love me, love me, love me, I’m a liberal!

And you know that I’m not a racist,
I've been on the side of the blacks all along.
And I always give a few extra dollars
To the young man who mows my lawn!
And I’ve never read Emma Goldman,1
But I know that she must have been wrong!
So love me, love me, love me, I’m a liberal!

Yes I went to that pro-choice rally,
I think women should get equal pay.
But it’s sure nice that my wife cooks me dinner,2
And she puts my clean laundry away!
And maybe our country ain’t perfect,
But revolution is never the way.
So love me, love me, love me, I’m a liberal!

[editor's note: these lyrics are posted at Evan's site but aren't in the live version, and too bad too-- I have a soft spot in my heart for Deanyboppers]
You know I support Gay marriage,
And I want the environment clean.
But I’m too busy at work to take action,
So I’m just voting for Howard Dean.
I know we must work inside the system,
It’s the best one that I’ve ever seen!
So love me, love me, love me, I’m a liberal!

Yes, I cheered when they caught Saddam,
I knew that the news wouldn’t lie,
And I'm glad that the war is now over,
Cause my 401k's on the rise!
And you know that I love my country:
Best democracy money can buy!
So love me, love me, love me, I’m a liberal!

Oh, once I was young and impulsive,
I wore every conceivable pin.
Even went to the socialist meetings
And I learned all the old union hymns.
Ah, but I've grown older and wiser,
That's why I'm turning you in...
So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal!

(play mp3)

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1 This one goes out to Kenyon.
2 And this one is for Casey.
3 And if you know me, you knew it was coming... this one goes out to the PSA.

I was too excited to get this up to wait until Sunday, so here it is a day early. I came across this song, a remake of my very favorite song ever written, quite by accident this week while searching for New England artists to bring to a concert organized by friends at the Maine Peace Action Committee and the Peace & Justice Center of Eastern Maine. A lot of my new friends in PA are fairly confused when they hear me picking on liberals and liberalism when they know that I'm somewhere to the left of center. This song is partly for them, to give them an introduction to where I'm coming from. It is also partly for my longtime friends and fellow activists who don't know this song (or at least this version) because I know it will put a smile on your faces. Last but not least, this song goes out to all the liberals-- even the ones I love-- because you need to hear it.

One People,
One Struggle,


blimp pilot said...

I used to find internet jokes about Dubya funny until I saw the bigger picture.

I mean, if Dems truly opposed Reps, don't you think that just one of them would have raised questions about Bush's incriminating 9/11 witness statements???

Wake up, America! The whole Dem-Rep thing is fake, false, bogus. A divisive distractive diversion from the ongoing covert domestic subversion of our Constitution, may it not R.I.P.!

Rep and Dem congresscritters are all equally guilty of having failed to uphold their oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

You know the saying to damn with faint praise?

Well with fake opponents like Nancy Pelosi, who tells us that the Bush administration is among the worst in U.S. history, Bush doesn't need friends. What Congresscritter Pelosi does is for Bush is to praise with faint damns!

And why would the Dems keep this covered up?

Simple: consider that Prescott Bush could never have been elected to the U.S. Senate after having had his companies taken away from him during WW II under the Trading With The Enemy Act unless Dems had kept his dirtiest darkest secret for him and from We The People.

IOW, this fake opposition crap has been going on (and fooling most of the people) for more than 50 years!!!

2:41 AM  
Anonymous said...

Here is a funnier, better update of the song:


1:27 PM  

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