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Today's Stories

June 9, 2006

Patrick Cockburn
The Short, Strange Career of Abu Masab al-Zarqawi

June 8, 2006

Chris Floyd
Hubub in Hibhib: the Timely Death of al-Zarqawi

Michael Dickinson
Criminal Collage: the Bush Dog Case

Ron Jacobs
You Can't Call Me Zarqawi, Any More

William S. Lind
The Power of Weakness, Again: Haditha, 4GW and the Abu Ghraib Precedent

Joshua Frank
From Bush to Hillary: Holding the War Parties Accountable

Missy Comley Beattie
Ann Coulter and Rev. Fred Phelps: a Romance

Lloyd Williams
Ann Coulter's Blood Lust

Bill Christison
Proviing the Case: What Bush Wants is More War

Website of the Day
Bedtime for Bono?


June 7, 2006

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The Iraq Money Trail: the Case of the Missing $21 Billion

Sunsara Taylor
CDC to Women: Prepare to Give Birth!

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Flunking the Art of War: Master Sun-Tzu, President Hu and Bush

David MacMichael
No More Hadithas

Mickey Z.
Haditha and Rumsfeld's Ratio

Evelyn Pringle
Gagging Public Employees

Myles Palmer
Dark Star Chasm: a Sneak Peak at Roger Waters' Dark Side of the Moon Tour

Laura Ribeiro
The Israeli Boycott of Palestinian Education

Website of the Day
Thank You, Lt. Ehren Watada


June 6, 2006

Diane Christian
Negatives: Torture, Massacres and Denial

Paul Craig Roberts
Outsourcing Smarts: the Death of US Engineering

Ralph Nader
The Battle for South Central Farm

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The Urbanity of Evil: Tariq Aziz and Bush's Enablers

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Wolf Sterilization Scheme Backfires

Manuel Garcia, Jr.
Blacks, Hispanics and Immigrant Bashing for Colonial Control

Subcomandante Marcos
The Other Campaign: a Plan for Action on June 11, 2006

Patrick Cockburn
Bloodbath Beyond the Green Zone

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June 5, 2006

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Michael Neumann
Jewish Opposition to Zionism

Heather Gray
War in the 20th Century: a Canadian Family's Experience

William Hughes
Bipartisan War Profiteers

David Swanson
Should We Stay or Should We Go Now?

Alexander Cockburn
Palestine: It's All Over

Website of the Day
Klamath Spring


June 3 / 4, 2006
Weekend Edition

Robert Fisk
Liberators as Murderers

James Petras
Is Latin America Really Turning Left?

Rosemary Radford Ruether
"We Have No One to Talk To:" Israel's Targeted Assassination Policy

Harry Clark
Truman and Israel: How It All Began

Jeffrey St. Clair
What a Miner's Life is Worth

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Return to Cuba

Ron Jacobs
Hand Wringing and Warfare: What Do Owe Iraq

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Dr. Tashkin Makes the News

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Greg Moses
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Final Examination

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Story of the Two Kings

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Revisiting Mondo Hollywood

St. Clair / D'Antoni
Playlists: What We're Listening to This Week

Poets' Basement
Bina, Engel, Ford and Landau

Website of the Day
Send Dr. Suzy Your Love


June 2, 2006

Kathy Kelly
Right Livelihood

Alan Maass
"A Mercenary Army": an Interview with Jeremy Scahill on Blackwater in New Orleans

Mickey Z.
Haditha Massacre was Inevitable

Dave Lindorff
Don't Think Twice: Bush and Rumsfeld as Ethics Advisers

Chris Kutalik
Troqueros Flex Muscles at Long Beach

Sunsara Taylor
Countdown to a Betrayal: Making Change Without Democrats

Sam Husseini
Can Pacifica Live Up to Its Promise?

Mike Ferner
More, Lots More

Website of the Day
Free Daniel McGowan!


June 1, 2006

Brian Cloughley
Haditha and the Farrago of Lies: War Crimes Start at the Top

David Peterson
Iran: a Manufactured Crisis

Lee Ballinger
Media Myths About the South: What Backlash Against the Dixie Chicks?

Jonathan Cook
Olmbert in DC: Bold Ideas and Ugly Intentions

Mike Whitney
Offers and Ultimatums: Endgaming Iran

Paul Rockwell
Smearing Ron Dellums

Clifton Ross
Millennium Blues

Kevin Zeese
Return of the Petri Dish Warriors: a New Biowar Arms Race Begins in Maryland

Website of the Day
The Monkees and Johnny Cash


May 31, 2006

Dave Lindorff
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Joshua Frank
Al Gore, Environmental Titan?: Some Inconvenient Truths About the Ozone Man

Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
Stop Saying This is a Nation of Immigrants!

P. Sainath
Three Weddings and Funeral: Farmer Suicides in Vidharbha

Ramzy Baroud
On Palestinian Violence

Seth Sandronsky
The War on Nurses: a Joint Attack by US Senate and NLRB

Mickey Z.
Scapegoating Mexicans is an American Tradition

Ralph Nader
Breakaway Bases: Keeping LIttle Leaguers Safe

Jeffrey St. Clair
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Website of the Day
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May 30, 2006

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Jonathan Cook
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Gary Leupp
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Disappearing the Disappeared

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Silencing the Peace Protester of Parliament Square

Michael Carmichael
Zionist Democrats: the DLC and Israel

Tim Wise
Of Immigrants and "Real Amurkans"

Harry Browne
Ken Loach's History Lesson

Website of the Day


May 27 / 29, 2006
Weekend Edition

Paul Craig Roberts
The Evil Within

Kathleen Christison
Surrender vs. the Right to Exist

Kathy Kelly
Fear of Flowers in Iraq: a Report from

Christopher Reed
The Abominable Dr. Ishii: the Pentagon and the Japanese Mengele

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The Politics of Tom Tancredo

Gary Leupp
The Latest Neocon Lies About Iran

Col. Dan Smith
Freezing History: Iran and the Uses of "Preventive" War

Ron Jacobs
Blocking Military Ports: One, Two, Three Many Olympians

Don Fitz
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Fred Gardner
What's the Matter with Oregon?

Peter Montague
Radioactive Troika: Bush, the Nuclear Power Industry and the New York Times

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Teens as Political Scapegoats

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Euston Manifesto: the Latest Gameplan from the Pro-Imperialist Left

Seth Sandronsky
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Scott Michael Perey
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Jeffrey St. Clair
Playlist: Please Help Hilton Ruiz

Poets' Basement
Davies, Smith-Ferri, Mickey Z,, Buknatski, and Engel

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Impeach-Mint Punch

Website of the Weekend
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May 26, 2006

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The Few, the Proud, the Murderers

Joe Allen
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Kona Lowell
Thank You, Fox News

Roger Burbach
Bush Targets Chavez and Morales

Website of the Day
Women Resisting War from Within


May 25, 2006

Les AuCoin
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Jeff Halper
Countdown to Apartheid

Dave Lindorff
Bombing Without Regrets

Ron Jacobs
Voting Rights and Multilingual Ballots

Bob Wing
Finding Common Ground in New Orleans: an Interview with Malik Rahim

Elise Gould
College Grads Face Weak Labor Market

Robert Bryce
Iraq's Fuel Crisis

Website of the Day
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May 24, 2006

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Patrick Cockburn
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Lucinda Marshall
Involuntary Motherhood: the Cacophony Over RU 486

Dave Lindorff
A Winning Impeachment Argument

Shmuel Rosner
Israeli Advice on Wall-Building: Be Ruthless

Moshe Adler
The Promised Land: Immigration, Israeli Style

Heather Gray
Land Reform and American Agriculture

Pratyush Chandra
Angels and Demons in Nepal

Paul Craig Roberts
In Memoriam: Lloyd Bentsen

Floyd Rudmin
Why Does the NSA Engage in Mass Surveillanc of Americans?

Website of the Day
Presentensing the Future


May 23, 2006

Paul Craig Roberts
Paranoia as Policy: How Bush Brewed the Iran Crisis

Sharon Smith
Shooting to Kill on the Border

Sunsara Taylor
Meet the New Christian Conquistadors: Ron Luce's Holy Warriors

Joel Whitney
The Most Tenacious Man on Capitol Hill?: an Interview with John Conyers

Alice Cherbonnier
Total Information Awareness for Whom? FOIA, the Press and the Spooks

Ron Jacobs
Optimism of the Will

Kristen Ess
The Crisis for Palestinian Political Prisoners

Patrick Cockburn
Which is the Real Iraq?

Website of the Day
Pearl Jam: Life Wasted



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June 9, 2006

They're Not in Kansas, Anymore

Our Man in Kos


I's amazing what weird situations an excess of curiosity will land you in. Here I am, for example, wearing female clothing and a false beard, impersonating a Democrat at the yearly convention of Daily Kos (www.dailykos.com), which is being held in Las Vegas, of all places.

I had kind of hoped to get through life without ever being in Las Vegas. But it's not what I expected. On the flight out here, that line of Tacitus kept running through my head -- urbs quo cuncta undique atrocia confluunt, a city where all evils, from everywhere else, come and gather. But it isn't like that at all. It's oddly innocent and childlike, a kids' playground writ large. It's plastered all over with various insignia of naughtiness but it's really quite orderly and safe, and to tell the truth, it's a little bland. So it really is the perfect place for Yearly Kos, a gathering of insurgents demanding re-admittance to the sheepfold.

The other thing I had expected was that the Kosniks themselves would provide abundant material for ridicule. But they don't. They're much more engaging than their posts on the Daily Kos web site would lead you to expect -- and this really should have come as no surprise, since people notoriously show their worst side online.

No, the Kosniks are mostly not only sane, but obviously intelligent. A lot of them have pretty good haircuts. They're personable, kind, witty, self-deprecating, thoughtful, earnest, and generally likable.

Oh, there are a few exceptions -- a 300-pound doctor, who enjoyed telling us the witty things she says to her patients, and just would not shut up; a staffer from the Drum Major Institute (http://www.drummajorinstitute.org) in pink fishnet stockings and bat-wing spectacles who looked like an extra from <I>Hairspray</I> and thought term limits were a Really Good Thing; and a hyperkinetic "trainer" from Democracy For America (www.democracyforamerica.com) who had the stage manner of a contestant on American Idol, and would probably have won. He certainly had energy enough; he talked and gesticulated and paced for seven hours almost non-stop -- I checked in every half-hour or so -- and he was still enjoying the sound of his own voice when he practically had to be dragged out of the meeting room so the next scheduled event could begin.

Other not-entirely-attractive Kosniks included a staff guy fresh from beautiful defeat in Marcy Winograd's primary challenge to bloody-fanged War Democrat Jane Harman; this chap was treated with the tender deference due to a veteran with a war wound. And there was a ringlet-haired Democratic Party op from Gainesville, Florida, who apologized for his state's votes for Nader in 2000, and repeatedly referred to people like himself as "touchy-feely white guys." This phrase got a modest laugh the first time he said it. These two, interestingly, were among the most strident in insisting that the one goal of political activity is to win elections.

But most of the Kosniks weren't like that. Most of them seemed to be honest, sincere, good-hearted people, baffled and dismayed by what their country has become. What, I wondered, are nice folks like this doing in a cult like Daily Kos? So I was quite curious to see the cult leader, Markos Moulitsas Zuniga, in action.

Moulitsas, known to his disciples as "Kos", spoke briefly to the troops at the end of the day, after we were all talked out -- well, not all; there were some brazen-lunged enthusiasts still going strong -- and mellowed out with a beer or two.

"Kos" is a small, trim, birdlike guy, given to quick, fluttery gestures. He has a distinctive, shoulder- and hip-swinging walk -- what you might call a sashay, actually. The play of expression on his face reminded me strangely of Louis Farrakhan, though I suppose this is the only point of resemblance between the two. He has that same slow, deliberate smile, held a little too long for comfort. There is something in his look that says he is confident of adulation, and pleased with his own success.

He read his text a little woodenly, and there wasn't much to it. His two great points of self-congratulation were 1) Howard Dean is now DNC chair and 2) Paul Hackett almost got somewhere in Ohio. (You haven't heard of Paul Hackett? Don't worry about it.) Kos confidently predicted that Joe Lieberman would lose to his anti-war primary challenger, Ned Lamont -- but then, last week Kos was saying that Francine Busby would pull an upset in San Diego. (You haven't heard of Francine Busby, either? See Paul Hackett, above.)

Neither Kos nor anybody else today talked much about what you might call the content of politics. The word "progressive" was frequently invoked, but either everybody agrees on just what that means or nobody wanted to get into it. The Iraq war was mentioned, in my hearing, twice, in the context of alluding to the death of Zarqawi. Both times the crowd applauded this victory in the war on terror -- applauded solidly but not thunderously; I couldn't help thinking, wishfully perhaps, that although the Kosniks are loyal adherents of the understudy War Party, at least some of these progressives are starting to have doubts about this particular war.

Nobody mentioned Israel, or Palestine, or the Israel lobby, or anything remotely connected with these topics, even once.

Speaking of war, the Maximum Leader put in another appearance a little later, at a reception for ex-general and presidential candidate Wesley Clark. (What the hell, there was free booze, which is more than I've ever gotten out of any other general, or presidential candidate either.)

At this event, my benign impression of the Kosniks started to fray a little. There he was, General Clark, pigeon-chested, lizard-faced, the former butcher of the Balkans, his chalky cheeks ghastly under the camera flashes -- as scary as anything I've ever seen outside an autopsy suite. And the Kosniks were loving him.

Kos made his slow ceremonious way over to Clark and the two of them exchanged courtly greetings, like the Doge of Venice unexpectedly meeting the Duke of Muscovy but remembering his manners -- the least you could expect of Doges and Dukes, surely. The Kosniks were in raptures: witnesses to history. A burly six-foot chap standing next to me -- a guy who could have tied the General in knots -- gushed girlishly, "Now this is People Power! I mean, who are WE?" I wanted to ask, "Who is HE?" but remembered my disguise before I spoke. The General's free booze had slowed me down a bit, fortunately.

Clark stood up, with a little help, on a table, and gave a smooth little speech. The burden of his song was, "send money."

And so to bed, as Mr. Pepys says. Tomorrow we get to meet senate minority leader Harry Reid and Virginia governor and presidential aspirant Mark Warner -- if they show. Nancy Pelosi has already stood us up. A bitter disappointment, but the General's free booze has softened the pain.

Michael J. Smith is a grizzled old Lefty who is trying to destroy the Democratic Party on his blog, stopmebeforeivoteagain.org. He lives in New York City.






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