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Homemade Music Video Endorses Killing Civilians

This video, apparently made by marines in Iraq, is being investigated by the US military after complaints from the Council on American-Islamic Relations that the singer endorses murdering civilians.

How can anybody support these pricks?

--Joshua Frank


I agree, total hateful pricks. Bring them home before they can kill again.

Ask Kerry why he supports this war. Then ask yourself why you are still a democrat.


They're scum-fuck the troops-it's gonna be just like Germany in the 1920's -a gaggle of viscious,credulous children who're gonna get told they were stabbed in the back by the lefties,so have at' em boys-That kid you got with the foot growin' out his head its Ward Churchill's fault!
I say dis arm 'em and leave them in Iraq-let those folks do what they feel need to do with 'em.It's an all volunteer army now,so these oieces of shit signed up with nobody forcin' 'em to-I don't buy the argument that bein'poor exempts one from psychosis

This is all so confusing!

You are all libranazi socialists. FUCK YOU!

"Libranazi Socialists," huh? Wow, now that's a new one... So would that be a Nazi born under the Libra sign who also has socialist leanings? A Nazi that likes libraries and socialism? Creative terminological innovations aside, your response is less than puerile. That f-bomb dropping stopped bugging me before I was out of elementary school. Surely a mind so prodigious that it can conjure terms like "libranazi socialists" can do better than two monosyllabic words strung together. I guess they just don't make wingnut trolls like they used to...

But seriously, who didn't see this coming? Same thing that happened in Vietnam: armed boys get frustrated because they can't engage enemy, are stuck far from home, aren't taught to see the locals as human beings.... so they slaughter whoever is around in a deliberate and calculating manner. Prison is too good for degenerates of that order...

It's an atrocity-producing situation. It's sad to see how these human beings have devolved. I'm not in favor of using that fact as some sort of twinkie defense for these guys. But we have to put their crimes in context, and expose their leaders as the most bloodthirsty, savage class.

No one detests this war or this administration more that I.

This song is a little more complicated that herein presented. It is as much about the crap-ass situation this administration has put these soldiers in as anything else

It's like Vietnam. Everyone is a potential guerrilla. I really find the lyrics interesting where the soldier has to "hit the floor" wherever he goes.

Check out the lyrics

Sample -

"Every day I want to kill muslims just a little bit more than the day before."

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at February 21, 2006 06:27 PM


right after the fall of saddam, the discussion that nobody followed was how army can reconstruct Iraq? arm's training are to kill and to conqure and not to police and rebuild. our troops in iraq are not trained for what they are doing and things like this video, abu gharib, random shootings, hadisa masacar and so on will pop up. the troops are not to be blamed, but who puts them in this mess is.

These are the complete words. To me it really makes for a more interesting story. It's not just blood thirsty marines, it's all of us. What have you done to stop it.

**A "Hajji" is a person who has made the Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, but the term has often been used as a pejorative by U.S. troops in Iraq.

**"dirka, dirka mohammed jihad" that phrase came from Trey Parker and Matt Stones puppet movie "Team America: World Police"


I was out in the sands of Iraq
And we were under attack
And I, well I didn't know where to go
Then the first thing that I could see
Was everybody's favorite Burger King
So I threw open the door and I hit the floor

THen suddenly to my surprise
I looked up and I saw her eyes
And I knew it was love at first sight
And she said 'Dirka dirka Mohammed jihad, sherpa sherpa something'
Haji girl, I can't understand what you're saying
And she said 'Dirka dirka Mohammed jihad, sherpa sherpa something'
Haji girl, I love you anyway

Then she said she wanted me to see
Wanted me to go meet her family
But I, Well I couldn't figure out how to say no
Cuz I don't speak Arabic, so

She took me down an old dirt trail
And she pulled up to a sod shanty
She threw open the door and I hit the floor
Cuz her brother and her father shouted:
'Dirka dirka Mohammed jihad, sherpa sherpa something'
They pulled out their AK's so I could see

And they said
'Dirka dirka Mohammed jihad, sherpa sherpa something'
So I grabbed her little sister
And I put her in front of me
As the bullets began to fly
The blood sprayed from between her eyes
And then I laughed maniacally

Then I hid behind the tv
And I locked and loaded my M-16
I blew those little fuckers to eternity
And I said:
'Dirka dirka Mohammed jihad, sherpa sherpa something'
They shoulda known they were fuckin' with a Marine

This was aired on Italian television a few nights ago. I don't think it won any hearts or minds to the cause of American Imperialism, which may or may not be the highest form of capitalism. But secret prisons, torture, the gleeful and wanton killing of civilians and invading other countries, on the basis of lies that would have made Hitler and Mussolini blush, certainly constitute the lowest form of life. Is this the democracy in whose name we are slaughtering people?


And the Americans still ask the question, "Why do they hate us?". Well, I want to tell everyone all Americans and Europeans, what do you expect from the rest of the world when you support such acts? Love? Empathy?
Some will say, "well, but why hating civilians?", the simple answer is, we don't hate civilans but we don't neither empathize or sympathize with them when their acts of the sort bring them any terror acts from any maniac on the earth. Why should we sympathize with them if they have elected such crazy Administrations allover their countries in what they admit to be free and independant elections?
If the west wants to regain the world's love, care and empathy, they have to stop their support to these idiot administrations.
Most of the Arabs and Moslems do not support Bin Laden, Zawahery, nor Zarkawy, and the little numbers that do support him, they only do it as conter-defence to what GW Bush and his fellas do them. Wake you sleeping under dust

I can't wait until these phycho troops come home and unlease thier depreaved shit on the homeland. It happened in the 60's and 70's and now we will get a new generation of desturbed unemployables who will pray on scociety. It's the Amerikin way folks, ugly as it might be. Just ask yourself: how would I like one of those boys who shot those babys in Haditha living next door to me or dating my daughter? Wake up and smell the blood brfore it's too late!

"Why should we sympathize with them if they have elected such crazy Administrations allover their countries in what they admit to be free and independant elections?"

They don't. The USA put both the Taliban and Hussain in power many years back. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is not that madman the media has made him out to be. The irony is, if you're American, I would hardly consider your elections to be free and independant, nor do they offer "sane" candidates in comparison to those in the middle east.

I don't see why people should hate Americans, it's not their fault that their Government is full of corrupt politicians, wheather they be Democrats or Republicans. What choice does the USA have if there are only 2 almost identical political parties to chose from?

"Dirka Dirka"?

Thanks a fucking lot, Trey Parker.

song could be a best seller !

The report coming from Iraq are horrifying and frightening. It is often hard to remember that the Marines are like the rest of us: they are innocent until proven guilty in court. It is also easy to forget to forget that where ever they are, we are.
We paid for their training, their weapons, their uniforms. What I want is to bring them home now. They are ours and we need to deal with them here, even as we deal with a rising crime rate, a congress unable to enact effective gun control and provide health care for all Americans.
My questions is this: if the duly elected Prime Minister of Iraq thinks the US military is commiting crimes in Iraq why doesn't he tell George Bush to remove them from Iraq. He is the lawfully elected leader of a sovereign nation, as both he and George Bush have repeatedly told us.

he he he, the Iraqi prime minister is not a fully elected one. He is just the puppet of uncle Bush. The whole of the Iraqi cabinet is there because Mr. Bush wants them there, and he can change them in a second. They very well know this and this is exactly why they'll never ask for the American troops to be sent back home. Actually, most of - if not all - the regimes in the Middle East are there just because the American Administration wants them there, they are the servants of Mr. Bush. they just obey him like a slave to his master. In return, Mr. Bush would protect them against the will of their people in spite of their dectatorship and their auwful record on human rights. Look at the American Administration while approving the aid to the Egyptian Regime last week in the congress discussions and you'll understand the whole game. This is the real dilemma the Middle Easterns are living. Let this continue and the terrorism and oppression will increase and spread further. What a pitty.

While this song is sick, are we really suprised at this soldier's attitude? Lets not kid ourselves.... our marines are trained to have that killer mindset and in a real war, we would not want it any other way. Its just the way it is. Yes, war is hell. And taking your country to bullshit war based on concocted lies is criminal. The whole situation is fucked... and now super fucked thanks to the ease with which video can be made and dispersed. Behavior like this has always gone on only till now, it was never shot candidly and streamed to millions of viewers.

Ok. So the song is 'evil'.

How about "I shot the sheriff"? Or "I fought the law", or Cash's Folsom Prison - "I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die."

You PC people really don't get it, do you?

Big difference there. First, this isn't a "PC" issue. We're talking war crimes here. We're talking about an occupation, illegal at that. A soldier wrote that song while serving in Iraq. He's in the position to kill innocent civilians. This isn't fiction, like Cash or Marley. This is fact. And I don't think anybody is saying that this should be censored, rather, I think it points out just how fucked up a lot of dudes serving over there really are.

fuck the marines and fuck bush. these twats are no better than the nazis and commies they are always trashing so much about being "evil..." anyone who laughs about shooting little girls in th head is a sick fuck and I hope they all rot in hell....





So which group is worse, the fruitcake christians that take pleasure in killing moslems, or the fruitcake moslems who take pleasure in killing...personally, I ain`t too omfortable with compulsory beards and covered female faces.
But then the conflict ain`t about religion, it`s about OIL and MONEY.
It will only end when both sides fail to find the recruits to fuel the fire of war.

That song was so funny I just about pissed in my pants. I am glad to see someone has a since of humor about those killers in Iraq. Semper Fi!

right. so you americans think it's ok to sing this kind of song when you are pretenging to 'win the hearts and minds' and 'bring democracy'to those less fortunate.

All we can say in New Zealand is

Please don't bring your democray here - I would rather be dead. Murderous, theiving bunch of crimindals.

you all dont have any fuckin balls !!! these marines fight hadji everyday and dont ask a thing from you losers!!! SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!

So new zealander gkba123@hotmail.com knows what Americans think about winning the hearts and minds of the less fortunate. Let me remind new zealander gkba123@hotmail.com that 60 some-odd years ago the Brits, Aussies, and Americans were in New Zealand to give people like gkba123@hotmail.com the opportunity to decide if Japanese would be their primary language or not. Now the Brits and the Americans are in Iraq to give not just the fine folks in New Zealand, but the whole world, the opportunity 60 years from now to decide if their religion will only be read from the Koran.
But we see that the limp wristed, panty waisted, pacifist gkba123@hotmail.com would follow the lead of the media and condemn all American marines on what other people say about a FICTIONAL story told in a song about a FICTIONAL marine and the death of a FICTIONAL Iraqi girl. I can only assume that gkba123@hotmail.com did not bother to read the lyrics of the song and is proceeding like a lemming directed by the media.

Doesn't the fact that they were armed suggest that the marine was shooting insurgents?

The song may be "fictional" but Haditha (Nov 05), Ishaqi (Mar06) and Hamadi (06) are not.

Haditha, Ishaqi, and Hamadi are not fiction, but American troops committed no crimes in any of those places. Rebecca believes the accusations, believes the convictions handed down by the press, and like a good little lemming Rebecca is running off the cliff in the rush to condemn the troops.

If you ask whether the USA is a democracy, most of its citizens will say "of course". In a democracy most of the people should agree on important decisions but then I hear many of you think Vietnam, Afghanistan and Irak were horrible and unnecessary wars inflicted against people you didn't even know or could hardly be considered your enemies. Since the American people haven't shown a true repulse against those imperialistic deeds, I must presume that you either are not living in a democracy or most of you approve of them. You shouldn't be surprised that you are not winning the world's admiration, we rather feel intimidated by your show of barbaric strength, but that is far from feeling respect.

Just for Maria Luisa's information, The United States is a federal constitutional republic. The United States is not a democracy.
We are showing true repulse to our citizens jumping out of windows of a 100-story building to escape the fires started by terrorists crashing a plane into it. We are taking the fight to our adversaries and winning on the battlefield. On the field of propaganda our adversaries are winning on some fronts as shown by the opinion of Maria Luisa. Okay Maria, be a good little lemming and go jump off the cliff while condemning the troops.

Didn't anyone see "Team America: World Police?"

I agree it's not a very sophisticated or sensitive movie, but I also admit it made me laugh. The whole "Dirka Dirka" thing comes from that--and was there ever a time that soldiers didn't revel in slurs against the people who shoot at them?

In other words, it's stupid, but perfectly normal.

People who work in high pressure, intense and bloody environments like ER or intensive care wards develop a sort of dark humor that would shock and probably offend most of us. It is their way of coping and distancing themselves from the concentration of pain and suffering that "normal" people would react to with horrific shock and empathy. If they didn't have this coping mechanism to insulate themselves from the continual assault to their sensitivity, they couldn't function. This marine didn't ask for, never trained for, to be in a place where everyone despises you and where danger, ambush and blood is around every corner or lurking under every friendly gesture. After all, it was the father and brother of the girl they sent to lure him into ambush who shot her in their attempt to bag a soldier. They fired first and then they were killed by the man they tried to kill. Sort of a bitter, sad and tragic tale of justice, from the point of view of the marine, in an albiet unjust war. The fact that he used language from the puppet movie "Team America", a darkly humorous satire on American foreign policy, shows that the guy knows irony - that he realizes he is basically a puppet in a reality drama written by fools. These my brothers are enduring the friction where the rubber hits the road, a rough one, while the policymakers are cushioned from shock, steering recklessly in air conditioned luxury from above. Occasionally the soldiers will be re-inflated with a burst of hot air from the pols during their brave visits to the Green Zone. But this vehicle we Americans have entrusted to a bungling idiot is heading for a disaster that will affect not only those who conceived and promote the policy, and those who are obliged to enforce it, but ALL of us, here and abroad. Yes, even you who point your righteous finger of blame.

This marine just wants to get home alive. And if he does, I hope his decompression doesn't cripple him for life, like some Vietam vets I know who were forced to serve under similar circumstances. Rather than blaming him, let us instead find and prosecute the people who told the lies that put him in his situation. And hope that our next leader has the courage to admit our mistakes and the humility to ask for help to correct them.

In times like these one has often to remember that atrocious actions by soldiers are to be expected. It is war after all and lack of morality is the lowest common denominator in times of conflict. Every person ever involved in conflict knows this. It's a sad state of affairs when a militaristic government which pursues a pre-emptive “Defense” strategy does not consider the implications of its own actions and those of its troops. But I can rest in peace at night knowing that God/Allah/Buddha or/and every other variation has already ensured their (Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and all the Corporate Generals) penance of eternal damnation with all the associated brimstone and pitchfork poking. GOD SAVE OUR SOULS

Posted by: TorresD

"We are showing true repulse to our citizens jumping out of windows of a 100-story building to escape the fires started by terrorists crashing a plane into it. We are taking the fight to our adversaries and winning on the battlefield. On the field of propaganda our adversaries are winning on some fronts as shown by the opinion of Maria Luisa"

You might want to look into the 9/11 thing a bit more. 110 story building comes down at the "freefall" speed in around 10 seconds. This does not tie into the official reports "pancake" theory.

Now go have a look at some footage of WTC7 coming down. 47 stories coming down in 6.5 seconds. This building was not hit by a plane. The FEMA report admits they dont know what brought down WTC7. Of course there is Larry Silverstein on PBS documentary saying they "pulled" the building.

There is a lot of evidence to suggest the buildings were brought down in controlled explosions. But being a little lemming you would believe exactly what FOX news told you.

To TorresD. Sorry, I don't know much about lemmings, but being an admirer of all forms of Nature, I'll take it as a compliment, though I don't fancy jumping off a cliff right now.
You say USA is not a democracy and I'll accept your remark but as of late I have heard that you are trying to bring democracy to other countries I wrongly thought you were one. As for the Twin Towers, I can't tell for sure what happened there. Maybe in 20 or 40 years'time some secret files will be opened and my grandchildren will be enlightened. Be patient with me, being only a lemming my mind is not very much developed, so I can't understand why, if the presumed terrorists were from Saudi Arabia, the USA attacked Afghanistan and Irak.
I am in no way blaming the troops. Being a soldier is a sad situation and I feel sorry for those young people who were sent to kill and destroy based on lies, while the "brains behind this plot" enjoy the comforts of wealth and protection and of "smart guys" like you who cheer them from a safe distance.
Us, lemmings, are against any kind of violence because, as Gandhi said; "An eye for an eye will leave us all blind".

this is great, if you've ever been anywhere where everybody hates you, if you've been feeling like what's the point? if you've ever felt your on the losing end of things...then try being from england...you have all the insurgents with their videos, torture and decapitation but one lone marine with a guitar ignites pride.
i love it.

I wonder if John Murtha has seen this?

Re: “Eli Wiesel Sounds the Alarm Regarding Iran,” by Frederick Kempe, WSJ, 06-20-06.

As a lifelong unabashed backer of the Zionist cause, and one steeped in the Judaic principle that sees Jews as being “God’s chosen people,” Elie Wiesel is hardly suited in judging Islamist religious thought as being any less fanatical than his own brand of religious fervor, nor, inferior to his own form of religious fanaticism. But then, isn’t that the sad litany of all religious history---God is on the side of the more powerful adversary, the opponents always end up “evil” fanatics.

If fighting religious fanaticism is his goal, then perhaps he would be advised to start by toning down the rhetoric of “evil” directed at those fighting to maintain a Palestinian homeland, or, regimes like in Iran, out to protect themselves against the threats from nuclear attack by U.S. and Israeli aggressors. After all, we don’t see Peace Laureate Wiesel urging Israel to dismantle the 200 plus nuclear warheads pointed at their non-nuclear Arab and Persian neighbors. No, Wiesel is too busy accusing Israel’s neighbors of being religious fanatics bent on the destruction of Israel. Historically, the usual technique used by the bully aggressor, is to paint your adversary as evil. One would have expected Mr. Wiesel’s use of religious demonization, would be tempered from his early experience under Hitler’s demagoguery.

“Suffering confers no privileges,” avers Mr. Wiesel. Then how is it that the state of Israel is allowed to carve out a state to the exclusion of Palestinians living throughout the territory and deprive them of their homeland and deny them all civil rights, reserved only to the Jewish Diaspora inundating the area from all parts of the world. Is that fair? That question demands an honest response from Mr.Wiesel---not more chauvinistic drivel based on his religious-ethnic bias.

Imagine what it must be like for the troops. Your enemy is not wearing a uniform that you can clearly identify, but rather it could be anyone walking the streets. Imagine what it must feel like knowing that someone could be approaching you an an "ally" but could possibly be a suicide bomber. Imagine that happening every second of every day. Imagine having to "hit the floor" everywhere you go. Imagine being in a place where you hold up someone's sister or daugther, either for protection or as a sign that you mean no harm(that act, right or wrong, is not the point) and her father and brother STILL shoot and kill her to get to you. How could anyone say "fuck the troops"? You should be ashamed of yourselves

How much more of this crap can the world take. While we kill each other and argue about whose imaginary god is better the planet and its people are rapidly dying. It will not be long before life is not sustainable and we richly deserve this fate!

Talisman wrote:

"This marine didn't ask for, never trained for, to be in a place where everyone despises you and where danger, ambush and blood is around every corner or lurking under every friendly gesture."

Ummm, exactly what has been the 200-year history of the United States Marine Corps [invading, destroying, and occupying other people's countries]? Exactly what are US Marines trained and expected to do [kill people]? And where are they expected to do practice their "expertise" [in other people's countries]?

All US citizens are responsible for the actions of their government and the agents [such as the US Marines] of their government.

If you believe the US attack on Iraq and the subsequent US occupation is illegal and immoral, what have you done TODAY and every day to stop it?


"So I grabbed her little sister
And I put her in front of me
[used a child as a human shield-- lovely]
As the bullets began to fly
The blood sprayed from between her eyes
And then I laughed maniacally"

This war sucks theres no bought-a dought-it. We were mislead and lied to.

But you just called a marine a prick. A marine that probably made life a little easier for his buddies (now thanks to this video, for a lot of other troops) for a few days, by bringing the gift of laughter.

I clicked a link that said this was an "Iraqi snuff film" (CounterPoint). I read the post and see it is song about killing civilions. I don't see no snuffing and I don't see no reference to killing civilians.

This song (thanks for the free publicity) is now #5 with a bandalier!!!!!!

...... semper fi

Some of you people are ridiculous. You are so blinded by your hatered for The United States and our President that you refuse to think logically about this video. The song was written and performed for a captive audience. A very specific audience.

If you cannot understand the context of the song then you are supremly ignorant.

What is genuinely alarming the lack of outrage when Muhammadans make beheading videos and cry out for the destruction of all non-Islamic peoples?

If you haven't gotten the postcard these people want a Caliphate. That includes your country as well.

BTW, the insurgents murdered 2 POW's this week. I'd like to know how you "intillectuals" feel about that.

Semper Fi, Marine.

we are not blinded by our hatred but we don't feel a bad taste song should be produced. OK the marine was ambushed so he need to fight back in on order save his live. Good thinking I must say. Laughing maniacally after used your so call love at the first sight as ur own body shield is kinda brain disorderi would say. And imagine when this guy finished his tour and came back to states would any of you willing to trust your daughter with him?

And the headlines read.."bush has been assasinated"--that will be one GREAT day in my life.

if that happened, then who gonna repair all his mistakes/misconceptions? Not Kerry certainly. For both of them seems to share the same school of thought. Any idea?

Kerry never would have sent us (troops)to war.Kerry fought in a war, unlike bush.So to say they have the same school of thought is totally false.

The problem is its too easy for politicians to sit back behind a desk an vote to go to war-easy for them cause they(and there families)arent the ones who actually have to go and get shot at.Ive always said lets put the war to vote on the condition that whoever votes for the HAS TO GO FIGHT IN THE WAR.That "we believe in the war" attitude would change.


I support the Iraqi freedom fighters (aka 'insurgents'afterall, they are fighting for their country)

And I support US and UK deserters and fraggers.


In response to Paul M Whalen's comment on June 14th... and all you others so willing to write off the human beings that are in Iraq doing what their country has asked them to do... Yes, it is an all volunteer army now (not for long at this rate); and yes, some did sign up for college money, some signed up to get the hell out of where there were, and still others signed up to serve their country. Their country, their president has asked them to defend our freedom. Whether or not an individual soldier agrees with the mission, they have a duty to their country. There are soldiers in Iraq that have already completed a combat tour in Iraq and one in Afghanistan, and are still slated for yet another combat tour. These are people with families; wives, husbands, and sometimes children that have only had their mom or dad around for 6 months out of a 4 year life span. This is not the same as Vietnam, soldiers that went to Vietnam did their tour and could leave. Some chose to do more than one tour, but it was by choice.
Yes, it is sad that soldiers are loosing touch with the rest of us. But we SHOULD NOT leave them out to dry, we should be bringing them home and cradling them like a child who has lost his way.
So, Mr. Whalen, (Should I bestow the courtesy of addressing you as Mister? I'm not sure I should.) when you have given all you have for something that is greater than yourself, when you start burying your BROTHERS in arms, then maybe, just maybe, the rest of us might take what you have to say with any sort of seriousness.

True,but its also true that some of the soilders signed up after we invaded Iraq feeling a so-called need to defend our country.Just because a person in office (our so-called president)said was necessary to defend our freedom.Fully believing all the bush propaganda without putting much of there own thought into the who situation.
The bush adm. has been caught in one lie after another and there's soldiers over there still believing we're there for a just cause.
So many people have been brain-washed by the bush adm. here in the USA that its pathetic.

I love pussies who hide behind computers!!!! You fags can come see me up in Mich. Semper Fi!!







Pussy?That attitudes part of the problem.Alot of so-called men who've never been tough in there life decide to go join the army falsely thinking its gonna make them into a real man.Not all soldiers, but surely some.
As for jason-that person(bush) who sent us(troops)over there was too scared to go fight in a war when he was of age.But now,he can sit safely behind that desk and send all the troops into harms way.....Now you tell me,whos the REAL pussy??

Wow I can't believe it. Did anyone pay close attention to the lyrics? Killing civilians? I am pretty sure I heard him say "they pulled out their AK's" My thought would be that it was self defense. I think these guys are doing a great job over there. Sure occasionally civilians get caught in the crossfire, but imagine yourselves there, scared, not knowing who wanted your help and who wanted to cut your head off on tv and make you a marter. If it takes a guy making a song, mind you a song made as comedy, and that helps morale even if it is a bit morbid then so be it, more power to him. Should we as a nation be in Iraq? I don't know the answer to that, but I do know sitting around on our hands while we get attacked over and over again by muslims who think it will gain them favor from Mohammad isn't going to help us sustain our form of life in the US. In fact I'm pretty impressed so far that less of our soldiers have died than the amount of people that died on 9/11, and I think that we need to keep morale as high as possible. Maybe a little support for those guys from people like you who don't agree with the war might boost morale and they wouldn't need a marine like this making little diddy's about "killing civilans"

If innocent babies, kids and civilians were not being KILLED over there-i would support the troops.If Iraq had anything to do with 9/11-i would support the troops.
We're not fighting terrorism by being in Iraq-we're just adding fuel to the fire.All the fathers who've children have been killed, all the kids who's parents have been killed over there by a country who has the nerve to say they are over their fighting for there freedom(when before 9/11 they could careless for Iraqi civilians).Alot them fathers and kids are our future Bin Ladens.

So,let's get this straight, bush basically said GOD told him to invade Iraq....Try telling that to the families of all the civilian casualties in Iraq.An yet,we as a nation actually re-voted this "person" back into office.
bush talks good.But you judge a person by there actions-not what they say.America needs to see the body of every person killed over in Iraq-soldiers and Iraqi civilians-and yes alot of little kids and babies.We need to take one good hard look at THAT.bush is responsible for all that.A result of his actions and decisions.And no,you cant put blame on the CIA,because its a fact they told bush Iraq wasnt a threat.

It seems to me that everyone here is simply using this forum to make some "broader statement" about this whole war-thing. And, I'm sure that some semantician who disagrees with me may have loads to say on my using the term "war-thing" or Baby Jesus on a stick at the state fair knows what else...but I digress.

About Haditha, et al, I believe I have an allegory of what can happen when people, heatedly, jump to conclusions (like the game on Office Space).

I was in Kosovo when riots broke out, there, on St Patricks Day. Now, the fact that there were country-wide riots had nothing to DO with St. Patricks Day. We call that a coincidence.

The reason there were riots was because 4 ethnic Albanian kids were playing in a river somewhere in central Kosovo, and 3 of the 4 kids drown.

Almost immediately rumors spread throughout the entire country (I mean, it was a hell of an amazing display of the game of "telephone") that the kids were chased by evil Serbian militia men and drowned in the river while trying to escape.

Or, that Serb farmers unleashed their pack of guard dogs on the children who, again, drowned while fleeing the evil ethnic-cleansers.

Now, what REALLY happened, obviously is hard to say, because I wasn't at the river--imagine that muslim children who WEREN'T murdered by Americans...or, as it turns out, Serbs (at least not there)

But, essentially, after several hundred thousand Albanians rioted their balls off for a few days straight--there's some video of a half dozen TERRIFIED Greek soldiers in an armored vehicle that was set on fire by the tens of thousands of rioters who had been lobbing molotov cocktails on them.

It's kinda funny, if you LOOOVE freedom fighter and hate soldiers, which I KNOW you guys DO (wink and a thumb up for ya there)

A few Serb towns were burned down. A few Serb old ladies were killed by angry mobs. A few German and French soldiers were later prosecuted for cowardice, by their governments, for refusing to try and stop any rioting.

And, after all this the child admits to the local media that there were never any Serb men chasing them, never any dogs. The kids had simply been playing in the river and had been overtaken by the current.

The embellished story was first suggested by the kids parents, who no doubt harbor some slight animosity toward the Serbs. Maybe the parents really thought that's what must have happened.

Anyway, there's nothing inherently different about Albanians, or Serbs, or Kosovo that made this story unique to the area. This is just human nature.

Also, has anyone seen the World War II wartime posters that they had in America? I mean if a song pisses you off, it's a good thing you and your delicate sensibilities weren't around during THAT silly little war. They said stuff like "help kill the Kraut, work at the riveting plant!" Well, stuff LIKE that.

My favorite shows a highly caricatured Japanese soldier carrying an unconscious white woman off to be (presumably) raped, or perhaps forced to eat sushi (which is delicious, by the way...my favorite is Unagi)

But, anyhow, the debate on the war should have taken place a few years ago, wouldn't you say, kids?

Side-note, I feel like I should just lose the occasional sarcasm, or subtlety, as I'm sure some half-wit is going to look back and read baby jesus on christmas trees into whatever I say.

But, anyway, people with think I'm coming from the "right" on this, but America was as fucked with Clinton in office as it is now, with Bush. Telecommunications Act of 1997, anyone??

How about (if memory serves right) Article 1, section 9 of the Constitution which states:

No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.

Now, compare the above with the fact that the government has published the budget of our intelligence agencies (all 34 of them) ONCE. One time. That's not even Time to Time at all.

Also, it was 30 Billion dollars, that year. And there is a slough of other goodies to be all good and pissed about, too.

Alexis de Tocqueville said (paraphrasing) that 'the despot cares not if his subjects love him, as long as they do not love each other.'

Now, think Bush gives a fuck about what we think? Clearly not. Also, if we were going to liberate the Middle East from mean old dictators, why DIDN'T we start with Saudi Arabia, again? I know, I know, it's a cliched question. My bad.

At the risk of being ironic, here I have to say-- People today seem to be comfortable dealing, solely, with highly idealized "essences" in the Platonic sense. It's easy to call a dead soldier a hero, because you can make the picture of the soldier in uniform be whatever you want it to be. A young man in uniform, or a monstrous killing machine, etc.

Life really is a bit more complex than that. Now, imagine this scenario, you're taking a crap and someone accidentally walks in on you and that is the only 30 seconds that THAT person will ever know of your existence (scarred, though, they probably would be after THAT....) ....Now, imagine that person writes a blog about the very essence of your being, they form opinions about you--who you are, what you stand for, what your ideals are.

Now, you have some idea of what you're doing on this blog, people.

Good night, and good luck

By the way, everyone-- I'm pretty tired of the way media keeps referring to 'Allah'

Allah means God in Arabic. To become a muslim you basically say "La allah, wa Allah" (I probably transliterated that wrong)

It means, "There is no god, but God and Muhammad is His messenger"

It continually mystifies me that people who supposedly possess some modicum of knowledge on the Middle East and its history would continually refer to the same silly God by different names.

All three of these monotheistic religions (that's Judaism, Christianity, Islam)came out of the Middle East. All three profess to worship the same God (God isn't pronounced G-O-D in hebrew, either, but we don't call people out at bar mitzvahs and say "Now, now, you don't worship OUR God"

Well, at least I don't KNOW anyone who does anything crazy, like that.

Anyway, the point is....people, tell your newscasters, local stations, networks affiliates and newspapers to stop saying "Allah" vs. "God"

It's just annoying, because it stinks of racism, to be honest.

Also, if you're muslim and you want to call God allah, then you have to say everything in Arabic. I don't say "Ataka'lum Arabia SLOW" DO I? No, cuzz that would sound kooky.

Anyway, do whatcha like.

The debate over the war WAS taken place "back then"and it should keep taking place everyday till this war,or really occupation ends.Get it,kid?
And saying Clinton was as bad as bush?Hundreds of thousands of people werent killed under Clinton.Get it,kid?
After 9/11,Clinton never would have sent us into a pre-emptive war with Iraq.

Now, now. "Rob_USA" my point was to lift this debate ABOVE this whole partisan finger-pointing game that seems to be so popular in "Americana"....

Clinton oversaw the complete deregulation of "the people's airwaves"......Clinton pushed for (and got) the complete destruction of any protections guarding against monopolization. It's no accident that large, multi-farious "transnational corporations" became a bit more common in the 90's.

Clinton had said that he didn't disagree with Bush going into Iraq, he just disagreed with (paraphrasing) "How he did it"

Also, two points on your argument, Rob--After everything I wrote, the only thing you had to say was some half-assed Clinton defense? And, (2) you should have said "The debate over the war HAD taken place 'back then'

If you're going to botch "Inglizey" (fie arabia) don't highlight the fact.

Also, Kerry ran, in 2004 saying that Bush was going to "Cut and run." and that he, Kerry, would stay the course and fix Bush's mistakes--go back and watch thhe campaign speeches, kid.

Now, it saddens me that this is the case, but you people who want to reduce this debate to some inconsequential partisan issue are simply partaking in EXACTLY what Alexis de Tocqueville spoke of, more than 150 years ago. I'll repeat it, AGAIN, because you seem to have missed it the first time--

The despot cares not if his subjects love him, as long as they do not love each other.

If a citizen didn't need to be some corporate shill AND a bad-zillionaire to run for office maybe we wouldn't FIND aristocratic imperialists running the country.

Maybe we would have raised the minimum wage for the first time in TEN YEARS. Maybe congress wouldn't have an automatic "cost of living" raise--which most of them hardly need.

Maybe the agricultural industry wouldn't get 19 BILLION dollars in subsidies (that's your money, kid) so they can export powdered mil to Jamaica and kill the economy, there.

Maybe we wouldn't give Israel 10 BILLION dollars in MILITARY aide, each year--ahhh, don't you love the smell of colonialism in the morning?

Maybe we wouldn't continually reinforce despots in mineral rich countries for our own interests.

Lemme, guess, though--you're a "neorealist" aren't you?

Saying Clinton is better than Bush is like saying Mary Queen of Scots is a MUCH better ruler than Elizabeth I.

Keep throwing tomatoes at the condemned and God save the queen, kid.

Is Bush evil? Hell yes. But, if you don't think Clinton was every bit the Neo-Imperialist that Bush is, then you haven't been paying attention.

There's been a remarkable concensus of foreign policy (macro, if not micro) through the terms of the past six presidents. Do I mean to say they all would have done EXACTLY the same thing? Of course not.

But they all serve the same master. And if you love ANY of them, Bush or Clinton, than you serve them too.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it, kid.

One more thing, to debate the morality of a war AFTER you've invaded a country is like debating whether or not robbing a bank was a great idea AFTER youve been holding the gun to the bank manager's head.

The damage has been done. What are we going to do now? Can we just say, "Oops, my bad. I get a bit impulsive at times." And hope the worst we have to deal with is the uncomfortable silence from Baghdad to the Exit Door??

It continually amazes me--this short-sightedness which seems endemic to American culture.

Was invading Iraq a bad idea? I happen to think so.

Is invading a country, destroying it and then leaving while the flames are still burning a better idea? I happen to think not.

But, if we stay, we'll just end up building the Middle East version of Okinawa, at best. That's not a good thing, fyi....at least not for the Iraqis, just ask the Okinawans what they think.

If we pull out now, Iran will probably consolidate Iraq's oil with their own--not necessarily a horrible thing, but it WILL make our country's "fearless leaders" go bananas and we'd just find ourselves invading another muslim country (only this time four times the land mass and a bit more heavy in the people sector)

So, like I said, the debate on the sanity of invading Iraq should have taken place before we invaded. Sadly, it didn't because for the past 50 years we've been governed by expansionists (I'm being kind, here, by not saying 100 plus years)

Also, most people in America can barely read, much less read the Constitution--which as a document has been co-opted by faux-patriots--the Constitution is supposed to be Right OF the people AGAINST the government.

The document is meant to restrict government, not empower it exponentially.

If most people in America hadn't been just letting their favorite cable t.v. shows wash over them for every waking moment they're not at work, then maybe we wouldn't be where we're at.

What a sad, sad country this crazy place is.

What are we going to do now?We impeach bush.That would redeem us with the world again-atleast with Europe.Then more countries would be willing join a coalition to go into Iraq and take control of the situation-for the good of our soilders and Iraqi's alike.
Then again bush will never be impeached.The self-rightous so-called christians who were responsible for re-electing bush would never allow that to take place.They've been competely brain-washed by bush and all his propaganda.
Yeah,what a sad country this crazy place is.

I agree one-hundred percent on all accounts, there.

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