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American Swing

Annie Body: Geyser of Desire

Bondage Cross


Chemistry of Love

Dildo Doctor


Eros & Psyche

Eros Carnavale


Eros the Planetoid

Ethical Hedonism MANIFESTO


FEET: A Love Story


Graham Crackers: America's Anti-Sex Snack

Perfect 10 Chemistry of Love

HEF enters the Erotic Hall of Fame

HOF VS.HEF: Decriminalization of Prostitution:

Hot Holiday Sex

Inner Space

LANA & ME: Meetings with Remarkable Apes

Les 10 Commandements du Plaisir

Luscious Cunnilingus

Marilyn Monroe B-DayParty at the Hollywood Erotic Museum


Maxim Ménage-à-Trois

My Missionary Position

Nude for Zorbacchus


Penthouse Interview

Plastic Fantastic LOVER

Queen Esther


Sex & Technology: A Marriage Made on Earth

SEX WEEK at YALE: Lust et Veritas !

Speakeasy Grand Opening

SQUIRTING: Female Ejaculation

Squirting Index


The 10 Commandments of PLEASURE

The SQUIRTING DIALOGUES with Dr. Betty Dodson

The Future is Sex

The Womb Room

Urban Camping, Erotic Art & The New Morality for the NeXt Millennium


Weimar Love Club

Art of Seduction

Big Lies

Bobos in Paradise

BONOBO: The Forgotten Apee

Caning Able

Demonic Males

Double Trouble

Eat Me

Encyclopedia of Unusual Sex Practice

Erotic Travel Tales

female ejaculation & The G Spot

Hot Girls of Weimar Berlin

Hunting of the President by Joe Conason

I was a Teenage Dominatrix

King David

KOSHER SEX by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach

Lights, Camera, Sex! by Christy Canyon

Mean Genes

Orgasms for Two by Betty Dodson

The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Green

The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown

Genesis of Justice

The Lifestyle

The Mile High Club

The Red Tent

The Sexual Life of Catherine M

Voluptuous Panic: The Erotic World of Weimar Berlin by Mel Gordon

X-Rated Bible



Ape World

CANNES Reloaded

Half Past Autumn: The Life & Works of Gordon Parks


MOULIN ROUGE: An Electrical Parade with Garters!

QUILLS: Philip Kaufman's Film About the Marquis de Sade

SEX ACTS IN SOHO with Heilman-C

Speakeasy Grand Opening

Vagina Monologues



NEW YORK CITY SQUIRTS: Cinekink Film Fesival Adventures

MoSex 'n Mo: NY Museum of Sex

Sex Week at Yale '04 Lust et Veritas !

Sex Week at Yale '06: SWAY with Me

Cannes Bla Bla


Cannes Heat

CANNES Reloaded

Travels with Max

Travels with Max VIII: Libertine Clubs of Cannes

Travels with Max VII: French Book Tour & 10th Wedding Anniversary in Paris

Travels with Max VI: Mipcom & The Libertines of France

Travels with Max V: British Book Tour, Euro-Fun

Travels with Max IV : Sex Acts in NYC

Travels with Max III: The Doctor & Her Butler Get Married!

Travels with Max II Santa Cruz, San Francisco, Summerhill, Sex, Spirits, Shabui and Shrieking Sashimi

Travels with Max I: Great West Coast Getaways

America Wants A Divorce

Hot Holiday Sex

Weimar Love Story



Eros Day 2005: The Counter-Inaugural BALL



Theater of Cruelty

America in tha Hood

Save Abu Ghraib!

Bush's POW Porn

Indecent Insurgents: WATCH WHAT YOU SAY

Bush's Taliban Drug Deal

Same-Sex Marriage: Just Say No to Prohibition

SADDAM’s SeX Therapist & The Rape of Free Speech

Janet Letters

The Janet Jackson BOOB TUBE super bowl



A LOVE SUPREME: Our Assholes Are Now Our Own!

Rape of Iraq

ART BOMBS: American Libertines for Peace



Berkeley Free Speech Tango

Cockfight Letters

Cockfight at the Baghdad Corral

Adelphia Letters



Farewell to My Chief: Bernard C. Parks

Adelphia Accounting Scandals: Rigas Boys Caught Masturbating Their Figures

A Brave Victim of Terror

Ayatollah Asscraft's Cover-Up of Minnie Lou

American Detainee

The Great Pretzel Swallower's Guantánamo S&M Porn PR Disaster

Letters from Pakistan, Photos from (Old) Afghanistan

Patriot Letters

Patriot Act Unpatriotic

We Are All Afghans Now

Sex, Terror, Jerry bin Foulwill & Raving Castrati 


The Bookburner Prize for Censorship

Elections, Erections, Fuzzy Numbers and Falling on Your Face in the Divided States of America

Adelphia Family Censors: An Open Letter to John J. Rigas

ADDICTION: A Modern Sense of SiN

Democratic Sex

Mayor Dick Apologizes to Dr. Suzy!

LAPD RAID on BlockStudios



LAPD Home Invasion

Crossdressers for Christ

Confessions of a Washington Sex Addict

The Heart of The Matter

Deep Gloat: On the Aftermath of the Starr Report

Kenneth W. Starr: A Pornographer For Our Times

Heaven's Gate, Hell's Trap Door: How Celibacy Leads to Suicide



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7/4/2006 - 2:06:23 PM

Vern Bullough, R.I.P.

Too many people I love are dying. If you follow my bloggamy, you know I came dangerously close myself about a month ago, and I’m still working my way out of death’s dark woods. Shortly before, my friend Dabney Zorthian died. Then Scott had a sudden heart attack and left us. Now, I’ve just learned that while I was in the hospital, my dear friend and mentor, renowned sexologist Dr. Vern Bullough, passed away. Vern had told me a few months ago that he had inoperable cancer and wouldn’t last much longer, so I’m not surprised. But the pain of losing him is still strong.

Many people, especially in the fields of sexology and sex history, feel the same way. "We have lost the most important historian of our field," said Eli Coleman, a past president of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, who directs the human sexuality program at the University of Minnesota medical school. "It would be very hard to find somebody that had so extensively studied so many areas within sexuality," Coleman added. "Vern was all over the field — not in a superficial way but in a very deep way."

Vern had an encyclopedic knowledge of sex and wrote groundbreaking books on a variety of subjects, such as homosexuality, prostitution, transgenderism and crossdressing. Titles included "The History of Prostitution" (1964), "The Subordinate Sex" (1973), "Sexual Variance in Society and History" (1976), "An Annotated Bibliography of Homosexuality" (1976), "Homosexuality: A History" (1979), "Cross-Dressing, Sex and Gender" (1993), "Science in the Bedroom" (1994), "American Sexuality: An Encyclopedia" (1994) and "How I Got into Sex" (1997). Among his many accolades is the Alfred Kinsey Award for distinguished sex research. He was a widely respected scholar and professor at several universities, and he always tried to help others with his connections. Vern got me my lecture gig at USC in which I speak to undergrads on the subjects of Bonobos and Fetishes. Now another branch of USC, the General Hospital ER, saved my life, even as Vern lost his.

Vern's life was packed with awesome accomplishments. But my personal memories are of his visits to my show, both as a fascinating featured guest (“Learn with Vern”), and as an active enthusiastic member of the audience. I remember watching him and his second wife Gwen, a retired English professor, one Eros Day as they intently observed Big D (Eros) and Leila Swan (Aphrodite) making heavenly love on my bed, Big D in his angel wings, Leila squirting like a fountain. Was this a unique opportunity for eye-witness sex research for Vern? Or an aphrodisiac that would inspire a night of hot love between him and Gwen later on? Probably a bit of both. Vern was always ready to learn.

The last time I saw him was at my salon with Dr. Betty Dodson (who sent me word of his passing). He did look older than his 77 years that night, but his boyish enthusiasm for the evening’s discussion and activities was vital as ever, later writing me that he'd “enjoyed himself very much.” I’m glad I didn’t know that was the last time I’d see him, or I would have cried all night.


Thank you, Vern, for all of your tremendous pioneering work in sexology, sex history and sexual freedom. Thank you for reaching out to me several years ago, supporting my work and becoming my friend. Your work lives on in schools and libraries, and in the laws you fought for that let more and more people live their sexual lives in peace. Your love lives on in our hearts.

My own heart is broken over losing you, Scott and Dabney. But I better Krazy-Glue it back together and get back to work on my own recovery. I miss you, but I’m nowhere near ready to join you.

(post a comment)

* * * * * * *
Re: Vern Bullough, R.I.P.
From: Betty Dodson

Hey Suzy Honey,

The last time we saw Vern was the night he came to your Speakeasy when I was your guest. I got lost and arrived late while everyone waited patiently. Virgos hate to be late and I was mortified. I had no idea that Vern and I are the same age! At the time, he looked like he was 88, but then I didn't know he had cancer. He was a wonderful gentle man who will be missed.

Take you time healing from whatever laid you low. A lot of people miss you, but you gotta take care of yourself first. Be like your friend BAD who says, "After me you come first."


7/4/2006 - 12:43:52 AM

R.I.P Scott Weems
Our dear friend and Speakeasy IT and Technical Director Scott Weems died of a heart attack today. His passing comes as a shock, and the timing, in the midst of my recovery, seems strangely cruel. But we all knew he had had his first heart attack two years ago, and that he could go at any time. His time was today. We miss him terribly in so many ways.. In the short time he was with us here at the Speakeasy, Scott contributed a tremendous amount in multiple areas. He greatly improved technical aspects of the websites, the show and the way we do business. Everyone who worked and played with him liked and respected him. He was smart, sensitive, disciplined, dedicated to our cause, and a lot of fun to hang out with. A really exceptional, wonderful human being.

Scott Weems - Oct. 12, 1963 - July 3, 2006

Thank you so much for sharing your last precious months on earth with us, Scotty. We love you now and always. Rest in peace.

(post a comment)

* * * * * * *
Re: R.I.P Scott Weems
From: David

Thank you for your friendship, dedication and the contributions you've made to all of us here at the studios. You'll always be in hearts.

The Goal is The Journey

7/3/2006 - 12:30:51 PM

Happy 4th of July!

It's the 230th anniversary of the American Revolution, the eve of the 4th of July: Time to venerate the Founding Daddios of our Nation, like George Washington who grew hemp on his plantation, and Thomas Jefferson who had sex with his slave, sexy Sally Heming, on his plantation, and Ben Franklin who didn’t have a plantation, but enjoyed those Paris orgies in between diplomatic efforts to gain French support for our new revolution, the Revolution we now celebrate with an all-American fireworking, hot-dogging, beer-busted, sexy summer-hot orgasmic affirmation of freedom.  


When I was a kid, the sexiest holiday of the year was the 4th of July, smack in the center of a Philly summer, hot and steamy enough to go out at night in shorts and thin cotton shirts. We'd all go out to the playground and spread our blankets on the ground, then lay on our backs, looking up at the stars, dizzy and drunk on the enormity of it all. And some of us (the science nerds) knew that those lights in the endless sky above us were from fires burning long before America even existed. The rest of us liberal arts types just hung out or made out on the blankets and waited for the pseudo starbursts to start - promethean gifts to heavenly bodies - streaking the night sky with blasts of red, blue, silver bullets bursting in our ears, shining in our eyes, orgasming in our hearts, then falling so exquisitely, so deliciously, like the end of an ejaculation, showering our spirits in celebration. Celebration of what? Not of culture; American culture is just a mishmash of other cultures. Not of government; most of us tend to have pretty mixed feelings about government. But celebration of an idea, simple and yet incredible, the idea of freedom, the greatest aphrodisiac of all.

Let freedom reign, brothers and sisters! More than just about anything, people want to feel free. Feeling free is almost as important as feeling love, sometimes more important; lots of us give up love to be free. We seek, we cherish, we fight for our freedom, and yet...it's sooo slippery... I mean, how free are you? Are you freer now than you used to be, or less free? What imprisons you? Your job? Your school? Your marriage? Your parents? Your children? Your fears? Your neighbors? Your president? Does the War imprison you? If you’re in the reserve, I bet it does. How about the Terror? Does the Patriot Act imprison you? Is your religion a prison? Do your aspirations for political office imprison you? Maybe your body imprisons you. Your weight? Your age? Your guilty conscience? Your expectations? Do you expect someday someone will come along and give you your freedom? Like on a silver platter? Like that big break you’ve been waiting for? Or maybe like a bomb? Maybe somebody will bomb you free! Liberate your soul from your bomb-pulverized body; that’s Bush-style freedom for the Iraqis. Yes indeed. And the sign over Auschwitz said “Work sets you free” Lord and Lady save us from that freedom.

Of course, the other side of the coin of freedom is restraint. Which isn’t so bad if you enjoy it. Yes, freedom is a great aphrodisiac. But restraint is a close second. If that’s your thing. There are different kinds of restraint, control, bondage, or as they say en français, “ligottage,” the gentle art of tying up your sex partner, with anything from bondage cross handcuffs to putting a hood over your head to the invisible shackles of your mind over your partner’s matter, the purpose being to enhance excitement, not to overcome reluctance. Consensuality is the key to this delicate erotic art, the sensual science of restraint. Without consensuality, well, then it’s called torture, and there you have it: Operation Iraqi Freedom. Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose. Are we’re losing it, here in Bush's America’s, on our 230th 4th of July?

Well, we’ve always got fireworks. But don't be popping off those amateur firecrackers now; or you could be popping off some fingers. And how you gonna finger anybody with no fingers?

Or you could just play it safe and watch "Orgasmic Freedom on the 4th of July" with "100% fuckable" brunette bombshell Dana DeArmond on RadioSuzy1TV. Happy B-Day, USA!

(post a comment)

* * * * * * *
Re: Happy 4th of July!
From: Cee Bee

Beautiful energizing essay on freedom. You must be feeling better, Dr. Suzy!

6/25/2006 - 7:22:05 PM

Back to Life!

I’m back! Back from my battle with death. Back from the hospital which saved my life, but was starting to freeze-dry my soul. Back at my beautiful sensual Speakeasy, back with my beloved H (who never left my side the entire time), back with my cherished Bonobo Gang of friends and lovers. And it feels good! Good to back. Good to be alive. Good to be released, reborn, resurrected like some mythical force of nature. Not that I feel very forceful at the moment. I am ridiculously weak and in all kinds of pain and itchiness. But somehow this feeble body has dragged itself out of the Valley of Death and into the Garden of Healing, Freedom, Sex and Pleasure. Oh, what would I do without pleasure? When you live in a House of Pain, you know that every little pleasure – every kiss, every pee, every caress of your naked knee, every sip of an icy drink – is filled with hope and healing.

Scott took this pic on my "Rebirth Day" when I'd just gotten off of the despicable breathing tube and was starting to breathe on my own. That's H's hand holding Sunny, my stuffed bonobo-monkey hybrid doll, an important part of the team that saved my life.

But right now, it doesn’t take much activity (even the pleasurable kind) before I collapse in a heap of exhaustion. So before I do, I just want to thank you, all of you, from my closest family and friends to you mysterious strangers, for all your marvelous, motivational comments, cards, letters, gifts, message, bonbons and bons mots, and yes, even your prayers. Though recent studies have shown that prayers don’t help and may even hinder the convalescence of the sick, it's the thought that counts, and I appreciate your thoughts. They’ve helped me beat that icy hand of death back into the darkness and out of my light.

Of course, I didn’t do this “beating” myself. In fact, I was mostly unconscious during the initial critical weeks. Though, I did have that will to live (With the great life I lead, who wouldn't?). You could say I was part of a team – one of the best in the world – the team that save my life – the doctors, residents, nurses and administrators of USC County Hospital. I know, it’s not a fancy resort-hospital. But if you’re rapidly going down the death hole, and you’d prefer to live, USC is the place to be, with the best doctors in the world in every field of expertise, along with their students and residents and fantastic nurses. They’re all part of a military operation, out on the front lines, with the lead docs acting like generals calling the shots. Their methods reminded me of America’s “War on Terror,” with at least one huge difference: these doctors knew what they were doing. They defeated the enemy (septic shock), while saving my life. It was rough going, especially that first week when my chances of survival were less than 50%. As I awakened in the third week, some of the doctors shook my hand, looking at me like I was Lazarus, calling me the “case of the year” and the USC “miracle girl.” The fact is that they were my miracle workers, and I just can’t thank them enough.

That’s it about my illness for now. I’ll be writing more details about it a forthcoming book that will knock your socks – and panties – off.

And very soon, I will be doing the shows, seminars and bacchanals again that we all love so much, and that you won't find anywhere on earth except here at Dr. Suzy's Speakeasy..

In the meantime, please do me a big favor. As I’m sure you can imagine, this illness has been not just a physical catastrophe, but a big financial setback for the Speakeasy (yup, here come the commercials). So now's the time to buy a DVD, a sex toy, a T-shirt or some fine erotic art in Shopping Heaven, come join us Backstage, watch or download something wonderful in the Erotic Theater or call my office at 213.749.1330 for some telephone sex therapy (something healing for you!). Or just make a pure donation (call 213.749.1330), and earn a special place in my heart. The doctors of USC saved my life. Now it’s up to you to save the life of the Speakeasy where we’ve all enjoyed so much good sex, fun and wisdom. We can do it! We’ve gotten this far. We can do anything.

(post a comment)

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: St. Kate (patron saint of beardless young men)

I have never had so close a brush. But I had a hospital bout earlier this year, and it's still vivid in my mind how frightening it is to be at the mercy of hospital staff -- I think you, Dr. Suzy, had better care as is fitting for a scarier experience.

I want to tell you one of the reasons it's so important that you stayed with us. About a year ago I sent a friend the page showing your encounter with the "remarkable ape" Lana at the San Diego Zoo. While she was viewing the pictures, her little grade-school son came in and looked over her shoulder at the monitor. "Mom, she looks so human!" he said. He wanted to see every picture of Lana. My friend said she got teary to see him taking in that these creatures are beautiful, and our kin.

I long ago realized I was living out the words of John Pflaum -- "pervert to convert." May you do the same on a cosmic scale bis hundert zwanzig.

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Your American Julie

Yeahhhhh!!!!! I heard you were back!!! Love you!!! The Speakeasy was lonely without you!!!

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Welcome back.....

Well, Doc, beleive what you want, but I think you have a purpose here on this planet, and the God(dess) I believe created you (and me, although in my case I wonder if it was on one of His bad days) heard the thousands of voices who didn't want you to leave us yet....not as the Final Revolution is about to take hold.

Tell H (whoever he or she is) that we love you for being there for her and for us.

And if anyone ever doubts that prayers don't work....I'll just point them in the direction of the cute little blonde with the feather boa and the 'tude. That's your proof.

I love you Suzy.


* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: toast3d2001@yahoo.com

Dear Dr. Susan, so glad to hear you are still improving and fighting your way into the light, my thoughts and energy still flow your way.

A positive reward for a very caring person.

Keep it up, you will endure.

I think the energy you have put out has indeed come back to you 10 fold.

... a yellow rose ...

James ~ Scorpio

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Perry Caravello

Tell Dr. Suzy, "WELCOME HOME HONEY." I look forward to coming to another show very soon. Perry

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Dr. Robert McGinley

Thank you for the update. We have had great concern.

Dr. Robert McGinley
Chairman and President
LSO, Ltd.

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: kat & bd

Fantastic news!

Much love and wishes for a speedy recovery! We'll see you soon.



* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Dr. G Spot

That's wonderful news, Suzy. Welcome home! We look for your
continued recovery!. (And, if its not too personal, WHAT THE HELL
Best Wishes for a speedy recover,
Dr. G Spot
John Perry
John D Perry, PhD, MDiv, etc., ret.
email: DryDoc@BellSouth.net
webs: www.inContiNet.com, www.DrGSpot.net

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Mistress Cyan

Hello Susan,

It is great to see you back !!! I am so happy that you are out of the hospital and on the road to recovery back "home".

I read what you had to say about USC and I agree. If it were not for the doctors at USC, I would be totally blind today. They performed a number of surgeries on Me back in 1996 that saved the little sight that I hae left. They are truly professional.

I also read that you, and not surprisingly so, have incurred a financial burden as a result. I would like to help by doing a fundraiser and donate all the proceeds to you to help. All I would need is your okay and perhaps some help from your staff to help publicize it. I will give ome thought as to what I can produce and let you know.

In the meantime, make sure you get your rest and take it easy. As you are now well aware, there are many who love you, and look forward to seeing you back in top form !!!

All My love,

Mistress Cyan

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Diane Block

Welcome back from the other side Cousin. For those who don't know me, I am Susan's New York cousin and a Healer (I do believe in prayer having seen what it can do). Knowing this kid all my life I can tell you that she is one of the strongest fighters you will ever meet. Just tell her that it's time to go and she will plant her foot in cement. Is she too stubborn to die? Naw, she just has too much work ahead of her. If you thought you knew her before, well, just put your seat belts on because you ain't seen nothing yet! Just one last word here, I love you Cuz!

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Mark@WickedTemptations.com


We are so relieved to hear the news of your continuing recovery! And we've been sending you many erotic thoughts to speed your return to us.

Get well soon... we're looking forward to joining you at the speakeasy again.

Lots of Love
Mark (Wicked Temptations) and Lori Pleasure

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: William Patrick Haines

I knew your fiery spirit would beat this sooner or later. I am so glad it was sooner rather than later! It is a shame most hospitals do not operate in a similiar manner .Welcome back and congratulations for conquering this illness.
Well as soon you get your strength back, hopefully you can resume taking on the illness of the religious right's intolerance and assault on personal liberties. Hell, I am sure if can beat this ailment maybe you get a few more good shots at America's ayatollas.

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: gstp@PeaceandLove.ca

Glad to see you are back online, with all your inner strenght and wit. In your Garden of Healing, Freedom, Sex and Pleasure.

To reassure your fans, is it possible to confirm the 'septic shock' had nothing to do with "AIDS". With all the sexual activity at Dr. Suzy's Speakeasy, that question will surely be on some minds. And may hamper their pleasure until your book is published.

Thanks for all the good sex, fun and wisdom so far; while fighting for our rights, freedom and justice.

Peace Love and Freedom

Gilles St-Pierre

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Dr. Suzy

I don't usually post comments on my own bloggamies. But I did want to address Gilles St-Pierre's concern in the comment above. No, my "septic shock" has nothing whatsoever to do with AIDS or HIV, and no, my illness has nothing whatsoever to do with a sexually transmitted disease. I am, and always have been, absolutely STD-free, and nothing I have or had is or was in any way contagious. Septic shock is a little mysterious, and I will bloggamize about it more when I'm feeling a little better. Right now, I'm so weak, just sitting at my beloved computer is quite draining. Some good news is that H and I had sex last night, and it was great!

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Cee Bee

I'm so glad you're feeling better, Dr. Suzy. We've missed you so much. And wow, having sex too. You sure are a miracle girl.

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: frank vidrio

I am glad to hear that the good doctor is doing better. I hope and pray that she gets 100% soon. My prayers are always with her and her husband and staff

frank v

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Michael

Get well soon, Susan!


* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: W.S. Cross

Well, it's certainly mysterious what happened to you, but I'm glad to know you're alive and better. Please continue to get well, and return to doing your naughty thing ASAP. If it's one thing the world needs more of right now, it's naughtiness! Old Blues never die, they just continue fucking!

W. S.

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Romeo Guastaferri

Dear Susan

I just learned about your recent medical problems. I intensely hope that these events will quickly become things of the past so that you may get back to enlightening us all with your kinky brand of humour and wisdom.

I particularly enjoyed your recent piece on Hookergate. I was sooo tempted to write to you, telling you how much I enjoyed it. After a couple of paragraphs, I was thinking to myself : I gotta write to her... tell her about how not one of these poker playing johns had the good taste to put things in perspective during Clinton's impeachment ordeal. But you think about it, the main consequence of Clinton's actions was a stained dress. What these guys are doing is screwing the whole country, mismanaging billions of dollars in military spending, and killing or maiming thousands of americans, tens of thousands of Iraqis in the process... I gotta tell her about that... but of course, you yourself had it all figured out by the time I got to the end of the article ! :-) That's why I didn't bother to write after all... which I regretted when I heard about what happened to you shortly after.

Please get well soon. Many of us are looking forward to your future columns.


* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Linda

Dr. Suzy is alive, well, writing again, and needs time to bounce back.
I knew my naked body could *pull Dr. Suzy back from the brink of death*. And also her Medical Healing Team, and all of us 1000s of Dedicated Fans and Sluts and Lovers of Sluts Everywhere....

Love, Linda
Aka Lucky Lady Linda

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Lisa Ann Davis

Dr. Suzy, I am glad you are still here to celebrate your Birthday.
Better late than never. :D
Glad you are feeling better my dear.

Keep getting better!


Lisa D.

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: William Patrick Haines

Hopefully you are gaining more of your strength as the days go by.

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Mistress Genevieve

Yeah, It is so good to see you back in the "swing" of things.
Atleast i wasn't the only one who got sick this year and missed their own birthday...damn I was looking forward SOOOOOOOO much to this years bash, and i really am sorry I didn't manage to make it to the hospital. Several attempts with to go with Annie were thwarted. Such a thing is common for a non-driver.

But I missed you and tried to send you comments on your myspace but they had to be approved and with your weakened condition no doubt it was the furthest from your mind and myspace had little ranking amongst your concerns and thoughts.

I can't wait to see you back smiling and vivacious as usual... It's hard to imagine you anything but bright, alive and full of fire and spunk, not that kind of spunk you perv, lol (pot kettle, kettle pot).

See you soon, but never soon enough,

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Riva Ariella Ritvo

It is SO GOOD to see you writing. Last time I saw you, you were lost in that valley. YOu knew you were going to come through. I massaged your head lightly and you fell asleep for awhile. You gave your hubby such a scare, but his love for you is so much stronger than any fear. HE WAS ALL THERE SUS!!!! It was touching to see his hand on your cheek, his gentle voice reassuring you as you nodded with that breathing tube that was certainly thicker than your neck and throat. Come back gently! Rest as much as your body is telling you to. You have a good connection with your body, so let it speak to you. There is always time to catch up! Meanwhile, please call me privately if there is anything I can do for you--my dear friend. You are brave and beautiful. We have known each other since high school so don't be shy...FAMILY! It is in the jewish values we share! I love you! I love your Max and WELCOME BACK! Re enter with caution!
Hugs and kisses Ari (Riva Ari Ritvo)>

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Re: Back to Life!


* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Rocky Angel

If there is anything this loyal slaveboy can do to help in your recovery, please feel free to ask. xoxo love, Rocky

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Jeff and Kris Booth

Being in the hospital really sucks, and not in any of the good ways. We both wish you a speedy recovery and a return to your feisty self.

Jeff and Kris Booth
Erotic University

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Reverend Bookburn

My sincerest wishes for a full recovery and your being back in action. Thank you for being a force for a more intelligent,humane and hotter world. love, Reverend Bookburn

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: James Noack

I wish you well and a speedy recovery. Knowing you are a survivor, you will endure. Being a valued asset to a troubled world and much needed to stay at our side, as a valued friend who has given so much to so many.

Live long and prosper,
James Noack

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Cousin Elliot Block

Dearest California Cuz,Glad to hear you are no longer in hospital.I guess you will do anything to have an excuse not to attend cousin Emily's bat mitzvah in Cherry Hill, although this was too much!!Anyway, my darling, you will be on the dance floor shaking your booty in no time. xxxxx Elliot

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Cousin Dorothy

Dearest Susan, I know we don't keep in touch often, but you are my cousin, and I do care about your well being. Stay on the recovery road. love, Dorothy

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Cousin Miltie

Diane has kept me informed of your ordeal. You're a fighter and any misfortune is simply another challenge for you. Hurry and get well. love, Miltie

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Tom

Dear Suzy,
I couldn't believe it when I was told you were rushed to the hospital. But I am relieved and delighted that you are doing better. We need you! I can't wait until you are up to speed for another show. You are one of my heroes, and we need you out there pioneeing the way to a life that is joyful, indulgent, responsible and Republican-free.
love, Tom

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: Mac Davis

Dear Suzy, Get well soon. We need you. best, Mac Davis

* * * * * * *
Re: Back to Life!
From: JJ

Dearest Suzy, the timing of your birthday and your recovery is interesting. I say that because your precious life has been saved. And thus, a reminder that each day is precious, and w are so deeply grateful that God has allowed you to continue gracing the world with your beautiful presence. xoxoxox love, JJ

6/9/2006 - 12:12:09 AM

UPDATE: Dr. Susan Block 's Emergency Surgery

Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans

First, we would like to report that Dr. Block’s condition has improved dramatically after her second operation on Monday, so much so that the first thing she talked about when she awoke was hosting the show this coming Saturday.

We would also like to thank all of you who have written, we’ve gotten hundreds of emails, phone calls, Blog entries, cards and donations. In addition, the hospital staff who brought her back from the brink of death.

As of today, she has been moved out of the ICU unit and is being well cared for, but of course there is still danger, life is delicate.

We expect she will be home in the next few days, where she can continue with her recovery.

We could write volumes but we will let Dr. Block tell the story and give you the details when she returns home safe and sound.

If you would like to send a card you can send it to: Dr. Susan Block, 8306 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1047, Beverly Hills, California 90211. Please don’t send flowers, she’d much rather you make even a small donation for her beloved Bonobo chimps.

Once again on behalf of Dr. Block and the staff, we’d like to say thank you and we’ll keep you posted till Susan is back with us.


The Block Team
The Dr. Susan Block Show
(post a comment)

* * * * * * *
Re: UPDATE: Dr. Susan Block 's Emergency Surgery
From: Eban

Dearest Suzy,

I am so glad to hear the latest news...I am now sending you even more love and warmth and sexy feelings...I can't wait to hear your lovely melodious sexy voice again very soon!!!

With much love,


* * * * * * *
Re: UPDATE: Dr. Susan Block 's Emergency Surgery
From: Rev. Bookburn

Dear Block Team,

I send my sincerest wishes for a full recovery for Dr. Block. Wishes for
healing and acknowledging her birthday shall be a part of my radio show
this Sunday night. Please let her know that the love and support extends
beyond her wonderful immediate circles and that many want to see her back
in action, making the world more aware and hotter.

Wishing you strength as well, all who are around her.


Rev. Bookburn
Radio Volta

* * * * * * *
Re: UPDATE: Dr. Susan Block 's Emergency Surgery
From: Mark P.

What's happened to her?

* * * * * * *
Re: UPDATE: Dr. Susan Block 's Emergency Surgery
From: Hammerin Hank

To Doc Block:

I miss that sexy coquettish face with the pouty lips and take charge passion play. The Alberta Einstein of intellectual sexuality.

Replete with a desperate lust libido only matched by retro smut slut Jewish goddesses of porn like CJ Laing, Cindi Shepard and Alexis Firestone.

The bohemian sexual mindplay and the smut sluts on parade for her/our pleasure. All on public access no less.

Cum back Doc Susie.

Get well soon.

Your fans have oral orgasms to seep.

And miles for blow before Mr. Happy weeps.


Hammerin Hank Rose
Studio City

* * * * * * *
Re: UPDATE: Dr. Susan Block 's Emergency Surgery
From: Frank V.

soooo Sory to hear that the Great Dr.Suzi got ill
during my time with the show I always had fun
I will pray for Dr Suzie and Staff

* * * * * * *
Re: UPDATE: Dr. Susan Block 's Emergency Surgery
From: Lisa W

You will all be in my prayers


* * * * * * *
Re: UPDATE: Dr. Susan Block 's Emergency Surgery
From: Helen

Please send my best wishes to Dr Block!!


* * * * * * *
Re: UPDATE: Dr. Susan Block 's Emergency Surgery
From: DeShaun

wow....what happened??

* * * * * * *
Re: UPDATE: Dr. Susan Block 's Emergency Surgery
From: Tom N

Thanks for the update- we're all saying prayers for her!

* * * * * * *
Re: UPDATE: Dr. Susan Block 's Emergency Surgery
From: DW

I rarely check my email and this is the first I'm hearing about this. May I ask what happened? I wish Susan all the best for a speedy recovery.

* * * * * * *
Re: UPDATE: Dr. Susan Block 's Emergency Surgery
From: Dell

So sorry to hear about this ordeal that Dr. Susie is experiencing. Much
hope, love and wonderful thoughts to her and her family and friends. Please
take it slow and easy on your road to full recovery. My thoughts will be
with you.


* * * * * * *
Re: UPDATE: Dr. Susan Block 's Emergency Surgery
From: Lifestyles.org

Thank you for the update. We have had great concern

* * * * * * *
Re: UPDATE: Dr. Susan Block 's Emergency Surgery
From: Craig

Dear Susan, I hope you are ok. I'd love to do a set of comedy for you at your bedside if necessary, hang in there.


(Guy who waited with you on the street)

* * * * * * *
Re: UPDATE: Dr. Susan Block 's Emergency Surgery
From: bd

Fantastic news!

Much love and wishes for a speedy recovery! We'll see you soon.


* * * * * * *
Re: UPDATE: Dr. Susan Block 's Emergency Surgery
From: ShaRon

Thanks for the update I hope Dr Susan has a quick recovery. Please give her
my love.. Thanks

* * * * * * *
Re: UPDATE: Dr. Susan Block 's Emergency Surgery
From: toast3d2001@yahoo.com

I am very pleased to hear of MS. Suzy's improvement.

She certainly has all the energy that I can send her way!

The world need the energy and caring of a good woman and one that cares about the way the world works - and works to make it a bettter place for all ... ALL. We can ill afford to lose such an asset for rights, freedom and justice, a strong voice and a needed one.

Best Wishes

James ~ Scorpio

* * * * * * *
Re: UPDATE: Dr. Susan Block 's Emergency Surgery
From: Get Well Sool

Marc Perkel - wish someone would post what your condition is and where to send flowers ....

* * * * * * *
Re: UPDATE: Dr. Susan Block 's Emergency Surgery
From: David R.

Dear David,

We've posted that information in an earlier blog. At this time Dr. Suzy can not have flowers in her room. You may send get well cards to: Dr. Susan Block, 8306 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1047, Beverly Hills, California 90211. currently her situation is fairly stable and she has asked us to let her write about this when she is released from the hospital.

Best regards,
Block Entertainment Group

* * * * * * *
Re: UPDATE: Dr. Susan Block 's Emergency Surgery
From: William Patrick Haines

I wish Dr Block a speedy recovery as much as I miss her .I am a client of her's . She was always willing to talk about any subject from soup to nuts .
She answered a lot of my personel emails and even a few articles I emailed her. Her blogs like most adult entertainment had news articles that rivaled newsweek and because they did follow any religious corporate or philsopical agenda made US news and world report seem like the tabliod weekly world news.

* * * * * * *
Re: UPDATE: Dr. Susan Block 's Emergency Surgery
From: Sinnamon Love

Please give Susan My Love... I hope whatever ails her she is able to continue to conquer. Can she receive visitors? I'd love to stop by the hospital and give her a hug.

* * * * * * *
Re: UPDATE: Dr. Susan Block 's Emergency Surgery
From: Mistress Genevieve

I'm sorry the attempts this week to come see you with Annie failed. I hope you are doing much better. I just sent an ecard to the tech email because I couldn't find any other email for you.

* * * * * * *
Re: UPDATE: Dr. Susan Block 's Emergency Surgery
From: John Clark

Just saw the news, oh dear, get well soon, Suzie, I miss seeing you.

Love from John and Miyuki

* * * * * * *
Re: UPDATE: Dr. Susan Block 's Emergency Surgery
From: helene

dear Suzy,
Just saw this entry!...sending a hug and lots of healing love, strength and courage- with all my best wishes and prayers for your complete recovery -in friendship and love from your Manhattan sister, helene

* * * * * * *
Re: UPDATE: Dr. Susan Block 's Emergency Surgery
From: Linda Smith

Get well soon, sweetie.... I owe you big, 'cause you introduced me to Frank Moore, and got me dancing naked with many other men and women on camera.... I tried sending you an email with a link to my new erotic blog, but it bounced.... *sigh* I am praying for you, sweetie. Love, Lucky Lady Linda

* * * * * * *
Re: UPDATE: Dr. Susan Block 's Emergency Surgery
From: Del Zamora

So sorry to hear about this ordeal that Dr. Suzy is experiencing. Much
hope, love and wonderful thoughts to her and her family and friends. Please
take it slow and easy on your road to full recovery. My thoughts will be
with you.


* * * * * * *
Re: UPDATE: Dr. Susan Block 's Emergency Surgery
From: Slick Rick

I am sure she will recover in no time and be back on her feet doing her

Get well soon.


* * * * * * *
Re: UPDATE: Dr. Susan Block 's Emergency Surgery
From: Sinnamon Love

Please give Susan My Love... I hope whatever ails her she is able to continue to conquer. Can she receive visitors? I'd love to stop by the hospital and give her a hug.

Sinnamon Love

* * * * * * *
Re: UPDATE: Dr. Susan Block 's Emergency Surgery
From: david wollock

happy birthday susan! so sorry to hear you are in the hospital. pls get well soon.

fellow gemini,
david wollock

* * * * * * *
Re: UPDATE: Dr. Susan Block 's Emergency Surgery
From: Xaviera Hollander

I hope that, if Susan is still in hospital some private assistant or even her husband reads her emails. please keep me and hundreds of dear fans and friends up dated with the latest development on susan blocks health situation. if she is out of danger, still in hospital or what. Would love to know exactly what has happened to her?

Xaviera Hollander

* * * * * * *
Re: UPDATE: Dr. Susan Block 's Emergency Surgery
From: Kelpie Wilson

Dear Dr. Block,

I have been a fan ever since I found your site while researching bonobos. The lovely sex on your site was a bonus! I really appreciate your articulation of "the bonobo way" and your advocacy on their behalf.

I was very sad to see that you are in the hospital, but cheered that it looks like you are recovering well. I thought that now would be a good time to send you a copy of my novel about bonobos, Primal Tears.

Primal Tears tells the story of Sage - a young, female, human-bonobo chimpanzee hybrid - who struggles to find a place for herself in a human-dominated world while exploring her sexuality, her spirituality and the meaning of love. Along the way, she reveals some unexpected answers to the human predicament.

You might recognize my name because you quoted an article of mine on your website a year or so ago. It was about the 2004 election, titled "What Moral Values," published on Truthout.org where I am an editor.

I hope you get well soon and that Primal Tears provides an amusing distraction for you.

Best wishes,
Kelpie Wilson

6/3/2006 - 3:12:03 AM

Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans

With great sorrow, we regret to inform you that Dr. Suzy’s June 10th Birthday Bacchanal Celebration will be postponed until further notice.

Unexpected and unfortunately, Dr. Block has been hospitalized for emergency surgery.

Currently, she is in critical condition and recovering slowly. Please know that Dr. Block is fighting for her life. She will need time to rest and heal, in order return to her usual, vibrant self.

On behalf of Dr. Block, we appreciate your patience, support, and understanding.

Get well or Birthday wishes to Dr. Block can be sent to the contact information below. Rather than sending flowers, donations can be made to Dr. Block’s passion, the Bonobo’s.

Sincerely with Love,

The Block Team


Block Entertainment 8306 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1047 Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(post a comment)

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: Eric

I'm so sorry to hear and wish her a successful recovery!!!!! I have been
a fan and have personally been on her lovely bed for the many years!
Please keep me in the loop on her status I would appreciate it. Thanks
so much!

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: DarkLady

What's up with Suzy? Injury or illness?

Please let her know that Darklady's Been There/Done That and has her in her

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: Xaviera

I am shocked to hear whats happened to susan. please let me know what
exactly she has been hospitalized for and the moment she is out of
danger. I am very sorry to hear she has suddenly fallen ill.
please keep me updated.


* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: mdickinson@kablonet.com

Get well soon funny, sexy, wise woman!


* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: Sam

My heart goes out to you, Doc. I wish you a speedy recovery.

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: Yaya

Dear Susan,

I send you all energy and light for your deep recovery. May all the love you have given be returned 100 fold to you now as you regenerate. The Divine shines within and without you. Love to you for all you have shared with all of us. In gratitude, Yaya

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: Jim Koy

Dear Dr. Susan Block:

I am shocked to learn that someone so relatively young and full-of-life as your beautiful self is hospitalized in critical-condition. Please hang in there and recover because I, like many others, find you to be a valued part of earthly existence who mindfully brings sensuous joy to us in an otherwise unenlightened world; don't let your jihadic enemies win by giving-in to whatever ails you! My psychic-thoughts and prayers will be healingly focusing on you in your time of need...

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: John M

Dear Suzy,
I pray that you get well soon, and become your old, fiesty, sexy self again.

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: Alex

Godspeed her recovery...!

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: Dale

Suzy! Know that prayer and cool thoughts of you emanate from
north of the border. Get well soon, sweetie!

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: CounterPunch

Alex and I are shocked to hear this news. Please let us know what we
can do to help Suzy and, of course, keep us apprised of her condition.

Jeffrey St. Clair

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: Betty Dodson

I'm so sorry to hear Suzy is in the hospital. Please keep me posted on what's
happening and please tell her I'm sending her orgasm energy for her healing. If
possible, those of us who know her well and care a lot, need to know what's
going on if at all possible.

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: Adriana

My best wishes for a speedy recovery for Dr. Block go out to her. If there is anything I can possibly do, please do not hesitate to let me know.

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: CQ

I am terribly sorry to hear this!! What's wrong? I'll
certainly drop her a card.
Take care of yourselves!

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: David

Wow, I hope she gets well soon.

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: Misty Squirts

Please get well soon Suzy we love you very much.

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: James Noack

Dear MS Suzy,

Do get well soonest, wish you well and my thoughts
and energy for your quick recovery are heart felt.

you have been kind and generous to me and I can
only sent that back a hundred fold. I am sure you
are a survivor and will endure.

ONLY the best Dear Lady!

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: Alan P

thats terrible

how is she now?

give her my erotic love and hope she recovers

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: Dr. G Spot

Dear Suzy:
Very sorry to hear of your emergency.
I will pray for you and I wish you a
speedy recovery.
Remember, the patients who complain
the most get the best treatment and
have the best recovery!

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: Dr. Patti Britton

I know Susan and want to send her healing thoughts, prayers and energy
for a speedy recovery.
Please let her know I am thinking of her and send her much love. If she
needs anything, don't hesitate to ask

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: Lanning Gold

Please get well soon! I wish her a speedy recovery.
I have more art work of her to give her!!

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: Suzy Bauer suzy@stepbystepthreesome.com

Dear Suzy, you'll be in my prayers! I hope all is o.k. please keep us on the loop to know her status

Suzy Bauer

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: sm0kco@yahoo.com carlos / hoods and torture

After the wonderful Da Vinci Code writing I wished to write to you again Susan to express my gratitude for your deep thoughts that help Counter Punch readers to understand what´s going on.
I wish you all the best in recovering.
We need you.

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: William Patrick Haines

Please get well soon . With all the ravenous reactionary /conservsatives a voice of reason and compassion is urgently needed to counter them. Your blogs have helped clear away a lot intelectal smog .
You have let express myself in ways no body has done. Please get well. In am in rather deadend underemployment and by letting me express my polictal/philosphocial views you have given encourgement that just because I am poor I still matter as a person and just maybe I might just beable to improve my lot in life .

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: urzzzla@gmail.com

Dear Dr. B

I always look forward to your columns on Counterpunch. You are an inspiring, passionate, and wise woman. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.


* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: Mistress Cyan

My thoughts are with you Susan... I know you are going to be okay, and I will be there when you get back to give you your Bithday spanking <smile>. If you need ANYTHING, call Me...

Love and warmest wishes for your speedy recovery...

Mistress Cyan

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: Theo Papathnanasis

The imperative "get well" just sounds so simple and direct. I'd like to just order you to get your health back, but no longer tell people what to do, so I advise you to heal, recover and rest.

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: daniel

Hello Dr Block Team,

I wish Dr Suzy Block a Healthy and Speedy Recovery and hope she is back to her usual self very soon.

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: Dr. Stevie

Dr. Suzie,

I heard you're ill and in the hospital. I've been there/done that...so I know it's no fun.

You're the brightest, most truly beautiful person...a delight to be near.

It hurts to know you're hurting...so get well soon

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: bound2pleazz@yahoo.com

Dearest Friend,
Remember just when the catapiller thought it was dead, the butterfly was born. My deepest wishes for a speedy recovery.

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: polybi5@yahoo.com

I have been a fan and friend of Suzy's since her days at KFOX-FM in Redondo Beach. This is crushing news. I will be praying for her health. Let us know how things progress.

I love you Doc.

Don aka polybi

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: Your friends at BigO

We always enjoy your thought-provoking essays. We are very concerned to hear of your emergency surgery. Take care and get well soon.

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: Claire

I am sorry to hear this. I hope that she gets better soon. Please tell her she is in my prayers. I hope that you and all the others are well. Also send her Birthday wishes and tell her I will be in Kenya for the rest of the month. As a fellow Gemini and friend wishing her the best now and always!

Much love to all of you!

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: Tom Q

Suzy just called me last week about her birthday party and I was looking
forward to seeing her. What happened? Can you give me a little detail on
her health and condition? I've been friends with Suzy for many years and
I'm very worried about her. Please let me know what's up. And I hope you
are hanging in there.

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: Well wishes and concern.

Love and healing to my gemini sister Suzy. These times are rough and many of us are falling prey to the illness that has descended. May we all heal, and may that act be dedicated to the benefit of all.

As other concerned friends have said, I also would love more info on the nature of the illness/emergency. It makes the healing magick more accurate to know what we are helping to heal. (At least it seems to in my paradigm.)

Love, healing, peace and pleasure,


* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: LanceThruster

Dear Dr. Suzy. Please get well soon. I'd miss your playful insight terribly.

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: midnite.man@gmail.com

So sorry to hear of the good Dr.'s illness.
Please pass on our sincere best wishes for
her full recovery and speedy return to her 'old self'.

Shai & Cora

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: Good Luck & Blessing

Dear Dr Block: Get well soon and see you soon.Obey the Dr's order and Blessing.from Long time fans; Boken Lau

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: jenna4freedom

Get well soon Dr. Suzy!! We Love and Miss you!!

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: dave421165@verizon.net

dear susan
we wish you all our best with love for a speedy recovery. get well soon.
love, dave & ana christy (friends of frank moore & co.)

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: sm0kco@yahoo.com

Today is the 24th of june and we dont know what´s happening to Dr. Block.
Would you please update us about her situation.
Thank You

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: Helene

dear suzy,
Just now read about your massive pain and illness.... O Dio! Words fail me... I will dedicate my yoga practices to your total recovery and renewed better health-

With all my love(sending healing thoughts and prayers)- Helene

...and if there's anything I can do...

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: Mistress Genevieve

We plan to pay a visit tomorrow... We love you, Suzy. I can't wait till you are back to your usual vibrant self and hosting the best party in town.

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: Rev. Bookburn

Dear Block Team,

I send my sincerest wishes for a full recovery for Dr. Block. Wishes for healing and acknowledging her birthday shall be a part of my radio show this Sunday night. Please let her know that the love and support extends beyond her wonderful immediate circles and that many want to see her back in action, making the world more aware and hotter.

Wishing you strength as well, all who are around her.


Rev. Bookburn
Radio Volta


* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: Roberta Morgan

What has happemed? Kim? Anyone? Suzy has been so good to us and especially me when my mother was in an accident. Is there anything I can do? Just say the word.

Roberta (Morgan)

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: Carol Queen

Scott and gang, I am terribly sorry to hear this!! What's wrong? I'll
certainly drop her a card.
Take care of yourselves!

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: Dr. Suzy hospitalized?

thats terrible

how is she now?

give her my erotic love and hope she recovers

Alan P

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: Dr. Patti Britton

Hi, this is Dr. Patti Britton of Lake Arrowhead ,CA.
I know Susan and want to send her healing thoughts, prayers and energy
for a speedy recovery.
Please let her know I am thinking of her and send her much love. If she needs anything, don't hesitate to ask. best, Patti

Dr. Patti Britton
Lake Arrowhead, CA

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: dick chibbles

my prayers and best wishes go out to you in hopes of a quick and full recovery.

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: Jeffrey St. Clair Counterpunch

Alex and I are shocked to hear this news. Please let us know what we can do to help Suzy and, of course, keep us apprised of her condition.

Jeffrey St. Clair

* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: Dr. Betty Dodson

I'm so sorry to hear Suzy is in the hospital. Please keep me posted on what's happening and please tell her I'm sending her orgasm energy for her healing. If possible, those of us who know her well and care a lot, need to know what's going on if at all possible.


* * * * * * *
Re: Dear Bonobos, Guests, Friends, and Fans
From: Xaviera Hollander

dear Susan.. I am shocked to hear you are in hospital and in a critical situation. If I was religious I would pray for you, but at this stage I am sending you my very best wishes for a speedy recovery. I will always remember the fond moments I spent at your speakeasy and your lovely interview for our documentary, and not to forget the fun moments at my house when you and your man came to visit us.

Philip, my man, even though he does not know you, but has heard so much about you and ofcourse watched your talk on the film, also sends you his best wishes. Get well soon, girl. we need you and your refreshing fun ideas and happenings. Wish I lived closer so I could actually visit you.



5/26/2006 - 3:28:25 AM

God Has Sex, Makes Big Box Office in Da Vinci Code

I'm not in a big hurry to see The Da Vinci Code: The Movie. I trust the critics who say it's boring beyond belief (pun intended). After all, I wasn't wild about the book.

But I'm glad to hear that the film's opening weekend did record-breakingly well at the all-powerful box office, despite the lousy reviews. It shows that people really crave this story. Not the story by author Dan Brown, director Ron Howard and screenwriter Akiva Goldsman, with its dull Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon (played by Tom Hanks), dour French cryptologist Sophie Neveu (played by Audrey Tautou), wooden language, farfetched situations, predictable chase scenes and disappointing ending. That story is just a semi-cleverly constructed shell; the egg inside is what people really want. That inside story is the Greatest Story Ever Untold: the simple tale of Jesus as a sexual human being married to another sexual human being, the forgotten feminine counterpart, Mary Magdalene, the “vessel” of Jesus’ human bloodline, the Holy Grail.

People crave this Story of the Holy Grail. People want to know that God has Sex. Then maybe it'd be okay if they have sex too.


People also long to connect with the "lost" feminine counterpart to their spirituality. They want to know that where there's a Lord, there's a Lady.

As I wrote a few years ago in my review of Dan Brown's book, this is what I crave, and this is what I love about The Da Vinci Code. It introduces the explosive mysteries of the Magdalene, the ancient feminist tale of Jesus' sexual humanity - directly, without metaphor - to the blockbuster-loving public. What are these mysteries? According to the Legends of the Grail (and books like Holy Blood, Holy Grail and The Woman with the Alabaster Jar), the Catholic Church has violently repressed the “truth” about JC being hooked up with MM for 20 centuries. Why? Because the Church’s power was and is based upon the idea that Jesus Christ is divine, not a mere human with a wife and kids. Obviously, if it could be proven that Jesus was a mortal husband and father, as opposed to being a celibate God and/or Son of God, Christianity could lose much of its religious appeal. Moreover, the Catholic emphasis on chastity for all, and its requirement of celibacy for its priests, monks and nuns would seem gratuitously harsh. And the Church itself would no longer be Christ’s sole representatives on Earth, since Jesus’ literal blood descendents would have a legitimate claim to “His” legacy.

Despite the Church’s powerful and often ferocious suppression of this story (not to mention it's suppression of joyful sex and women rights in general), the romantic tale of the marriage of Jesus (House of David) and Mary Magdalene (House of Benjamin) seems to have been passed down over the past couple of millennia in tarot cards and troubadour songs, as well as (so the story goes) in artistic masterpieces like Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper, classic novels like Victor Hugo’s Hunchback of Notre Dame and provocative cinema like Martin Scorsese's Last Temptation of Christ. Now here the story is again, spelled out in easy-to-decipher "code" in the biggest weekend blockbuster opening in history next to Star Wars: Episode III.

And to this I say: Hallelujah! The fact that The Da Vinci Code put Pope Benedict XVI's white lace panties into such a bunch, that he appointed Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Archbishop of Genoa, a former football commentator and possible successor to the Papacy, to do battle with "the lies" and "absurd and vulgar falsifications" of a work of fiction is enough to make me smile like the Mona Lisa. Of course, there's no historic proof that the individual named Jesus who is described in the Gospels even existed - so both the Catholic Church and the Priory of Sion are probably chock full of poppycock. But really, which notion is more "absurd": that a man named Jesus had a wife and kids, or that he walked on water and raised the dead?

I can just imagine Pope Bennie secretly wishing Jesus had worn a condom. And the thought of Mel Gibson flagellating himself over his bloody, sicko "Passion of the Christ" being so quickly and easily overtaken by another Jesus movie with the opposite message - I just love it.

But I don't just love The Da Vinci Code. In fact, I kind of hate it. Not because its characters are superficial, it’s “facts” often specious and its plot line preposterous. Hey, I’m from Hollywood; I’m used to all of that. I don’t even hate The Da Vinci Code because it has very little actual sex. Though I am rather annoyed with it for that reason. There’s barely a kiss between Sophie and Robert. Then there’s Sophie’s unreasonably intolerant, almost puritanical attitude towards her wonderful, loving Grandpère Jacques Saunière (played by Jean-Pierre Marielle in the film), Chief Art Curator of the Louvre and Grand Master of the Priory of Sion. Just because she accidentally walked in on his private, mildly kinky group sex ritual when she was on spring break from grad school, she refused to even speak to him or open his letters for 10 years! I can understand how the sight of old Grandpère doing the nasty surrounded by chanting brethren and sistren could cause a young grad student to balk or even barf. But a decade of cold stone silence, despite his pleas for forgiveness and offers to explain? I’m supposed to sympathize with this uptight, unforgiving little snot in her high-speed pursuit of the Truth?

But indeed, these are mere quibbles, and I don’t hate The Da Vinci Code because of them. I hate it because in the end, it really lets the Church off the hook. WARNING: Do not go any farther if you haven’t yet read the book or seen the movie (which from what I've seen of the clips and trailers, adheres to the book like a fundamentalist Christian adheres to the Gospels); that is, if you don’t want me to spoil it for you.

See, in addition to being a pop primer on the Holy Grail, The Da Vinci Code is a modern murder mystery. And as we solve that mystery, in the last part of the book and the movie, Grail buffs like me can’t help but feel slapped in the face. Slapped, in fact, by the cold, paternal hand of the Catholic Church itself. That is, the character who is the most passionate Grail historian turns out to be the evil rotten murderous villain. The Church, which The Da Vinci Code implicates from the beginning until those last critical moments, is ultimately given a pass. The ending suggests that nobody truly murderous comes directly out of the Church (at least not nowadays), only a few misguided, well-meaning fools.

The actual poor shmuck of an albino monk who pulls the trigger, Silas (played by Paul Bettany in the movie), gets off with the “abuse excuse.” That is, he was beaten as a child, so what do you expect? Bishop Aringarosa (Alfred Molina), head of the masochistic Catholic sect Opus Dei, is at first portrayed as a power-hungry hierophant, willing and eager to enable his man Silas to do whatever it takes, even to the point of committing vicious, multiple murders, to get hold of that heathen Holy Grail. But the Bishop turns out to be just a sweet lovable old Man o’ God who didn’t know nothing about no murders. He even gets his 20 million Vatican dollars back from the kindly (and devout) police chief Bezu Fache (Jean Reno), which he then magnanimously donates to the victims’ families.

So, who’s the really bad guy of The Da Vinci Code ? Who’s the brains behind all the ghastly murders? Why, the only really likeable character in the book (aside from Grandpère Saunière who gets offed in the first few pages): the eccentric, jovial, filthy-rich, polio-disabled, goddess-loving scholar Sir Leigh Teabing (played by the always impressive Ian McKellen in the film). Teabing is the person who is portrayed as most deeply honoring the feminine principle of life. While Langdon is a stuffy cardboard Harvard hero and Sophie Neveu is a cute but prudish code-cruncher, Teabing is a man of passion, a British bon vivant, wise enough to figure out Saunière’s first secret code “SOFIA” (wisdom). He wants nothing more than to share the Grail of Christ’s humanity with the world, to pull the oppressive veil from the misogynist charade that the Church has perpetrated upon the world for two thousand years. But as the story awkwardly unfolds, this desire to reveal the “truth” is also Teabing’s motive for orchestrating the murders of five people, all of whom take this “truth” to their graves! Not only is this ludicrous and rife with contradictions as a murder motive, it’s also rather insulting to real Grail lovers who come to The Da Vinci Code hoping (if not praying) for a bit of respect.

We are lulled, at first, into following this fairly fast-paced killer-thriller, crescendoing mid-thrill, with Teabing’s revelation to Sophie (whom Grail lovers, by this point, have figured out is a direct descendent of Jesus and Mary Magdalene) that the Grail is the Magdalene. Then the plot unfolds, suggesting that all that provocative but rather sensible stuff coming out of Teabing’s mouth has got to be twisted because, hey, the dude’s a crackpot multiple murderer!

Then, there’s the kicker: the last sequence of the code spells “APPLE.” a word suggesting not the glory of the Grail, but the downfall of Eve. Indeed, it seems to spell out the doomed folly of those, like the cursed villain Teabing, who seek to eat of the Tree of Knowledge or find the Holy Grail. Yes, I know: “Vous ne trouvez pas le Saint-Graal. C’est le Saint-Graal qui vous trouve.” You do not find the Grail; the Grail finds you. So does that mean one should not seek the truth?

If the Vatican wasn't soiling their ecclesiastical knickers over its "blasphemy," I'd say The Da Vinci Code was a very clever piece of propaganda for the Church. Yes, it does present Christianity, especially Catholicism, as a two thousand- year-old force of repression, right down to suppressing the truth about its own God. But in terms of the murder plot, the Church gets off scot-free. Of course, the Vatican doesn't see it this way. Apparently, all that celibacy has rendered them soft-headed, so they don't realize that The Da Vinci Code ends with a slap in the face for Grail seekers and a big sloppy kiss for the Church.

In the end, Langdon solves his puzzle, Sophie finds her family, Silas the Monk dies piously, Father Aringarosa goes home innocently, and the villainous Teabing goes to jail, crying for the Grail. Ultimately, it’s a Church-positive, family values, handicap-unfriendly message, pitting two intellectuals against each other: the tedious bore versus the passionate pagan, and the bore wins.

I could go on and on about the annoying sins of The Da Vinci Code. And yet...we are all sinners, are we not? And despite my objections, Brothers and Sisters, Lovers and Sinners, I feel that this film is blessed. You don't have to be a cryptologist to crack this code: Record big box office despite rock-bottom reviews and a vigorous boycott by the Church. The Da Vinci Code is blessed because, at its core, it tells that simple story we long to hear, deep in our monotheistically-damaged souls. Despite its flaws, The Da Vinci Code heralds the Good News: GOD HAS SEX!

Praise the Lord and the Lady.

(post a comment)

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Re: God Has Sex, Makes Big Box Office in Da Vinci Code
From: Carlo in Portofino,

Hello Dr.Susan,

Nice piece on the Da Vinci Code, yes and beautiful smiling Mona, how sweet she is. i haven't seen the movie or read the book but I did read Holy Blood, Holy Grail. have you read that book?

Yes, Mary and Jesus having sex! It is an old story that has been whispered through the centuries here in Europe. My own family is even oddly connect, since the Filangieris left France around the time of the Albegensian Crusade.

Much blood has been shed over it, but the idea of Jesus and Magdalene having sex is just too delicious. Perhaps there is a secret video of them or paintings stowed away in the Vatican underground. He certainly is a sex symbol to millions of Catholic girls and some men too?

Of course nobody knows if these two people even existed, there's no record from that period. This Jesus story is bold faced that it has been one of the great propaganda campaigns of all time.

And of course all this repression of sex has over the years brought up some hot little catholic girls, oh so eager to discover the mysterys of the miraculous wet panties and the V of the Crotch.

Your friend,

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Re: God Has Sex, Makes Big Box Office in Da Vinci Code
From: Karen

I'm a fan of the Da Vinci Code, but your criticism does make sense. It would have been more appropriate for the killer mastermind to be someone from the Church.

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Re: God Has Sex, Makes Big Box Office in Da Vinci Code
From: Rev. Bookburn

The reactions of the Christian Taliban cult leaders to the film is highly amusing. Although I tend to think that it's like debating whether or not Rudolph was Santa's favorite raindeer, the backlash has turned this film into a smash. It's equally amusing that ancient history can be debated so fiercely. The powers and their communicators can't even relay the 1960s reasonably. And most folks from that era are still alive. However, assuming that there's a shred a truth about the existance of the mighty mythical character, despite the absolute lack of evidence, then how would anybody really know the first thing about Him? All of the major cults have been used throughout time by the empires to manipulate the masses. In a hundred years, the sacred animated character could be described as the ultimate guitar player resembling Jimi Hendrix. The further one goes back in time, the more likely it is that there will be layers of bullshit added to the content.

But assuming for a minute that He existed and pretty much resembled the myth, it is so comforting to know that He was horny, appreciated feet, and possibly said 'eat my body.' Therefore, since the animated masters of the universe characters can feel sexual urges and 'get nailed,' it would seem appropriate to for all humans to lose sexual guilt, inner-conflict, gender-role conditioning, and the 'moral codes' of hypocrites.

Perhaps some day, we'll all have an opportunity to sit with the supreme entities on the carcass of Pat Robertson, light up a doobie, watch Monty Python films, and then participate in a condoned heavenly orgy. Meantime, we can be amused by the fact that this new film is causing bowel trouble for deluded mullahs. Thank you for another classic bloggamy offering. I'm going to go now and get ready for some communion.

Rev. Bookburn
Radio Volta

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Re: God Has Sex, Makes Big Box Office in Da Vinci Code
From: qwert23@ig.com.br

I have to disagree with something, I´ve never heard any serious historian who says there no historic proof that there was a Jesus. Ok, there really isn´t scientific proof that the son of god walked on earth and resurrected, that´s absolutely a matter of faith.

By the way, the story told in the Da Vinci Code book does no not have historic proofs either. It is very unlikely that Mary Magdalene run away to France (no historic proofs here), let alone that she married Jesus. If she had married Jesus, she would be named after that since women used to carry the name of their men with them. If she was known as Mary Magdalene that´s because she was named after the city she was from: Magdala, and that makes the fact that she ever married unlikely.

Well, at list the book/film raises a very interesting point: Mary Magdalene was not a prostitute. As long as you believe in the gospels you should not believe she was a harlot because no gospel affirms that.

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Re: God Has Sex, Makes Big Box Office in Da Vinci Code
From: gary harvey

once again, dr. suz, you have "nailed" the situation to a cross - er, T. brilliant put-down of dan brown and opie the director without dissing the goddess.

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Re: God Has Sex, Makes Big Box Office in Da Vinci Code
From: jomason57@verizon.net

yes, I agree, the questions raised by The Da Vinci Code, and by the apocryphal book the BGospel of Judas, changes the whole story about Christianity. Is celebacy really that spiritual? How did celebacy become so important in Christianity? Is it a realistic option, or does it do more harm than good?

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Re: God Has Sex, Makes Big Box Office in Da Vinci Code

Dear Dr. Block:

As a child, I can remember feeling more than oddly reassured, upon learning Jesus had at least one brother (James), and probably other sibs, as well. Yet in some circles, the notion of a sexual Mary, whether pre- or post-Jesus' birth, is still regarded as heretical.

Not having seen 'The DaVinci Code' or read the book, I wonder if the story makes use of the French Christmas carol, "I Saw Three Ships Come Sailing In"? As you surely recall, one of its verses, in English translation, reads roughly as follows--

"And what was in those ships of three,
On Christmas Day, On Christmas Day?
'Twas Christ the Lord and HIS LADY!"

When I first reached an age to give thought to these words; I realized the "Lady" in question must be Christ's wife, not his mother. The 'Lady' of a feudal lord is his wife, who herself is called "Lady _______," after the Lord's family name.

Perhaps the most persuasive argument for Jesus' marriage I've yet seen: marriage by the Jewish rabbinate was universal, if not actually required. Thus, Jesus' bachelorhood would certainly have been noted in any of the accounts of Jesus' life, which have come down to us.

Many thanks for expressing in words, the relief I also feel.

Kindly keep up the good work!

With best wishes,

Attorney at Law
Westlake, Ohio 44145

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Re: God Has Sex, Makes Big Box Office in Da Vinci Code
From: adrien burke

Since Holy Mother Church (I was raised in a convent school) is so alarmed that people might see and be influenced by this film, I simply had to see it, however lame it might be. I had VERY low expectations after hearing and reading what the critics had to say. It was a little long. But it was a FUN movie! I can't help thinking that many of those so-sophisticated critics are disturbed - whether they will admit it or not - by the movie's 'blasphemy' - to be so furious over such a mostly-harmless chase film. And if there is a downside it is, as you say, that the church is excused from modern-day evils and the horrors of the inquisitionS (for more than one holy, bloody campaign against heresy and heretics was conducted) go largely unexamined. Some pretty irreligious friends of mine have argued intensely that the premise of the story (whatever that is) has been discredited. Well, of course. On the other hand the premise of the Life of Jesus has been thoroughly discredited as well - so what's the diff? Really this is no more blasphemous, outrageous, or silly than Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Last Ark - which I enjoyed without the slightest shred of belief in either the great power and importance of the 'ark' or in the authenticity of the silly story! One time I was in a poorly kept, heavily graffiti- embellished laundromat restroom, noticing once again that there are really only two themes written on those walls. What it is about bathrooms that brings girls face-to-face with God, or turns their thoughts to poorly-spelled sex, I don't know. But I was suddenly inspired to combine those two themes into one glorious slogan! With a permanent black marker I lettered on the wall "God Gives Good Head." I don't usually see myself as one who writes on bathroom walls, but since that time I have done it twice - same slogan, and only on similarly disfigured walls. It's an experiment. That first bathroom was permanently locked, not a desirable outcome, really. On one bathroom, where the management apparently encouraged this sort of personal expression, the wall was painted over within a day or two. And in another unkempt bathroom, my blasphemy inspired a much-needed cleanup (and repainting). Even atheists have expressed shock at my salacious slogan, tho it was not nearly so graphic or so stupidly pious as those it joined.

Great article, by the way.

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Re: God Has Sex, Makes Big Box Office in Da Vinci Code
From: Da Vinci Coed

So G^D has sex, makes big box ... in office? Confucious?

This is so Greco-Roman that any roamin' Greek or Roman god would feel almost slighted by their omission in the comission of the mission of visions of interplay between the deified and the mortal. So, what would the offspring be, something along the lines of "Bewitched," having the stronger genes take over and the god-/goddessliness be the winning trait? As seen in the case of Jesus the Nazorean, his was an unique case and therefore might have had a recessive "god" gene, something like the effect of too-tight jeans, pressing the gonads into the warmth of the trunk, spoiling all them little semen swimmers. We can all imagine how Samantha's clock would have been ticking toward multiple alarms had she had a son that was bereft of any magical or supernatural powers. Nineteen-sexties "Viagra"? Or, could she, as an embodiment of the divine have worked some "healing" on the child and pulled those genes together? Doing a little curing blindness and leprosy along the way, along with any other side-effects of masturbation?

We know that the World moves from one scam to the next, each one represented as the "truth" to be followed until such a time as it is exhausted or another more appealing one comes along. As the perpetuators of the ruses are more than likely their own best fan(atic)s, there is no indication of "lying" except that their "truths" cannot be independently verified, only constantly rationalised and reworked to make them look weather-worn and having had enough distress and duress to create the impression that they have suffered and survived the trials of Time.

No matter the provenance. No matter the expert evaluations and findings. It is always a matter of whose ruse is most believable over time, especially when time heals all wounds, erasing evidence of any actual pain and suffering, rendering it to ashes and dust. Certainly, mass hypnosis and hysteria are useful, along with a few threats and worrying admonitions. Too, a little infusion of Frenchiness goes a long way toward creating credibility cracks. We know the Gallic gall. And don't
it beat all?

Your Blog-Ami,

Alamaine, IVe
Grand Forks, ND, US of A

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Re: God Has Sex, Makes Big Box Office in Da Vinci Code
From: William Patrick Haines

Heaven forbid that the creator might actual have a sexual side. The Greek religion has deities with an active sex life, so why shouldn't we? In addition, the Book of Job refers to the "Sons of God." Perhaps this refers to the great great great ... and so forth offspring of Jesus.
Hey, instead of getting Yourself crucified and raising Yourself from the dead, why not do something useful here on earth? Why not 1) solve some real problems like famine, war, disease, poverty and inequality, and 2) get Bush out office! Please! Maybe You ought to raise some people's brains from the dead, You know, the ones who voted for this incompetent imbecile.

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Re: God Has Sex, Makes Big Box Office in Da Vinci Code
From: Little Shiva

Haven't read the book or seen the movie either, but I love the point you make about the juicy message that people want to hear. I remember seeing Amiri Baraka perform in some cool bar in Manhattan's meat-packing district back in the 90's, and he had this great rant about the father, the son and the holy ghost, after which he said "but what about the MOTHER?" No shit! I'm always amazed that the feminine principle has been so repressed over human history. What's with that? We've got the pussy, so we've got the power. What gives? Did the patriarchy just sneak up and whack us upside the head while we were sleeping, or did our sisters just wimp out? I say it all starts with the mother.

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Re: God Has Sex, Makes Big Box Office in Da Vinci Code
From: Veronica Monet (veronica@veronicamonet.com)

Amen regarding "a big sloppy kiss for the Church!" My sentiments exactly. While I haven't seen the movie yet, the book certainly disappointed when it turned cowardly at the very end and stopped short of committing a cardinal sin by indicting the Catholic Church for one tenth of the historical atrocities it has committed.

But let me add something which appears to have escaped scrutiny thus far - the Da Vinci Code is not only ruffling feathers because it asserts that God has sex. More importantly, the old Whore/Madonna controversy is resurrected and then quickly dispatched with barely a whimper. We are posed this question - was Mary Magdalene a prostitute or an apostle or the wife of Jesus. To which I respond, why not all three? Must we continue to divide women into categories and identities which are deemed polar opposites? Must we continue to assume a whore cannot also be a wife and/or mother and/or spiritual leader and/or positive role model?

Try this on for size: Mary Magdalene is the Great Goddess in disguise. And as all pagans know, the Goddess is three identities in one: maiden, mother and crone. And all three of those identities are sexually empowered and imbued with political power and spiritual authority. The Whore of Babylon to some, Isis, Ishtar, etc. to others. Jesus Christ is merely her consort. Madonnas and virgin births predate Christian mythology. And virgins were originally Sacred Prostitutes. The term had nothing to do with intact hymens. Virgin simply meant no man owned or controlled the woman. So not only does the Jesus story suggest that he had a sexual relationship with and perhaps married a woman who was possibly a prostitute and a sacred priestess, but even the story of Jesus's virgin birth is tied to ancient sacred prostitution. The reason his mother and his wife/sexual partner are both named Mary is because they represent the three aspects of the divine feminine: maiden, mother and crone (all virgins in original myth as they were not controlled by a man but rather served the Goddess as sacred prostitutes).

The Bible takes this ancient sacred story about woman and splits her into three different individuals - the "innocent" female ripe for impregnation, the devoted but asexual mother and the "irrelevant" old woman (all male dominated and sexist perversions of female power). Further, we are told the ultimate lie - whores are dirty and evil and virgins have intact hymens.

This splitting up of a whole empowered female indentity leads to sexual shame and sexual frustration for both men and women - not to mention the rape and murder of many women who fall outside the confines of "good women" considered worthy of society's protection (this serves as a warning to any women who might consider living sexually free lives).

So The Da Vinci Code not only wimps out regarding the Catholic Church, it completely occludes the biggest secret of all - that both the Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene represent the original divine authority and as such embodied all aspects of the feminine - maiden, mother, crone and whore. It is Jesus who has the bit role in this story.

Veronica Monet

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Re: God Has Sex, Makes Big Box Office in Da Vinci Code
From: Linda Smith

Of COURSE God has sex! Jesus was a GREAT LAY!! We humans do enjoy a good story! People are, in the coming years, going to come to a greater, more complete, more respectful understanding of Mary Magdalene.... she was far more than a sacred harlot; she was a lineage-carrier, she was a healer, teacher, world traveler herself. When people can't see the light directly or swallow the elephant whole, God drops hints. And she drops hints through us. Like an infinite strobe-light. At night, everything looks different. The sun is not in evidence in our area of the world, but you DO see the stars! Unless it's foggy....

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Re: God Has Sex, Makes Big Box Office in Da Vinci Code
From: Rhino Rick

[here's another perspective on the DaVinci Code. RR]



By Rev. Ted Pike

Almost everyone realizes the Da Vinci Code is an unprecedented attack on Christianity and Jesus Christ. But most people don’t know that the media giants orchestrating this attack are Jewish.

Sony Corporation, the force behind the Da Vinci Code movie, is the eye of this Jewish promotional octopus. In the late 1980s, Sony of Japan bought out Metro Goldwyn Meyer, Columbia Pictures, and United Artists. Former president of Jewish-owned CBS, Howard Stringer (a Jew), became second in command of Sony International. He is chair and CEO of Sony of America. 1

Sony of America is dominated by Jewish names. Emily Susskind is president. Robert Wiesenthal is executive VP and chief financial officer; Nicole Seligman is executive VP and general counsel. Phil Weiser is CTO and senior VP. Michael Fidler Jr. is senior VP. Jay Samit is general manager of Connect. Gretchen Griswold is director of corporate communications. 2

Sony’s subsidiary, Columbia Pictures, maker of the Da Vinci Code movie, is headed by Amy Pascal, a Jew. She is also chairman of Sony’s Motion Picture Group. 3 The producer of the film is Brian Grazer, a Jew.

The screenplay was written by well-known, Jewish screenwriter Akiva Goldsman.


While originating with Sony, the Da Vinci Code’s promotion is a many-pronged attack on Christianity coming from the Jewish media community.

Sony worked closely with NBC in promotion of NBC/Universal’s anti-Christ Book of Daniel last winter. Now NBC, presided over by its Jewish head of television programming, Jeff Zukor, has lavishly promoted Sony’s Da Vinci Code movie on NBC. This past week, Today Show host Matt Lauer led the nation on a European “treasure hunt” in the steps of the Code. CBS, presided over by Jewish Sumner Redstone, and ABC, by Jewish Michael Eisner, have helped build a firestorm of public curiosity about the book and movie.


The largest Jewish publishing houses reap staggering profits from sales of Da Vinci Code books. Jewish Joel Klein is chairman of American operations of Bertelsmann A.G., the largest publishing conglomerate in the world. Random House, which the Encyclopedia Judaica confirms is Jewish-owned and controlled, is part of this consortium, benefiting by massive distribution advantages. 4 Random House owns rights to produce all large-print copies of the Da Vinci Code. As a division of Random House, Doubleday owns rights to produce all regular-print and special collector’s editions of the book. Finally, Anchor Books, another venerable Jewish publishing house and subsidiary of Random House completes this Jewish monopoly by printing all paperback copies.

Jewish-controlled magazines also hype the Code. Some 50 popular magazines, including Time, Life, and People, are owned by Time/Warner, with Jewish Norman Pearlstein, editor in chief. Newsweek, published by Jewish Donald Graham’s Washington Post, has featured recent conspicuous articles enticing millions to purchase the book or see the movie.

Articles too numerous to mention continue to emerge from Jewish-controlled newspapers. These include those owned by the Samuel Newhouse chain, the New York Times, the Boston Globe, the New York Review of Books, the Village Voice, etc. All have been intensifying interest in the Da Vinci Code’s blasphemous message. The New York Times praised the book as "impeccably researched," despite the Code's outrageous claims, including that the Roman Catholic Church burned five million women at the stake. These media voices, which reflected so gravely on possible anti-Semitism in Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ, have not a word of concern about the Code's rabid anti-Christianity. That's because they share it.


In a previous e-alert, I documented how Jews helped the National Geographic Society to bring the "Gospel of Judas" blasphemy to the attention of the world (See, "Judas: Historic Jewish Hero"). I revealed how NGS’ prestigious Codex advisory panel, the driving force behind promotion of this sacrilege, is top heavy with Jewish names.

Such fevered Christ-bashing continues a pattern of stepped-up attacks by Jewish activists over the past six months:
• Last November, Abe Foxman, head of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, attacked politically involved Christian conservatives as a threat to freedom. He vilified the Southern Baptist Convention for allowing witnessing to Jews. In his recent book, Never Again? The Threat of the New Anti-Semitism, he accused Christians who witnessed to Jews of being anti-Semitic. The New Testament, he rails, is a lying, hateful, hurtful book, ultimately responsible for the deaths of 6 million Jews in World War II. (See, "ADL's Foxman: New Testament is Anti-Semitic")

• Last December, in CBS’ 48 Hours special, “The Mystery of Christmas,” CBS dramatized the possibility that Christ was a bastard. (See, "More Christian Bashing from Media this Easter?")

• This winter, NBC’s Book of Daniel, authorized by Jeff Zukor, trashed Jesus and the Christian family. (See, "Who's Behind NBC's 'Book of Daniel'?")

• Also this winter, Jewish activist Mikey Weinstein was successful in his suit against the Air Force Academy, banning chaplains there from using the name of Jesus in public prayers. He was assisted by Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff, highly placed ethical consultant to both the Navy and Air Force, in upholding such an end of free speech. (See, "Correction: Speech at Air Force Academy Not Free")


One would think evangelical leaders, clearly under attack by Jewish activists in high places, would at least inform Christians of the identity of those who assail them and their Savior.

This is not the case. Evangelical and new-right leaders are silent concerning the Jewish origins of present attacks on free speech, Christian witnessing, the New Testament, and the integrity of Jesus Christ.

Why this incredible silence? Evangelicals won't identify their attackers as Jewish because of a centuries-old superstition. They believe a divine curse will fall on any person or nation who criticizes Jews. The Biblical promise to Abraham, “I will bless those that bless thee and I will curse them that curse thee,” (Genesis 12:3) is taken to mean that no matter what evil or injustice Jews commit, Christians must only bless them, never criticize.

This is flatly contrary to Scripture.

The Bible teaches that godly reproof and warning are not curses but the greatest gifts that can be given to any sinner. Reproof brings with it the possibility of repentance, saving a soul from an eternity in hell!

It was with such a desire to bless Jews, that the Hebrew prophets, including Isaiah and John the Baptist, fiercely reproved the Jewish people and their leaders for sin. Does the Bible consider such fearless truth-telling to be anti-Semitic? Does it record terrible curses descending upon such prophets?

Quite the contrary, God’s curses did descend on those false prophets who flattered the Jews, exactly as do modern-day evangelicals. In the time of Elijah, compromising prophets cooed unconditional blessings on Ahab and Jezebel. Today Jerry Falwell, John Hagee, and Hal Lindsey lavish blessings on the vilest of Jewish sinners including arrogant, violent men like Shamir, Begin and Sharon.


Christ’s followers 2,000 years ago viewed His crucifixion from afar. They were impotent to restrain evil Jewish leaders who had Him killed. Today, evangelicals are paralyzed from really striking a blow against those who now publicly re-crucify the name and reputation of Jesus. Yes, they write letters and emails and perhaps boycott TV sponsors. Their intellectuals argue against the fallacies of the Da Vinci Code. But no one points a prophetic, bony finger at the Jewish media moguls, identifying their racial and religious origin. No one says like Nathan to the adulterous David, “You are the man!” (2 Sam. 12:7)

Incredibly as Jewish anti-Christ activism surrounds and overlays Christianity, the silence within the Church only becomes more deafening. About all that can be said then, is that when "Israel first" leaders and their flocks are at last herded into gulags to be slaughtered, few groups of people in history will have worked harder to ensure their own destruction.

End Notes:

1 Standard & Poor's Register, 2006.
2 Ibid and LexisNexis, Corporate Affiliations International, volume 8, 2005.
3 LexisNexis, Corporate Affiliations International, volume 8, 2005.
4 Encyclopedia Judaica, "Publishing.".

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