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St. Clair in San Francisco

Today's Stories

April 26,2006

Gary Leupp
Wilkerson Speaks Out About the Coming War on Iran

April 25, 2006


Paul Craig Roberts
The World is Uniting Against the Bush Imperium

Linda S. Heard
Is the US Waging Israel's Wars?: the Prophecy of Oded Yinon

Ralph Nader
Political Science: Gingrich, "Futurism" and the Abolition of the OTA

Mike Whitney
Preparing for the Economic Typhoon

Michael Donnelly
Lutherans Betray Michigan's Loon Lake Wetlands for Pieces of Silver

Sharon Smith
Breathing New Life Into May Day

Website of the Day
SDS Ver. 2


April 24, 2006

Tim Wise
What Kind of Card is Race?

John Stanton
Strike Iran, Watch Pakistan and Turkey Fall

Dave Lindorff
Dangerous Times Ahead

Steve Shore
Berlusconi Defeated: The Long Wait is Over ... Or Is It?

Amadou Deme
Hotel Rwanda: Setting the Record Straight

Mickey Z.
15 Minutes of Radical Fame: America Meets Bill Blum and Ward Churchill

Ralph Nader
Lee Raymond's Unconscionable Platinum Parachute

Alexander Cockburn
Obama's Game

Website of the Day
Too Stupid to Be President?


April 22/23, 2006

Jeffrey St. Clair
The General, GM and the Stryker

Jeff Halper
SUMUD vs. Apartheid: the Elections in Palestine and Israel

Jeff Klein
How to Manufacture a War Criminal: Saddam and Me, a True Story

Thomas P. Healy
Out Now: an Interview with Anthony Arnove

David Underhill
Stuck in Mobile with the Rev. Graham Blues Again

Lee Sustar
"We are Going to Keep Marching": an Interview with Immigrant Rights Organizer Martín Unzueta

Deb Reich
The Little Mermaid on Highway Six: Rooting for Ordinary Israelis to Wake Up

John Chuckman
America's Gulag: Purge at the CIA

Fred Gardner
More Suppression of Marijuana Research

Julian Edney
Can Our Economy Run Without Fear?

Seth Sandronsky
The GOP and California's Levees

Brynne Keith-Jennings
The Meddlesome Ambassador Trivelli: Undermining Democracy in Nicaragua

Dave Lindorff
Where are the Frogs?

Catherine Ann Cullen and Harry Browne
Springsteen Polishes His Roots: First Impressions of "We Shall Overcome"

Bill Pahnelas
Bush Passes the Buck on Soaring Gas Prices

Jim French
Time to Overhaul US Farm Policy

Ron Jacobs
"I Know I'm Not Dreaming, Because I Can't Sleep Any More"

David Krieger
The Courage of Sophie Scholl: Resisting Hitler

Jeffrey St. Clair
Playlist: What I'm Listening to This Week

Poets' Basement
Buknatski, Engel and Ford

Website of the Weekend
Eye of the Storm


April 21, 2006

Jonathan Cook
The Sinister Meaning of Olmert's "Hitkansut": Deporting Hamas MPs

Lawrence R. Velvel
Physical Courage, Moral Courage and American Generals

Evelyn Pringle
How to Out a CIA Agent

Christopher Brauchli
The Rich are Different

Pratyush Chandra
Pure-and-Simple Revolutions in Nepal and Venezuela

Michael George Smith
This is What a Movement Looks Like

Missy Comley Beattie
Serving at the Decider's Pleasure

Sarah Hines
The Bracero Program: 1942-1964

Website of the Day
Hunger Strike at U. of Miami

April 20, 2006

Chris Kutalik
As Crisis Deepens, Is Labor Finally Showing Signs of a Comeback?

Gary Leupp
Cheney, the Neocons and China

Joshua Frank
Stop the War! Dump the Democrats!

Diane Christian
The Authority to Kill

William S. Lind
Sweeping Up: the Real Problem Wasn't the Execution of the War, But the Enterprise Itself

Ramzy Baroud
A Case for the Palestinan Government

Justin E.H. Smith
Doctors and Lethal Injection


April 19, 2006

P. Sainath
More Kids? Pay More for Your Water

Norman Solomon
When Diplomacy Means War: Bait-and-Switch on Iran

Anthony Papa
When Justice Isn't Blind: Double Standards for the Rich and Poor in New York

Mike Ferner
Movement Blues

Stanley Heller
The Massacre at Qana, 10 Years Later: Still No Justice

"We Defeated Berlusconi"

Christopher Reed
Secrets of the Garden of Bliss

Alexander Cockburn
The Pulitzer Farce

Website of the Day
Bunker Busters: the Movie

April 18, 2006

Paul Craig Roberts
How Safe is Your Job?

Eric Wingerter
Washington Post vs. Venezuela

Juan Santos
What Immigrants Need to Learn from the Black Civil Rights Movement

Greg Weiher
The Zarqawi Gambit Revisited

Sam Bahour
Is Hamas Being Forced to Collapse?

Behzad Yaghmaian
In the Gaze of New Orleans

Website of the Day
The FBI and the Jack Anderson Files


April 17, 2006

Kevin Zeese
An Interview with the First Arab-American Senator: Jim Abourezk on Bush's Lies and the Dems' Complicity

Uri Avnery
Olmert the Fox

Norman Solomon
Why Won't Moveon.Org Oppose the Bombing of Iran?

John Ross
A Real Day Without Mexicans?

Laila al-Haddad
The Earth is Closing in on Us: Dispatch from Gaza

Jeffrey Blankfort
A Tale of Two Members of Congress and the Capitol Hill Police

Website of the Day
Dixie Chicks: Not Ready to Back Down


April 15 / 16, 2006

Jeffrey St. Clair
How Star Wars Came to the Arctic

Ralph Nader
Remembering Rev. William Sloan Coffin

Thaddeus Hoffmeister
The Ghost of Shinseki: the General Who Was Sent Out to Pasture for Being Right

Kevin Prosen / Dave Zirin
Privilege Meets Protest at Duke

Thomas P. Healy
Taking Care of What We've Been Given: a Conversation with Wendell Berry

Kristoffer Larsson
Are 40 Percent of All Swedes Anti-Semitic?: Anatomy of a Statistical Flim-Flam

Fred Gardner
Continuing Medical (Marijuana) Education

Edwin Krales
New York's Katrina: the Hidden Toll of AIDS Among Blacks and the Poor

Brian Cloughley
Don't Blitz Iran: Risking the Ultimate Blowback

John Holt
Walking Off Vietnam with Edward Abbey's Surrogate Son

Seth Sandronsky
What Billionaires Mean By Education Reform: Oprah, Bill Gates and the Privatization of Public Schools

Rafael Renteria
Making It Plain About New Orleans

Michael Ortiz Hill
In the Ashes of Lament: an Easter Meditation

William A. Cook
An Israel Accountability Act

Gideon Levy
Shooting Nasarin: a Story About a Little Girl

Andrew Wimmer
Stopping the Bush Juggernaut: a New Citizens Campaign

Madis Senner
Talking Points for Easter Weekend: Jesus Didn't Lie, Mr. Bush

Michael Kuehl
The Sex Police State: Women as "Rapists" and "Pedophiles"?

Mark Scaramella
When Even God Can't Follow His Own Commandments: the Timeless Scarcasm of Mark Twain

Nate Mezmer
187 Proof: Living and Dying Hip-Hop

Jesse Walker

Poets' Basement
Engel, Laymon and Subiet

Website of the Weekend
Pink Serenades Bush


April 14, 2006

Col. Dan Smith
Candor or Career?: Why Few Top Military Officials Resign on Principle

Saul Landau
Ho Chi Minh City Moves On Without Regrets

Stan Cox
The Real Death Tax

Kevin Zeese
Hersh vs. Bush on Iran: Who Would You Believe?

Brian McKinlay
Bad Times for Bush's Buddies

Howard Meyers
Dwarves, Knives and Freedom: Bush, Jr. is No LBJ

Ishmael Reed
The Colored Mind Doubles: How the Media Uses Blacks to Chastize Blacks

Website of the Day
Asshole: a Film Strip


April 13, 2006

CounterPunch News Service
Powell's "Bitch"?

Norman Solomon
The Lobby and the Bulldozer

Stanley Heller
Time to Shake Up the Peace Movement

Jeff Birkenstein
Bush and Freedom of Speech

Evelyn J. Pringle
Not So Fast, Mr. Powell

Michael Donnelly
The Week the Bush Administration Fell Apart

Kamran Matin
Synergism of the Neo-Cons: What's Going On In Iran?

Website of the Day
"Don't Be Afraid of the Neo-Cons"


April 12, 2006

Vijay Prashad
Resisting Fences

Alan Maass
The Suicide of Anthony Soltero

Dave Lindorff
Bush's Insane First Strike Policy: If You Don't Want to Get Whacked, You'd Better Get Your Nation a Nuke ... Fast

Ron Jacobs
Resistance: the Remedy for Fear

Ramzy Baroud
The Imminent Decline of the American Empire?

Randall Dodd
How a Wal-Mart Bank will Harm Consumers

Missy Comley Beattie
The Boy President Who Cried "Wolf!"

P. Sainath
The Corporate Hijack of India's Water

Website of the Day
"The System is Irretrievably Corrupt"


April 11, 2006

Al Krebs
Corporate Agriculture's Dirty Little Secret: Immigration and a History of Greed

Lawrence R. Velvel
The Gang That Couldn't Leak Straight

Sonia Nettinin
Palestinian Health Care Conditions Under Israeli Occupation

Willliam S. Lind
The Fourth Plague Hits the Pentagon: Generals as Private Contractors

Robert Ovetz
Endangered Species in a Can: the Disappearance of Big Fish

Pratyush Chandra
Nepalis Say, "Ya Basta!"

Grant F. Smith
The Bush Administration's Final Surprise?

Laray Polk
Loud, Soft, Hard, Quiet: Marching Through Dallas for Immigrant Rights

Francis Boyle
O'Reilly and the Law of the Jungle: How to Beat a Bully on His Home Turf

José Pertierra
A Glimpse into the Mindset of Terrorists: Posada Carriles, Orlando Bosch and the Downing of Cubana Flight 455

Website of the Day
The Dead Emcee Scrolls


April 10, 2006

Ralph Nader
Tinhorn Caesar and the Spineless Democrats

Heather Gray
Atlanta and the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Uri Avnery
The Big Wink

Joshua Frank
Big Greens and Beltway Politics: Betting on Losers

Seth Sandronsky
Immigration and Occupations

Michael Leonardi
The Italian Elections: "Reality is No Longer Important"

Evelyn Pringle
Did Bush Pull a Fast One on Fitzgerald?

Tom Kerr
FoxNews Does Ward Churchill

Lucinda Marshall
The Lynching of Cynthia McKinney

Website of the Day
Brown Berets

April 7 -9, 2006

Alexander Cockburn
If Only They'd Hissed Barack Obama

Jeffrey St. Clair
The Saga of Magnequench: Outsourcing US Missile Technology to China

Patrick Cockburn
The War Gets Grimmer Every Day

David Vest
The Rebuking and Scorning of Cynthia McKinney

Dave Lindorff
The Impeachment Clock Just Clicked Forward

Gary Leupp
"Ideologies of Hatred:" What Did Condi Mean?

Elaine Cassel
The Moussaoui Trial: What Kind of Justice is This?

Saul Landau
Vietnam Diary: Hue Without Rules

James Ridgeway
"This is Betty Ong Calling": a Short Film

Ron Jacobs
Why Iran was Right to Refuse US Money

John Walsh
Kerry Advocates Iraqization: Too Little, Too Late

Ramzy Baroud
The US Attitude Toward Hamas: Disturbing Parallels with Nicaragua

Christopher Brauchli
Bush Finds Democracy Has Its Limits

Todd Chretien
What the Pentagon Budget Could Buy for America

Jonathan Scott
Javelins at the Head of the Monolith

John Bomar
What They're Saying About Bush in Arkansas

Michele Brand
Iran, the US and the EU

Ronan Sheehan
Remember When the Irish First Met the Chinese?

Mickey Z.
Let Us Now Praise OIL

Don Monkerud
March of the Bunglers

Michael Dickinson
The Rich Young Man: a Miracle Play

Website of the Weekend
The Case Against Israel and Munich: Compare and Contrast


April 26, 2006

The Jig is Up

Democrats, Their Apologists and Abortion


If nothing else, the Democratic Party was at least pro-choice—or so we were told. Ever since Ronald Reagan heralded the rise of social troglodytes in the early eighties, liberal leaders have scolded into line those disgusted with the Democrats’ support for foreign wars, “welfare reform,” and anti-gay legislation by insisting that the Democratic Party was all that stood between women seeking abortion and the Republican barbarians howling at the gates. For twenty-five years, the Democratic mantra on the eve of every election was, “Don’t forget the Supreme Court!” to those considering bolting from the Democrats to support a third-party candidate or just plain bolting. The argument was clear that not voting for Democrats was tantamount to handing over the High Court to the right wing. It almost went without saying that unless the Democrats got elected to Congress, the state house, the school board, or whatever, women’s right to choose would be eroded and then eliminated.

The jig is up. In January, it was Kerry and Hillary and the gang phoning in a thirty-minute filibuster before the confirmation of Samuel Alito to the Court, posturing against the anti-choice nominee just long enough to provide ad footage for their reelection campaigns. Then, Democrats in South Dakota helped both to sponsor and pass the law banning abortion in South Dakota. “So much for the notion that Democrats are pro-choice and Republicans are pro-life,” Democratic state representative Gil Koetzle smirked to the Associated Press. State senator Paul Symens, another Democrat, actually complained that his party wasn’t getting enough media coverage for its support of the ban. Now, all nine Democratic women in the Senate have signed a letter of support for Pennsylvania anti-choice senatorial candidate Bob Casey Jr.

South Dakota’s law is a sweeping anti-abortion measure, banning virtually all abortions, and includes language that could effectively outlaw some forms of contraception. The law—which goes into effect July 1—states that “life begins at the time of conception.” Doctors who act in defiance of the law face a minimum of five years in prison and a $5,000 fine, unless an abortion is necessary to save the woman’s life.

One of the bill’s sponsors, Democratic state senator Julie Bartling, said the time is right for a total ban on abortion. “In my opinion, it is the time for this South Dakota legislature to deal with this issue and protect the rights and lives of unborn children,” she told reporters. Senators voted down a proposed amendment that would have made an exception to protect the pregnant woman’s health. A proposed exception in cases of rape—raised by a Republican—lost in a twenty-one to fourteen vote. In the state Senate, the ban initially passed by a margin of eighteen to fifteen, the minimum number of “yes” votes needed. That means that a “no” vote from even one Democratic state senator could have killed the measure. Out of the eighteen who voted for the bill in the Senate, five of the “yes” votes came from Democrats.

South Dakota is one of three states—along with Mississippi and North Dakota—that has just one abortion clinic. The doctors, who are rotated and flown into South Dakota from Minnesota, perform abortions only one day a week. According to Planned Parenthood, which runs the clinic in Sioux Falls, 76 percent of the patients are uninsured. Yet despite the state’s conservative climate, a 2004 Sioux Falls Argus Leader poll showed that 72 percent of those polled think some form of abortion should be legal.

The Democrats’ longstanding acceptance of legislation for parental consent, waiting periods, and “counseling” for women seeking abortions led to the alarming decrease in the accessibility of abortion under Bill Clinton, who ended his eight years in office with only 14 percent of American counties still offering abortion services. Those were supposedly the “good old” days.

By January 2005, the Democrats had mapped out a strategy of near-total abandonment of women’s right to choose, announced by none other than Hillary Rodham Clinton on the thirty-second anniversary of Roe v. Wade. “We can all recognize that abortion in many ways represents a sad, even tragic, choice to many, many women,” she claimed to a shocked crowd of abortion supporters. Clinton celebrated faith and organized religion as the “primary” reasons why teenagers would abstain from sexual relations—and insisted that there “is an opportunity for people of good faith to find common ground in this debate.”

Ever since then, the Democrats seem determined to prove that they are moving away from support for abortion rights. One of the Democrats’ first acts following the 2004 elections, for example, was to choose staunchly anti-choice (and anti-gay) Senator Harry Reid’s to replace Tom Daschle as the party’s minority leader in the Senate. Democratic National Committee head Howard Dean was quick to follow when he explained, “I have long believed that we ought to make a home for pro-life Democrats.” Democrats for Life of America is stumping for a plan they call “95–10,” which they claim would reduce abortions by 95 percent in ten years.

They have pulled the nation’s leading pro-choice organizations to the right along with them. Nancy Keenan, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, responded to the South Dakota ban stating, ”We should work to reduce the need for abortion, not continue to battle about Roe v. Wade.” After weighing a possible Senate primary bid against anti-choice Democratic candidate Bob Casey, former NARAL head Kate Michelman wrote in the Philadelphia Inquirer, “Despite profound and fundamental differences, I have decided that Pennsylvania will be better served by electing Bob Casey to the U.S. Senate than giving his opponent another term. I do this knowing that I may forever regret not responding one more time to the clarion call of principle.” So now we know at least some of the folks leading the retreat have a bad conscience.

It appears that only the president of the Oglala Sioux on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, Cecilia Fire Thunder, was outraged enough to take action and declare that abortions will be legal and available on the reservation, sovereign territory. It is a bizarre historical twist that land now home to a people nearly annihilated and left impoverished by the U.S. government will become the last sanctuary for women seeking a basic health care procedure in that state.

If ever there were a time for calls to mass action to defend and extend abortion rights, it is now. The right wing has shifted its approach from chipping away at abortion access to going for the jugular—full repeal of abortion rights. The new Supreme Court, packed with hard-line reactionaries, has agreed to hear the Bush administration’s appeal of a decision invalidating the “Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003,” a law that would ban terminating pregnancies as early as twelve or thirteen weeks, and that doesn’t include exceptions for the woman’s health. Yet the legislative focus of groups like Planned Parenthood, NARAL Pro-Choice America, and the National Organization for Women has them setting their sights on elections 2006 and 2008. In the face of the utter failure of this electoral strategy for decades, and now open collaboration on abortion repeal by Democrats, it is a deadly gamble with women’s lives.

Historian and activist Howard Zinn was right on target when he argued recently in the Progressive: “It would be naive to depend on the Supreme Court to defend the rights of poor people, women, people of color, dissenters of all kinds. Those rights only come alive when citizens organize, protest, demonstrate, strike, boycott, rebel, and violate the law in order to uphold justice.... The right of a woman to an abortion did not depend on the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade. It was won before that decision, all over the country, by grassroots agitation that forced states to recognize the right. If the American people, who by a great majority favor that right, insist on it, act on it, no Supreme Court decision can take it away.”

There is no doubt that hundreds of thousands (millions?) would answer the call if women’s organizations were to try to organize a national mobilization in defense of a woman’s right to choose. When the generals leading the retreat finally decamp to the other side, even though the soldiers would fight if a call were made, it’s definitely time to look for new generals.

Sherry Wolf is on the editorial board of the International Socialist Review. She can be reached at sherry@internationalsocialist.org.




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