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51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis
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51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis (Hardcover)
by Lenni Brenner
(18 customer reviews)    
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Book Description
This book brings to light, through the use of actual historic documnets, the desservice that the Zionist did to Jews before and during the Holocaust.

About the Author
Lenni Brenner has authored three critically acclaimed books on Jewish history: Zionism in the Age of Dictators, The Iron Wall: Zionist Revisionism from Jabotinsky to Shamir and Jews in America Today. He currently resides in New York City.

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249 of 307 people found the following review helpful:

Lenni Brenner is a Courageous Speaker of the Truth, October 11, 2003
Reviewer:William Hughes (Baltimore, MD USA) - See all my reviews
History can be deceptive. It's fair to say that some of the sensational never-published-before documents, in this book, will shock those who have accepted Zionism and its supposed history, at face value, as a political movement that was the hope of the Jews. Lenni Brenner, the intrepid author of "Zionism in the Age of Dictators," reveals disturbing new evidence in his latest effort, that suggest just the opposite. In fact, he makes a compelling case that the Zionist record was "dishonorable." You can consider this excellent tome as a worthy sequel to his first expose' on the myopic Zionist zealots of that bygone era.

For openers, Brenner showed how the Zionists had a long history of shameless cooperation with the Nazis, especially after the dictator Adolph Hitler had came to power in 1933. The Zionists were also in bed, to some extent, with the other members of what later became known as WWII's "Axis of Evil," that included Benito Mussolini's Italy, and Tojo Hideki's Japan. For example, in March 29,1936, Zionists praised Il Duce, and his regime, at the opening of a maritime school, funded by the Fascist government, at Civitavecchia. This is where a Zionist youth group, the "Betar," trained its sailors for the future Revisionist state. The speakers ignored the fact that on Oct. 3, 1935, Italian troops had invaded Abyssinia.

On another front, the "Third Congress of the Jewish Community of the Far East," was held in Jan., 1940, in Harbin, Manchuria, then reeling under a brutal military occupation by the Japanese imperial forces. At that time, too, Tokyo was already aligned with Hitler and Italy's Mussolini, in the notorious Anti-Comintern Pact. Also, keep in mind, that the Japanese's murderous "Rape of Nanking," had occurred in Dec., 1937, and the "Crystal Night" incident on Nov. 9, 1938. Nevertheless, the Zionist confab went out of its way to legitimize the Japanese occupation by certifying it as a guarantor of the "equality of all citizens," in that beleaguered land.

The Zionist also had a trade plan with the Berlin government by which German Jews could redeem their property in Nazi goods exported to then British-occupied Palestine. And to top it all off, the infamous SS-Hptscharf. Adolf Eichmann, had visited Palestine, in October, 1937, as the guest of the Zionists. He also met, in Egypt, with Feivel Polkes, a Zionist operative, whom Eichmann described as a "leading Haganah functionary." The chain-smoking Polkes was also on the Nazis' payroll "as an informer."

Brenner isn't the first writer to address the mostly taboo subject of how the Zionist leadership cooperated with the Nazis. Rolf Hilberg's seminal "The Destruction of European Jews"; Hannah Arendt's "Eichmann in Jerusalem"; Ben Hecht's "Perfidy"; Edwin Black's "The Transfer Agreement"; Francis R. Nicosia's "The Third Reich and the Palestine Question"; Rudolf Vrba and Alan Bestic's "I Cannot Forgive"; and Rafael Medoff's "The Deadening Silence: American Jews and the Holocaust," also dared, with varying public success.

After the Holocaust began in 1942, Eichmann dealt regularly with Dr. Rudolf Kastner, a Hungarian Jew, whom he considered a "fanatical Zionist." Kastner was later assassinated in Israel as a Nazi collaborator. At issue then, however, was the bargaining over the eventual fate of Hungary's Jews, who were slated for liquidation in the Nazi-run death camps. Eichmann said this about Kastner, the Zionist representative, "I believe that [he] would have sacrificed a thousand or a hundred thousand of his blood to achieve his political goal. He was not interested in old Jews or those who had become assimilated into Hungarian society. `You can have the others,' he would say, `but let me have this group here.' And because Kastner rendered us a great service by helping keep the deportation camps peaceful. I would let his groups escape."

Readers, too, will be surprised to learn, that after the Nuremberg Anti-Jewish Race Laws were enacted in Sept., 1935, that there were only two flags that were permitted to be displayed in all of Nazi Germany. One was Hitler's favorite, the Swastika. The other was the blue and white banner of Zionism. The Zionists were also allowed to publish their own newspaper. The reasons for this Reich-sponsored favoritism was, according to the author: The Zionists and the Nazis had a common interest, making German Jews emigrate to Palestine.

As early as June 21, 1933, the German Zionist Federation was sending a secret memorandum to the Nazis, which said, in part:

"It is our opinion that an answer to the Jewish question truly satisfying to the national state [German Reich] can be brought about only with the collaboration of the Jewish movement that aims as a social, cultural and moral renewal of Jewry- -indeed, that such a national renewal must first create the decisive social and spiritual premises for all solutions..."

Incredibly, Avraham Stern, the leader of the notorious "Stern Gang," late in 1940, made a written proposal to Hitler, by which the Jewish militias in Palestine, would fight on "Germany's side," in the war against England, in exchange for the Nazis help in resolving the "Jewish Question" in Europe, and their assistance in creating an "historic Jewish state." By this date, German troops had already marched into Prague, invaded Poland, and had built the first concentration camp at Auschwitz. The deranged Stern had further bragged about how the Zionist organizations were "closely related to the totalitarian movements of Europe in [their] ideology and structure." Stern's obscene proposal was found in the German embassy, in Turkey, after WWII.

Finally, I think Brenner was right, when he wrote, "This book presents 51 historic documents to indict Zionism for repeated attempts to collaborate with Adolf Hitler. The evidence, not I, will convince you of the truth of this issue...Exposing the Zionist role in the Nazis era is part of the scrutiny of the past, required of historians."

171 of 209 people found the following review helpful:

Brenner Documents Zionism, June 28, 2003
Reviewer:Ronald Bleier "DESIP" (New York, NY USA) - See all my reviews
Lenni Brenner supplements his extraordinary contribution to studies in Zionism with 51 Documents. His new book serves as a documentary ally to his previous work on this issue, especially Zionism in the Age of the Dictators (1983). He introduces each document economically with relevant headnotes and he includes a brief introduction, a concluding "Final Word on the Final Solution" and a glossary.

An important Nazi document succinctly expresses the underlying idea for the Zionist -Nazi connection. It is a 1937 report on Eichmann's 1937 trip to Palestine and Egypt. The Nazi writer found that "In Jewish nationalist circles people were very pleased with the radical German policy since the strength of the Jewish population in Palestine would be so far increased thereby that in the foreseeable future the Jews could reckon upon numerical superiority of the Arabs in Palestine."

In his famous document of 1923, "The Iron Wall," Vladimir Jabotinsky makes explicit the Zionist view that "justice" demands a majority of Jews in Palestine. At the same time, he expresses his clear understanding that the Arabs will never willingly agree to the massive Jewish immigration that would be required to make the Arabs a minority in their own country.

One of the most important documents, Brenner reprints, is one that is based on Eichmann's testimony originally published two parts in Life Magazine under the title, "'I Transported Them to the Butcher,' Eichmann's Own Story," published after Eichmann was captured in 1960. The material comes from taped interviews Eichmann originally gave to a Dutch Nazi journalist in 1955 in connection with the trial in Israel of Dr. Renzo Kastner. At that time, Kastner was an Israeli government official who during the war, had collaborated with Eichmann in order help a few thousand Jews escape to Palestine. Eichmann's motivation to agree to the deal was to avoid another Warsaw Ghetto style uprising in Hungary. In the end, Eichmann successfully transported more than 600,000 Hungarian Jews to the ovens of Auschwitz. The few who escaped, he later said, were a cheap price to pay for the smooth Hungarian operation.

Eichmann openly says that at a certain moment, Hitler ordered the "liquidation" of the Jews and hints that he didn't necessarily believe that it was a correct decision. Part of Eichmann's job entailed his presence at a number of executions of Jews. (One would think that Eichmann's testimony alone would be sufficient to silence the Holocaust deniers, but alas, things don't seem to work that way in the real world.)

The 1978 memoir of Nathan Yellin -Mor, one of the leaders of the Stern Gang, is a fascinating example of how ideology shapes reality. He explains the wartime motives behind the Stern gang's drive to fight the British and make an alliance with the Nazis despite the clear understanding that "Germany had declared war on the Jewish `race." Yellin-Mor quotes Yair, (Avraham Stern's underground name), who made a distinction between the "foe" (Britain) and the "arch enemy" (Nazi Germany). Since the "foe is in control of our homeland and denies the Hebrew people statehood and freedom... the presence of the arch enemy must not put off the struggle against the foe ... even for a single day." Implicit is the fascist ideology of the Stern Gang which dismissed the humanity of the Arabs to be displaced in Palestine just as the Nazis dehumanized the Jews in order to destroy them.

One of the most affecting documents was written by one of the heroes of the Holocaust, Rabbi Michoe Ber Weissmandel, an Oxford student who returned to his native Slovakia when war broke out. His "Personal Story" printed in 1986 in the Jewish Guardian recounts how he was able to use Jewish money from abroad to save Jewish lives in Europe and how his pleas for more money from rich Jews abroad fell on deaf ears.

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75 of 84 people found the following review helpful:

The Lobby is out in force, April 19, 2006
Reviewer:LD Lewis "Journalist & Author" (Los Angeles, CA) - See all my reviews
I had to crack up when I saw the one star reviews on this book. That's the grassroots portion of the Israel Lobby voicing its objection to truth again, (they do that A LOT). It's also an excellent indication the book, film or information you're seeking is exactly what you need to read. I first ran into this book on Jews Against Zionism, the Torah True Jews of New York who are 100% anti-apartheid, (Israel is the world's only aparthied nation today. They call it 'Zionism'). One of the tools used to keep apartheid alive and well in Israel is, as Norm Finkelstein put it, the Holocaust Industry. Yes, the German holocaust happened...as did another seven during the twentieth century. The Zionist movement set on the complete conquest of Palestine for a Jewish supremacist state did work with the Nazis. These documents prove it as do such facts as Walburg's handling of security for the Nazi state until 1939, (his brother was one of the founding members of our Federal Reserve). Walburg, though Jewish was allowed to leave Nazi Germany with his fortune in tact in 1939 so certain influential Jews were shielded from Nazi oppression. You should be asking why. These documents will help you understand the double standard. Of course be careful where you discuss this. In some countries, deviating from the accepted historical revisionism with the truth on this issue, the German holocaust, lands you in jail. That is if you talk about the 50% of the victims who were Jewish. See, the Catholics, Mentally Ill, homosexuals, Gypsies, Communists and handicap making up the other 50% of victims, they don't matter anymore. They were not the right faith, nor were they included in reparations and rarely are they mentioned...even in the state funded holocaust museums. (Hint that also should give you a clue there is something very unkosher about this whole thing...that 50% of the victims no longer are mentioned or matter)
If history has lessons, you need to know these. Just be very careful with whom you discuss this book's details. Trillions of dollars depend on the truth not getting out because if it does, the world's greatest victims are shown for what they really are, the world's foremost victimizers. If that happens, bye, bye US support; bye bye US aid; bye bye protection from war crimes prosecution and bye, bye what little international sympathy that is left. Like I said. A lot is at stake if people learn the whole truth about the German holocaust. Today truth will land you in jail and that fear is used to censor your thoughts and what you read. Another reason you probably want to read this book.

49 of 63 people found the following review helpful:

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!, January 27, 2006
Reviewer:Reader (Chicago) - See all my reviews
No surprise some are vigoriously fighting this book's findings since they don't want the general,rather ignorant, public to learn. The historical ignorance is especially visible in the USA, where truth is supressed on daily basis.

22 of 105 people found the following review helpful:

So what!?, January 19, 2006
Reviewer:T. Gorski (Arlington, Texas USA) - See all my reviews
I see nothing in these allegedly shocking documents that shocks me. Why wouldn't anyone who wanted to save the lives of Jews not cooperate with the devil himself - or even Hitler (who was worse because he actually existed!) - to save them? And why wouldn't Hitler want all the Jews he could get out of the country to go and resettle in a small strip of land in the Mideast, all the better to eventually wipe them out? Indeed, Hitler was *definitely* collaborating with the Palestnian Arabs with whom he shared the goal of doing just that. Lip-service to tryants who can wipe you out is a not a surprising thing, especially when there is a war going on with the outcome uncertain. One says and does what is necessary to survive, which may be "unprincipled" but is also understable.

51 of 63 people found the following review helpful:

Common Knowledge, January 12, 2006
Reviewer:beth "Free and happy" (FL) - See all my reviews
Everyone knows that the only political party that was allowed to exist after the Nazis seized power is the Zionist party. All other parties clubs where abolished with the exception of the Zionist party which actually flourished and was very powerful. Zionism collaborated in order to carve a place for the jews in the land of Palestinians.
Zionist would have collaborated with the devil to steal palestine.

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