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St. Clair in Chicago, Madison and Urbana-Champaign

Today's Stories

April 20, 2006

Justin E.H. Smith
Doctors and Lethal Injection

April 19, 2006

P. Sainath
More Kids? Pay More for Your Water

Norman Solomon
When Diplomacy Means War: Bait-and-Switch on Iran

Anthony Papa
When Justice Isn't Blind: Double Standards for the Rich and Poor in New York

Mike Ferner
Movement Blues

Stanley Heller
The Massacre at Qana, 10 Years Later: Still No Justice

"We Defeated Berlusconi"

Christopher Reed
Secrets of the Garden of Bliss

Alexander Cockburn
The Pulitzer Farce

Website of the Day
Bunker Busters: the Movie

April 18, 2006

Paul Craig Roberts
How Safe is Your Job?

Eric Wingerter
Washington Post vs. Venezuela

Juan Santos
What Immigrants Need to Learn from the Black Civil Rights Movement

Greg Weiher
The Zarqawi Gambit Revisited

Sam Bahour
Is Hamas Being Forced to Collapse?

Behzad Yaghmaian
In the Gaze of New Orleans

Website of the Day
The FBI and the Jack Anderson Files


April 17, 2006

Kevin Zeese
An Interview with the First Arab-American Senator: Jim Abourezk on Bush's Lies and the Dems' Complicity

Uri Avnery
Olmert the Fox

Norman Solomon
Why Won't Moveon.Org Oppose the Bombing of Iran?

John Ross
A Real Day Without Mexicans?

Laila al-Haddad
The Earth is Closing in on Us: Dispatch from Gaza

Jeffrey Blankfort
A Tale of Two Members of Congress and the Capitol Hill Police

Website of the Day
Dixie Chicks: Not Ready to Back Down


April 15 / 16, 2006

Jeffrey St. Clair
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Ralph Nader
Remembering Rev. William Sloan Coffin

Thaddeus Hoffmeister
The Ghost of Shinseki: the General Who Was Sent Out to Pasture for Being Right

Kevin Prosen / Dave Zirin
Privilege Meets Protest at Duke

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Taking Care of What We've Been Given: a Conversation with Wendell Berry

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Continuing Medical (Marijuana) Education

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Brian Cloughley
Don't Blitz Iran: Risking the Ultimate Blowback

John Holt
Walking Off Vietnam with Edward Abbey's Surrogate Son

Seth Sandronsky
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Rafael Renteria
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Michael Ortiz Hill
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William A. Cook
An Israel Accountability Act

Gideon Levy
Shooting Nasarin: a Story About a Little Girl

Andrew Wimmer
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Nate Mezmer
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Jesse Walker

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April 14, 2006

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Kevin Zeese
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Howard Meyers
Dwarves, Knives and Freedom: Bush, Jr. is No LBJ

Ishmael Reed
The Colored Mind Doubles: How the Media Uses Blacks to Chastize Blacks

Website of the Day
Asshole: a Film Strip


April 13, 2006

CounterPunch News Service
Powell's "Bitch"?

Norman Solomon
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Stanley Heller
Time to Shake Up the Peace Movement

Jeff Birkenstein
Bush and Freedom of Speech

Evelyn J. Pringle
Not So Fast, Mr. Powell

Michael Donnelly
The Week the Bush Administration Fell Apart

Kamran Matin
Synergism of the Neo-Cons: What's Going On In Iran?

Website of the Day
"Don't Be Afraid of the Neo-Cons"


April 12, 2006

Vijay Prashad
Resisting Fences

Alan Maass
The Suicide of Anthony Soltero

Dave Lindorff
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Randall Dodd
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Missy Comley Beattie
The Boy President Who Cried "Wolf!"

P. Sainath
The Corporate Hijack of India's Water

Website of the Day
"The System is Irretrievably Corrupt"


April 11, 2006

Al Krebs
Corporate Agriculture's Dirty Little Secret: Immigration and a History of Greed

Lawrence R. Velvel
The Gang That Couldn't Leak Straight

Sonia Nettinin
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José Pertierra
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Website of the Day
The Dead Emcee Scrolls


April 10, 2006

Ralph Nader
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Heather Gray
Atlanta and the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Uri Avnery
The Big Wink

Joshua Frank
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Seth Sandronsky
Immigration and Occupations

Michael Leonardi
The Italian Elections: "Reality is No Longer Important"

Evelyn Pringle
Did Bush Pull a Fast One on Fitzgerald?

Tom Kerr
FoxNews Does Ward Churchill

Lucinda Marshall
The Lynching of Cynthia McKinney

Website of the Day
Brown Berets

April 7 -9, 2006

Alexander Cockburn
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Jeffrey St. Clair
The Saga of Magnequench: Outsourcing US Missile Technology to China

Patrick Cockburn
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David Vest
The Rebuking and Scorning of Cynthia McKinney

Dave Lindorff
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Elaine Cassel
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Saul Landau
Vietnam Diary: Hue Without Rules

James Ridgeway
"This is Betty Ong Calling": a Short Film

Ron Jacobs
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Ramzy Baroud
The US Attitude Toward Hamas: Disturbing Parallels with Nicaragua

Christopher Brauchli
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Todd Chretien
What the Pentagon Budget Could Buy for America

Jonathan Scott
Javelins at the Head of the Monolith

John Bomar
What They're Saying About Bush in Arkansas

Michele Brand
Iran, the US and the EU

Ronan Sheehan
Remember When the Irish First Met the Chinese?

Mickey Z.
Let Us Now Praise OIL

Don Monkerud
March of the Bunglers

Michael Dickinson
The Rich Young Man: a Miracle Play

Website of the Weekend
The Case Against Israel and Munich: Compare and Contrast


April 20, 2006

"Appropriate Medical Care" and the Paradox of Sanitized Execution

Doctors and Lethal Injection


In a recent ruling, Judge Malcolm Howard of the Federal District Court in Greenville, North Carolina, determined that the execution by lethal injection of Willie Brown Jr. may not proceed unless appropriate medical supervision of the process can be ensured. This ruling followed upon the presentation of evidence that all too often executioners without medical training do a poor job of administering the cocktail of chemicals required, and that as a consequence the prisoner often suffers needlessly.

North Carolina prison officials have been ordered to tell the court by this week how they will comply with its order requiring medically trained personnel to ensure that Brown is unconscious during his execution, currently scheduled for April 21. The officials have been asked a question they cannot possibly answer, and we can only hope that their conundrum will lead to a stay of execution for the prisoner.

As Adam Liptak reported recently in the New York Times ("Judges Set Hurdles for Lethal Injection," April 12, 2006), increasingly the drug protocol used nationwide since the 1970s --originally devised by the Oklahoma Department of Corrections in consultation with the state medical examiner-- is being denounced by critics as too complex and as medically unjustifiable.

The first drug administered in this procedure is the barbiturate sodium thiopental. As Liptak reports, "properly administered... it is sufficient to render an inmate unconscious for many hours, if not to kill him." (Sodium thiopental, it is interesting to note, is the sole drug administered in the routine euthanization of pets and farm animals.)

The second drug is pancuronium bromide which, if administered by itself, would bring about paralysis without unconsciousness. If the prisoner suffers after this drug is injected, his anguish can generally not be detected by external observers since he is unable to move and thus unable to register pain. The bromide thus serves to obscure from view the effect of the third and final drug, potassium chloride, which causes the heart to stop beating but also causes unimaginable pain while travelling through the veins.

If the first drug is administered correctly, it is sufficient to render the prisoner fully unconscious and to cancel out the painful effects of the two drugs to follow. But poorly trained prison staff often choose the wrong spot on the prisoner's body to inject the barbiturate, resulting in inadequate distribution throughout his system.

Why not, then, include well-trained medical personnel in the procedure? The American Medical Association's ethics code explicitly forbids physicians to prescribe the drugs to be used in execution, to select intravenous sites, to administer the drugs, and to pronounce death. As Liptak reports, the code is not legally binding, and anonymous participation by doctors is not uncommon. Collusion by doctors in earlier stage of the process is also a well-known fact, from the various experts who spoke in favor of the guillotine in the 1790s to the Oklahoma state medical examiner's oversight of the recipe for lethal injection in the 1970s.

It is not clear whether Judge Howard was aware of the AMA's code of ethics when he ordered that the execution of Willie Brown Jr. could not proceed without the guarantee of supervision by personnel capable of "providing appropriate medical care" should Mr. Brown wake up. The judge did not say that the personnel had to be licensed physicians, but clearly the only other possibility would be to invite unlicensed individuals purporting to be medical experts. This would be to condone medical fraud, a felony in all 50 states.

If the personnel are licensed physicians, though, the problem of course is that the "appropriate medical care" they provide could only consist in taking measures to promote the continuation of Mr. Brown's life. Such is the reasoning, in any case, behind many legal defeats of physician-assisted suicide over the years. For instance the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals argued in 1997 that the government has legitimate interests in prohibiting such assistance since it is already obligated to "protect... the medical profession's integrity and ethics and maintain... physicians' role as their patients' healers."

While the individual physician who assists at an execution may only be violating a code of ethics, and not breaking a law, it is clear that a state that refuses to legalize physician-assisted suicide in part on the grounds that this would destroy the integrity and ethics of medicine cannot in turn legally require the participation of a physician in an execution. Execution is something that can only be carried out beyond the bounds of proper medical practice. To implicate physicians is to ask them to cease to live up to standards of conduct that the state otherwise expects them to meet.

This issue has only come up recently because lethal injection, unlike firing squads and electrocution, simulates medical procedure. But what is happening here is no more "medical" than a shantytown abortion, and if a clumsy prison guard botches the job and the inmate writhes in agony for some minutes, this is not so much a glitch in an otherwise orderly medical procedure as a reminder that to execute is, and always has been, to do harm, and it thus excludes anyone bound by the Hippocratic Oath. Ever the development of the Guillotine, pseudo-humanists have been trying to make killing something other than it can ever possibly be, and more than 200 years later the paradox and futility of this effort is not a bit less glaring.

The state has only two options: either to stop feigning humanism, or to stop executing people. Judge Howard's refusal to permit a lethal injection to proceed without medical participation, and his simultaneous inability to arrange for this participation, reveals the worsening paralysis of a system that tries to play both options at once.

And the worse, the better. Capital punishment in America will eventually collapse under the weight of such paradoxes-- unless of course those people have their way who openly see execution as a fitting occasion to inflict harm and thereby to exact revenge. This is the principle of capital punishment under Shariah law, and under the absolute monarchies of early modern Europe, where men were flayed in public squares, or torn to pieces by horses made to run in opposite directions. An awesome spectacle, to be sure, but one that does not fit well with our constitutional opposition to cruel and unusual punishment.




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