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·Articles, Columns, and Press Releases
·Debate Proceedings, Radio & TV Appearances, and Letters
·Other Resources

Recent Items

TV appearance: NewsHour: Bolivia Takes Control with guest Mark Weisbrot, May 2, 2006

Paper: Employment Regulation and French Unemployment: Were the French Students Right After All? by John Schmitt and David Howell, April 2006

Paper: Changing Patterns in the Relative Economic Performance of Immigrants to Great Britain and the United States, 1980-2000 by John Schmitt and Jonathan Wadsworth, April 2006

Column: When Mismeasurement Matters: China Is Bigger Than You Think by Mark Weisbrot, April 19, 2006

Conference: Presentations from April 7th Conference on Development, Trade, and Immigration En español

Transcript and Audio: Latin America's Electoral Leftward Shift: The Importance of Economics, a discussion between Mark Weisbrot and Claudio Loser, former director of the Western Hemisphere Department at the IMF, on the growth slowdown in Latin America, March 14, 2006 transcript, mp3


Employment Regulation and French Unemployment: Were the French Students Right After All? by John Schmitt and David Howell, April 2006

Changing Patterns in the Relative Economic Performance of Immigrants to Great Britain and the United States, 1980-2000 by John Schmitt and Jonathan Wadsworth, April 2006

Peru's Election: Background on Economic Issues by Mark Weisbrot, April 5, 2006 En español
Bolivia's Challenges by Mark Weisbrot and Luis Sandoval, March 2006 En español
Scorecard on Development: 25 Years of Diminished Progress by Mark Weisbrot, Dean Baker, and David Rosnick, September 2005  En español
Four Economic Issues That Environmentalists Should Care About, by Mark Weisbrot, September 2005 (paper prepared for Sierra Summit 2005)
A Note on Venezuela's Economic Performance, by Mark Weisbrot, June 2005
Poor Numbers: The Impact of Trade Liberalization on World Poverty, by Mark Weisbrot, David Rosnick and Dean Baker, November 18, 2004 PDF
Getting Mexico to Grow With NAFTA: The World Bank's Analysis, by Mark Weisbrot, David Rosnick, and Dean Baker, October 13, 2004 PDF
Going Down With the Dollar: The Cost to Developing Countries of a Declining Dollar, by Mark Weisbrot, David Rosnick, and Dean Baker, September 29, 2004 PDF
Black Swans, Conspiracy Theories, and the Quixotic Search for Fraud:
A Look at Hausmann and Rigobon's Analysis of Venezuela's Referendum Vote
by Mark Weisbrot, David Rosnick, and Todd Tucker, September 20, 2004 PDF
Polling and the Ballot: The Venezuelan Referendum, by David Rosnick, August 19, 2004
Applying Economics to Economists: Good Governance at the
International Financial Institutions,
by Mark Weisbrot and Dean Baker
July 20, 2004 PDF
NAFTA at Ten: The Recount, by Mark Weisbrot, David Rosnick, and Dean Baker, Mar. 1, 2004 (revised Mar. 10).   PDF
Fool's Gold: Projections of the U.S. Import Market, by Dean Baker and Mark Weisbrot, Jan. 8, 2004   PDF  
En español
, PDF en español
The $300 Billion Question: How Much Do the Governments of High-Income Countries Subsidize Agriculture?, by Joseph Wright, Dec. 4, 2003
Another Lost Decade? Latin America's Growth Failure Continues into the 21st Century by Mark Weisbrot and David Rosnick, Nov. 13, 2003  PDF
Labor Market Protections and Unemployment:  Does the IMF Have a Case? by Dean Baker and John Schmitt, Nov. 3, 2003  PDF
Too Sunny In Latin America? The IMF’s Overly Optimistic Growth Projections and Their Consequences by Dean Baker and David Rosnick, September 16, 2003.  PDF
Professional Protectionists: The Gains From Free Trade in Highly Paid Professional Services by Dean Baker, September 9, 2003. PDF
Supplement: Barriers to Foreign Professionals Working in the United States
by Eric Freeman
The IMF-World Bank Plan for Sri Lanka: Will it Help or Hinder South Asian Success?  by Debayani Kar, April 10, 2003 PDF
Is It Time to Export the US Tax Model to Latin America? by John Schmitt, April 8, 2003.   PDF
The Economic Costs of a War in Iraq: The Negative Scenario by Dean Baker and Mark Weisbrot, December 9, 2002.  PDF
Argentina's Crisis: The Costs and Consequences of Default to the International Financial Institutions by Mark Weisbrot and Alan Cibils, November 19, 2002, PDF
HTML en español  PDF en español
Excerpts from this issue brief were printed in Clarín, Argentina's largest daily newspaper.
Paying the Bills in Brazil: Does the IMF Math Add Up? by Mark Weisbrot and Dean Baker, September 25, 2002. PDF
Argentina Since Default: the IMF and the Depression by Alan Cibils, Mark Weisbrot and Debayani Kar, September 3, 2002. PDF
En español. PDF en español.
The Relative Impact of Trade Liberalization on Developing Countries, by Mark Weisbrot and Dean Baker, June 12, 2002. PDF
World Bank Involvement in the Privatisation of Public Pension Systems in Developing and Transition Countries by Dean Baker and Debayani Kar, May 2003 (Prepared for ICFTU)
When 'Good Parents' Go Bad: The IMF in Argentina, a reply to Nancy Birdsall's "What Went Wrong in Argentina?" by Mark Weisbrot and Dean Baker, April 2, 2002. PDF
When Rivers Flow Upstream: International Capital Movements in the Era of Globalization by Monique Morrissey and Dean Baker, March 22, 2003  PDF

Labor Market Institutions and Unemployment: A Critical Analysis of Cross-Country Evidenceby Dean Baker, Andrew Glyn, David Howell, and John Schmitt, November 8, 2002. This paper examines the extent to which the high rate of unemployment rates in many European countries can be explained by labor market protections such as generous unemployment benefits, strong unions, and protections against layoffs.

Paying the Bills in Brazil: Does the IMF Math Add Up? by Mark Weisbrot and Dean Baker, September 25, 2002. PDF
Argentina Since Default: the IMF and the Depression by Alan Cibils, Mark Weisbrot and Debayani Kar, September 3, 2002. PDFEn español, PDF en español.
Defined Contributions from Workers, Guaranteed Benefits for Bankers: The World Bank's Approach to Social Security Reform, by Dean Baker and Debayani Kar, July 16, 2002. PDF
The Relative Impact of Trade Liberalization on Developing Countries, by Mark Weisbrot and Dean Baker, June 12, 2002. PDF
The Role of Social Security Privatization in Argentina's Economic Crisis, by Dean Baker and Mark Weisbrot, April 16, 2002. PDF
Alan Greenspan and the ECB: Different Policies, Different Results, by Dean Baker, February 22, 2002. PDF
The Cost of the War on Terrorism and the Cost of Social Security, by Dean Baker, February 1, 2002. PDF
What Happened to Argentina, by Mark Weisbrot and Dean Baker, January 31, 2002. PDF, En español, PDF en español.
The New Economy Recession: Economic Scorecard 2001 , PDF. By Dean Baker, December 20, 2001.
Money for Nothing: The Increasing Cost of Foreign Reserve Holdings to Developing Nations by Dean Baker and Karl Walentin, November 12, 2001. PDF
Will New Trade Gains Make Us Rich? An Assessment of the Prospective Gains from New Trade Agreements, by Dean Baker and Mark Weisbrot, October 3, 2001. PDF
The World Bank's Attack on Social Security by Dean Baker, August 7, 2001
World Bank Grants Would Reduce Poor Country Debt Without Cost to U.S. by Robert Naiman, July 23, 2001. PDF
The Scorecard on Globalization 1980-2000; 20 Years of Diminished Progress by Mark Weisbrot, Dean Baker, Egor Kraev, and Judy Chen, July 11, 2001. This paper compares the social indicators of the last twenty years against the claims of growth through globalization. PDF
Is the Treasury Above the Law? by Robert Naiman, June 7, 2001. This paper examines the U.S. Treasury Department's violation of U.S. Law in its dealings with Tanzania. PDF
Vaccine Buying Pools: Is More Protectionism the Best Route? by Dean Baker, May 26, 2001. This paper deals with the new "alternative" to lessening or overstepping patent law to provide essential medicines to poor nations.
Growth May Be Good for the Poor - But are IMF and World Bank Policies Good for Growth? A Closer Look at the World Bank's Recent Defense of Its Policies by Mark Weisbrot, Dean Baker, Robert Naiman, and Gila Neta, May 11, 2001. This paper exams research purporting to show that globalization has helped the poor. PDF
Gaining With Trade? by Dean Baker, March 2001. This paper describes what free trade really means for the American economy. PDF
One Year After Seattle: Globalization Revisited by Mark Weisbrot, November 27, 2000
The Emperor Has No Growth: Declining Economic Growth Rates in the Era of Globalization by Mark Weisbrot, Robert Naiman, and Joyce Kim, November 27, 2000. PDF
Taxing Financial Speculation: Shifting the Tax Burden From Wages to Wagers by Dean Baker, February 2000.
Recent Experience with International Financial Markets: Lessons for the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) by Dr. Mark Weisbrot and Neil Watkins, April 1999. This paper explores the question, "Should FTAA negotiators be following the precedents set by the NAFTA and the MAI in light of recent financial crises?"
A Survey of the Impacts of IMF Structural Adjustment in Africa: Growth, Social Spending, and Debt Relief by Robert Naiman and Neil Watkins, April 1999. 
Writing the Constitution of a Single Global Economy : A Concise Guide to the MAI by Michelle Sforza, Scott Nova and Dr. Mark Weisbrot, December 1997. An overview of the history, provisions and possible impact of the MAI.
Articles, Columns, and Press Releases
Column: When Mismeasurement Matters: China Is Bigger Than You Think by Mark Weisbrot, April 19, 2006
Column: French Labor Law Reform Not Supported by Economic Evidence by Mark Weisbrot and published in the Sacramento Bee on March 31, 2006

Column: Selling Un-Free Trade Agreements by Dean Baker, February 2006

Column: Latin America Shifts Left: It's the Economy by Mark Weisbrot, January 21, 2006. En español, På Svenska
Press Release: Costs of WTO 'Development Round' Could Outweigh Benefits for Developing Countries, December 15, 2005
Column: Undermining Haiti by Mark Weisbrot and published in The Nation on December 12, 2005. En español
Column: Economic Growth is a Home Run in Venezuela by Mark Weisbrot, distributed to newspapers by the Knight-Ridder/Tribune Information Services on November 1, 2005
Column: Latin America's Long Economic Failure Sparks Desire for Change by Mark Weisbrot, October 7, 2005. It was published in the Miami Herald on October 15, 2005 as well as other newspapers. En español, På Svenska
Column: The IMF's Influence has Diminished, by Mark Weisbrot, September 23, 2005. It was published in the International Herald Tribune. En español
Press Release: Economists Document Long-Term Growth Fall-Off for Developing Countries, September 21, 2005
Press Statement: CAFTA Economic Arguments Misunderstood, July 14, 2005
Column: Bush Administration Increasingly Isolated on Venezuela by Mark Weisbrot. It was published in the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel - June 19, 2005
Press Release: CEPR Statement to OAS, June 6, 2005, CEPR Declaración para la Reunión de la OEA, 5 de junio, 2005
A Dangerous Imbalance by Mark Weisbrot. It was published in the International Herald Tribune on April 28, 2005.
CAFTA Falls Short on Economic Arguments by Mark Weisbrot. Published in the Miami Herald on April 16, 2005 in addition to other newspapers.
The World Bank: A Problem Bigger Than Wolfowitz by Mark Weisbrot. It was published in the San Jose Mercury News on March 21, 2005 as well as other newspapers.
Haiti's Torment Ignored by Mark Weisbrot. Published in the Houston Chronicle on March 4, 2005 as well as other newspapers.

U.S. Political Attacks on Venezuela Continue by Mark Weisbrot. Published in the Miami Herald on December 20, 2004 and in the Topeka Capital-Journal  on January 14, 2005.

Analysis of Andean Free Trade Agreement, by Todd Tucker.  In Ecuador's El Comercio Newspaper, September 9, 2004 (en español).
CIA Documents Cast New Light on Washington's Role in Venezuela by Mark Weisbrot. Published in the Saskatchewan News (Canada) on December 14, 2004.
Is Turkey the next Argentina? by Mark Weisbrot. Published in the International Herald Tribune on December 4, 2004.
Lessons for the IMF: Sometimes efficiency is not the best measure by John Schmitt and published in the International Herald Tribune.
G-7 Should Have Cancelled Poor Countries' Debt by Mark Weisbrot. Distributed to newspapers by Knight-Ridder/Tribune Information Services on October 4, 2004.

Venezuela's Referendum Should Be a Wake-Up Call for the United States by Mark Weisbrot. Published in the San Jose Mercury News and the Atlanta Constitution-Journal on August 22, 2004 as well as other newspapers.

No Boost for Development in World Trade Negotiations by Mark Weisbrot. Distributed to newspapers by Knight-Ridder/Tribune Information Services on August 3, 2004.
The Unbearable Costs of Empire by Mark Weisbrot. Published on BusinessWeek.com  on July 29, 2004. Also available En español.
Old enough to take responsibility by Dean Baker and Mark Weisbrot and published in The Guardian on July 26, 2004
Latin America's Stunted Growth by Mark Weisbrot and published on BusinessWeek.com on June 15, 2004.

Media Falls Short on Iraq, Venezuela by Mark Weisbrot. Distributed to newspapers by Knight-Ridder/Tribune Information Services on June 1, 2004 and published in the Jordan Times (Amman, Jordan) on June 6, 2004.

India’s Election: What Next for the Economy? by Mark Weisbrot. Published in the San Diego Union Tribune on May 21, 2004.

Torture in Iraq: Another Reason to Get Out by Mark Weisbrot. Published in the 

Providence Journal on May 17, 2004.

The IMF at 60: Reform Still a Long Way Off by Mark Weisbrot. Distributed to newspapers by Knight-Ridder/Tribune Information Services on April 19, 2004 and published in the Bangkok Post on April 22, 2004.

Spanish Voters Throw Out Pro-War Party by Mark Weisbrot. Distributed to newspapers by Knight-Ridder/Tribune Information Services on Mar. 15, 2004 and published in the Hartford Courant (CT) on Mar. 16, 2004 as well as other newspapers.

Regime Change in Haiti: A Coup By Any Other Name by Mark Weisbrot. Distributed to newspapers by Knight-Ridder/Tribune Information Services on March 2, 2004 and published in the Aventura News on June 15, 2004. Also available en español.

It Pays to Get Tough with the IMF by Mark Weisbrot. Distributed to newspaper by Knight-Ridder/Tribune Information Services on February 5, 2004 and published on Providence Journal on February 8, 2004.
The Cancún Ministerial and the U.S.: Public Perception, Reality, and Implications, by Mark Weisbrot and Todd Tucker, in Post-Cancún Debate:  Options, Views, and Perspectives From South and North, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Feb. 2004.

Washington's Past Relationship With Saddam Hussein Worth Looking At by Mark Weisbrot. Distributed to newspapers by Knight-Ridder/Tribune Information Services on Dec. 29, 2003 and published in the Elyria Chronicle Telegram (Elyria, OH) on Jan. 2, 2004 as well as other newspapers.

Argentina's IMF Agreement:  The Dawn of a New Era? by Alan Cibils, Oct. 10, 2003, in Foreign Policy in Focus
Criticas al Acuerdo con el FMI ¿Héroe o villano? Spanish version in Pagina12.
"Why Globalization fails to deliver" (a.k.a. CEPR vs. CEPR) In this article written for the Observer (UK) debate on globalization and published on July 28, 2002, CEPR co-Director Mark Weisbrot responds to one of the authors of a new paper by "the other CEPR" -- the Centre for Economic Policy Research (UK). The Centre's paper and Observer article based on it ("What the Protesters Got Wrong) argue that "the recent era of rapid globalization has improved the living standards of many of the poorest, not worsened it."
False Promises on Trade, by Dean Baker and Mark Weisbrot, July 24, 2003.  A response to an article by the Editorial Board of the New York Times on Sunday, July 20, 2003, “The Rigged Trade Game."
World Bank Grants Would Reduce Poor Country Debt Without Cost to U.S., by Robert Naiman, July 23, 2001.
Don't Cry for the IMF, Argentina, by Mark Weisbrot, published in the Montreal Gazette, May 21, 2001. This column details the IMF's involvement in the current Argentine financial crisis. 
Oportunidad Perdida Muchos se desilusionaron con Roberto Lavagna luego de que firmara el acuerdo con el Fondo, puesto que evaluaban que tenía un camino a recorrer sin necesidad de la medicina tradicional del ajuste.  Por Alan Cibils, February 23, 2003.
The elusive benefits of trade: Report questions assumptions of developing nations In this July 14, 2002 Miami Herald article reporter Jane Bussey describes CEPR's study, "The Relative Impact of Trade Liberalization on Developing Countries" and gets comments from World Bank and academic economists.
The Mirage of Progress by Mark Weisbrot, the American Prospect,  January 1, 2002 issue.
Tricks of Free Trade by Mark Weisbrot was published in the September/October 2001 issue of Sierra Magazine ( published by the Sierra Club).
An End to Self-Defeating Rhetoric: Correctly Framing the Issue is Half the Battle by Dean Baker, published on TomPaine.com on August 10, 2001.
Globalization on the Ropes by Mark Weisbrot, March 2000. Published on Tompaine.com and in Harper's Magazine.
Mobilization Against Corporate Globalization: Round Two by Mark Weisbrot, published in Z Magazine, March 2000
Real Free Trade by Dean Baker, published In These Times, January 10, 2000.
The Real Importance of a Global Economy by CEPR Co-Director Dean Baker, from the NIRA Review, the journal of Japan's National Institute for Research Advancement January 2000.
The Macroeconomic Roots of High European Unemployment: The Impact of Foreign Growth by CEPR Co-director Dean Baker and Economic Policy Institute labor economist John Schmitt, December 1999. This is the English version of an article that appeared in the December issue of the WSI Mitteilungen Paper
Last Stop for Corporate Globalization: Seattle, November 1999 by Mark Weisbrot, published on Intellectualcapital.com and Tompaine.com, November 4, 1999.
The Stock Market, Globalization, and the MAI: Neo-Liberalism Comes Unglued by Mark Weisbrot, published in Z Magazine, October 1999.
"The WTO's Rigged Game" by Mark Weisbrot and Neil Watkins, published in Toward Freedom magazine September/October 1999 issue.
Press Release: Economists Issue Statement Questioning German Austerity Policies, September 29, 1999 and a copy of the accompanying petition organized by CEPR Co-director Dean Baker and University of Texas Professor James Galbraith. This petition signed by eighty-one American economists expresses concern about the plans recently announced by the German government to restructure and deregulate the German economy according to the "American model."
The Real Drug Crisis by Dean Baker, October 1999 (First published by CEPR August 21, 1999). This paper discusses Al Gore, South Africa and AIDS drugs. This was published in In These Times.
Growing Concerns Over World Trade Organization  by Mark Weisbrot, published in the Boston Globe and the San Diego Union Tribune on August 19, 1999.
Trade Wars, Round 2: Where's the Beef? by Mark Weisbrot, published in the Boston Globe on August 4, 1999 and the Houston Chronicle on August 5, 1999.
Press Release: NGOs Voice Concerns About Emerging FTAA Investment Pact. Citizen groups and NGOs from North and South America met in Miami in April 1999 to express concerns to government negotiators about investment negotiations at the Free Trade of the Americas (FTAA) talks.
Globalization for Whom? by Mark Weisbrot, December 1998. Published in the 1998 Symposium Issue (vol. 31, #3) of the Cornell International Law Journal
Debate Proceedings, Radio & TV Appearances, and Letters

TV appearance: NewsHour: Bolivia Takes Control with guest Mark Weisbrot, May 2, 2006

Conference: Presentations from April 7th Conference on Development, Trade, and Immigration En español

Video: Capitalism's Achilles Heel book launch featuring Raymond Baker of the Brookings Institution, Branko Milanovic of the World Bank, Jo Marie Griesgraber of the New Rules for Global Finance Coalition, and Mark Weisbrot of CEPR, March 31, 2006 at the World Bank Infoshop

Audio: Latin America's Electoral Leftward Shift: The Importance of Economics, a discussion between Mark Weisbrot and Claudio Loser, former director of the Western Hemisphere Department at the IMF, on the growth slowdown in Latin America, March 14, 2006 transcript, mp3

TV appearance: NewsHour: Political Shift in Bolivia with guest Mark Weisbrot, December 20, 2006

Video: Argentina's Economic Recovery: Four Years After the Meltdown, featuring CEPR co-director Mark Weisbrot and former IMF Research Director Michael Mussa, November 30, 2005 Transcript, En español

Mark Weisbrot testifies at The State of Democracy in Venezuela hearing before the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, Peace Corps, and Narcotics Affairs on June 24, 2004. The above link will allow you to read his updated testimony (in PDF). 
WTO Cancun debate
CEPR's Mark Weisbrot and Gary Hufbauer, of the Institute for International Economics, discuss issues from the WTO's Cancun Ministerial meeting at a breakfast meeting with Washington press, Sept. 5, 2003.
Reflections on Economic Reporting: Seven Years of the Economic Reporting Review, Dean Baker's presentation to the reporting staff of Cox News Service, Washington, DC June 9, 2003.
Testimony by Mark Weisbrot before the House Committee on Budget and Financial Services Subcommittee on International Monetary Policy and Trade on Tuesday, March 5, 2002. The Hearing was about the state of the Argentine economic crisis and the role of the International Monetary Fund. The opening statements were made by Committee Chairman Michael G. Oxley and Subcommittee Chairman Doug Bereuter.
Read Mark Weisbrot's interview with El Clarin, Argentina's largest daily paper. En español: Si la Argentina crece, no necesita pactar con el FMI
Whither Globalization and its Architects in a Post-Sept 11, Post-90s-bubble world. On February 4, 2002, Co-Director Mark Weisbrot participates in a Roundtable Discussion on Globalization with Lori Wallach, Jeffrey Sachs, Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, Michael Weinstein and moderator John Nichols. In this discussion, Harvard economist Jeffrey Sachs agrees with Mark that the last two decades have been a terrible economic failure for the vast majority of low and middle-income countries.
Click here for the edited transcript. Click here for excerpts.
Has Globalization Been Good for the Poor?, a debate between Mark Weisbrot and David Dollar, the World Bank's director of Development Policy, who has become the Bank's point man on globalization and defense of Bank/IMF policies. This debate took place on September 18, 2001 and was broadcast on C-SPAN a few times. It can be viewed at http://video.c-span.org:8080/ramgen/jdrive/smil/ter091801_cato.smi
Testimony of Mark Weisbrot to the United States Trade Deficit Review Commission, November 1999.
The IMF and the Brazilian Crisis. This debate was held on National Public Radio's Diane Rehm Show on November 19, 1998. Hosted by Steve Roberts, the exchange featured economists Mark Weisbrot, Research Director of the Preamble  Center (until 1999, currently co-director of CEPR) and C. Fred Bergsten, Director of the Institute for International Economics.
Globaphobia: Irrational Fear or Common Sense?: As economic troubles spread through the global economy, the debate among economists over the role of government in regulating markets has widened. This debate on the impact of globalization on economic growth and income distribution was sponsored by the Preamble Center. Moderated by Bob Davis of the Wall Street Journal, this debate featured panelists Catherine Mann of the Institute for International Economics; Robert Litan of the Brookings Institution; Dean Baker of the Economic Policy Institute; and Mark Weisbrot of the Preamble Center. September 1998
Testimony of Mark Weisbrot before the General Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee, House of Representatives Committee on Banking and Financial Services, On the International Monetary Fund and its Operations in Russia, September 10, 1998
Testimony of Walden Bello before Banking Oversight Subcommittee, Banking and Financial Services Committee, US House of Representatives, April 21, 1998. Dr. Bello raises concerns about the IMF.
Other Resources
Globalization: A Primer, by Mark Weisbrot, October 1999. This primer offers a guide to some of the current debates surrounding globalization, providing background in some of the basic concepts (e.g., balance of payments, exchange rates) as well as analysis of recent events.
A Citizen's Guide to the World Trade Organization: Everything You Need to Know to Fight for Fair Trade, July 1999. This brochure, developed by a coalition of labor, environmental, citizen, women's and public interest research organizations, describes the effects and impacts of the WTO, and offers suggestions as to how activists and other interested parties can get involved in the "fair trade" movement. 
Visit the official site of the World Trade Organization
Investment in the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) Follow this link to learn about an MAI-like investment agreement that were under negotiation at the FTAA in 1999.
Update on MAI Negotiations at the OECD December 10, 1998