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"When the possibility of far-reaching war crimes and crimes against humanity exists, people of conscience have a solemn responsibility to inquire into the nature and scope of these acts and to determine if they do in fact rise to the level of war crimes " -- from the Charter

Taking the Commission on a Campus Tour. . .

(Larry Everest, Ray McGovern, and Cindy Sheehan at Berkeley)

A nationwide campus tour – “Speaking the Unspeakable: Is the Bush Administration Guilty of War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity?” -- will bring a panel of prominent whistleblowers, eye-witnesses, victims and experts to give testimony that make visible the reality that this administration has committed war crimes and crimes against humanity - acts that, by their scale or nature, shock the conscience of humankind.

These panels are timely and urgent: they can help cut through the fog of official obfuscation and disinformation to paint a clear picture of the full scope and nature of these acts and clearly establish the culpability of the Bush administration in these horrors. Our aim is to provoke discussion on, and bring to the fore the inherent moral imperative, and attendant political responsibility, of people of conscience in these times.

Listening to the preliminary verdicts of the commission being announced at the National Press Club in Washington DC in early-February, Ray McGovern exclaimed: “This is what our German forbearers in the 1930s did NOT do. They sat around, blamed their rulers, said 'maybe everything's going to be alright.'... That is something we cannot do. Because I don't want my grandchildren asking me years from now, 'why didn't you do something to stop all this?'”

Tour Schedule

At the January hearings. . .

DRAMATIC VIDEO was shown of war crimes. The U.S. turned the city of Fallujah into a "free fire zone" where anything that moved was a targeted.
. . . and we heard the evidence of torture.

You think Rumsfeld should resign?
We think he should be prosecuted!

Read Janis Karpinski's testimony

All photos of the Commission hearings © Laura Hanifin for BushCommission.Org
Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski, former commander of Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq testifies on how the abuse of prisoners in U.S. custody originated at the highest levels (audio) (text). Panel of Jurists (l. to r.):  Adjoa Aiyetoro, Dennis Brutus, Ajamu Sankofa, Ann Wright, and Abdeen Jabara

Opening remarks by Harry Belafonte (text)  (audio) (wmv video)

Opening remarks by Michael Ratner (text)  (audio
(quicktime video)  (wmv video)

Text of indictments
Click here to access audio files

Friday, January 20, at The Riverside Church
Saturday, January 21, at The Riverside Church
Sunday, Jan. 22, Columbia Univ. Law School

(views expressed in the Commission do not necessarily reflect the views of organizations providing a venue)

Highlights from the 1st Session Oct, 2005