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Today's Stories

September 27, 2004

Gary Leupp
The Expulsion of Cat Stevens

September 25 / 26, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
C'mon Ralph, You've Got Nothing to Lose

Dave Zirin
The Courage of the NBA's Etan Thomas: "I Am Totally Against This War"

Saul Landau
The Reality of Empire and Campaign Rhetoric

Dave Lindorff
Our Heroic Baby-Killers

Brian J. Foley
Bush at the UN: the Sound of No Hands Clapping

William Blum
Progressives and the Election

Alan Maass
Why is Kerry Running Such a Lame Campaign? You Can't Blame It All on Bob Shrum

Lucson Pierre-Charles
Haiti: Another Lost Story

Solange Echeverria
An Interview with Kevin Pina on the Floods in Haiti

Nicole Colson
What About the Supreme Court?

Justin Smith
The New Sparta

Joshua Frank
Iraq: From Clinton to Bush

Karyn Strickler
Momma, Don't Let Your Babides Grow Up to be Cannon Fodder

Michael Donnelly
Rather Disingenuous: "Remember in November"

Greg Bates
The Politics of Nader's Republican Support

Todd Chretien
Lesser Evilism: We Are Living in the Logical Conclusion

William Loren Katz
Dire Warnings from the Past: From Wilson to Bush

Omar Barghouti
Americans, You've Lost Your Alibi!

Poets' Basement
Holt, Clarke, Albert, Laymon and Ford

Website of the Weekend
Carnival of Chaos

September 24, 2004

Dr. Teresa Whitehurst
The Value of One Life: Keeping Up Appearances and Leaving Hostages to the Wolves

William S. Lind
Destroying the National Guard

Mike Whitney
The Bush Tent Show

Nancy Welch
What's at Stake for Women in 2004?

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Logical Limbo

Joshua Frank
Fear Mongering 101

Victor Kattan
An Interview with Afif Safieh

Ben Terrall
Kerry and Haiti: Will He Stand Up?

Kathleen and Bill Christison
"Finally It Broke My Heart": Random Impressions from Palestine

Sex, Drugs & the Blues!
Serpents in the Garden

CounterPunch's Sizzling New Book on Culture and Sex is Now Available
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September 23, 2004

Patrick Cockburn
Why Are They Still Holding "Mrs. Anthrax?"

Christopher Brauchli
Ashcroft's "Distressing Lack of Care": Hamdi and the Phony War on Terrorism

Derek Seidman
Fighting for a Union at Starbucks: an Interview with Daniel Gross

Michael Neumann
Three Years and Counting? How Time Flies


September 22, 2004

Patrick Cockburn
Zarqawi's War: the Mysterious Sadist from Jordan

Neve Gordon
The Wall, the Court and Sharon

Joshua Frank
History Repeating: New York, 1832 and Now

Ron Jacobs
Stormy Seas on the Citizen Ship

Jack Random
Defending Dan? Rather Not

Tarif Abboushi
Kerry's Final Straw: Confessions of a Despairing Voter

Mickey Z
Stupid White Guy Quiz

John L. Hess
Faking the Difference: a Serious Debate?

Jeffrey St. Clair
High Plains Grifter: The House Rules


September 21, 2004

Gary Leupp
"We Are Not Secure": Kerry's "Unwavering Commitment" to Securing a Middle East Realm

Robert Jensen
Large Dams in India: Temples or Burial Grounds?

Elaine Cassel
Fourth Circuit to Moussouai: Ask Your Questions; Prepare to Die

Stanley Heller
Reagan and the Killing Fields of Lebanon

Adam Federman
America Will Disappoint the World, Again

David Whitehouse
What's Behind the Horror in Darfur?

M. Junaid Alam
How to Avoid Becoming an Anti-American

Paul Craig Roberts
Attention Deficit America

Website of the Day
True American War Heroes: the Iraq Refuseniks



September 20, 2004

Cockburn / Buncombe
Get Fallujah

David Price
Relying on Phonies: What If The Problem with Phone Polls is That They Are Phone Polls

Dave Lindorff
How Dems Fight: Tigers Against Nader, Pussycats Against Bush

Harry Browne
Pre-Nup at Leeds: Talked Out, But Does IRA Give Up?

Mark Wesibrot
Bush's Ownership Society: No Taxes for Owners, Only Workers

Karyn Strickler
The Keys to the White House v. the Shrum Curse?

Uri Avnery
The Temple Mount Bombers




September 18 / 19, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
Forgeries, Fingerprints and Forensic Fakery

Jeffrey St. Clair
High Plains Grifter: Bush's Mask of Anarchy

Patrick Cockburn
Into the Abyss: the Week Iraq's Dream of Peace Fell Apart

Fred Gardner
Pot Shots: Financial Torture (Asset Forfeiture)

Joe Allen
The Comrades Kerry Abandoned: the Real Story of Vietnam Vets Against the War

George Corsetti
Poletown Revisited: Finally, Some Vindication

Scott Handleman
The Knock-Knock of a Sledgehammer: Sequestered in Nablus

Richard Ward
Two Weeks in Beit Arabiya

Conn Hallinan
Ashcroft and Indonesia

Lori Smith
Health Care in America: And Then I Got Sick...

Dave Zirin
Hold the Booyah!: SportsCenter Out of the Middle East

John L. Hess
Rather Will Take the Heat, As Bush's War Deteriorates

Brian J. Foley
W is for Wimp: So Why do Manly Men Love Him?

Mickey Z.
Pat Tillman and Osama bin Laden: Odd Juxtapositions

Poets' Basement
Vest, Landau & Albert

Website of the Weekend
Eye on the NYTs




Septemeber 17, 2004

Ray McGovern
Gossing Over the Record

Patrick Cockburn
The New Iraqi Economy: Baghdad's Thriving Kidnapping Industry

Lee Sustar
The State of Working America: an Autopsy of the American Dream

Mike Whitney
John Kerry: 195 Lbs. of Political Helium, Not an Ounce of Sincerity

Victor Kattan
Black September

Ray Hanania
Israel's Demographics

Greg Bates
Nader's Victories: a Mid-Campaign Assessment

Website of the Day
The Road to Hell



September 16, 2004

Landau / Hassen
Meet the New Villain: Syria

Joanne Mariner
Inside Darfur: a Photo Essay

Patrick Cockburn
US Offers Conflicting Accounts of Baghdad Bloodbath

Greg Moses
Four Million Children Might Be News

Joshua Frank
Nader in the Battleground States

Christopher Brauchli
The Bush Drug Lottery Flops

David Himmelstein
Folke Bernadotte: a Rosh Hashonah Remembrance

Website of the Day
The Abu Ghraib Index



September 15, 2004

Patrick Cockburn
Hell on Haifa Street

Ron Jacobs
Oppose War, Not Just Bush

David Lindorff
Blanking Out Dissent

Joanne Mariner
Talking About Darfur: Is Genocide Just a Word?

Angela Godfrey-Goldstein
An Open Letter to Madonna: Please Don't Support Israeli Apartheid

Dave Zirin
Is the NFL Ready for Us?

Yigal Bronner
"They Are Building Walls Around Us"



September 14, 2004

Gary Leupp
The Problem of Chechnya

Jennifer van Bergen
What's Wrong with Torture?

Stan Goff
Wake Up and Smell the Jungle Rot

Patrick Cockburn
The Punishment of Fallujah: US Precision Strickes...on Ambulances

Anis Memon
Nader in Michigan

Michael Donnelly
The Nuance Comes Off: Former Naderites Beg for Kerry Votes

Zell Miller: the Peckerwood Pericles

Website of the Day
Osama Bin Forgotten?




September 13, 2004

Gabriel Kolko
Elections, Alliances and the American Empire

Phillip Cryan
How Do You Say "Death Squad?": Language in Colombia's War

Patrick Cockburn
One of Baghdad's Bloodiest Days: "I'm a Journalist! I'm Dying! I'm Dying"

Noah Leavitt
The War on Civil Liberties

Robert Jensen
Highjacking Catastrophe: Bush, the Neo-Cons and 9/11

Mike Whitney
Alan Greenspan: Fed-Master to the Wealthy

John Chuckman
Stop Talking About the "Election"

Mike Burke
Kerry/Edwards Website Censors Discussion of Israel/Palestine Issues

CounterPunch Wire
The Quotations of David Cobb: "I Don't Care How Many Votes I Get"

Website of the Day
Keep It In Your Pants: the Bush Plan to Combat Teen Promiscuity


September 11 / 12, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
Swatting at Flies

Fred Gardner
Yet Another Prozac Scandal

Saul Landau
When Our Assassins Go Free

Jennifer Van Bergen
How to Beat Bush: a Simple Strategy for the Average American

Roger Burbach / Jim Tarbell
The Real Dead Enders: Iraq and the Crisis of Empire

Christopher Reed
9/11 in an Historical Context: a Minor Event When Compared to Worldwide War Casualties

Francisc Catalin
An ABC of American Interventions

Carl Estabrook
Big Science and Government Terror

Bernard Chazelle
Anti-Americanism: a Clinical Study

Sharon Smith
Third Party Blues

Dave Lindorff
Perhaps This Time We're the Silent Majority

Mike Whitney
Fallujah: an Iraqi Beslan?

Frederick B. Hudson
Their Sons Perished in the Flames, But Not Their Faith

Mickey Z.
Round Up the Usual Suspects: a Look Back at 9/11

Ron Jacobs
Redneck Music for the New Century

Greg Moses
Soap Opera Moments in Texas School Funding Trial

Benjamin Dangl / Andrew Kennis
An Interview with Leslie Cagan

Poets Basement
Del Papa, Albert, Gelman



September 10, 2004

Patrick Cockburn
Disappointment at Samarrah?

Michael Donnelly
Democrats v. Democracy

Alan Farago
Mosquitoes in a Hurricane

Doug Giebel
Karl Rove's Terror Playbook

Mike Whitney
Bob Graham's Political Tsunami

David Domke
God's Will, According to the Bush Administration



September 9, 2004

Joe Bageant
Karaoke Night in Bush's America

Ed Kinane
Abducted in Baghdad

Peter Bohmer
The Cuban Revolution: Present and Future

Todd May
The Emerging Case for a Single-State Solution

Jeremy Scahill
The New York Model: Indymedia and the Text Message Jihad

Joshua Frank
Green House Party Gasses

Fran Shor
The Crisis in Public Dissent: When Protest is Considered a Terrorist Act

Patrick Cockburn
Welcome to the Dirtiest City in the World: Despair in Baghdad

Website of the Day
Liberty Street Protest: No to War at Ground Zero


September 8, 2004

Patrick Cockburn
This Doesn't Smell Like Victory: A War on Two Fronts in Iraq

Dave Lindorff
Bush Confuses; Kerry Mute: Spinning 1000 Dead

Bulent Gokay
Russian and Chechnia After Beslan

Lisa Viscidi
Land Reform and Conflict in Guatemala

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Byrd's Eye View

Mike Whitney
Afghanistan: American's Drug Colony

Stan Goff
Body Count: 1001

Website of the Day
Bush and the Love Doctors



September 7, 2004

Diane Christian
Hostage Tactics: a Game of Mortal Poker

Joshua Frank
Greens Unravel from Within

Patrick Cockburn
Fallujah Erupts Again: US Death Toll in Iraq Nears 1000

Ron Jacobs
Bush and Putin: "We're Not Girlie Men"

Chris Floyd
Cry Havoc: Bush's Own Personal Janjaweed

Dr. Carol Wolman
No Blood for Oil at Paul Bunyan Day Parade

John Ross
The Politics of Darkness North / South



September 6, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
An Anti-Labor Day That Lives in Infamy: How Many Democrats Voted For Taft-Hartley?

Ralph Nader
The Cruel Legacy of Taft-Hartley: a Labor Day Call for Rights for Working People

Lee Sustar
What's Driving the Attack on Pensions?

Kathleen and Bill Christison
Dual Loyalties: the Bush Necons and Israel



September 4-5, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
Elephants and Gramsci

Ted Honderich
The Way Things Are

Sasan Fayazmanesh
The Holy Empire: Who We Are and What We Do

Douglas Valentine
What the World Should Know About Guantanamo

Patrick Cockburn
New Iraqi Police State Flexes Its Muscles

Gary Leupp
Neo Cons Under Fire

Fred Gardner
Pot Shots: the Hempstead T-Shirt

William A. Cook
The Day of the Lemming

Dave Zirin
Kobe Bryant and the Price of Freedom

John Chuckman
The Day the World Ended

Karyn Strickler
God Save the Endangered Species Act

Vanessa Jones
Bad Day with an Ikea Cup

Mike Whitney
Kerry: the "Better" War Candidate

Mark Donham
Dear John (Kerry): Start Explaining and Fast

Mickey Z.
McBypass Nation: Feeling Clinton's Pain

Alan Farago
Can the Everglades be Fixed?

Poets' Basement
Landau and Albert



September 3, 2004

Jeffrey St. Clair
High Plains Grifter: Jesus Told Him Where to Bomb

Rahul Mahajan
Bush's RNC Speech: an Annotated Response

Carl Estabrook
The Book of Slaughter and Forgetting

Joshua Frank
The Florida of the Northwest: Oregon Dems Sabotage Nader Again

Gary Leupp
Music to My Ears: Sunday's March

James Hollander
Deja Vu in Manhattan: Assisted Political Suicide?

Mark Engler
Republicans Among Us: a Week at the RNC, Inside and Out

Jesse Sharkey
Making Students and Teachers Pay for the Crisis in Education

Jane Stillwater
Calling the Cops on Your Own Kid

Stephen Green
Serving Two Flags: the Bush Neo-Cons and Israel



September 2, 2004

Jeffrey St. Clair
High Plains Grifter: Part 3: More Pricks Than Kicks

Max Gimble
Et Tu, Menchu? Extrajudicial Killings and Clandestine Graves in Guatemala

James Petras
President Chavez and the Referendum: Myths and Realities

Christopher Brauchli
Bush and the Afghan Electoral Model: "If They Want to Vote Twice, Let Them"

Todd Chretien & Jessie Muldoon
Will the Democrats Expel Zell Miller?

Jack Random
Spite and Venom Day: the Turncoat and the Profiteer

Alan Maass
The Real Vietnam

Christa Allen
Contre Bush

Website of the Day



September 1, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
The Stench of Doom

Kathleen and Bill Christison
Poor Larry Franklin

Dave Lindorff
Kerry's Litmus Test

Josh Frank
Protest in White: Not All of New York Rises Up

John L. Hess
Moles, Scoops and Flip Flops

Mike Whitney
Deconstructing Arnold

Jack Random
Kindergarten Night at the RNC

Andrew Wilson
War on the Pachyderms: Why Do Elephants Hate Us?

Jeffrey St. Clair
High Plains Grifter: Part Two: Mark His Words



August 31, 2004

Joseph Nevins
Escapism and Global Apartheid: The Dominican Republic & the NYTs

Matt Vidal
Beyond Bush's Rhetoric on the Economy

Neve Gordon
Kerry and the Middle East

Dave Lindorff
Bush the Peace Candidate?

Mike Whitney
NPR Leads the Charge for War Against Iran

Jack Random
Opening Night: Playing the War Card

Jeffrey St. Clair
High Plains Grifter: the Life and Crimes of George W. Bush (Part One)

CounterPunch Photo of the Day
Pete Seeger in NYC



August 30, 2004

Justin Podhur
The Disappeared Mayor

Shaun Joseph
The Hypocrites at TheNaderbasher.com

Mike Whitney
Israeli Moles in the Pentagon: What More Could They Possibly Want?

Ron Jacobs
Live, From New York: the Majority of Protesters Claimed No Candidate

David Lindorff
Sunday in Manhattan: the Sound of Marchin', Chargin' Feet, Boy

Dave Zirin
USA Basketball: The Team White America Loved to Hate

Sam Husseini
Israeli Spying on the US: a Long History



August 28 / 29, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
Zombies for Kerry

Patrick Cockburn
Najaf Ceasefire Good for Iraq, But Weakens Allawi and US

Ray McGovern
Blowing Smoke on Intelligence

Dr. Juan Romagoza
From El Salvador to Abu Ghraib: Reflections of Torture Survivor

Ray Hanania
An Israeli Spy in the Pentagon? Ridiculous!

Fred Gardner
Eddie Lepp Busted by DEA: Facing Life for Growing Medical Pot

Diane Christian
Big Men: the Better Leader Lets You Live

William S. Lind
The Desert Fox

Paul D'Amato
The Left Takes a Dive for Kerry

Joshua Frank
Greens at the Crossroads

Mickey Z.
Media Declares War on Anti-War Protests

Winslow T. Wheeler
Sen. McCain's Pork Chops: an Exchange

Justin E.H. Smith
The New Age Racket and the Left

Thomas St. John
Burning Slaves at the Stake: On "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"

Ali Tonak
Help the NYPD?

Mark Engler
New York Says "No"

Justin Felux
Haiti: the Attica of the Americas

Poets' Basement
Gelman, Albert, Ford and Hamod



August 27, 2004

Gary Leupp
Neocon Musings

Robin Cook
The Ghosts of Abu Ghraib

Diane Christian

Michael Donnelly
Situational Democracy: the Show Me the Green Party?

Jack Random
4F and Other Heroes: an Army of War Resisters

Mike Ferner
"To the Swift Boats!"

Mazin Qumsiyeh
7000 Palestinian Political Prisoners

Veronza Bowers, Jr.
"You Won't Be Leaving Tomorrow"


August 26, 2004

M. Shahid Alam
The Clash Thesis: a Failing Ideology?

Diane Christian
War Rules: Bush is No Sun Tzu

Derek Seidman
"They're As Bad As Wal-Mart:" Starbucks Workers Get Organized

David Lindorff
Court to RNC Protesters: Drop the Rally

Christopher Brauchli
Signs of Dissent: the Bush in the Bubble

Stew Albert
Reporting Suspicious Activity

Mark Donham
Judgement in Athens: Give the Koreans Their Day in Court

Saul Landau
Pinochet: the Al Capone of the Southern Cone

Website of the Day
The Kerry 527 Ad You'll Never See



August 25, 2004

Amelia Peltz
Can I Have 9.8 Seconds of Your Time?

Noah Leavitt
Defining and Redefining Torture

Ron Jacobs
Takin' It to the Streets: It's Not About the Election, It's About Democracy

James Brooks
Coronado Crosses the Jordan

Akiva Eldar
How to Win the Jewish Vote: Turn Gaza into a "Mini-Afghanistan"

Gemma Araneta
Chavez's New Brand of Populism

Philip Cryan
Uribe's Boys: the Death Squads of Colombia

CounterPunch Wire
Cheney Opens the Closet Door



August 24, 2004

Jeremy Scahill
John Kerry: the Warchurian Candidate

Gary Leupp
"We Want Them to Go Away"

David Domke
God Willing: an Echoing Press and Political Fundamentalism

William Loren Katz
The Meaning of Hugo Chávez: Black and Indian Power in Venezuela

Jonah Gindin
With Chavez? Reading the International Private Media

Fran Schor
Denying Atrocities: From Vietnam to Fallujah

Joe Bageant
Driving on the Bones of God

Website of the Day
The Great America Lockdown: a Primer for the RNC


August 23, 2004

Winslow Wheeler
Don't Mind If I Do: Porkbarrel and the War on Terror

John Pilger
Bush May Be the Lesser Evil

Stan Goff
Swift Boat Dogfight

Bill and Kathleen Christison
Notes from the West Bank: Build, Demolish, Rebuild

Mike Whitney
The Unraveling of Afghanistan

William Blum
Brave New World of Iraqi Sovereignty

Ralph Nader
A Letter to the Washington Post: a Shameful and Unsavory Editorial



August 21 / 22, 2004

Cockburn / St. Clair
"They Want Blood:" The Bi-Partisan Origins of the Total War on Drugs

Landau / Hassen
Failing the Mission? Form a Commission

Brian Cloughley
The Bush Team in Iraq: Moral Cowardice, as Practiced by Experts

Josh Frank
Nader as David Duke? The ADL Wants You to Think So

Mike Whitney
Reincarnating Mengele: the Torture Doctors of Abu Ghraib

Ron Jacobs
Day Labor Blues

Mickey Z.
Shooting at Whales: 40 Years After Tonkin

Fred Gardner
Dr. Wolman Comes Out: The Cannabis Consultants

Dave Zirin
Uprising in Athens: Iraqi Soccer Team Gives Bush the Boot

Josh Saxe
Witnessing Police Brutality in LA

Yanar Mohammed
Letter from Baghdad: a Democracy of Killings and Bombings

Helen Williams
Ali's Story: a Taste of Reality from Baghdad

Michael Donnelly
Elemental and NaturalForests, Fire and Recovery

Elizabeth Schulte
The Crisis in Affordable Housing

Poets' Basement
Adler, Albert, Virgil, Ford and Krieger


















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September 27, 2004

He Had to Go Away The Expulsion of Cat Stevens


Oh, peace train, take this country.
Come take me home again

Cat Stevens (aka Yusuf Islam), 1971


"With respect to Cat Stevens ... our Homeland Security Department and intelligence agencies found some information concerning his activities that they felt under our law required him to be placed on a watch list and therefore deny him entry into the United States. In this instance, information was obtained that suggested he should be placed on the watch list and that's why he was denied entry into the country."

Colin Powell, September 14, 2004

Cat Stevens in 1978 announced that he had converted to Islam, becoming Yusuf Islam. This itself wouldn't have been a big issue to fan like me. After all, there were Muslim pop singers like Jimmy Cliff, and singers into all kinds of religion. But he simultaneously gave up singing, finding his own work sinful and embarrassing, and even asked his record companies to stop circulating his material. So it seemed like Islam, his version of it anyway, had stolen Cat Stevens from us.

But Stevens was my favorite singer-songwriter in high school, and loving his work, admiring his versatility (doing the artwork for his own album-covers), and knowing that he'd had a difficult life, I always wished him well. If religion brought him peace, I thought he deserved it. During the controversies that followed, including his sympathetic remarks about Khomeini in Iran, and about the Salman Rushdie fatwa affair, I thought he was trying to convey the feelings of Muslims to the western world. (As the London-born son of a Greek Cypriot and Swede, his roots are all over that world.) I didn't and don't agree with a lot of what he's said, but I do think his work reveals a sensitive, decent person. I think the Yusuf of 2004 is still fundamentally the Cat of 1970.

My favorite Cat Stevens song is one of his most popular: "Father and Son," written for Revolussia, his never-produced musical/film which I take it was set during the Russian Revolution, in which a father gently tells his (Bolshevik?) son:

It's not time to make a change,
Just relax, take it easy.
You're still young, that's your fault,
There's so much you have to know.

I wondered at the time this came out (1970) about the line "that's your fault" since of course it's no young person's responsibility that he or she is young. But I checked a dictionary and discovered that "fault" can mean "weakness." The father here is, through Cat's mellow voice, saying, "The problem is you're just too young to understand the world." Go out, settle down, marry, be like me. You'll be happy.

In that so familiar song, the son responds indignantly, in a contrastingly angry, bitter, but equally confident tone, not directly to the father but to the world he wants to change:

How can I try to explain, when I do he turns away again.
It's always been the same, same old story.
From the moment I could talk I was ordered to listen.
Now there's a way and I know that I have to go away.

When I first heard this I was doing what the National Forensics League called "dramatic interpretation," in which the student takes a scene from a drama and through voice variation and facial angles represents dialogue between two or more actors. I didn't know this was written as part of a musical which would involve a duet, but was impressed by Cat Stevens performing both roles in this song.

The father repeats the same refrain, with the son interrupting his wise words at the

Away Away Away, I know I have to
Make this decision alone---no

The son inveighs against his father and the world, explaining how all the things he's come to know inside are hard to face, but harder to ignore. As he repeats at the end "I know I have to go," the father in the background asks "Why must you go and make this decision alone?" That's the inconclusive end. It leaves you moved by generational and historical change and the whole complicated human condition. It's not the work of a narrow mind or potential threat to peace-loving people.

Yet here you have the creator of this piece, and so many brilliant other ones, a man associated with charitable work and the establishment of mosques, boarding a plane with his daughter from London to the U.S., after the normal security checks, planning to do some recording in Nashville. He's apprehended as a possible terror suspect after the plane was diverted from its flight path to Bangor Maine by U.S. authorities, causing lots of inconvenience to lots of people, and sent back to Heathrow Airport. You have British Foreign Minister Jack Straw protesting to Colin Powell, probably saying "Don't you think you're getting a bit paranoid here, and don't you think this will be seen as ridiculous in the world?" and that very sad figure Powell publicly justifying the action. The inquiring mind turns to the internet to find some rationale, and learns that in 2000 Yusuf Islam was denied admission to Israel, accused of donating funds to Hamas in 1998. He denied any knowing contribution to Hamas.

Yusuf Islam has sponsored orphanages in Hebron. Israeli authorities say such funds have been diverted to Hamas' violent actions. I have no idea who's right here. Muslims have to contribute to charities, if able; this is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. Just like Mormons have to tithe. And if somebody uses somebody's donation for other than the intended purpose (as happens, all the time, in contributions to respectable mainstream institutions in the U.S.) some government can say the donor supported that unintended purpose---and so should be on a watch list, or list of inadmissible persons. It can just smear people it wants to keep out.

The broad message of the Cat Stevens Incident is: even a '70s rock star with millions of dollars and millions of fans, and no possible connection to 9-11, or any likely desire to ever inflict any harm on this country, can't enter Ashcroft's America if he's Muslim, has been accused (rightly or wrongly) of ties to Palestinians (rightly or wrongly) accused of violence against non-Americans in a distant foreign country, and has spoken out against war on Iraq. This is to protect the USA from people who "hate our freedoms."

Gary Leupp is Professor of History at Tufts University, and Adjunct Professor of Comparative Religion. He is the author of Servants, Shophands and Laborers in in the Cities of Tokugawa Japan; Male Colors: The Construction of Homosexuality in Tokugawa Japan; and Interracial Intimacy in Japan: Western Men and Japanese Women, 1543-1900. He is also a contributor to CounterPunch's merciless chronicle of the wars on Iraq, Afghanistan and Yugoslavia, Imperial Crusades.

He can be reached at: gleupp@granite.tufts.edu

Weekend Edition Features for August 7 / 8, 2004

James Petras
The Anatomy of "Terror Experts": Meet the Mandarins of Abu Ghraib

Fred Gardner
Run Ricky Run: Football, Pot and Pain

Justin Delacour
Anti-Chavez Pollsters Panic: Fix Numbers; Reinvent Venezuela

Brian Cloughley
Persecuted by All; Supported by None: Who Would Be A Kurd?

Joshua Frank
The Outsider: a Talk with Ralph Nader

Iain A. Boal
On "Shame": Warmed-Over Orientalism and Racist Projection

Chris Floyd
All About Eve: Open Season on Women in DC and Rome

Andrew Fenton
Fighting for Democracy and Justice in Haiti

Aseem Shrivastava
Saga of an Anguished Afghan

Neil Corbett
See Cuba: Sometimes a Cigar is Just a Cigar, Mr. Bush

Carol Miller / Forrest Hill
Rigged Convention; Divided Party: How David Cobb Won with Only 12% of the Vote

Tarek Milleron
Breaking the Principled Voter

Donald Macintyre
The Battle of Najaf

Ron Jacobs
Spirits of The Dead: Why I Love My Petty Bourgeois Tendencies

Mickey Z.
Kid Gavilan's Grave: Propaganda Scores a TKO

Poets' Basement
Adler, Ford and Albert

WWW http://www.counterpunch.org

