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'The Ashcroft Group': Former Attorney General opens Washington lobby group
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Operation Swarmer
According to Time, hyped-up operation was by no means the largest use of airpower since start of war in Iraq.

Time: Hyped-up air assault 'fizzled'
Not a shot fired or leader nabbed in what was billed as major offensive by US forces in Iraq; BBC speculates pressure on Bush led to hype.
· How Operation Swarmer grabbed attention
· WH hired contractor to gather antiwar 'intel'
· General: 75% of Iraq to be handed over


18 Replies


White House lawyers argued for warrantless searches after 9/11
US News to report that Justice Dept. claimed right to conduct warrantless physical searches of terrorism suspects; Developing...
· NYPD: 'Proactive' arrests at protests work

2 Replies


South Park revs up war against Scientology
Creators release statement: "So, Scientology, you may have won THIS battle, but the million-year war for earth has just begun!"
· Video: SP episode poking fun at Tom Cruise

3 Replies


Blair under attack for secret campaign loans
Ruling Labor Party revealed that it received $24.5m in loans from wealthy individuals.
· Economist editor calls for Blair to quit

4 Replies


• Congressmen fight, spew racial epithets (0)
• Abramoff singing, sentencing delayed (0)
• Anti-war demos aim to spark grass roots (0)
• 21 airports didn't detect bomb materials (0)
• Government agents posed as reporters  (1)
• Two women die after using abortion pill (0)
• EPA blocked from easing pollution rules (0)
• Compromise reached in Moussaoui case (1)
• NSA: Iran bluffing on Iraq talks (0)
• Sweden plans moon colony (0)
• Murder kills more Iraq reporters than war (0)
• 73 'Torture flights' landed in UK (0)
• Radicals set up shadow Baghdad gov. (6)
• Angry Canada Sen writes US family (0)
• 'No sign' Milosevic poisoned (0)
• 'Thousands' of bird flu cases in Israel (1)
• China may release NY Times researcher (0)
• Google sued for 'blacklisting' Web sites (0)
• French law takes aim at iPod dominance (0)
• Judge orders Gmail to turn over account (0)
• Microsoft targets IBM for big biz (0)
• Senate ok's debt limit hike to $9 trillion (7)
• GM's losses climb over $10 billion (0)
• Bush 'signed budget law that didn't pass' (5)
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• NPR: Dems have 'historic' 15-point lead (1)
• GOP-ers give each other liberal awards (0)
• Australia shuts down satire website (1)
• Iraqi family asks: 'Was it worth it?' (0)
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• Dems: Pres. political trips cost millions (1)
• NY Post 'donates' Santorum op-ed (0)
Same issues, different decade. By Hannah Selinger.
· Race expectations
· Redemption
George W. Bush: A leader for his time. J. Steinberg.
· Tortured logic
· Testify - and the right runs
... Not for long. It's a fact, Jack. By Katie McKy.
· Dating like a Republican
· Alito unleashed
Submit your questions for the House Minority Leader.
· Catholics and gays
· Thanks for the kills
The Academy Awards put politics over art... Again. By Hannah Selinger.
· Fight terror with terror
· Fresno drained my brain
Pretending to be you and me. By Katie McKy.
· On trains that never come...
· You can say it, but...
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· Congressmen fight, spew racial epithets
· Abramoff singing, sentencing delayed
· Coulter on Times: 'Revenge of queers'
· Anti-war demos aim to spark grass roots
· China may release NY Times researcher
· 21 airports didn't detect bomb materials

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