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The grounds described by Brother Francis Xavier

                                                                                                                                    November, 1942

          The Marist Preparatory School property which was acquired during the past summer is a two hundred acre plot of land, located in part in the village of West Park and in part in the town of Esopus, and bounded on the west by route 9-W (also known as the Albany Post Road), and on the east by the Hudson River. This piece of land was detached from a much larger estate of approximately 800 acres which had been assembled by the late Colonel Oliver Hazard Payne during the early years of this century. This was later willed by him to his favorite nephew, Harry Payne Bingham, who donated it outright to the New York Protestant Episcopal diocese which transformed it into a convalescent home operated on a charity basis.

          Due to the windings of the highway and to the irregular indentations caused by the river, the lot assumes a shape which in no wise resembles any definable geometrical figure. It runs over four thousand feet in a rather broken line along route 9-W and skirts the Hudson shore three thousand four hundred feet as the crow flies. The southern limit is roughly 1/4 of a mile and the northern extremity goes well beyond a mile in its greatest length.

          Since this territory lies within the range of the Shawangunk mountains, the surface of the property is rather uneven. A central plateau of comparatively uniform altitude runs from north to south and takes in a great part of the acreage. On the east the land slopes very rapidly away from the central height of land to the shores of the Hudson. On the west the steepness is less pronounced except at the northwestern extremity of the estate where the greatest contrast in levels and the sharpest declivities are found. The architects who planned the arrangement of the buildings very wisely placed all the dwelling houses on the central plateau, thus facilitating communication, drainage, and distribution of water supply.

          A complex system of wide, well-built roads reaches to practically all sections of the property. These roads vary in width from twenty-five foot main arteries to ten or twelve foot driveways in the more remote and less frequented portions of the grounds. Most of these roads are lined with stately shade trees (mostly maples and elms) thus forming pleasantly secluded walks. Without any definite data as yet available, it seems safe to assume that the mileage of roadways on the estate totals somewhere between four and five miles. A very complete and carefully planned system of drainage, both at the surface and underground, takes care of rain water and prevents costly erosion. Considering the number of years that the grounds, have been left without proper care, since 1927, the roads and the system of drainage are in a surprisingly excellent state of preservation which is unquestionable evidence of the quality of the original workmanship.

          A previous reference to the location of this property in mountain country may have created an impression of enormous rocks and precipitous ledges breaking out at the surface in the most undesirable places. This was undoubtedly the case at the time the land was in its natural condition. But long years of terracing, landscaping, and importing of the highest grade of top soil, accompanied by scientific fertilizing and loaming, have given the property -- at least that portion which is not totally wooded -- a top dressing which hardly, could be surpassed in quality. Lawns, gardens, and orchards have occupied large tracts of the grounds in the past and there is no good reason to suppose that they could not do just as well in the future. As one approaches the shores of the Hudson, in the steeper and more hilly portions of the woodland, the typical bluestone and shale common to the region become as evident as in other sections of eastern New York.

          The intelligent care which was exhibited in the landscaping of the property was still further manifested in the attention bestowed on the woods and groves. The evidence of an expert's, guidance in the choice, the grouping and the training of the trees and bushes is apparent even to the most casual of observers. Effectiveness was not obtained by sacrificing the natural to the artistic. It was rather a case of improving what was already beautiful and pleasing. While one grove is intended to present a similarity in foliage, another strives to bring out a contrast in coloration. Some
clumps of maples bring together as many as eight variations of this prolific family, and neighboring collections of evergreens exhibit surprising varieties of conifers. Bushes and vines, flowering and non-flowering, have been scattered about with a prodigality which was restrained solely by the rules of good taste. One need nor be a trained botanist to appreciate the wonders of native and imported plant life which are found in even the most unexpected parts of the woods.

          It is difficult to estimate from mere inspection the amount of land actually fully wooded and the proportion which is cleared of trees and brush. A great part of the central plateau is either open ground or fields with occasional groups of trees and bushes thrown about to relieve the monotony of interminable green lawns. Much of the sloping area along the old Post Road has likewise been opened and landscaped. The total acreage devoted to open fields or lawns probably comes close to one hundred acres. The greater part of this was at one time kept up as regularly cut lawns and even today it would not require too great an expense of time and labor to bring back much of this to the trim condition of former days. From the front of the Mansion, looking towards the river, one sees a terraced slope two thousand feet long which still conjures imaginings of a green carpet extending to the water's edge. It is claimed that during the lifetime of Colonel Payne sixty acres of the estate were maintained as close cropped lawns.

          Passing from the foregoing summary inspection of the ground, to a brief examination of the buildings, it is advisable to consider these as subdivided into two groups: those built of white limestone, native or imported, and those constructed of blue limestone quarried on the estate.

          The gatehouse, a classical two-story structure of somewhat sober Italian Renaissance style, logically deserves first consideration due to its location at the main entrance of the grounds, the vehicular gateway facing route 9-W. A curving ten-foot wall, also of white limestone, which leads up to a massive grilled iron portal, recessed one hundred fifty feet from the line of the highway, bears out still further the suggestion of a Florentine villa of the fifteenth century.

One thousand feet further into the property, having negotiated the climb which winds to the level of the central plateau, one comes upon a French chateau, with towered keep, dormer windows, and many-gabled red-tiled roof, a replica of seigniorial residences in the land of Provence. This was the gardener's cottage. Living quarters were on the second and third floors. The spaciousness of the rambling ground floor was subdivided into large, white-tiled halls which housed the indoor activities of the florists and gardeners. At the rear of this cottage, and directly connecting with it, with its long axis laid out in an easterly direction, is the greenhouse. This was once a proud, glass-domed structure of great beauty. but the challenge of so much unprotected glass was too irresistible for the youth of the neighborhood. Ruins, all the more ghastly because of the evident past grandeur, are all that is left of the splendor of better days. The east end of this terminates in a white limestone two-story tool shed, which balances to a degree the cottage at the opposite end. 

(to be continued)

Bulletin of Studies, November and December 1942.  (Available in the Marist Brothers' archives, Esopus, New York).   Although these articles are unsigned, I know that Brother Francis Xavier Benoit, a professor at Marian College, wrote them.  He also researched the military history of Oliver Hazard Payne, but did not have access to the materials in the New York Public Library.   RDF
most recent revision:               November 25, 2001
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