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The TIME Classroom Teacher's Guide has ceased publication. We hope you have found TIME to be an important resource for your classroom instruction. Although the weekly teacher's guide will no longer be published in print or online, we encourage you to continue subscribing to TIME and using the resources of time.com to support your teaching. If you have any questions about future subscriptions, please contact the TIME Classroom Customer Service Department by calling toll-free 1-800-882-0852.

Your Ideas Count!
Why speaking up matters in our democracy -- and how you can make your voice heard
Heir to an Execution
The 1953 Julius and Ethel Rosenberg trial and execution raised a rich array of social and political issues about communism and the cold war throughout the world.
Stand Up, Speak Out, Lend a Hand!
Encourage your students to promote tolerance and respect through community service activities.
Brother Outsider
Meet Bayard Rustin, described in a TIME essay as "the unknown hero of the civil rights movement". To learn about a new documentary film on Bayard Rustin's life, click here.
Celebrate a Civil Rights Milestone
Learn about the history and legacy of Brown v. Board of Education, which declared "separate but equal" schools illegal.


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