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Black-hole hunting probe launced by NASA

The fastest-swiveling space science observatory ever built rocketed into orbit Saturday to scan the universe for violent celestial explosions that astronomers believe represent the birth screams of black holes.

Cholesterol drug should have been pulled sooner, doctors say

New reports accuse another drug company of being too slow to pull a dangerous medication from the market and question the ability of the federal Food and Drug Administration to protect the public from such risks.

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A 33-year-old woman suspected of selling fake flu shots for $20 each at Augsburg College in Minneapolis was arrested Friday night after investigators tracked her down at a relative's house in Belgrade, Minn., southwest of St. Cloud.

Published December 4, 2004

INDIANAPOLIS -- Dogs with paralyzed hind legs regained the ability to walk after getting a shot of a chemical cousin of antifreeze that helped repair nerve cells in their damaged spinal cords, scientists reported.

Published December 4, 2004

A shortage of outpatient psychiatric care in Minnesota is being blamed for a sharp rise in hospital admissions for mental illness.

Published December 3, 2004

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- A hormone patch that works to restore a woman's sex drive should not be approved until more studies are completed to determine the drug's risks, federal health advisers said Thursday.

Published December 3, 2004

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans are cramming their medicine chests ever fuller in trying to lower cholesterol, treat depression, reduce inflammation and ease other illnesses.

Published December 3, 2004

WASHINGTON, D.C.-- Workers repeatedly exposed to low levels of benzene, a common industrial chemical, even at the current level considered acceptable, develop blood changes, including a steep decline in disease-fighting white cells.

Published December 3, 2004

A team of psychologists and economists is reporting today what many Americans know but do not always admit, especially to social scientists: that watching television by oneself is an enjoyable way to pass the time, and that taking care of children -- bless their little hearts -- is often about as much fun as housework.

Published December 3, 2004

Obstetric researchers have done much in recent years to increase the safety and success of pregnancies, even among women approaching the end of their ability to conceive.

Published December 2, 2004

Metropolitan areas with 1 million or more people ranked by average annual pedestrian deaths per 100,000 people in 2002-2003:

Published December 2, 2004

"I called my brother not too long ago and said, 'It's fall. It's getting colder. It's a good season to be a Jackett.' "

Published December 2, 2004

WASHINGTON -- Cities in the South and West are the most dangerous for pedestrians, with four in Florida earning the dubious distinction of being the deadliest of all.

Published December 2, 2004

WASHINGTON -- The hormone patch Intrinsa aims to restore women's lost libido, but some health experts are concerned that potential health risks may eclipse the benefit of marginally better sex.

Published December 2, 2004

With about 100,000 doses of flu vaccine left in Minnesota, state health officials Wednesday expanded the list of people eligible for shots to include anyone over 50 and anyone who has regular contact with chronically ill people.

Published December 2, 2004

To find a flu shot, the Minnesota Health Department says:

Published December 2, 2004

GENEVA -- From Armenia to Zambia, thousands of activists sang in cathedrals, lit candles in city squares and marched and held dance-athons on World AIDS Day as the United Nations focused on protecting women and girls, often sidelined in the fight against the disease.

Published December 2, 2004

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