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Protesters storm UK Parliament

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LONDON, England (CNN) -- Five protesters burst onto the floor of Britain's House of Commons on Wednesday as lawmakers were preparing to vote on a ban on fox hunting.

The break-in, which was captured on parliamentary television, caused a suspension of proceedings. It marks the country's second major security breach in less than a week.

The protesters broke into the chamber and heckled the government minister leading the debate.

The protesters were grabbed by doorkeepers and bundled out of the chamber.

The debate on the hunt resumed after about 30 minutes. Lawmakers later approved the bill banning fox hunting by a vote of 356 to 166.

Also Wednesday, protesters clashed with police outside the House of Parliament.

Riot police carrying shields and truncheons battled to keep demonstrators at bay as about 10,000 hunt supporters blew horns and jeered outside parliament in central London.

The Labour government of Prime Minister Tony Blair moved to force the anti-fox hunting bill into law, saying that fox hunting is inhumane and breaches European standards for the treatment of animals.

Supporters say the government is needlessly meddling in their rural way of life. (Fox hunters fear cost of ban)

Speaker of the House Michael Martin is expected to receive reports from security staff on Wednesday's incident and a full investigation was under way, the UK's Press Association said.

Labour Party MP David Davis said: "We condemn the small number of hunt protesters who started skirmishes with the police in Parliament Square this afternoon.

"People have the right to protest but they must do so peacefully. We totally condemn the people who broke into the chamber. It clearly demonstrates the need for an urgent review of security at the House of Commons."

The incident came two days after a fathers' rights campaigner, dressed in a Batman outfit, scaled a balcony at Buckingham Palace, Queen Elizabeth's main London residence.

The 32-year-old man, a member of the campaign group Fathers 4 Justice, was arrested and later released on bail. (Full story)

Royal security was reviewed after a Daily Mirror reporter got a job at Buckingham Palace as a servant before U.S. President George W. Bush stayed there during a state visit in November last year.

Stand-up comedian Aaron Barschak also highlighted lax security by gate-crashing Prince William's 21st birthday party at Windsor in June last year.

Fathers 4 Justice, which says Britain's courts are biased against fathers in divorce cases involving child access, are notorious for their publicity stunts.

Its attack on Blair in the House of Commons four months ago caused a massive security alert amid fears of a terrorist attack and prompted changes to access rules for parliament.

Copyright 2004 CNN. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Associated Press contributed to this report.

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