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My mother was diagnosed with incurable lung cancer.
I made a comic strip about it.
"Mom's Cancer" is a work in progress, published for "proof-of-concept" and preview purposes only. The story of "Mom's Cancer" is approximately one-third to one-half complete; however, this seemed a good time to pause, take stock, and seek out criticism. If you've found your way here, please understand how valuable your feedback will be as I complete this project (see "Contact" below). Please also bear in mind that this story is unfinished. I still have many loose threads to tie.
Each chapter comprises one to six comic strips that tell part of the story of Mom's battle with metastatic lung cancer. This isn't a "how-to" manual about the medical mechanics of the disease. If I've learned anything, it is that every cancer, patient, physician, treatment and outcome is unique. Rather, "Mom's Cancer" focuses on how this process affects patient and family, both practically and emotionally, in ways that I suspect are very common.
Thank you for reading my story.
Introduction: The Characters
Chapter 1:   How to Diagnose Lung Cancer, Step One
Chapter 2:   How to Diagnose Lung Cancer, Step Two
Chapter 3:   A Family Meeting
Chapter 4:   A Game of Luck and Skill
Chapter 5:   Nurse Sis
Chapter 6:   Impressive Hospitality
Chapter 7:   A Terrible Thing to Waste
Chapter 8:   Told You So What
Chapter 9:   L'il Sis and Hollywood
Chapter 10: Never Tell Me the Odds (COMING SOON)
Chapter 11: Arrangement in Grey and Black
Chapter 12: Dad
Chapter 13: Things They Won't Tell You: Chemo Gut
Chapter 14: The Usual Unusual
Chapter 15: Rx Kryptonite
Chapter 16: Hope Against Hope
Chapter 17: After the War, Part One
Chapter 18: Mom in Mathemagic Land
Chapter 19: Just Deserts
Chapter 20: P.E. (COMING SOON)
Chapter 21: No Man Deserved Less at Her Hands (COMING SOON)
Chapter 22: Puzzlement
Acknowledgements and Apologies
Just because I'm curious....
UPDATE: May 5: I've added Chapter 22 and left placeholders for a few others that are forthcoming. The bandwidth problems of earlier this week seem to have been resolved.
Since going public last week, I have been frankly overwhelmed with sympathetic, heartfelt and just-plain-nice notes from readers. Some have asked permission to post links to "Mom's Cancer" from cancer support groups and the like. As much as I appreciate the sentiment--after all, communicating our story to others undergoing similar experiences was a main purpose for doing it--please don't. At this time I only wanted to solicit feedback from a few other comics fans. It's not ready yet. I do hope to add more installments regularly, but the entire story will take a long time to tell.
Thanks very much to everyone for their continued critiques and support. Any comments are welcome.
All contents copyright 2003-2004. Please do not duplicate without permission.
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