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MAY 12, 2001
See, we told you we'd be back soon enough...

For anyone wondering about the numbering, they way we figure it, Version 1.0 was the original 'syndicated'/Usenet version, 2.0 were the AnotherUniverse.com years, 3.0 was of course Fandom.com, and now, here we are at our new digs at Comicon.com with version 4.0. Of course, we'd be remiss at this point to not mention our friends at Mile High Comics for helping to make this all happen.

This weekend was originally planned as a close doors set-up of our Comicon 'booth', getting everything in place and ready for our official launch on Monday, 5/14... But the news waits for no man, and in typical Newsarama fashion, something came across out desk that we couldn't let pass by another day. So as a Newsarama 4.0 'preview trailer' of sorts, we've got Mike Sangiacomo's newest Journey Into Comics just below. This week Sangiacomo talks with one of the biggest names in comics, and this creator has some surprising things to say about one of the industry's most intriguing 'unsolved mysteries". Read on, and you'll see why everyone worked overtime to get things rolling tonight.

As we say, the full launch is coming on Monday, complete with the features, the daily news and coverage of the comic book industry you've come to expect from Newsarama. So while you're here, please bookmark the site and please tell you friends. We've always been fortunate to have very loyal and enthusiastic readers, if you could tell your favorite message board, website or mailing list of our new address, we'd be much appreciative. We're very happy with our new home, and we hope you'll like it too.

Michael Doran
Matt Brady






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