Taylor & Francis BioscienceTaylor & Francis BioscienceBioscience
Our portfolio reflects the multidisciplinary nature of this field by drawing upon various areas including biology, anatomy, physiology, chemistry, medicine and engineering.
Taylor & Francis ChemistryTaylor & Francis ChemistryChemistry
Exploring a wide variety of topics from the very small, such as quantum chemistry, to the very large, such as elements and molecules found in stars and planets.
Taylor & Francis Computer & Information SciencesTaylor & Francis Computer & Information SciencesComputer & Information Sciences
Offering books and journals on both theoretical and practical disciplines, from Self-Driving Vehicle technology to the Legal, Social and Ethical aspects of IT, and IT Management.
Taylor & Francis Earth SciencesTaylor & Francis Earth SciencesEarth Sciences
Offering a comprehensive exploration of the subject from an undergraduate to an industry practitioner level, to disseminate knowledge about the past and present features of the Earth.
Taylor & Francis Environment & AgricultureTaylor & Francis Environment & AgricultureEnvironment & Agriculture
Spanning topics such as Botany, Zoology, Marine & Aquatic Science, Natural History and Paleobiology.
Taylor & Francis Environment & SustainabilityTaylor & Francis Environment & SustainabilityEnvironment & Sustainability
Bringing the latest research on climate change, natural resources, sustainable energy, and business and development to a global audience of researchers, students, sustainable practitioners and anyone interested in creating a sustainable future for all.
Taylor & Francis Environmental SciencesTaylor & Francis Environmental SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
Spanning topics from climate change, and the use of natural resources and sustainable energy, to policy, business and development.
Taylor & Francis Food Science & TechnologyTaylor & Francis Food Science & TechnologyFood Science & Technology
Offering resources on the study of the nature of food, food processing, the causes of deterioration, food safety and more.
Taylor & Francis Information ScienceTaylor & Francis Information ScienceInformation Science
Bringing together theories and practices from various disciplines such as engineering, computer science and linguistics, to offer evidence-based research on the understanding, dissemination, movement and protection of information.
Taylor & Francis MathematicsTaylor & Francis MathematicsMathematics
Exploring the study and application of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and mathematical methods and tools such as MATLAB® and Mathematica®, to model, analyse and solve diverse problems in a range of fields including biology, computer science, engineering, finance, medicine, physics, and the social sciences.
Taylor & Francis Physical SciencesTaylor & Francis Physical SciencesPhysical Sciences
Our extensive Physical Sciences portfolio is dedicated to the understanding and advancement of sciences such as Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science, Engineering, Computer Science and Chemistry.
Taylor & Francis StatisticsTaylor & Francis StatisticsStatistics
Offering books and journals on collecting, analysing, displaying and interpreting quantitative and qualitative data, we recognise the key role that Statistics plays in a variety of scientific discipline.