Digital Archives Community home page

You are Welcome to the Digital Archives. The NIEPA Digital Archives contains documents accessed from Libraries of NIEPA, NCERT, Central Secretariat Library, Planning Commission, University Grants Commission etc., as well as those from different websites of Central and State governments and their constituent agencies/organizations.

All Rights are Reserved with NIEPA, New Delhi. For generating multiple copies or mass dissemination prior permission is required.


Sub-communities within this community


Education Acts, Charters, Rights, Rules and Regulations etc.


Education Bills etc.

Centrally Sponsored Studies

Studies Sponsored by the Central Government of India through MHRD etc.

Circulars, Resolutions & Recommendations

Important Circulars, Resolutions related to Education issued by various Ministries, Departments of Central and State Government

Court Orders

Supreme Court and High Court Orders regarding Education and related cases.


Education Documents published by various Ministries, Departments and Allied agencies.

Education Expenditure

National or State Expenditure on Education etc.

Education Guidelines, Manuals, etc.

Education Guidelines, Manuals, etc.

Education Policies

Includes Education Policy since Independence.

Education Schemes

Central and State specific Schemes and Joint Collaboration between the Centre and the States.

Educational Statistics, Surveys etc

Education Statistics, Statistical Abstracts etc

Joint Review Mission

JRM's of DPEP, DEEP, SSA, Mahila Samakhya, RMSA & Teacher Education.

Mid Day Meal Scheme

MDM Programme of Central and State Governments

Minutes/ Deliberations/ Proceedings of Meetings/ Conferences etc

CABE Meetings, UGC Proceedings, National Development Council (NDC) Meetings, etc

Pioneers of Indian Education

Documents related to History of Education in India.


Plan documents like Five Year Plans, Annual Plans, Working Group Reports, Mid-Term Appraisals of Five Year Plan, etc.


Commission Reports, Committee Reports, Annual Reports etc.

Right to Education (RTE)

Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (RTE) of Central and State governments

Collections in this community