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SINO Common Words

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SINO Common Words

A "common word" is a word that is so common (eg "the", "and", "he", "she") that it is ignored in searches UNLESS either preceded by a hash character (#) or a plus sign (+). For example, "#the common law #of Australia" will find that exact phrase. Without the #, the common words would be placeholders for any word, so you might also find the phrase "very common law from Australia".

This is the list of common words used by AustLII.

a: about after all also am an and any are at
b: be because been before being but
c: can could
d: did do does
e: ever
f: following for from
g: given
h: had hardly has have having he hence her here hereby herein hereof hereon hereto herewith him his however
i: if in into is it its
m: may me mr must my
n: no nor not
o: of on only onto or other our out
r: really
s: said shall she should so some such
t: than that the their them then there thereby therefore therefrom therein thereof thereon thereto therewith these they this those thus to too
u: unto up upon us
v: very viz
w: was we were what when where whereby wherein whether which who whom whose why with within would
y: you your

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