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Racism, abuse: army training in time warp

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This was published 17 years ago

Racism, abuse: army training in time warp

By Cynthia Banham and Defence Reporter

ASIAN officer cadets were singled out to play the enemy in a classroom war lesson, reservists were called dogs and female recruits were harassed when they complained they were unable to carry loads of more than half their body weight, an internal army survey has revealed.

The descriptions of bastardisation at Duntroon, the Royal Military College in Canberra, came to light only when cadets were asked to assess their officer training course in an anonymous online evaluation.

Their responses so horrified the warrant officer who reviewed them that he informed senior officers at the college, who ordered an investigation.

In one instance, an instructor, of sergeant rank singled out two cadets of Chinese descent to play the role of the enemy Koreans in a theory lesson on the 1951 battle of Maryang San. A number of cadets complained about what they said was the sergeant's offensive behaviour. He told investigators he was "not aware that he had offended anybody" and he had thought his choice of the two Asian cadets to play the enemy was humorous.

One cadet said he felt "ashamed to be in the same room as this man". Another said "racial stereotyping is not funny and is beneath the dignity of a senior non-commissioned officer".


The sergeant, who said he was a qualified equity adviser, was counselled and apologised.

The records of interview, seen by the Herald, give a rare insight into an antiquated culture inside Defence's training establishments, which commanders have been unable to stamp out. It adds to a personnel crisis so serious that the Federal Government announced in December that it was spending $1 billion on new recruitment and retention measures.

The officer cadets - all reservists, some of whom had given up holidays, taken leave without pay or given up jobs to attend the course - said they were treated like "second-class citizens", with contempt, and were belittled by the instructors and staff who were all from the regular army.

Among the complaints, a captain told officer cadets to "put your wanking wrench in the air" to indicate they should put up their hands if they had a question.

Another instructor told a joke which, said a female officer cadet, was "structured like a fairytale which told of a man having to choose between a beautiful woman and an ugly witch. The punchline was words to the effect of 'just remember that, deep down, all women are witches'."

One female officer cadet said it was difficult for the women to go to the toilet because of the reaction it provoked from the males, who "simply go to the nearest tree and think it is funny when everyone is watching".

When women asked to go to the toilet "male platoon members and also the instructors would roll their eyes and sigh and look at their watches and make comments about how annoying it was". This prompted the cadet to drink as little as possible to avoid the comments, risking dehydration.

Two majors referred to them as dogs. One made a comment in earshot of the officer cadets that "it's a beautiful day for a walk with the hounds", and another told the cadets to "heel".

Officer cadets were told by an instructor: "You guys aren't officers; you guys aren't even officers' arseholes."

"Every day I am reminded of how glad I am not to be one of you," said another. One captain told the officer cadets: "You are all shit."

Explaining himself to an interviewing officer, the captain said he believed the complainants had "taken these comments personally rather than using them to improve their skills".

Military police were also called in to investigate two allegations of assault, one that a warrant officer threw a rock at an officer cadet who did not hear an order, and that the same officer hit an officer cadet on the back of his head for not clearing his weapon properly.

Some of the instructors involved have since been counselled.

Defence has also admitted - after three out of four women in one platoon undertaking the course were failed - that it did not have a policy on weight-to-load ratios for female staff cadets, and that it "should develop weight-carrying guidelines for trainees".

A comment made by one officer cadet sums up the Australian Defence Force culture in stark terms: "Bastardisation of individuals now being no longer available or condoned, certain ranks appear to have transmuted these old-time training behaviours into bastardisation of the entire course."

A military police investigation into the affair has been completed and Defence is considering its recommendations, a spokesman said.

Defence is relying more than ever on reservists to perform tasks because there are too few permanent members. The contingent sent to the Solomon Islands this year is the largest deployment of reservists since World War II.

In 2005-06 the Defence Force shrank by 624 personnel, leaving numbers below target by 409 in the navy, 225 in the army and 368 in the air force. These figures look even worse considering the force wants to grow by more than 500 people a year over the next decade, from 51,250 to about 57,000.

Mark Thomson, of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, said: "I do not think it is an exaggeration to say that the failure to attract and retain sufficient numbers of people in the ADF is fast emerging as the single largest strategic issue facing the Defence Department and the Government".

The damning revelations follow the release late last year of a report on the learning culture in ADF schools and training establishments. It found that while values on tolerance and equity had evolved at the top, the changes had not filtered down to the middle ranks.

The Chief of Defence Force, Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston, questioned about the report in a Senate committee hearing this week, said: "We put a lot more emphasis on ensuring we don't damage people in the training process. We tend to back off now, whereas 10, 15, 20 years ago it was hard training all the way. Any form of behaviour that is designed to humiliate, bastardise, bully our people is totally unacceptable to me."

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