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Labour poll suggests it's game-on in Waiariki

  • 30/07/2017

The Labour Party's Māori candidates launch their campaign in south Auckland on Sunday, and if the results of a new internal survey are to be believed, they may well stand a chance of pulling the Māori Party's seats out from under National's table.

The Hui has obtained the results of an internal Labour Party survey of Waiariki which is currently held by Māori Party co-leader Te Ururoa Flavell, and the numbers make interesting reading.

It shows Labour candidate Tamati Coffey is trailing Māori Party co-leader Te Ururoa Flavell by just 1.5 percent.

Labour Party Māori campaign director Willie Jackson told The Hui Tamati is in with a show.

But the survey also shows that New Zealand First is leading both Labour and the Māori Party in the party vote.

In a tweet yesterday Greens co-leader Metiria Turei ruled out doing deals with Labour in the Māori seats, a decision criticised by Mr Jackson.

"Metiria should understand we don't want National back in the Māori seats… it's nonsensical not to do deals."

Here's what the poll says.

Candidate vote

Which of the following candidates would you vote for as your local MP?

  • Māori Party candidate Te Ururoa Flavell - 31.6 percent
  • Labour candidate Tamati Coffey - 30.1 percent
  • Another candidate - 21.0 percent
  • Unsure - 17.3 percent

Party vote

Which of the following would you cast your party vote for?

  • National - 13.4 percent
  • Labour - 19.4 percent
  • The Greens - 12.1 percent
  • NZ First - 25.7 percent
  • The Māori Party - 18.9 percent
  • Another Party - 4.4 percent
  • Unsure - 6.1 percent

The survey was conducted between July 19 and July 22, and has a margin of error of 3.6 percent.

The Hui / Newshub.