Improving care. Changing lives.

Delivering the highest quality behavioral health services for children and families.

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Improving care. Changing lives.

Delivering the highest quality behavioral health services for children and families.

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Child & Family Services

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Our programs

  • We help children with a range of mental health challenges and learning difficulties. Through evidence-based treatment and programs tailored to the unique challenges they face, children and families can thrive.


Professional Training

Educating the next generation of mental health providers.

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Evidence-Based Policy Institute

Exploring pressing issues impacting children’s mental health and identifying actionable solutions.

View Policy Initiatives

Quality Care Initiative

Ensuring that all children and families have access to the highest quality care.

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Our Impact

Making A Difference

Success Stories

I’ve never seen my son so excited about going to school and seeing his teacher and friends.

It's amazing how many successes my daughter has had in a relatively small amount of time. I've gone from worrying whether she'd survive high school and graduate to how am I going to afford four years of college. It's a good worry!

Camp Baker was filled with people who met my child where he was at that moment, heard him and understood him, appreciated him. Coming from an environment in which he was barely tolerated, this was exactly the therapeutic setting he needed.

I have never experienced or heard of a more effective treatment program than the one at the CET. It addresses behavioral and mental health issues in children with a unique blend of practicality and empathy.

Event Next Step Summer Session 2024

Next Step is designed to help students with social language and anxiety challenges prepare for college. The program serves as a simulation for independent living.

Event 18th Annual Golf Tournament

Your support of the 18th Annual Golf Tournament brings life-changing mental health and special education programs like Camp Baker, Center for Effective Therapy (CET), Manville School, and Next Step:…

Event The Baker SuperK

All are welcome at this family-friendly 1K/5K and kick-off to Children's Mental Health Awareness Week. Let's unite as a community (rain or shine!) and break stigmas and boundaries for kids in need.…

Help us support families and communities

Your donation will help us continue to work diligently to provide services and so much more to the community.