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Total Moon Eclipse - October 28th, 2004 - Over Slovenia

We calculate the animation of the Total Moon Eclipse for October 28th, 2004.
Total Moon Eclipse starts at 3h24' and lasts till 5h44' (CEST).
In a mean time Full Moon culminate at 5h07'.
All together from 2h07' to 7h50' when Moon escapes behind the horizon.

Popolni Lunin mrk - 28. oktober 2004 - nad Slovenijo

Izračunali smo animacijo popolnega Luninega mrka za dan 28. oktober 2004.
Polni mrk nastopi ob 3h24' in traja do 5h44' po našem času (CEST).
Skoraj hkrati nastopi tudi polna Luna ob 5h07'.
Vse skupaj se začne ob 2h07' in konča ob 7h50', ko Luna pobegne za obzorje.

Total Moon Eclipse, Ljubljana October 28th, 2004

© 2004, GeaBios Public Service

Ad Informandum - Sun Eclipse From The Sky

Here is what the Earth looks like during a solar eclipse. The shadow of the Moon can be seen darkening part of Earth. This shadow moved across the Earth at nearly 2000 kilometers per hour. Only observers near the center of the dark circle see a total solar eclipse - others see a partial eclipse where only part of the Sun appears blocked by the Moon. This spectacular picture of the 1999 August 11 solar eclipse was one of the last ever taken from the Mir space station, which was deorbited in a controlled re-entry in 2001.

Ad Informandum - Sončni mrk iz vesolja

Takole izgleda sončni mrk na obličju zemlje. Senca Lune zatemnjuje del Zemlje. Hitrost sence je cca 2000 km/h. Samo opazovalec, ki se nahaja blizu centra temnega kroga, vidi popolni Sončev mrk, ostali vidijo le delnega. Ta spektakularna slika je bila posneta 11. avgusta 1999 in je ena zadnjih slik, ki so bile posnete z vesoljske postaje Mir, ki je bila iztirjena in uničena leta 2001.

Total Moon Eclipse From The Sky

© 1999, CNES