It's been just under three years since Ed Sheeran smashed through into the pop world with his debut album +.

Since then he has performed at the Grammys, toured with Taylor Swift, co-wrote one of One Direction's biggest hits and sold over 5 million albums himself.

Digital Spy caught up with Ed to talk about his second set x, what it was like working with super producers, how he deals with criticism and what we can expect from his upcoming Hilary Duff hook-up.

Congratulations on 'Sing' hitting number one. Would you say it's a good representation on your new album x?
"It's the furthest left I went on the new album, and I felt like I should put that out first. It shocks people, whereas some of the album is kind of like the first one, which wouldn't shock people. It's probably not representative of the whole album, but elements of it are."

So what would you say are the main differences between x and +?
"I took more time putting x together. I really tried to perfect it, whereas + was just an of the moment thing. There was a lot of hype around me at that time in terms of building fan base and radio, and I was releasing stuff so often that the album just followed in quick succession. There wasn't a big lead up to it or pressure to work with big people and create a monster hit - it was just release an album."

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You had hype with the first album, but you have expectation with the new one. Is that more nerve-wracking?
"It is, but I feel like with the first album there were a lot of people who didn't get it and didn't really understand the whole thing, and therefore didn't like it. This time around everyone knows what I'm about and they've kind of accepted the sort of artist I am. The album, like it or love it, is going to be put out and some people are going to like it and some people are going to hate it. But no-one's going to have a problem with it doing well, whereas first time around people were confused about that."

How do you deal with criticism?
"I used to find it hard. I still do read all the reviews, but I used to read the bad ones and I guess it didn't go down well at the time. I was young and new to the industry, whereas now I've gone through all that and come out the other side having sold a lot of the first album off the back of having bad reviews. So I don't know if I care that much. There are five million people who bought the album, and there's about 200 reviewers who didn't like it, so if you weigh it up, it's alright."

This album has seen some very big producers approach you.
"It was a weird thing because I wasn't intending for any of that to happen. Rick Rubin came to a show, we hung out, ended up in the studio and then did a lot of work together. It was literally a very random meeting - I went around for a cup of tea after the show! Pharrell had tweeted about 'The A Team' and sat behind me at the Grammys, so we started chatting then. I guess me working with all these producers is... I had so many doors opened for me after the last album that I took all the opportunities that came in."

'Don't' even sees Rick Rubin and Benny Blanco team up for the first time.
"It was a very interesting thing, because I did the song with Benny Blanco and then I recorded it with Rick Rubin. Rick's was really earthy and grainy and raw and live, and Benny's was very radio-friendly. I liked both, but I knew I had to find a happy medium in between, so I literally just stuck them together. It was the first time they worked together. Benny's a sick producer anyway, so he can hold his own in those situations, so putting those two together was kind of cool to be honest."

'Don't' seems to be getting the most attention because of its subject...
"I wrote the song just to get it out of my system. I wrote it as a sort of therapeutic thing and left it, but then Benny kept ringing me up like, 'Yo, I'm just in the studio with so-and-so' - then naming some big name - 'they really f**k with the track. You need to do something with it.' I was like, 'I might, I might'. I had so many people from all angles telling me I should do something with it, so it ended up on the record."

Have you received any angry replies from the popstar it's about?
"No, I haven't received any yet. It's all good. I feel like, going into the album, it's all positive."

You now have plans to go into the studio with Demi Lovato.
"I know I said I wouldn't do any more writing for other people, but I just fell into a few sessions over the past couple of months. I did a tune with Jessie Ware, one with Usher and Skrillex, one for Hilary Duff and one for Rixton. I've got those four cuts coming this year, so I thought I just want to have more coming! Demi expressed interest a year ago and I just followed it up."

Can we just say we love the fact you've worked with Hilary Duff for her new album!
"Thank you! Yeah, it's the first single as well. It's a good song. Poor Hilary though, because the only time I was free I did The Voice, then had a meeting, then I had another TV show until 1 o'clock in the morning - and I know she has a kid - but I had to drag her down to the studio at that time to get the song done. She came and smashed it out in about two hours."

Were you a Lizzie McGuire fan when you were younger?
"No, but I was a Hilary Duff fan! 'Come Clean' is a great tune. I think it'll be cool. She's been gone for so long living family life that I think there are a lot of fans waiting for something new. I feel like her record is not what they will expect. Obviously she comes from Lizzie McGuire and that pop world, but she's more grown up now, so it's more of an adult alternative acoustic sound."

And you could be working with One Direction again?
"I got called into Simon Cowell's room at Britain's Got Talent. There was some sort of political thing on the last record as to why I didn't get asked and he was explaining that. He basically just said, 'We need some songs', so I'm seeing him next week."

Getting called into Simon Cowell's room sounds very daunting.
"He's such a nice guy though, man. I expected him to be this towering presence of fear, but he was really friendly. What I like about him is that he is very business savvy. He's straight to the point. There's no beating around the bush. I don't like it when people beat around the bush."

Ed Sheeran's new album x will be released in the UK on June 23 and a day later in the US.