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>> Brought to you every weekday by CNN's Political Unit
POLITICAL TEASER | November 9, 2004
Will John Kerry run in 2008?(See today's Hot Topics)

DAYAHEAD | The more things change ...
Andy Card stays on as White House chief of staff, Howard Dean considers a bid for Democratic National Committee chieftain, we hear, and it's "conceivable" John Kerry will run for president again in 2008. The more things change ...

Today's real news driver, of course, will continue to be the fierce Marine-led battle in Falluja, where U.S. and Iraqi troops yesterday cleared a path through defenses on the outskirts of the city for a full-scale assault. A commander said his Army unit has killed up to 85 to 90 insurgents.

Pictures of the fighting will be interspersed today with those of President Bush and his wife, Laura, at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, where they'll pay a bedside visit to soldiers wounded in Iraq. More than 1,100 soldiers have died in Iraq.


CARD REMAINS: Andrew Card will continue as President Bush's chief of staff, suggesting that Bush does not intend any shakeup of his most senior White House aides.
The New York Times: Card will stay on as chief of staff

DISCUSSING SECESSION: Secession, which didn't work very well when it was tried once before, is suddenly red hot in the blue states. In certain precincts, anyway.
The Washington Times: Blue states buzz over secession

KERRY IN 2008: While John Kerry is ''profoundly disappointed'' with losing his presidential race last week, it is ''conceivable'' he will run again in four years, his brother and political confidant, Cameron F. Kerry, said yesterday.
The Boston Globe: Kerry run in 2008 called conceivable


• Fighting in Falluja rages. We'll talk to Sen. Dick Lugar, chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, about the mission and the objective to forge ahead with elections in January. 

• After all the talk of Iraq in Election 2004, it turns out that religion and values drove many voters to the polls.  Judy will talk to Rabbi Michael Lerner of Tikkun magazine, who argues that spirituality has a home on the left.

• We'll also game out the posturing for the helm of the DNC with Chuck Todd of the Hotline. Tune in at 3 p.m. ET today for a special 90-minute edition of "Judy Woodruff's Inside Politics" -- the place for campaign news.

Editor's Note: We're closing shop here at the Morning Grind today, at least the online version. After a brief break for the holidays, however, we'll continue distributing it via e-mail. If you'd like to receive the Grind every morning in your inbox, please send a note to us at morning.grind@cnn.com, and we'll add you to our e-mail distribution list. Thanks so much for your loyal readership. We've had a blast. We hope you have too.

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