Common Sense Media Resources About Race and Racism

We've gathered together all our articles and lists of media recommendations to help parents, educators, and others spark important conversations.

Today's kids are growing up in a world where anyone can create anything they wish -- a YouTube video, a meme, a tweet. Unfortunately, some choose to use these tools to spread hate, misinformation, and racism. That's why it's so critical for parents to be intentional about the media kids are exposed to. Choose media that educates kids in essential human values such as love, understanding, kindness, and compassion. Take the opportunity to discuss how race is portrayed, how stereotypes are perpetuated, and how racial experiences differ. Use our conversation starters to get kids to think more deeply about these topics. Now, more than ever, our kids really need to learn these lessons.

Advice for parents on using media to discuss racism

Book recommendations

Movie recommendations

Other media

How to discuss breaking news/disturbing topics

Media use research

Mental health resources

Recursos en español

Caroline Knorr
Caroline is Common Sense Media's former parenting editor. She has many years of editorial and creative marketing writing experience and has held senior-level positions at, Walmart stores, Cnet, and Bay Area Parent magazine. She specializes in translating complex information into bite-sized chunks to help families make informed choices about what their kids watch, play, read, and do.