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DAVE GROHL Featured In Documentary On TOWER RECORDS

March 19, 2015

According to The Pulse Of Radio, FOO FIGHTERS frontman Dave Grohl is interviewed in a new documentary called "All Things Must Pass", which chronicles the history of the legendary music store chain Tower Records. Director Colin Hanks told Billboard.com why Grohl's appearance was a good fit for the movie, explaining, "Dave Grohl knocked off two things: he works in the store before he is famous and he also gave us a great bit about his haircut, so that works with our bit on the dress codes at the time."

Grohl worked in the Washington D.C.-area Tower store when he was around 19, telling The Pulse Of Radio in the past that he wanted to work there partially because you could get hired even if "you had a really funky haircut."

Another famous rock musician who worked for Tower — in their video department — was Slash. "I worked at Tower Video, but that was before GUNS N' ROSES started," he said. "I'd gotten busted stealing records at Tower Records and it's so funny because I became a manager at Tower Video. They just never remembered that I was that guy with the armful of cassettes and records that they caught me stealing."

Hanks began working on the film in 2008, but struggled to find money for it until a 2011 Kickstarter campaign raised $98,000.

The film focuses on Tower founder Russ Solomon, who launched the first Tower store in Sacramento, California in 1960. The outlet later expanded to San Francisco, Los Angeles and locations all over the world, before eventually going bankrupt in 2006.

Others featured in the documentary include Elton John and record industry executives David Geffen and Jim Urie, as well as Solomon and members of the Tower staff.

"All Things Must Pass" premiered this week at the South By Southwest music, film and tech conference in Austin, and is seeking distribution.

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