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Sunday, January 8, 2023

BEING BROTHERS - As refreshing for the kids of the 1970's, as Grease was for the kids of the 1950’s


5.0 out of 5 stars 

This book is as refreshing for the kids of the 1970s, as Grease was for the kids of the 1950’s.

Reviewed in the United States on February 10, 2021

Pamela Dunne:

I purchased Being Brothers as a holiday stocking stuffer for my dad. He grew up in the Bronx and has told me dozens of stories about growing up there, so I thought he'd like it. As I leafed through the book, I found myself getting caught up in this tale of sibling rivalry. Being a teacher and having siblings allowed me to easily immerse myself in a story that was just as relatable to me, a child of the suburbs, as it would, had I grown up where my father had. Long story short, my "quick skim" through the first chapter ended on page 87 with the main character (Jackie) being targeted by the school psycho and getting invited to a spin the bottle party. Had wrapping presents and holiday obligations not intervened, I'm sure I would have finished this "must read" adventure in one sitting.  

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Literary Titan Review for BEING BROTHERS


If you're looking for a heartfelt coming of age story, you should definitely read Mike DeLucia's Being Brothers. This book takes readers through the life of Jackie, an 11-year old boy growing up in the Bronx in the 70s. It specifically focuses on his relationship with his brother Sal and how their mutual love for baseball brought them together.

Friday, November 25, 2022

Book Marketing Global Network Gives 5-Stars to BEING BROTHERS by Mike DeLucia


Bold, Innovative, and exemplar. Author Mike DeLucia takes his readers back to the Bronx where he grew up, through the eyes and actions of his character Jackie Amato, an 11-year-old boy growing up in the Bronx in the 70s. For those of us who grew up in the 70's, this book will induce flash backs of a carefree time, where family, siblings, friends, teachers, coaches, and acquaintances become part of one's experience and soul, not a mere post while passing through Social Media Platform.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Literary Titan Review for Born for The Game


The Literary Titan is an organization of professional editors, writers, and professors that have a passion for the written word. We review fiction and non-fiction books in many different genres, as well as conduct author interviews, and recognize talented authors with our Literary Book Award. We are privileged to work with so many creative authors around the globe.

What does it take to become the greatest of all time? Mike DeLucia’s new book, Born for the Game, presents a well-crafted and riveting premise where a bit of cleverness and hard work is all you need to achieve the impossible. Phineas Stone has big dreams, he’s trying to build a big, successful life for himself, and there’s nothing that can get in the way of reaching his goals. He creates a successful and profitable business through pure will, yet he knows that his biggest dream is one he can’t actually accomplish: getting the chance to play in the major leagues. Nevertheless, his immense determination and his inventiveness lead him to craft a plan through which he intends to create the greatest baseball player of all time.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Readers' Favorite 5-Star Review for Born for The Game

 Reviewed By Tanja Jurkovic for Readers' Favorite

Born For The Game by Mike DeLucia is an exciting take on a 'what if' situation set in the modern world that embodies a visionary approach to life and the human race. Phineas Stone, now a very wealthy man, has had his fair share of bad luck and hard life living in the foster care system. His greatest dream was to play for the baseball team LA Greyhounds; however, that dream wasn't obtainable because of his dwarfism. Together with two of his close friends, Phineas comes up with an idea to create the perfect baseball player, the best baseball player the world has ever seen...and succeeds in his intention. When Ryan was born, this little girl had her life made for her from the beginning, with a concise plan put in action to make her precisely that; the greatest baseball player. However, intrigue and the dark side of human nature start appearing in her path, and Ryan is presented with some life choices that will decide the course of her career in the future. Will she manage the pressure of excellence put on her and make the right choices about events and people in her life? 

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Engineering a Perfect Baseball Player --- Born For The Game Earns Another 5-Star Review

Reviewed By Grant Leishman for Readers’ Favorite

Born For the Game by Mike DeLucia is a sports novel that focuses on baseball but it doubles as a comedic, somewhat poignant at times farce. Phineas Stone had been through it all; as a four-foot five-inch dwarf, he had been rejected by his parents and had spent his younger years within the state’s foster-care system. This did not rattle Phineas at all though and he was determined that even if he didn’t possess the physical attributes to achieve his dream of playing major league baseball, he was still going to revolutionize the sport by producing the world’s greatest baseball player ever – period. Linking up with his long-time friend and karate master, Ito Hachi, as well as an ex-major league pitcher with an extensive gambling addiction, Rollie Rollins, the trio sets about putting in place Phineas’ plan to genetically engineer the greatest baseball player of all time. Raising the young Ryan themselves, they taught her everything they knew over the next eighteen years until finally, she was ready to set the world on fire and display her undeniable talents to Phineas’ beloved club, the Los Angeles Greyhounds. 

Born for The Game: 5-Star Review from Readers' Favorite --- An Original and Compelling Story


Reviewed By K.C. Finn for Readers’ Favorite

Born For The Game is a work of fiction in the sports genre. It is suitable for readers from mature young adults upward and was penned by Mike DeLucia. 

The book follows Phineas Stone, an impoverished dwarf, who grabs hold of the opportunity to rise out of his meager background and establish himself as one of the richest people on earth. One dream eludes him despite his wealth; to play baseball for his favorite team. Refusing to accept defeat, Phineas begins a plan to create the perfect baseball player. A plan that is as rife with genius as it is teeming with questionable ethics.

Friday, November 26, 2021

The Plan to Create Ryan, the Greatest Baseball Player of All Time: Born for The Game


The mansion’s conference room is located on the second floor of the east wing. It has large windows on the exterior wall with views of beautifully trimmed trees and a flowing brook saddled with arched bridges. The rectangular room has a long table with ten chairs on each side and Phineas’ telescoping chair at the head. Today, however, Ito, Rollie, and Phineas are the only attendees. Phineas stands on a platform approximately fifteen feet from the conference table. Behind him is a large screen displaying an image of Babe Ruth. Phineas gestures to the image. “And then there’s Babe Ruth… the greatest of them all.” Phineas clicks a remote and Ruth’s statistics appear. He reads them aloud:

714 home runs
342 batting average
2,873 hits
94-46 pitching record
2.28 ERA

Phineas continues, “Ruth was the greatest in the game, but Ryan will be better.”

The Writing of BORN FOR THE GAME: A New and Exciting Sports Fiction from Mike DeLucia

FREE with Kindle Unlimited

A blind man knocks himself unconscious by tripping over his dog’s bowl and smashing his forehead into a radiator. He is awakened by his dog licking the blood off of his face…When he opens his eyes, he could see! 

At least that’s what my brother, Joey, told me when we were kids in the 1970s. I believed him because it made complete sense. Firstly, I witnessed people, besides Fonzie, punch broken machines to life again. Secondly, it was common knowledge that humans only use 10% of their brain capacity (another 1970’s myth). And most importantly, my brother had sworn to it, after all. While I can’t say for certain if the story is the truth or a myth, it is, however, the inspiration for this book.

Friday, July 16, 2021

Best Amazon Reader Reviews for Madness: The Man Who Changed Basketball

Gregg S. Lima

5.0 out of 5 stars A Childhood Memory Revealed & Retold

Reviewed in the United States on November 13, 2019

I recently read the latest book by author, Mike DeLucia. Although I am not a basketball fanatic, I was drawn to this story based on a series of conversations that I had with my now deceased father, Phil. He imposed in his children a commitment to hard work & a passion for competitive sports. However, my father, who always had the "gift of gab," was a great story teller although, at times, I questioned the veracity of his words...

Literary Reviews for Madness: The Man Who Changed Basketball

Miles Ryan Fisher, Italian American Magazine

Before there was Bob Cousy, Larry Bird, and Michael Jordan, before there was the three-point shot, slam dunk, and alley-oop, the game of basketball was simple and on the cusp of many changes. Author Mike DeLucia takes us into how this evolution began, honing in on one player by the name of Angelo "Hank" Luisetti. 

While Luisetti is far from a household name, DeLucia's story shows just why he should be. Born to Italian immigrant parents, Luisetti grew up in San Francisco, where he was introduced to basketball by a local high school coach who later teaches him the one-handed shot, the precursor to the jump shot. This revolutionary shooting style and Luisetti's pure ability take him to Stanford University, where he becomes College Player of the Year in 1936 and is eventually inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame. 

Monday, April 12, 2021

Being Brothers Wins the Book Excellence Awards!

Being Brothers has received an award from the Book Excellence Awards Book Award Contest! I am beyond thrilled! Thank you to everyone who recognized the merits of this book. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Being Brothers Receives the Gold Award from Literary Titan Book Awards

BEING BROTHERS won a Gold Award from the Literary Titan Book Awards!
What an achievement for Mark Marino and the characters of BEING BROTHERS.

Here's a 5-Star Review from them as well.

If you’re looking for a heartfelt coming of age story, you should definitely read Mike DeLucia’s Being Brothers. This book takes readers through the life of Jackie, an 11-year old boy growing up in the Bronx in the 70s. It specifically focuses on his relationship with his brother Sal and how their mutual love for baseball brought them together.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Being Brothers by Mike DeLucia - #1 New Release on Amazon

Finally, release day has come and gone and Being Brothers is a #1 New Release on Amazon US! Thank you to my readers. You've made this writer very proud.

Here's what readers are saying...

"Absolutely delightful book! Reading it brings one back to a not so long ago past of pure clean fun, growing up, humiliations and triumphs, family... and of course baseball!"

"Before the internet, social media, and gaming, life was full of good friends, good neighborhoods, and good times, and this book allows the reader a glimpse into the heart of those days in the beautiful Bronx. I highly recommend this family story!"

"The love, friendships, frustrations and triumphs are all written with such care, you can almost hear the moms calling their children home for supper as the sun starts to set!"

"DeLucia delivers a great story for any native New Yorker. I love a story about the neighborhood I was born and raised in."


Tuesday, October 20, 2020


Authors often write about what they know, and this story grew from the memories of my childhood which played out on the streets of the Bronx in the 1960s and ‘70s. 

First friends, family dynamics, street games, sports, my first crush, and the tyranny of Catholic school were the parts of my youth that I shared with Jackie Amato, the story’s 11-year-old protagonist. I based the novel on a short story I wrote several years ago called, Settling A Score. 

While Being Brothers is a coming-of-age novel that stems from my childhood, it is, in many ways, the story of a generation that was raised in a much simpler time. 

For those who lived it, enjoy the story of your past, and for those who didn’t, I welcome you to sit down, get comfortable, and enjoy the ride.

Presenting the cover of my latest novel,
Out on DECEMBER 10, 2020

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Readers' Favorite Review for the MADNESS AUDIOBOOK


The MADNESS Audiobook, which I narrated myself, earned this 5-star review from Readers' Favorite. Very proud!


Reviewed By Romuald Dzemo for Readers’ Favorite

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Madness: The Man Who Changed Basketball Wins the 2020 Book Excellence Awards in the Sports Category

Great News!
MADNESS, a story based on the life of Hank Luisetti, wins the 2020 Book Excellence Awards in Sports.

This is its 6th award!

Amazon review for Madness:

"Inspirational! Whether you’re into sports or not, this book you won’t want to put down! Not knowing too much about basketball and certainly not knowing the name Hank Luisetti, I learned very quickly that there was much more than sports between the pages!"

Monday, January 6, 2020

Literary Titan Awards Madness With a Gold Award and a 5-Star Review

MADNESS is recognized by Literary Titan with a Gold Award and a 5-star review! I couldn't be more thrilled.

The Gold Award is bestowed on books that we found to be perfect in their delivery of original content, meticulous development of unique characters in an organic and striking setting, innovative plot that supports a fresh theme, and elegant prose that transforms words into beautifully written books. - Literary Titan

A review from The Literary Titan for Madness: The Man Who Changed Basketball

Friday, November 8, 2019

A Finalist in the 2019 TopShelf Book Awards

I'm pleased to share the good news that MADNESS was selected as a finalist in the 2019 TopShelf Book Awards! 

It's amazing that these award-giving bodies are recognizing the value of Madness to readers. 
If only Hank Luisetti can see that his story is getting some recognition!

Netflix, are you getting this? 😄

Get your copy of MADNESS and discover how modern basketball was born!

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

MADNESS wins the 2019 New Apple Summer eBook Awards for Excellence in Independent Publishing

Just want to share the great news! MADNESS: The Man Who Changed Basketball bagged its 3rd award from New Apple, in the Autobiography / Biography / Memoir category.

MADNESS is available in kindle and paperback editions.
And soon, in Audiobook!

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Recognition for MADNESS - 2019 Readers' Favorite Annual International Book Award

Press Release:

Readers' Favorite recognizes "Madness" by Mike DeLucia in its annual international book award contest, currently available at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0997174110 .

Friday, June 28, 2019

International Book Awards Gives Madness:The Man Who Changed Basketball its First Award

I'm proud to announce the first award given to Madness, my sports fiction novel based on the life and accomplishments of Hank Luisetti, the man who made Basketball what it is today.


For Sports Fans and Young Adult Reads, 
get a copy of MADNESS now!

Free to read with Kindle Unlimited

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Primo Magazine Interviews Mike DeLucia

Repost from Primo Magazine:

Mike DeLucia has written a book entitled “Madness” based on the true story of Hank Luisetti. Mike’s Italian roots extend to Naples, on his mother’s side of the family and from Benevento on his father’s side. He has several family members who reside in Milan and Varese. PRIMO interviewed him about his novel “Madness” and what made Hank Luisetti such a revolutionary basketball player.

Your novel "Madness," is based on the true story of Hank Luisetti; a college basketball player from Stanford. Tell us how Hank changed the game forever?

Before Luisetti total scores of basketball games averaged in the 30s. Basketball was a filler sport between baseball and football season. Passing and shooting with two hands was at the center of basketball’s stop-set-shoot philosophy. Then came Hank Luisetti. He defied the establishment by means of a running one-handed shot. With basketball’s integrity on the line, a promoter from New York arranged a grudge match between LIU and Stanford, in a game that would both test Luisetti’s unorthodox style and determine the unofficial national champion. At that time the east was considered the class of the nation and LIU was the class of the east. They were so good that the Olympic committee asked LIU to represent the USA in the 1936 Olympic games. LIU, a team comprised of many Jewish players, however, refused in protest due to the rumors of anti-Semitic acts in Germany. LIU was riding a 43 game winning streak before they encountered Luisetti, and they simply could not contain him. Besides popularizing the one-handed shot, Hank is credited with the behind-the-back dribble. He was doing fast breaks and his dribbling ability was spectacular. He could jump so high and stay up so long that he looked like a ballet dancer. He employed the no-look pass. He was voted the most outstanding athlete to perform at Madison Square Garden in 1936. The man was 50 years ahead of his time. The New York Media reported the news of the great Luisetti and people began to emulate his moves and style. Basketball got hot and grew a fanbase of its own. What followed was the NCAA March Madness Competition and the NBA. He changed basketball’s genetic footprint with his unorthodox playing style. James Naismith invented basketball in 1891; Hank Luisetti reinvented it in 1936. He was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1959, its inaugural year. 

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Settling A Score Scored an Orange Badge from Amazon

What great news! My short story, Settling A Score is a No. 1 New Release in Teen & Young Adult Baseball Fiction.

Authors often write about what they know, and this story is as much my childhood as any other. Little league baseball, playoff games, an older brother, sibling rivalry, Bronx-street games, and the 1960s-70s were all part of my childhood. While the names and locale may be different for many of us, the basics are universal, as we have all played in the big game, felt like a loser, and experienced rivalries while trying to figure out who we were at a time when we were still toying with the building blocks of our identity—still children maneuvering through storms without the gas tank of experience that steadies our adult life. 

Friday, November 16, 2018

The Birth of Madness: The Man Who Changed Basketball

Sylvester Stallone has about as much to do with the resurrection of Hank Luisetti than anyone. 

When Rocky was released in 1976, I was a sophomore at Monsignor Scanlan High School in the Bronx, and my life’s goal was to become a film actor. I was bitten by the acting bug in 1973 when Ron MacFarland, a dynamic teacher at my grade school, put on a rock and roll musical. 

Prior to that, when grownups asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I’d say doctor, lawyer, or centerfielder for the New York Yankees. 

After high school, I went to Queens College for a year, dropped out, and enrolled in H.B. Studio acting school in the summer of ‘79. I worked as a waiter at night, attended acting classes during the day, and life was good. 

However in 1981, I made two decisions that dramatically altered my direction: I got engaged to be married, and I went into my own business—assuming that if I were the boss I’d have control over my life. I’d have to quit acting school for a while, but I was convinced that it would all pay off in the end. 

Madness - A Fictionalized Novel Based on the Basketball Achievements of Hank Luisetti

Madness is a historical fiction novel based on the basketball achievements of Hank Luisetti.
Some actual events, aspects, and characters have been fictionalized.

Madness is available as a screenplay. 
Inquire at greentbooks@hotmail.com

Who’s the greatest basketball player ever? 

The majority of searches say Michael Jordan, but many others oppose this. While Jordan’s rank is debatable, a respectable dream team would include Kevin Durant, Bill Russell, Hakeem Olajuwon, Dr. J, Tim Duncan, Jerry West, Kobe Bryant, Wilt Chamberlain, Larry Bird, Shaquille O'Neal, LeBron James, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Magic Johnson, Stephen Curry, Michael Jordan, and Hank Luisetti. 

Chances are, you've never heard of Hank Luisetti, but this wouldn’t be a legitimate discussion without the Hall of Fame legend whose celebrity caused a basketball revolution. 

James Naismith invented basketball in 1891; Hank Luisetti reinvented it in 1936. 

Hank changed basketball’s genetic footprint when he popularized the one-handed shot. He could jump so high and stay up so long he seemed to defy gravity. Was Luisetti better than Jordan? That’s impossible to say because they played in different eras, but Hank Luisetti was basketball’s first superstar and what he did for the game was unprecedented. 

Madness is the intriguing story of Hank Luisetti --- the predawn of March Madness --- and how modern basketball was born.