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MK Katz. 'We'll form a Knesset majority'
Photo: Avihu Shapira

National Union MKs for unified Ghajar under Israeli rule

MKs Yaakov Katz, Michael Ben Ari tour Golan Heights, northern village, which may be divided; say they will fight against division in Knesset

Two Knesset members from the National Union faction visited the village of Ghajar on the Lebanese border Sunday, part of which may be transferred to Lebanese sovereignty.


Party Chairman Yaakov Katz and MK Michael Ben Ari held a tour in the Golan Heights and in Ghajar as guests of Ayoob Kara, deputy minister of the development of Negev and Galilee. "Whomever will touch Ghajar, will touch the Golan Heights in the future, both shall remain under Israeli sovereignty forever," MK Ben Ari said.


The three visited the Quneitra crossing, where Kara explained why he believes it should be opened, like the Jordan River crossing in the Jordanian border.


Kara noted that the opening would enable the transfer of goods and passage for students and brides into Syria as well as prevent complex bureaucratic procedures with governmental offices in handling urgent humanitarian issues.


Later, the three visited Ghajar, which according to recent reports will be divided to two sections as an implementation of the UN Security Council's resolution 1701, which ended the Second Lebanon War. The MKs were given a military briefing and met with the local council head and council spokesman.

Katz, Ben Ari and Kara in their Ghajar tour (Photo: Avihu Shapira)


MK Ben Ari said, "Our purpose is to maintain the sovereignty of the Jewish people in Greater Israel. Once you give citizenship to citizens and later betray them, it will justify the next mutiny. We are here today to support the residents, who on their part reached out to the Jewish people. Once Netanyahu harms Ghajar, he will in fact cause the non-Jewish residents of the State of Israel to realize they are here on borrowed time."


He further added, "There is a true violation of human rights in Ghajar. Before we make bizarre decisions we have a duty to look after Israeli cizitens."


'Form Knesset majority'

MK Katz also stressed that the village should remain under Israeli rule. "We promise to take action in the Knesset, form a majority to maintain Ghajar under our sovereignty," he said.


Kara was equally resolute. "After the collapse of the Berlin wall, is there any room left for walls in this world? The law that applies in the Golan Heights territories applies for the residents of Ghajar too.


"How much longer can we be masochistic in this world? It is high time that the leaders accept what is good for the State and allow the residents of Ghajar to continue living in peace under the rule of the State of Israel."  


פרסום ראשון: 01.24.10, 17:03
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