writing table

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writing table

(Furniture) a table designed or used for writing at
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Noun1.writing table - a desk used for writingwriting table - a desk used for writing    
desk - a piece of furniture with a writing surface and usually drawers or other compartments
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writing table

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in classic literature ?
Haviland," he added, stepping to his writing table, "this lacquered shrine, with its pagoda roof, has been attributed to Kobo-Daishi, and has stood upon the writing table of seven emperors.
Once more he went to his writing table. From it he lifted, almost reverently, a small bronze figure,--the figure of a woman, strongly built, almost squat, without grace, whose eyes and head and arms reached upwards.
Honeychurch left her letter on the writing table and moved towards her young acquaintance.
Glancing at his hand, in case any of Freddy's chemicals had come off on it, he moved to the writing table. There he saw "Dear Mrs.
Precisely at twelve o'clock, when Anna was still sitting at her writing table, finishing a letter to Dolly, she heard the sound of measured steps in slippers, and Alexey Alexandrovitch, freshly washed and combed, with a book under his arm, came in to her.
"All I know is that his real will is in his writing table, and this is a paper he has forgotten...."
Literary lore has it that Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote "Kubla Khan" under the spell of opium, that Edgar Allan Poe could write better if he were drunk, or that Gabriel Garcia Marquez could only write if there was a pot of yellow roses on his writing table.
Writing table, chairs, cupboards with books, poet's latest manuscriptsare kept in the poet's office.
A Regency rosewood writing table, formerly part of the Duchess's sitting room at Alnwick Castle, was priced at [pounds sterling]3,000-[pounds sterling]4,000 but fetched [pounds sterling]8,000.
Bidders can also try to purchase a Regency rosewood writing table, formerly part of the Duchess's sitting room at Alnwick Castle.
Or you might position a narrow writing table or desk there.