Wounds: an overview of the role of oxygen

HW Hopf, MD Rollins - Antioxidants & redox signaling, 2007 - liebertpub.com
Antioxidants & redox signaling, 2007liebertpub.com
We sought to review the role of oxygen in wound healing, with an emphasis on the role
tissue oximetry has played in clinical advances in the care of patients with wounds. Oxygen
is required for wound healing. Hypoxia sufficient to impair healing is common in wounds,
frequently resulting from sympathetically induced vasoconstriction. Correction or prevention
of vasoconstriction, as well as provision of increased inspired oxygen in well-perfused
patients, has been shown in randomized, controlled clinical trials to improve wound …
We sought to review the role of oxygen in wound healing, with an emphasis on the role tissue oximetry has played in clinical advances in the care of patients with wounds. Oxygen is required for wound healing. Hypoxia sufficient to impair healing is common in wounds, frequently resulting from sympathetically induced vasoconstriction. Correction or prevention of vasoconstriction, as well as provision of increased inspired oxygen in well-perfused patients, has been shown in randomized, controlled clinical trials to improve wound outcomes. Our understanding of the role of oxygen in wound healing has been fueled by tissue oximetry. Advances in technology will lead to further advances in the management of patients with wounds.
Mary Ann Liebert
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