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Work better together with Issuu for Teams.

Revolutionize your content creation, publishing, and approval processes with Issuu’s digital publishing platform. Experience the power of seamless collaboration as your distributed and cross-functional teams work together to transform static documents into captivating content for every channel. Accelerate productivity and reach your audience faster by working together.

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Teams Content

Upload, publish, and distribute with ease.

Unlock access, management, and control over your document library with Issuu for Teams. Integrate with top-rated design tools like Canva and Adobe InDesign and enjoy private team workspaces, custom branding options, and an intuitive administrative portal for your business. Own your digital distribution in a seamless workflow.

Centralize your content library in one hub.

Turn a single document into multiple formats – including embeddable Flipbooks, mobile-optimized Articles, and eye-catching Social Posts – for all digital channels. It’s content creation and distribution made easy. Create once and share everywhere.

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Illustration for Teams feature to invite members to a team

Control your brand’s identity.

Effortlessly navigate between teams, brands, and publications while upholding the highest standards of brand integrity. Customize content to fit your enterprise's unique brand identity, providing a tailored reading experience to every audience you cater to – all while involving key stakeholders across the organization.

Illustration for Teams feature of the Overview page

Manage teams and projects in workspaces.

Tailor your digital content for specific brands, departments, or clients. Expand your team's capabilities by inviting desired users before hosting and publishing endless publications. Seamlessly bridge internal and external communications, monitor employee access and content libraries, and empower members to collaborate in a secure environment.

Issuu for Teams interface with pop-ups of the details on adding team members, publishing content, and navigating the workspace

Amplify your content with less effort.

Unlock your content strategy’s full potential with Issuu’s best features and a cost-effective business subscription. Here’s what’s in it for you:

  • Multiple workspaces where teams can collaborate

  • Unlimited users and publications, according to the plan

  • Administrative controls and one-click user management

  • Detailed statistics to track key metrics and performance

  • Enhanced content customization and sharing options

  • Team-specific profile pages for hosting and sharing

  • Personalized onboarding and support from an Issuu expert

Book a Demo
Image of a Teams screen with all the members listed.

Explore features to elevate your content.

With a wide range of features at your fingertips, Issuu helps you create unique and connected reading experiences.

Teams FAQ

Accelerate your productivity by working together.

Issuu verification