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University of Minnesota


Human Rights Links

ABA House of Delegates Approves Call For Halt In U.S. Executions Until Death Penalty Fairness Assured
ABC, Teaching Human Rights. Practical Activities for primary and secondary Schools
ABC, Teaching Human Rights. Practical Activities for primary
Abolition Road...A Path to Non-Violent Solutions
Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
Access Human Rights
ACDI/VOCA - Empowering Farmers and Entrepreneurs Worldwide to Succeed in the Global Economy
ACORN - Associations for Community Organizing for Reform Now
Action Guide: A Human Rights Resource Manual for Secondary Schools
Advice to Arab-American Parents - Helping Children Cope
AIUSA: A Life in the Balance - The Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal
AIUSA: Death Penalty in America - Twenty-Five Years After Gregg v. Georgia
AIUSA: Fatal Flaws - Innocence and the Death Penalty
AIUSA: Killing With Prejudice - Race and the Death Penalty in the USA
AIUSA: On the Wrong Side of History - Children and the Death Penalty in the USA
Alcatraz Indian Occupation - Photos
Alcatraz Indian Occupation - the Story
Alcatraz: Indian Inmates
Al-Haq Online - Law in the Service of Man
Alien Land Law Project Web site
All Different, All Equal education pack
Almanac of Policy Issues: Death Penalty
Amanaka Amazon Campaign
American Civil Liberties Union Campaign Against the Death Penalty
American Lynching: a Strange and Bitter Fruit - a documentary on lynching in America
Americas Forum
Amnesty International - by country
Amnesty International - Health Professionals Network
Amnesty International - Pending U.S. Executions
Amnesty International Calls for an Immediate Moratorium on the Federal Death Penalty
Amnesty International Human Rights Education
Amnesty International says "No!" to the Execution of Timothy McVeigh
Amnesty International UK - Teachers and Academics Network
Amnesty International: Moscow Group (Russia 5)
Amnesty International: Tomsk Group
An Annotated Primer for Selecting Democratic and Human Rights Education Teaching Materials
Annotated Human Rights Education Bibliography
Ansar Burney Welfare Trust
Anti-militarist Radical Association
Anti-Slavery International
Anti-terrorism related information
Arctic Council - Indigenous Peoples' Secretariat
Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team (EAAF)
Arms Trade - Human Rights Watch Report
Arms Transfer Project
Article 19 - Global Campaign for Freedom of Expression
Articles & Jurisprudence on Economic Rights - RAVE
Articles & Jurisprudence on Freedom of Expression & the Press - RAVE
Artists Without Borders
Asia-Pacific Centre for Human Rights and the Prevention of Ethnic Conflict
Asociación del Secretariado General Gitano
Association for the Promotion of Comprehensive Family Health
Association to Benefit Children
Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Backward Society Education
Balkan Reconstruction Report
Bangkok Declaration: Global Dialogue and Dynamic Engagement
Bangkok Plan of Action
Basic U.S. Patent, Trademark * Copyright Information
Bay Area Police Watch - A Project of the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
BBC World Service Program - "I Have a Right To..."
Belarusian Red Cross Society
Belarussian Helsinki Committee
Belarussian Journal of International Law and International Relations
Belinfocenter "The Rule of Law"
Bells of Freedom Community Training Manual
Berghog Center for Constructive Conflict Management
Bibliography: Publications on Health and Human Rights Themes: 1982 - 1997
Bibliography: Publications on Health and Human Rights Themes: 1985 - 2000
Bilateral Investment Treaties
Bill of Rights Institute
Bio-Engineering Action Network
Bioethics Documents
BitLaw - A Resource on Technology Law
Broad Meadows School: A School for Iqbal Fund, USA
Bulgarian Helsinki Committee
Bulletin “For Peaceful Russia”
Bush team angered over EU pressure on death penalty
Cada pollo con su rollo: La Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos
California Campaign to End the Death Penalty
California Death Row Photos
Cambodian Masters Program
Campaign to End the Death Penalty
Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat
Carnegie Council Human Rights Initiative
Catholic Parish-care for the Gypsies in Germany
Catholics Against Capital Punishment
Center For Alternative Development Strategies Network (CADS)
The Center for Democracy
Center for Economic and Social Rights
Center for Ethical Business Cultures
Center For Ethical Business Cultures
Center for Media Freedom
Center for Peacemaking and Community Development
Center for Trade Policy Studies
Center for World Indigenous Studies
Center of Law and Mass Media
Center of UN study
Center on Rights Development
Central Asia NGO Network
Centre for Law Enforcement Education (CLEEN)
Centre for Socio-Legal Studies
Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation
Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions
Charity Choice
Chernobyl Catastrophe
Children's Rights Here and Now
Children's Rights Program
China, Trade and Human Rights - HRW Report
Citizens for a Moratorium on Federal Executions
Citizens League
Citizens United for Alternatives to the Death Penalty
Citizenship Education -- Alternative Curriculum for Upper Elementary Level
Citizenship education and human rights education: An international overview
City Year
Civic Culture
Civic Education: Lesson Scenarios
Civnet Journal for Civil Society
Coalition Against Trafficking in Women
Coalition of Arizonans to Abolish the Death Penalty
Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade
Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers
Colombia Program on Teaching Human Rights Law
Coloradans Against the Dealth Penalty
Columbia University Human Rights Advocates Training Program
Comment on "Cruise Missile Strikes in Afghanistan and Sudan"
Committee on Teaching about the UN
Committee on the Adminsitration of Justice
Committee to Protect Journalists
Company GARANT Documents on International Humanitarian Law
Conflict Resolution Activities for Elementary Students
Consortium of Women's Nongovernmental Associations
Consumer Project on Technology
Contacting the Congress
Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft [Hijacking Convention]
Convention for the Supression of the Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft, Hague 1970
Convention on the International Right of Correction
Copyright Clearing Center Inc.
Cornell Death Penalty Law Resources
Corrections: Public Safety, Public Service
Could Mom be Wrong? The Hurt Of Names And Words: Hate Propaganda And Freedom Of Expression Free Expression Clearing House - US based
Council for Civil Liberties
Courage Center
Courses in Human Rights Education
Crimes Against Humanity During the Gulf War: A Hyperlinked Pathfinder Research Tool
Criminal Justice PhD
Critical Choices for Hungary: Issue Materials for Social Science Curricula
Cruise Missile Strikes in Afghanistan and Sudan
Cuba Info Links
Cultural and Intellectual Property Rights

Cultural Survival

CUNY Conference: Human Rights for the 21st Century
Current Status of Native Americans - Statistics
Damage by the U.S. Human Rights Waiver
DARTS - Dakota Area Resouces and Transportation for Seniors
The Death Penalty and Deterrence
Death Penalty Curricula for High School
Death Penalty Focus
Death Penalty in Indiana
The Death Penalty in Palestine
The Death Penalty in Russia
Death Penalty Information Center
Death Penalty Informationand Statistics
Death Penalty Statistics
Death Penalty USA Pages
Debate: America, Refugees and Asylum
Declaration on the Production and the Scientific and Therapeutic Use of Embryonic Cells
Democratising Your School - A Practical Guide For Headteachers
Derechos - Death Penalty
Derechos Humanos: Ultima Hora
Development Through Education Fund of Togliatti
Dictionary on Human Rights
Digital Freedom Network
Discovering the UDHR
Doctor F.P. Haaz - Social Assistance Foundation
EarthRights International
East European Constitutional Review
Economic and Social Justice
Economic and Social Rights - Derechos
Economic and Social Rights and the Right to Health
Education for Democracy and Human Rights: Teacher's Guide
Education in Human Rights Network
Education Now
Equal Justice Initiative of Alabama
Equal Justice USA
Escola de Cultura de Pau
Escrow Tech - Software and Technology Escrows
Escuela de Cultura de Paz
Ethics Udate: Punishment and the Death Penalty
Eurasia Foundation Western NIS Regional Office
EurasiaNet.org Articles
European Coaltion to Abolish the Death Penalty
European Corporate Governance Network
European Free Trade Association
European Internet Network
European Master's Degree in Human Rights and Democratisation - 2001/2 Program
The European Patent Office
European Roma Rights Center
European Women's Lobby
Execution of Child Offenders
Execution of Foreign Nationals
Execution of Persons with Mental Retardation
Exerpt from "The Banishment"
Express Chronicle (Human Rights Weekly)
Feminists For Free Expression
Fifty Years is Enough - U.S. Network for Global Social Justice
FindLaw Intellectual Property Page
First Legal Aid
First Steps: A Manual for Starting Human Rights Education
First Steps: A Manual for Starting Human Rights Education
First Wide Access Web Studio
Florida Rural Legal Services
Ford Foundation: Moscow Office
FOREFRONT - A Global Network of Grassroots Human Rights Activists
Forefront Leaders- A Global Network of Grassroot Human Rights Activists
Foreign Policy in Focus - Response to Terrorism
Foreign Policy In Focus
Foreign Policy in Focus
The Foundation for Human Rights Initiative (FHRI)
Foundation Hirondelle
Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights
Free Expression - Human Rights Watch
Free the Children - Canada
Freedom House
Freedom of Speech - Derechos
Freedom, Democide, War
Friends of the Earth Anti-GE Campaign
Fundamental Democratic Rights
Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network
Gender, HIV and Human Rights: A Training Manual
Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN)
Genocide: Resources For Teaching and Research
Georgia Indigent Defense Council (GIDC)
Glasnost Defense Foundation
Global IDP Project
Global Internally Displaced Peoples Project
Global Reproductive Health Forum
Global Warming
Global Youth Connect - Bhutanese Refugees
Greater Minneapolis Council of Churches
Guidelines for National Plans of Action for Human Rights Education
Gypsy Lore Society
Habitat for Humanity International
Hamline University - Making the Global Local
Hands Off Cain
Harmony Works
Heartland Alliance Human Resources
Helsinki Citizen Assembly - Roma Section
Hieros Gamos - Intellectual Property
Hopi History: Alcatraz Inmates Part I
Hopi History: Alcatraz Inmates Part II
HR Syllabi for the College Classroom
HREA Publications
Human Rights & Human Welfare: An International Review of Books and Other Publications
Human Rights Abuses With Small Arms - Amnesty Report
Human Rights Album Methodology Handbook
Human Rights and Human Diversity
Human Rights and Human Welfare
Human Rights and Human Welfare
Human Rights and Human Welfare: An International Review of Books and other Publications
Human RIghts and Humanitarian Society “Memorial”
Human Rights and Third Sector of Transdnistrea
Human Rights Congress for Bangledesh Minorities
Human Rights Developments in Colombia
Human Rights Education Associates: Electronic Resource Center
Human Rights Education Bibliography: Volume IV
Human Rights Education for the Twenty-First Century
Human Rights Education Handbook - Effective Practices for Learning, Action and Change
Human Rights Education in Asian Schools, Volume Four
Human Rights Education in Asian Schools, Volume Three
Human Rights Education in Asian Schools, Volume Two
Human Rights Education Materials & Curricula by HREA
Human Rights Education Newsletter
Human Rights Education Resource Center
Human Rights Education Resource Guide: The 4th R, Vol. 6, No. 1 Summer 1994
Human Rights Education: Bibliography of the Documents of the Council of Europe
Human Rights Educational Goals for Children and Youth
Human Rights Explained: A Guide to Human Rights in Australia in a Global Contextv
Human Rights Fact List
Human Rights For All
Human Rights Here and Now
Human Rights in Action!
Human Rights in Israel
Human Rights in Russia (Human Rights Online)
Human Rights in the News: Identifying Human Rights Issues in Daily Life
Human Rights Institute (Russia)
Human Rights Internet - A Human Rights Gateway
Human Rights Internet Program Directory
Human Rights Internet Syllabi Directory
Human Rights Internet: Syllabi Directory
Human Rights Programs Information Page
Human rights versus the equality of citizens
Human Rights Watch Film Festival
Human Rights Watch
Human Rights Without Frontiers
Humanitarian-Charity Center “Sympathy"
Humanity in Action
Idaho Human Rights Campaign Articles
IDP's in Burundi
Immigration and Naturalization Service
Immortal Chaplains Foundation
In Place of Violence
Independent expert of the Commission on Human Rights on human rights and extreme poverty
Index on Censorship
Indiana Citizens to Abolish the Death Penalty
Indigenous and Tribal Peoples
Indigenous Peoples of Russia
Indonesia Human Rights Network
Infoprodo Research
INS Asylum Documents
Insane killer treated so he can be executed
Institute for Global Legal Studies
Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa
Institute for Promotion of Public Initiatives
Institute of Commonwealth Studies
Institute of Investigation, Documentation and Human Rights of the Dominican Republic
Institute of Policy Studies - Bringing Pinochet to Justice
Instituto Ethos
Integration in the Americas
Intellectual Property and Human Rights - Sub-Commission on Human Rights Resolution 2000/7
Intellectual Property Decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court
Intellectual Property Rights of Indigenous Women
Intellectual Property Rights
Intensive Course in Health and Human Rights
Intercultural Education: Bibliography of Documents of the Council of Europe
International Campaign to Ban Landmines
International Center for Technology Assessment
International Conference on Biotechnology in the Global Economy: Science and the Precautionary Principle
International Council on Human Rights Policy
International Courts
International Dispute Resolution
International Food Security Treaty Campaign
International Freedom of Expression Exchange
International Human Rights Law in Context: Law, Politics, Morals
International Human Rights News Magazine
International Human Rights Observer
International Human Rights Organization: Russia
International Labor Organization - Moscow Office
International Law Conference, Dublin - May 14-16, 2001
International Law Program
International Law Students Unite
International Leadership Institute
International Leadership Institute
International Needs - Ghana
International Network on Small Arms
International Organization for Migration (IOM)- Azerbaijan
International Relations and Security Network
International Republic Institute
International Terrorism and U.S. Policy: Threat and Response
International Trade Library
International Training Centre on Human Rights and Peace Teaching - Geneva
International Youth Peace Declaration - Petition
Internews ICTR Reports
Introduction to Human Rights Education - In a European Perspective
Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights
Iranian Human Rights WOrking Group
It's About Me and Human Rights
Jewish Community Action
Johannes Wier Foundation
Journal "Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms”
Journal “Human Rights Activist”
Journal “Woman Plus…”
Journal of Russian Public Law and Policy
Judgement of the U.K. House of Lords in the Pinochet Case
Juris International - Search Device
Kabissa - Space for Change in Africa
Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law
Kenya - Campaign For a New Focus
Khabarovsk Movement for Human Rights
Krasnodar Region Human Rights Association
Last Expression: Art From Auschwitz
Laura J. Musser Fund
L'auravetl'an Indigenous Information Center
The Law in School
Law Rearch - Wisconsin Law and Government
Law Research - Food and Drug
Law Research - French Legislative Branch
Law Research - New York
Learning Activities about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Learning Activities for Use With Young People to Explore the Issue of Discrimination
Legal Aid and Consultancy Center
Legal Quicklinks
Legal Research and Writing
Legal Society
Legislation and Human Rights
Lessons and Activities Resource Center
Lex Mercatoria
Lifespark - Swiss Organization Against the Death Penalty
Links to Death Penalty Information
Lipetsk Human Rights Society
List of Fedarally Non-Recognized Tribes
Live Human Rights in your Early Childhood Classroom in: Teaching Young Children about Human Rights Resource Notebook
Looking at the Death Penalty by Professor David J.W. Vanderhoof
Loosening the Bounds of Human Rights: Global Justice and the Theory of Justice
Lost Futures: The Problem of Child Labor
M.A. In Understanding and Securing Human Rights
Madre - International Women's Human Rights
Magnus Hirschfeld Centre for Human Rights
Mail and Guardian Africa links
Maximiliano Herrera's Human Rights Site
Media Institute of South Africa
Media Institute of Southern Africa
Medical Research Center, South Africa
Melbourne Journal of International Law
Mental Retardation and the Death Penalty
MERCOSUR Secretariat
Methods of Execution in U.S.
Mid-South Activists Community
Mighty Media: Human Rights Activities and Lessons Resource Center
Migration Organizations Forum
Millennial Politics
Minnesota Alliance of Peacemakers
Minnesota Civil Liberties Union
Minnesota International Center
Minnesota Legal Services Coalition
Minorities At Risk
Moscow Center for Gender Studies
Moscow Center for Prison Reform
Moscow Helsinki Group Chronicle
Moscow Helsinki Group
Moscow School of Human Rights
Multinational Corporations and International Human Rights Law: The New Lex Mercatoria
NAFTA Secretariat
NAFTA Treaties
National Academies Committee on Human Rights
National Asian Pacific American Legal Consortium
National Bioethics Advisory Commission
National Center for Human Rights Education (CHRE)
National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty
National Committee on Investigation of Human Rights Violations and Protection of Human Rights in Northern Caucasus.
National Conference for Community and Justice
National Democratic Institute For International Affairs
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs
National Gambling Impact Commission - Native American Gaming
National Land Reform Institute (Instituto Nacional de Reforma Agraria-INRA)
National Tribal Justice Resource Center
National Youth Violence Resource Center
Native Americas Journal
Neighbours: Learning to respect one another
Network for Korean Democracy and Human Rights
Network for the Defence of Independent Media in Africa (NDIMA)
Network of Communitarian Defenders of human rights
New Yorkers Against the Death Penalty
NGO-catalog reference library
Nizhnii Novgorod Human Rights Organization
Non-Discrimination and Right to Life
Non-governmental Charitable Sexual Assault Recovery Center "Syostri"
Non-governmental Organizations Sector Support Program
North Atlantic Treaty (Article 5)
Northeast Resistance Against Genetic Engineering
Norwegian Forum for Freedom of Expression
Nutrition Rights
NY Times Article - Attack on the International Court
Obninsk Regional Human Rights Group
Office of the United States Trade Representative
Online Censorship Page
Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation - Russia)
Open Women Line
Opening the Door to Nonviolence. Peace Education Manual for Primary School Children
Organization “Christiansagainst tortures and child slavery” (Rostov-na-Donu)
Organization of American States (OAS) Trade Documents
Orion Online
Our Book of Child Rights
Outfront Minnesota
Partners in Human Rights Education Team-Teaching Manual
Pastimes and Games of Native Peoples Around the World in: Indigenous People's Rights Resource Notebook
Patent Links at the British Library
PBS Angel on Death Row
Peace At Home
Peace Brigades International - Colombia
Peacemaker - Growing Communities in Peace
PEN American Center
Penal Reform International (PNI)
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations
Permanent Observer Mission of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to the United Nations
PFLAG - Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays
PIOOM - Interdisciplinary Research Programme on Root Causes of Human Rights Violations
Planning for the Future: Human Rights in Schools
Police and Human Rights Program
Political Education Towards a European Democracy
Political Information Search Engine
Political Rights in a Democracy
Population Communication International (PCI)
Population Communications International - Global Intersections
Powwow - a Collection of Video and Photographs
Practical Lessons from the Field
Princeton University Program in Law and Public Affairs, The Princeton Principles on Universal Jurisdiction 28 (2001).
Prison Issues Desk: Death Penalty
Prisoners Freed From Death Row
Probe International
Pro-Death Penalty.com
Progressive Minnesota
Promoting Dignity. An Inventory of Police & Human Rights Materials
Protocol Against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air
Protocol to Prevent, Supress and Punish Trafficking in Persons
Public Committee for Helping Refugees “Civic Assistance”
Race, Racism and the Law
Racial Discrimination in Executions
Radio Liberty
Raising Children With Roots, Rights and Responsibilies - Celebrating the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
Readings in Democracy and Human Rights - US Dept. of State
Reebok Human Rights Award
Refugee Council of Australia
The Refugee Women's Legal Group (RWLG)
Refugees - Resources for teachers by the UNHCR
Regional Response to the United Nations Decade of Human Rights Education with the Participation of Civil Society: A Report of Proceedings, Nepal, November 1999
Religious Organizing Against the Death Penalty
Report from the European Internet Network
Report of the Group of Experts for Cambodia (1999)
Reporters Without Borders
Researching Intellectual Property Law
Responsible Business - an ICC approach
Results: Ending Hunger & Poverty
Rethinking Tourism Project
Revista Educación y DDHH
Right to Education
Rights Action
Ripple in Still Water: Reflections by Activists of Local- and National-Level Work on Economic, Social And Cultural Rights
Roma News Network
Roma Participation Program
Romani History and Culture - Patrin Web Journal
Romani International
Romani National Congress
Romani World
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
Rural Advancement Foundation International (RAFI)
Russian Human Rights Association "Otcy i Deti" ("Fathers and Children")
Russian Human Rights Journal “Karta”
Russian Journal "Human Rights and Protection of Human Liberties"
Russian Law and Policy Institute
Russian State Library
Russian Union of Soldiers’ Mothers
Ryazan' Initiative Group for Implementation of Helsinki Agreements
Safeguards guaranteeing protection of the rights of those facing the death penalty
Saint- Petersburg Humanity and Political Science Center “Strategia”
Samara Regional Human Rights Center
Sasovo Human Rights and Education Center “The Choice of Conscience”
Save the Children (Sweden)
Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty
Secondary School Material - "Native Americans Today"
Secondary Teaching Material on the Death Penalty
Security Council Verbatim Record of Meeting 2,615 - the Question of Patestine
Selected Bibliography from Human Rights Education for the 21st Century
Selected Bibliography from Human Rights Education Resourcebook
Selected Reporting on Romani Human Rights by the US Dept. of State - 1998
Selected TOL Articles in Russian
Self-Help Human Rights Education Handbook
Senators of the 107th Congress
Sharing Methodology & Learning Materials - PDHRE
Silk Road Women
Social Justice Committee - Montreal
SOMO Centre for Research of Multinational Corportations
Soros Foundation Network
South Asia Human Rights Documentation Centre (SAHRDC)
South Asia Terrorism Portal
Southern Center for Human Rights - Death Penalty Information
Southern Poverty Law Center
Speak Truth to Power
Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression
Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on the right to education
Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on use of mercenaries as a means of impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination
Special Rapporteur on adequate housing
Special Rapporteur on the right to food
State Penitentiary in Angola: Death Row
State Public History Library of Russia
SUN University
Survivors of Torture International
Teaching About Conscience Through Literature
Teaching for Human Rights: Grades 5-10
Teaching for Human Rights: Pre-school and Grades 1-4
Teaching Human Rights Online
Teaching Human Rights Online
Teaching Tolerance
Terrorist Attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon - Frederic L. Kirgis
The Abolitionist Action Committee
The Arms Trade
The Asssociation for Peace Education Dadalos Sarajevo
Bahai International Community and the UN
Bahai World
The Case Against the Death Penalty
The Catalyst Centre
The Challenge of Human Rights and Cultural Diversity - UN Background Notes
The Committee for the Protection of Human Rights in Tatarstan
The Crowley Program at Fordham Law School
The Death Penalty Institute of Oklahoma
The Din'e (Navaho) People
The Eleanor Roosevelt and Human Rights Project
The Eurasia Foundation Moscow Regional Office
The Eurasia Foundation Russian Far East Office
The Evolution of International Human Rights: Visions Seen
The Federation of American Scientists Arms Sales Monitoring Project
The first Electronic Library on Human Rights
The Fourth R - A Publication of the University of Minnesota Human Rights Library
The Freedom of Expression Institute - South Africa
The Gideon Project
The Hunger Site
The Immigrant Rights Working Group on the World Conference Against Racism, Xenophobia, and Other Related Forms of Intolerance
The Institute for Elections Systems Development
The Interdisciplinary Teaching of Human Rights Peace and Ethics Project
The International Freedom of Expression eXchange (IFEX)
The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assitance
The International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX)/ Russia
The International Romani Union
The Iowa City Appeal on Advancing the Human Right to Health
Minnesota League of Women Voters
The Legal Information Center for Human Rights
The Libyan Democrats Society
The Medical Malpractice Victims Organization - Shaare Zedek Israel
The Moratorium Campaign
National Security Archive - Chile: 16,000 declassified U.S. documents
The Native American Experience
The Newspaper “Protection of Human Rights”
The November Coalition
The Observer
The Other Side of the Wall
The Palistine Monitor
The People's Decade of Human Rights Education
The Phil Hardin Foundation
The Politics of Protection
The Portal for Humanitarianism and Environmentalism
The Progressive Magazine
The Religious Society of Friends
The Research Center on Human Rights in the Republc Bashkortostan
The Right to Communicate and the Communication of Rights - Virtual Conference
The Right to Education - UNICEF
The Sojourn Project
The Ties That Bind: Colombia and Military-Paramilitary Links
The Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research
The United Nations Developments Program in Kyrgyzstan
The Universal Postal Union
The World Bank Group
The World Bank's sub-Saharan Africa site
The World-Wide Virtual Library - Indigenous Studies
Thesaurus of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights - AAAS
Toward an Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights - article
Trade and Human Rights in China
Trade Compliance Center
Trade Developments
Transitions Online
Transitions Online
Traprock Peace Center
Tribal Court Clearinghouse - Indian Tradition and Custom in Adjudication under Rules of Evidence
Tribal Court Clearinghouse - Indigenous Justice Systems and Tribal Society
Tribal Court Clearinghouse - The reemergence of tribal society and traditional justice systems
Tribal Law Journal
Tribunal Watch List
Tudo em Familia
Tunisia Government Site
U.S. Delegation to the U.N. Commission on Human Rights
U.S. Department of State Human Rights Reports (2000)
U.S. House of Representatives
U.S. Map of Human Rights Groups
U.S. National Security Council, Position on Indigenous Peoples (January 18, 2001)
UDHR 50: Annotated Bibliography
The UK Patent Office
UN Charter (article 51)
UN Convention of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (UNCISG)
UN Cyber School Bus
UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - Division of Human Rights, Democracy, Peace & Tolerance
The UN Human Rights System - Universality at the Crossroads
UN Protocols Against Trafficking in Persons and the Smuggling of Migrants
UN/ NGO section home
UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
UNDP in Belarus
UNDP Russia News
UNHCHR Database on Human Rights Education
Union of Concerned Scientists
Union Romani
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
United Kingdom Department of Trade and Industry
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
United Nations Financial Crisis
United Nations in Belarus
United Nations Office (Geneva Headquarters )
United Nations Organization (Conferences and events)
United Nations Organization (Human Rights)
United Nations Organization (Peace and Security)
United Nations Organization (UN Millennium Summit)
United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
United Nations Security Council Resolution 573
United Nations Volunteers
United States Annual Reports on Capital Punishment
United States Commission on International Religious Freedom
Universal Declaration on the Eradication of Hunger and Malnutrition
University of Alaska Justice Center
University of Iowa Center for Human Rights
University of Pretoria Centre of Human Rights
Urgent Action Participation Guide
US Constitution Online
Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000 - US Dept. of State
Virginians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty
Visualizing Democide
Vladimir Oblast Human Rights Organization “Borisvet”
Voices of Youth
Washington Biotechnology Action Council (WASHBAC)
We, the World and Human Rights
Wellesley Centers for Women
What Does a Child Need?
What Must be Done to Achieve Equality?
White Earth Land Recovery Project
Women and International Development Program
Women's Human Rights - Step By Step
Women's Human Rights
Women's Human Rights: a Manual for Education and Action on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
Women's Rights Center of Bashkortostan Republic
World Health Organization-Europe
World Intellectual Property Organization
World Intellectual Property Organization
World Policy Americas Project
World Trade Organization
Write your Representative
Yale Human Rights and Developments Law Journal
Youth Center on Human Rights



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