Workers must develop sense of belonging, pope says

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Workers need spaces in which they can come together, form a sense of community and advocate for the marginalized, Pope Francis said.m"In the context of a fragmented society and an individualistic culture, we have a great need for spaces in which people can experience a creative and dynamic sense of belonging," the pope told 6,000 representatives of Italian Christian workers' associations June 1. Such spaces, he added, help people move "from 'I' to 'we'" and to "develop projects for the common good together, and find ways and means to achieve them."

Jesus is the answer to disillusionment, pope tells German Catholics

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Catholics, especially young Catholics, who feel that society is adrift should find inspiration and encouragement in their Christian calling to advocate for the poor and marginalized, Pope Francis said. Across cultural and ideological backgrounds, modern people "sense there is something wrong with humanity and the world, that we cannot simply go on as we have been doing, that there is a need for a conversion, a new effective orientation," the pope said in a message to German Catholics released May 29.

Remember your roots 

After the joyful celebration of the ordination of three new priests this year, I find myself reflecting on the significance of the priesthood and the journey leading to it. As Nazareth Seminary expands to keep our seminarians close to home, I cannot help but marvel at the way God weaves together the threads of nature and nurture, of personal calling and communal support. 

Bishop ordains three to priesthood, a ‘home made for the souls for Christ’

AVONDALE, Ariz. --- They came to the Diocese of Phoenix from the other side of the country, the other side of the border and the other side of the world. But as different as the geographical origins and the paths of Elijah DeLello, Jesus Martinez and Joseph (Huy) Nguyen, each found a common destination here and a shared point in their lives divinely ordained long ago, to begin shepherding God’s people, teaching them the Catholic faith and guiding souls to Christ. Surrounded by family, friends, the faithful and an assembly of Diocesan priests, DeLello, Martinez and Nguyen (pronounced wihn)  were ordained by Bishop John P. Dolan during a Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas Church Saturday. 

NEWS BRIEF: Pastor installation and groundbreaking takes place at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

Sunday was a momentous day for the Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish community in Tempe, as Bishop John Dolan celebrated Mass and installed the much-beloved Fr. Robert Aliunzi as pastor of the parish. After Mass, Bishop John was present for the groundbreaking ceremony of the new Divine Mercy Perpetual Adoration Chapel outside of the church.

Path to priesthood for three men shaped by love for Eucharist, service

It’s been a winding road, at times even international in scope. On June 1, transitional Deacons Elijah Delello, Jesús Martinez and Joseph Nguyen will be ordained to the priesthood by Bishop John Dolan of the Diocese of Phoenix. Configured to Christ, each of the three young men has had a unique path to priesthood. What follows is a peek into their vocation journey. 

Spirit-filled retreat brings healing to couples

St. Gerard’s Outreach Ministry, a new initiative of the Office of Natural Family Planning at the Diocese of Phoenix, which serves couples in the season of infertility, welcomed 13 couples to their inaugural “Cherished” retreat at Mt. Claret Retreat Center in Phoenix on May 11.  It was a “total success,” said Ana Luisa Martinez de Carillo, facilitator of Spanish Programs for Natural Family Planning, “Couples were grateful that the Church is acknowledging them. The evaluation comments were very meaningful to us, often expressing the couple’s thankfulness at not feeling alone in their struggles”. 

Bishop ‘with great joy’ marks order’s, school’s anniversary’s at Most Holy Trinity Parish

PHOENIX -- In the mid-1970s, when Phoenix was a much smaller city, the area near 7th Street and Dunlap Avenue west of the current Route 51 freeway was a mix of single-family houses and small businesses. Area Catholics attended Most Holy Trinity Parish and sent their children to its elementary school. English was the majority language, but by the mid 80’s, the demographic was shifting, and Spanish became the dominant dialect.  

Kids get life lessons from pope, Italian comic on World Children’s Day

Always pray, and pray especially for an end to all wars, Pope Francis told children during Mass concluding the first World Children's Day. "We are here to pray, to pray together and to pray to God," the father, who created the world, to his son, Jesus, who saved humanity, and to the Holy Spirit, "who accompanies us in life," he said in his homily May 26, the solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. About 50,000 children and adults gathered in St. Peter's Square for the Mass wrapping up the two-day event which began in Rome's Olympic Stadium May 25. Pope Francis established the world day as a "movement of boys and girls who want to build a world of peace, where we are all brothers and sisters, a world that has a future because we want to take care of the environment around us," he said at the stadium.

Be proud of your uniform, committed to peace, pope tells military

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Entrusting to God's mercy all of their comrades-in-arms who have died serving their countries and defending peace, Pope Francis urged Catholic members of the military to let their faith inform their service. "The world needs you, especially at this dark moment in our history. We need men and women of faith capable of putting weapons at the service of peace and brotherhood," said the papal message to thousands of soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen and cadets making a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes in France.