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Kobe gets tough, Artest gets angry and the NBA makes its decisions (with morning hoops links)

Ron Artest wanted to make a point. It’s not exactly clear what that point was, probably something about him being mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. Mostly, he decided to make a wild, bold, somewhat nutty, entirely ill-timed display of his feelings.

Artest had decided that Kobe Bryant had gone way too far over the line way too often. It was one thing for Bryant to cheap shot Shane Battier in Game 1. It was in one of those loose ball scrums. Those things happen all the time and no one gets fined for them. But this was too much for Artest to accept

So after Artest took a Bryant elbow to the throat, he took off in a sprint as if Bryant had tossed a beer cup from the crowd in the Palace of Auburn Hills.

The crowd rose. Bryant looked stunned, if not too concerned. Six fat guys in Michigan, watching on TNT, hid behind the couch.

“I went over there with the intention of telling Kobe, ‘You’re hitting the wrong person. Don’t you know you’re hitting Ron Artest?” Artest said.

It was not too bright a thing to do. Artest was tossed from the game. The Rockets were down 10 at the time. He said he thought he would get only a technical foul, but the way that game was going, there was no way he was going to get off that easy.

It was, however, terrific theatre. It better be because Stu Jackson is about to watch more video than his old buddy Jeff Van Gundy. His ears might be sore with the phone calls he can expect from Daryl Morey.

Morey will no doubt bring up the Game 1 elbow and knee the Rockets believe Bryant delivered to Shane Battier. They were cheap shots, but in those situations, it is impossible to point to a specific moment and say it was not the result of two guys getting tangled, even if we can assume it wasn’t. That’s why no one gets fined for those loose ball rumbles.

The Rockets, however, can say the elbow Bryant delivered was part of a pattern and that Jackson let it go the first time, leading to the second time.

If Bryant’s elbow is considered the result of trying to get free from a tight defense, then Jackson could rule it to be nothing more than a part of basketball.

If he considers it excessive, it could be elevated to a flagrant-1. Bryant would have to write a check.

If he considers it to be an elbow thrown intentionally above the shoulder, Bryant could get the one-game suspension similar to the suspension Dwight Howard got last week.

A few years ago, Artest was suspended for a playoff game for basically shoving his forearm into Manu Ginobili’s chin. Jackson told him it was not a basketball move of any kind, and it wasn’t. Artest asked for it, so he was suspended.

Now Artest – who could also have Jackson studying tape to determine if he left the court “in a timely manner” – argues that Bryant should get the same treatment.

Actually, he said a lot more than that. Hang on. This is going to be a bumpy ride.

“Uh, wow. I understand it’s the playoffs. I remember when I used to play back home in the neighborhood there were always games like that. I remember one time, one of my friends, he was playing basketball and they were winning the game. It was so competitive, they broke off a piece of leg from a table and they threw it and it went right through his heart and he died right on the court.

“So I’m accustomed playing basketball really rough. When I came into the league, I was used to fighting on the court. That’s how I grew up playing basketball. It took me a lot of years to back off and understand, that’s not what the league is about.

“Now, I play fair and square and I lose fair and square. I put my arm on Kobe. I touch. You see your man and the ball. Just basic defense. He hits my arm down. I’m telling the ref, he hits my arm. You can’t do that.’ Then he did it again. I tell the refs, ‘You got to control this.’ Then he throws an elbow right in my neck. I told Kobe, you can do whatever you want to do. I’m not reacting. I’m going to let the refs control it.’

“What am I going to do” I’m going to continue to get hit? In Game 1, he elbowed Shane. The league says he was just trying to get up. But in Game 1, he clearly was overaggressive on Shane. My team, we’re not like that. We’re going to win fair and square or lose fair and square. We’re not going to initiate anything.

“Kobe is great enough to take over games and lead his team. He could have done it without that.

“For me, the game was great. It was fun. The new league we’re in, it was overaggressive. You have to have (guts) to hit a guy like me in the throat. I’m hoping the league looks at it.

“I knew I was going to get a technical foul. The point was to let the refs know I’m (angry), I’m tired of this guy elbowing me. I knew I went over there, no punches, no shoves to the face. Just confrontation. I backed off. That’s a technical foul, I would think.

“I went over there with the intention of telling Kobe, you’re hitting the wrong person. Don’t you know you’re hitting Ron Artest?”

He probably knew. He did not seem to mind.

Bryant plays with an attitude of entitlement. He plays as if he is above the crowd. It is part of his greatness, in some ways. He raises the bar on his own expectations beyond any that anyone could place on him. He also, however, can play as if he is above the law.

If there are any repercussions, he will be shocked. He will likely blame them on the way the NBA has changed. He and Artest both described their confrontation and the physical game as “fun,” neither wanting to admit that the other earn their attention.

Just like that, we have a pretty intense series going. Usually games like this happen after four or five games, when the teams are really sick of each other. If this is how they feel after two games – the Lakers could not have been that offended to have been beaten in Game 1, could they? – imagine how they will be by Game 5.

“It did set a tone for what will happen in the series,” Phil Jackson said. “If they’re going to be physical, we have to meet that.”

They did. Now Jackson will get to decide who gets away with it.

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In a game with five technical fouls, two ejections and one flagrant, Von Wafer lost his head first.

He stomped around and threw a water bottle when he was taken out of the game. He likely said too much, too. Rick Adelman banished him to the locker room.

The Rockets know that Wafer can be that way and won’t make it into more than that. If someone else had a tantrum it would be an indication of a real problem. With Wafer, it is just a part of his extremely intense, emotional makeup.

You can’t do that stuff at this level, and especially in the playoffs when everything has to be about the team. It’s the kind of thing high school kids have to learn. NBA players are supposed to be way beyond that. Wafer is still working on it, but the Rockets also know, it is just about the emotions of the moment. Expect a pretty quick heart-to-heart and Wafer back at practice this afternoon.

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There is a report that Rick Pitino could returns to the NBA. Perhaps this time, he would avoid the mistake he made in Boston and that most college coaching stars make when they try it in the NBA. They seek power when they seek a strong general manager. Geoff Petrie is a much better GM than Pitino was in Boston. If Pitino returns to coach, and just coach, he could succeed.

Here is Johnny Ludden’s take on the Game 2 extra curriculars. Personally, I don’t think anything motivated Kobe as much as being behind 1-0 in the series.

Fran offered a look at the Rockets season with Ron Ron that keeps growing more interesting.

A lot has been made about the anniversary of the Michael Jordan shot against Cleveland, a strong indication of the greatness to come. Craig Ehlo will forever be remembered as the guy Jordan beat and for his reaction. Pretty much everyone forgets that Ehlo had a great fourth quarter himself while playing on a sprained ankle.

Jonathan Feigen