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Last Updated: Friday, 29 February 2008, 21:31 GMT
In pictures: Turkish troops leave Iraq

Turkish troops withdrawing from northern Iraq

Turkish troops have withdrawn from northern Iraq, after carrying out an offensive against rebels of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).

Elite Turkish troops on military vehicles

The Turkish military said it was pulling out after realising its goals in the week-long campaign.

Vehicles readied to withdraw Turkish troops

Reports spoke of hundreds of lorries carrying Turkish troops from the Iraqi border area.

Turkish units pulling out of northern Iraq

The Turkish military insisted its withdrawal was not as a result of foreign pressure.

Turkish helicopter in border region

Ankara says the operation targeted bases in Iraq used by the PKK's fighters for attacks across the border.

Turkish soldiers on a road near the Turkey-Iraq border in the south-eastern province of Sirnak

Turkey says it stands ready to repeat the operation in future.

Worshippers at the Sultanahmet Mosque, or Blue Mosque, in Istanbul pray for the Turkish soldiers who were killed in the clashes with the PKK

Turkish casualties during the campaign were the focus of prayers for worshippers in Istanbul.

Turkish troops pull out of Iraq
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